Kit veicolo MB Actros MP4 Big Space - Grand Prix Edition in scala 1/24 - Modello Italeri.Actros è il nome commerciale degli autocarri pesanti di Mercedes-Benz. La gamma Actros venne introdotta nel 1995 ed ottenne rapidamente un significativo successo commerciale soprattutto per le attività professionali di trasporto sulle lunghe distanze. Progressivamente evoluto nel tempo ha raggiunto un elevato livello qualitativo con il “Nuovo Actros”, introdotto sul mercato a partire dal 2012, caratterizzato da un design estremamente moderno ed attuale e dall’adozione dei propulsori Euro 5 ed Euro 6 in linea con le normative del periodo. La configurazione del veicolo è stata realizzata per ottimizzare l’efficienza operativa garantendo massimo rendimento e minimi costi di gestione. L’aggressivo design della cabina ha dato la possibilità agli utenti, piccoli proprietari o flotte aziendali, di personalizzare le livree con soluzioni estetiche molto interessanti ed attrattive. Il Mercedes-Benz Actros MP4 Big Space è una variante della quarta generazione (MP4) del camion Actros, prodotta da Mercedes-Benz a partire dal 2011. È progettato per il trasporto pesante a lunga distanza, offrendo una cabina spaziosa e tecnologie avanzate per migliorare il comfort del conducente e l’efficienza operativa. Caratteristiche principali 1. Cabina "Big Space" La versione Big Space offre un’ampia abitabilità interna, con pavimento piatto e un’altezza di circa 1,99 metri. Ideale per i lunghi viaggi, garantendo massimo comfort al conducente. Equipaggiata con due letti, ampi vani portaoggetti e sedili ergonomici. 2. Motorizzazione Motori diesel Mercedes OM471 e OM473 a 6 cilindri in linea. Potenze variabili tra 421 e 625 CV, con tecnologia Euro VI per ridurre le emissioni. Cambio automatizzato Powershift 3 per migliorare efficienza e consumi. 3. Tecnologia e Sicurezza MirrorCam: telecamere al posto degli specchietti retrovisori per ridurre l’attrito aerodinamico. Active Brake Assist 4 e 5: sistemi di frenata automatica di emergenza. Predictive Powertrain Control (PPC): sistema che ottimizza i consumi in base alla topografia stradale. Blind Spot Assist: rileva oggetti nell’angolo cieco del conducente. Utilizzo e Mercato L’Actros MP4 Big Space è molto apprezzato nel settore del trasporto internazionale, grazie al suo equilibrio tra potenza, efficienza e comfort. È utilizzato da molte flotte aziendali per logistica e trasporti a lunga distanza. Conclusione Il Mercedes-Benz Actros MP4 Big Space è un camion premium per i lunghi viaggi, con un’ampia cabina, tecnologie di sicurezza avanzate e motori efficienti. È uno dei veicoli più popolari tra gli autotrasportatori europei.
Kit carro armato Hyundai Porter II in scala 1/24 - Modello Academy. Il Hyundai Porter II è un veicolo commerciale leggero prodotto dalla casa automobilistica sudcoreana Hyundai Motors. È un modello di pick-up o camioncino progettato per il trasporto merci, particolarmente diffuso in Asia, Medio Oriente e in altri mercati emergenti, dove viene utilizzato principalmente per scopi commerciali. Caratteristiche principali del Hyundai Porter II Design e configurazione: È un veicolo a cabina avanzata, dove la cabina del conducente si trova sopra il motore, ottimizzando così lo spazio di carico. Disponibile in diverse configurazioni, tra cui: Telaio base (da personalizzare). Cassone aperto o chiuso. Versioni refrigerate o altre configurazioni specializzate. Motore e prestazioni: Alimentato da motori diesel efficienti per ridurre i costi operativi. Solitamente dotato di motori turbodiesel da 2,5 litri CRDi (Common Rail Diesel Injection), che forniscono una buona combinazione di potenza e risparmio di carburante. Alcune varianti moderne possono avere la conformità alle normative sulle emissioni Euro 5 o Euro 6. Potenza: tra 130 e 175 cavalli, a seconda del mercato e della configurazione. Capacità di carico: Una delle sue caratteristiche principali è la robustezza e la capacità di trasportare carichi pesanti. Capacità massima di carico: fino a 1,5 tonnellate, variabile in base al modello e all'allestimento. Dimensioni: Compatto, ideale per l'uso urbano e in spazi ristretti, ma con una generosa capacità di carico grazie al cassone posteriore spazioso. Interni e comfort: Progettato per essere pratico e funzionale, ma le versioni recenti includono dotazioni più moderne come: Sistema di infotainment touchscreen. Aria condizionata. Vari sistemi di sicurezza, come ABS e airbag. Versioni: Disponibile in configurazioni a 2 ruote motrici (4x2) o 4 ruote motrici (4x4), a seconda delle esigenze. Offerto anche con passo corto o lungo per soddisfare varie necessità logistiche. Mercato e utilizzo Il Hyundai Porter II è molto popolare tra le piccole imprese, gli agricoltori e le aziende di logistica grazie alla sua affidabilità, basso costo di manutenzione e flessibilità. In molti paesi, viene utilizzato anche per scopi governativi, come veicolo di supporto per servizi pubblici o di emergenza. In Corea del Sud e in altri mercati asiatici, è uno dei veicoli commerciali leggeri più venduti. Evoluzione del modello Il Porter II rappresenta la seconda generazione della linea Porter, che è in produzione dagli anni '70. La versione Porter II è stata introdotta nel 2004 e ha subito numerosi aggiornamenti per migliorare efficienza, prestazioni e sicurezza. Punti di forza: Elevata capacità di carico rispetto alle dimensioni. Affidabilità del motore. Adattabilità per diverse configurazioni. Ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. Debolezze: Le versioni base possono essere spartane in termini di comfort. Non è progettato per percorsi lunghi o veloci, ma piuttosto per usi locali o urbani. Il Hyundai Porter II è quindi un simbolo di praticità e funzionalità nel segmento dei veicoli commerciali leggeri, apprezzato da numerosi professionisti in tutto il mondo.
American LaFrance Eagle firefighting vehicle kit in 1/72 scale - Trumpeter model. The American LaFranceEagle is a firefighting vehicle produced by American LaFrance, a historic American company specializing in the manufacture of firefighting equipment and vehicles. This model was developed to offer high performance in emergency and rescue situations. Key features of theAmerican LaFrance Eagle: Type: Firefighting and emergency vehicle. Design and construction: Sturdy structure designed to withstand extreme conditions and ensure operator safety. The vehicle is often equipped with a spacious crew cab and an intuitive control system for managing firefighting operations. Power and mobility: Equipped with a powerful motor to ensure rapid response and mobility in critical situations. Suspension system and wheels designed to provide stability even in difficult terrain. Equipment: May include a powerful pump, water tanks, and hoses for dispensing water or firefighting foam. Depending on the configuration, it may be equipped with specialized rescue equipment, such as telescopic ladders, fire extinguishers, and ventilation systems. Role and use: The American LaFrance Eagle is used by fire departments and emergency agencies worldwide to fight fires, manage emergency situations, and provide assistance in disaster events. Its versatile design and reliable performance make it a preferred vehicle in the firefighting industry. Thanks to American LaFrance's long history and experience in building firefighting vehicles, the Eagle has earned a reputation for strength and reliability among firefighting professionals.
Tatra 27b Holzgas Generator truck kit in 1/72 scale - Model Attack. The Tatra 27b with wood gas (Holzgas) generator is a version of the Tatra 27 truck, a commercial vehicle produced by the Czech company Tatra in the 1930s and 1940s. This variant uses an engine powered by wood gas (Holzgas), a type of fuel obtained from the gasification of wood, which was used during World War II and the period immediately after due to the scarcity of conventional fuel. Main features: Vehicle: Tatra 27b, a medium truck with a 4x2 rear-wheel drive design. Holzgas Generator: The truck was equipped with a wood gas generator, which converted wood into a combustible gas (mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen) to be used as an alternative to traditional fuel such as gasoline or diesel. Engine: Although it was an internal combustion engine, it was adapted to run on wood gas, which offered less power than fossil fuels, so the vehicle had lower performance in terms of speed and power than versions with gasoline engines. Use during the war: Due to the shortage of oil during World War II, especially in Europe, wood gas became a temporary solution to run vehicles, including trucks, cars, and even tractors. The Tatra 27b Holzgas was used for both civilian and military purposes, especially in settings where fuel was hard to come by. This type of technology was crucial during the war and postwar period to keep transport vehicles operational.
Military truck kitStudebaker US6-U5 1/35 scale - ICM model.Markings:Studebaker US6-U5, WWII (marking option 1)Studebaker US6-U5, WWII (marking option 2) The Studebaker US6-U5 was a variant of the Studebaker US6 military truck, a series of 2.5-ton trucks produced by the Studebaker Corporation during World War II. These vehicles were widely used to transport troops, supplies, and equipment and were a key part of the Lend-Lease program, which made them popular with the Allies, particularly in theSoviet Union. Key features of the Studebaker US6-U5: Configuration: The U5 variant of the Studebaker US6 had a 6x6 configuration, or six-wheel drive to provide excellent off-road capabilities. It was designed to cope with difficult terrain and challenging operating environments, a very useful feature in wartime conditions. Usage: Like most of the US6 series, the U5 version was mainly used to transport troops, supplies and materials. However, the U5 model specifically was a dump truck variant used to transport and unload bulk materials such as earth, gravel or road and fortification construction materials. It was therefore essential for logistical support in military engineering operations, where there was a need to move large quantities of construction materials. Engine: Equipped with the Hercules JXD inline 6-cylinder engine, which provided about 86 horsepower. This engine was reliable and suitable for long distance and difficult terrain operations. Employment during the war: The Studebaker US6-U5 was widely employed by theSoviet Union, which received thousands of Studebaker trucks through the Lend-Lease program. The vehicle's versatility made it ideal not only for transportation but also for military construction and infrastructure operations, particularly valuable on the Eastern Front, where weather and terrain conditions were very difficult. Legacy: The Studebaker US6 remained famous for its reliability and robustness. After the war, some vehicles continued to be used for civilian and military purposes, both in the Soviet Union and in other nations that had received them. In summary, the Studebaker US6-U5 was a variant of the Studebaker US6 truck, designed as a dump truck for transporting and handling construction materials, with extensive use especially during World War II.
Studebaker US6-U3 military truck kit in German service 1/35 scale - ICM model.Markings:Studebaker US6-U3, Wehrmacht trophy truck, eastern front, 1943Studebaker US6-U3, Wehrmacht trophy truck, 11th Pz.D., probably 1944Studebaker US6-U3, Wehrmacht trophy truck, winter 1944 The Studebaker US6-U3 was a military truck used primarily during World War II by the United States and its allies, including the Soviet Union. It was a 2.5-ton medium truck manufactured by the Studebaker Corporation and supplied in large quantities through the Lend-Lease program. Key features of the Studebaker US6-U3: Design and use: The US6-U3 was a variant of the Studebaker US6 truck with a 6-wheel drive (6x6) configuration. It was designed to transport troops, supplies, ammunition and equipment over difficult terrain due to its ruggedness and off-road capability. It had a load capacity of 2.5 tons, but could carry larger loads in critical conditions. Motorization: It was equipped with a Hercules JXD gasoline engine, an inline 6-cylinder that produced about 86 horsepower. This engine, combined with all-wheel drive, made the truck particularly suitable for operating in rough terrain. Employment in Germany: Although designed and built for the U.S. Army, a large portion of the Studebaker US6 was supplied to the Soviet Union during World War II through the Lend-Lease program. The USSR used them heavily on all fronts, especially in logistics, transporting supplies and troops, but also as a base vehicle for mobile Katyusha rocket launcher installations. In Germany after the war, some Studebakers were probably used by occupation forces and Allied troops for transportation and logistical support in controlled areas. Configurations: The US6-U3 was a variant with an open body, usually covered by a tarpaulin, used for transporting cargo and troops. Some versions included a crane or other specialized equipment. Legacy: The Studebaker US6 was one of the most highly regarded vehicles for its ruggedness and reliability. Although it did not serve directly for the German Army for long, it played a crucial role in supporting Allied forces, contributing to victory on the Eastern Front and in transporting troops to various theaters of war. In summary, the Studebaker US6-U3 was a medium truck used primarily for transportation and logistical support, with a long career during and after World War II, especially among Soviet and Allied forces.
Opel Blitz Fire Truck vehicle kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. TheOpel Blitz Fire Truck is a variant of the famous Opel Blitz truck, adapted for use as a fire truck. The Opel Blitz was one of Nazi Germany 's most versatile commercial and military vehicles during World War II. The model was used in multiple roles, including troop transport, supply and emergency services, such as fire truck. Key features of theOpel Blitz Fire Truck Model origin: TheOpel Blitz was produced by Opel, a German automaker, and became the most widely used truck by the Wehrmacht during World War II. The fire-fighting version (Fire Truck) of the Blitz was designed to be used in rescue and fire-fighting operations in both civilian and military settings, especially in cities or military bases under attack. Engine and performance: Most Opel Blitz models were equipped with a 3.6-liter 6-cylinder engine, which delivered about 75 horsepower. Although not extremely powerful, the engine was reliable and suitable for carrying heavy loads. The truck was designed to carry both crew and firefighting equipment, including hoses, pumps, water tanks, and other specialized equipment. Firefighting equipment: The Opel Blitz Fire Truck was equipped with a high-pressure pump to spray water or firefighting foam on fires. Some models had built-in water tanks, while others had to draw from outside sources such as fire hydrants or waterways. Also on board the vehicle were ladders and rescue equipment, which allowed firefighters to reach burning buildings or rescue people in emergency situations. Design and structure: The design of the Opel Blitz Fire Truck followed the same pattern as the basic version of the truck, with a two-seat cab for the driver and an assistant, and a modified rear space to accommodate firefighting equipment. Some models included a covered compartment to protect tools from the elements, while others were designed as open vehicles for quicker access to equipment. Military and civilian use: Although the Fire Truck version was primarily intended for civilian tasks, such as handling fires in German cities or factories during Allied bombing raids, it was also used by the military to protect bases and ammunition depots. During the Allied bombing raids on German cities in the second half of the war, fire trucks such as the Opel Blitz were essential in trying to limit damage and save lives. Variants: There were several versions of the Opel Blitz, including 4x4 and rear-wheel drive models, which allowed the vehicle to operate in various types of terrain. The fire-fighting version was adapted for urban use, but could also be modified for harsher environments. Conclusion TheOpel Blitz Fire Truck represents one of many variants of an extremely versatile vehicle used during World War II. Although not as well known as the military versions of the Blitz, it was nonetheless a crucial vehicle in civil and military protection, providing support in firefighting operations during the conflict. Due to its reliability and ease of adaptation, the Opel Blitz left a lasting mark in the history of German utility vehicles.
3t 3.6-36S cargo truck kit. Normal flatbed type in 1/35 scale - Miniart model.HIGHLY DETAILED PLASTIC MODEL KIT PHOTOETCHED PARTS INCLUDEDCLEAR PLASTIC PARTS INCLUDEDDECAL SHEET FOR 6 OPTIONSDOORS AND HOOD CAN BE MOUNTED IN OPEN OR CLOSED POSITIONHIGHLY DETAILED ENGINE COMPARTMENT, TRANSMISSION, BRAKE AND STEERING SYSTEMS The 3t 3.6-36S is a type of cargo truck used by Germany during World War II. This truck was part of the Wehrmacht's standard equipment and was used for various logistical and support tasks. Main Features of the 3t 3.6-36S Design and Construction: Origins: Designed to meet the transport and logistics needs of the Wehrmacht. Name and Designation: The designation "3t 3.6-36S" indicates a truck with a load capacity of 3 tons, with a 3.6-liter engine. The suffix "S" could indicate a specific series or version of the vehicle. Design and Configuration: Structure: Rugged construction designed to operate in harsh conditions. Bodywork: Open-box configuration ("Pritsche-normal"), used for transporting troops, materials and various equipment. Cab: Enclosed cabin for the driver and co-pilot, built to protect against the elements and wartime conditions. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 3.6-liter gasoline engine. Performance: Adequate performance for carrying heavy loads over variable terrain typical of World War II theaters of operation. Load Capacity: Capacity: Designed to carry up to 3 tons of payload. Versatility: Used for a wide range of tasks, including transporting troops, supplies, ammunition and equipment. Operational Use. Historical Context: Introduction: Used mainly during World War II, beginning in the early 1940s. Production: Produced in significant numbers to meet the growing logistical needs of the Wehrmacht. Operational Role: Troop Transport: Used for the rapid transport of soldiers over long distances and their rapid deployment. LogisticsSupport: Essential for logistics, providing supplies and essential materials to frontline units. Flexibility: Also employed in recovery operations, evacuation and other support functions. Performance and Reliability: Reliability: Known for its robustness and reliability under harsh operating conditions. Maintenance: Designed to be relatively easy to maintain and repair in the field. Conclusion The 3t 3.6-36S represents one of the many crucial logistics vehicles used by the Wehrmacht during World War II. Its ability to carry heavy loads and operate in a variety of conditions made it indispensable to German military operations. Its robustness and versatility made it a key element of the German Army's logistics support system, contributing significantly to the mobility and operational effectiveness of the armed forces on the battlefield.
German 3t 3.6-36S cargo truck kit. Pritsche-normal type military service in 1/35 scale - Model Miniart.The German 3t 3.6-36S cargo truck (also known as Typ 3.6-36S or Einheits-Diesel) was a standardized military truck used by the Wehrmacht during World War II. This vehicle was part of Germany's efforts to standardize and simplify the production of vehicles for military use.Features of the 3t 3,6-36S Truck:Designation and Production: Designation: "3t" indicates a load capacity of 3 tons. "3.6-36S" is part of the model designation that specifies its category and capacity.Development: It was designed as part of the Einheits-Lkw (standardized truck) program to reduce the variety of vehicles and simplify logistics and maintenance.Technical Specifications:Engine: Generally equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine of about 80 horsepower.Load capacity: 3 tons.Transmission: Equipped with a manual transmission with different gears to adapt to various terrains.Structure and Construction:Chassis and Suspension: Designed to be strong and durable, with suspension suitable for rough terrain.Bodywork: The "Pritsche-normal" version had an open body (platform) with folding side rails, suitable for transporting supplies, equipment and troops.Operational Use:Role: Used primarily for transporting supplies, equipment and troops. It was versatile and adaptable to a variety of logistical tasks.Theaters of War: Employed on all major war fronts, including Europe, North Africa and the Eastern Front.Versatility:Configurations: Could be configured for various uses, including troop transport, ambulances, command vehicles, and towing light artillery pieces.Accessories: Could be equipped with a canvas cover to protect cargo from the elements.Historical Significance:The 3t 3.6-36S truck represented a key element of German military logistics during World War II. The standardization of the vehicles as part of the Einheits-Lkw program helped the Wehrmacht maintain greater efficiency in production and maintenance while reducing logistical complexity. These trucks were essential for supporting troops at the front, carrying vital supplies and reinforcements.In Summary:The German 3t 3.6-36S cargo truck was a rugged and versatile military vehicle designed to support the Wehrmacht's logistics operations. Its ability to carry heavy loads and its adaptability to various roles made it a key component of the German war machine.
SCANIA R730 ''BLACK AMBER'' truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. INCLUDING METALLIC AMBER ACRYLIC COLOUR (30ml). In 2011 a new link is added to the prestigious chain of limited editions launched by Scania (TOP CLASS in 2002, THE KING in 2003, THE GRIFFIN in 2006,BLUE SHARK in 2008 and DARK DIAMOND in 2009) and made in cooperation with "SVEMPAS AB", the famous Swedish coachbuilder Sven Erik "Svempa" Bergendahl. The top of the range, namely the R 730 LA4x2MNA Euro 5 road tractor with V8 engine, the dream of many drivers and transport operators, is equipped with the most exclusive technical equipment and further embellished with an exclusive series of accessories and special finishes. Among the most distinctive features we find the CR19 TOPLINE cab TITANIUM version. Exclusive metallic paint color "Black Amber" for the cabin and plastic parts. Black Amber screen printing with elegant carbon black flame pattern with light amber outline, ESP, LED brake lights on spoilers, xenon headlights in the sun visor and side lights integrated in the footboard, exclusive cab exterior decoration and miniskirts, leather-covered dashboard in front of steering wheel, 22" TV/DVD and much more.
DAF 95 Master Truck Kit in 1/12 scale - Italeri Model.The "Concept 95/380" was, for quite some time, the flagship product in the range of the famous manufacturer DAF, and represented a further development of the Space Cab series.?It was recognized by the market as a definite evolution from its predecessors. In fact, numerous technical and aesthetic improvements were developed and adopted that were particularly appreciated by users of industrial vehicles on the road, especially for long distances. In fact, the soundproof cab and advanced shock absorbers for the time offered on-board comfort at the top of the market, and the powerful 6-cylinder ATI (Advanced Turbo Intercooling) engine ensured good performance with a focus on operating costs.
Russian 3-axle Kamaz K-5350 ''Mustang'' 3-axle truck kit in 1/72 scale - Zvezda Model.The K-5350, also known as the "Mustang," is a Russian three-axle truck produced by the Russian company Kamaz. Here is some key information about this vehicle:Rugged design: The K-5350 "Mustang" is designed to be a multi-purpose vehicle suitable for a wide range of applications, including military transport, logistics, construction, and more. It has a rugged design that can handle difficult terrain and heavy loads.Cargo capacity: This truck is capable of carrying heavy loads over long distances. It can be used to transport military equipment, construction materials, supplies, and more.Motorization: The K-5350 is equipped with a diesel engine that provides the power needed to move over difficult terrain and carry heavy loads. This engine is designed for good fuel economy and reliable performance.Adaptability: The modular design of the K-5350 allows various configurations to suit different purposes. It can be equipped with a wide range of specialized attachments and equipment to meet the specific needs of users.Military use: The K-5350 "Mustang" has been adopted by the Russian Armed Forces for various military applications, including logistics transport, troop transport, equipment transport and more. It has also been used in humanitarian support and emergency relief operations.In summary, the K-5350 "Mustang" is a Russian three-axle truck manufactured by Kamaz, known for its robustness, cargo capacity and adaptability to a wide range of civilian and military applications. It is widely used by the Russian armed forces and in various sectors of industry and logistics.
SCANIA R730 V8 STREAMLINE ''SILVER GRIFFIN'' truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. IMPROVED MOLDS - SUPER DECAL FOR 2 VERSIONS - SUPER CHROME STICKER - ADDITIONAL CHROME PARTS The Scania R Series heavy-duty truck available with V8 engine was developed based on the current needs of the world market. SCANIA's V8 engines are built to do the most demanding jobs and highly regarded as robust, responsive and efficient. The Scania R-Series is designed to meet the highest demands for fuel economy and reliability The exterior design gives the vehicles an imposing appearance on the road and is considered number one for making fantastic "SHOW TRUCKS," the famous decorated tractors. The extraordinary exterior styling is combined with exclusive new interiors that offer exceptional driver comfort and a wide range of color and material options. Our model also comes complete with a fantastic decals sheet and an accurate sheet of metallic stickers, ready to apply, for a proper finish of the tractor unit. In addition, the package contains new chrome plastic parts to make the model look especially realistic.
Scania 770 S V8 "White Cab" truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. SUPER DECAL FOR 2 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET Scania's S series constitutes a benchmark on the market of heavy commercial and industrial vehicles intended to meet the needs of logistics and long-haul transport. The new S series was introduced by the famous Scandinavian manufacturer to the market in the second half of the last decade by adopting innovative design solutions. In fact, the new design was made to optimize the use of space inside the cab and enhance driver comfort. Great attention was paid to active and passive safety through the adoption of the most modern control and driver assistance systems. The new eye-catching and modern design was also made to take into account vehicle aerodynamics and reduced fuel consumption. In fact, an important "success factor" of the Scania tractor unit is operational efficiency, minimizing fuel consumption and paying attention to emissions. The Scania S770 4x2 is the ideal solution for numerous professional and operational needs and complements the "Highline" version with an enlarged cab of the road tractor from the renowned Scandinavian manufacturer of heavy commercial and industrial vehicles.
US military truck kit Studebaker US6-U3 in 1/35 scale - ICM model.MARKINGS:1942 Studebaker US6-U3, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1942Rusty Dow's Studebaker US6-U3 (Rusty Dow was the first woman to drive on a military road in Alaska), 1944Studebaker US6-U3, U.S. Army in Europe (likely variant), 1944Studebaker US6-U3, U.S. Army in the Far East (likely variant), 1945The Studebaker US6 three-axle truck was launched by the Studebaker Corporation in 1941, and in 1943 REO Motor Car also joined production. In total about 200,000 vehicles were produced in thirteen variants. The car had a rugged design and a large payload. Its 94-hp 6-cylinder Hercules JXD engine provided the Studebaker US6 with high off-road performance. Most of these trucks were used by U.S. allies, but a number were also used by the U.S. military. For example, Studebaker US6s were used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in particular, during the construction of the Alaska Highway. A small number of these trucks were used by the U.S. Army in Europe as part of the so-called reverse lend-lease, when a certain amount of equipment transferred to the Allies was returned to the United States for various reasons. There are also instances of Studebaker US6 being used by U.S. forces in the Far East.
Faun SLT-56 Franziska Panzertransporter truck kit 1/72 scale - Trumpeter model. The Faun SLT-56 Franziska is a German vehicle designed to transport tanks and heavy vehicles. The designation "SLT" stands for "Schwerlasttransporter," which means "heavy load transporter" in German. "Franziska" is often a reference to the female proper name and can be a nickname term or specific designation for the vehicle. Here are some key features of the Faun SLT-56 Franziska Panzertransporter: Role and Use: The Faun SLT-56 is designed to transport tanks and heavy vehicles over long distances. This vehicle is part of a category of vehicles called heavy-duty transporters, designed to move bulky and heavy loads such as tanks through various road and environmental conditions. Towing Capacity: The Faun SLT-56 is known for its remarkable towing capacity. It can be used to transport large and heavy tanks, often exceeding the capabilities of other lighter transport vehicles. Suspension and Engine: To handle the weight of the tanks, the Faun SLT-56 is equipped with a strong suspension and a powerful engine. These components help ensure the stability and handling capability of the vehicle. Technical Features: The Faun SLT-56 Franziska can have different technical specifications depending on versions and variants. Its towing and loading capabilities are designed to meet the requirements of the armed forces or other organizations that require the transport of heavy vehicles. Military Use: This type of transporter is often used for military purposes, enabling the armed forces to rapidly deploy tanks and armored vehicles over long distances. The Faun SLT-56 Franziska Panzertransporter is a critical component in military logistics, enabling the efficient transport of heavy vehicles, including tanks, on roads and in operational areas.
ZIL-130 tipper truck kit with MMZ-555 body in 1/43 scale - Zvezda model. The ZIL-130 is a truck produced in the Soviet Union and later in Russia by ZiL, a well-known automaker specializing in the production of industrial and commercial vehicles. The ZIL-130 is one of the most iconic and popular models produced by ZiL over the years. Here are some key features of the ZIL-130: Production: The ZIL-130 was produced in the Soviet Union and later in Russia from the mid-1960s until 2012. Production of these trucks lasted exceptionally long, highlighting their popularity and reliability. Categories of Use: The ZIL-130 is a truck suitable for a wide range of applications. It has been used for transporting goods, as a truck, as well as a base for specialized vehicles such as tankers, firefighting vehicles, military vehicles, and more. Engine and Performance: The truck is powered by a gasoline or diesel engine, depending on the version and configuration. It has a good loading capacity and can be used in various operational contexts. Classic Design: The ZIL-130 has a classic design of heavy trucks, with a rear cab and cargo compartment. Its configuration and appearance have become iconic and recognizable. Military Use: In addition to civilian use, the ZIL-130 has also been used by the armed forces of the Soviet Union and other countries. In the military, it was often used as a transport and logistical support vehicle. Parts and Maintenance: The model's longevity also contributed to the availability of spare parts and ease of maintenance, important factors that contributed to its widespread use. Although production of the ZIL-130 ceased in 2012, the vehicle is still widely found in many parts of the world due to its longevity, reliability, and ability to adapt to various transportation and service requirements.
MAN TGX 18,500 XXL Lion Pro Edition 1/24 Scale Truck Kit - Italeri Model. NEW PIECES - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS The MAN TGX XXL has been appreciated and recognized by the commercial and industrial vehicle market for its recognizable styling and "character" that combines driving comfort, reliability and profitability. An accurate aerodynamic profile reduces fuel consumption and optimizes vehicle efficiency. The XXL cab presents maximum on-board comfort and is a designed to be an optimal solution for long-haul international transport operations. The range of available engines was developed to minimize fuel consumption, reduce operating costs and ensure longer operating life. A further step forward has been achieved by MAN with the introduction of the new line of reliable 6-cylinder D38 diesel engines, which deliver up to 640 hp and release a maximum torque of 3,000 Nm. amplifying the tractor's performance in all working and operating conditions.
KAMAZ Master Rallye truck kit in 1/72 scale - Zvezda model. The "KAMAZ Master" team is a Russian rally raid team that participates in off-road racing competitions, particularly the Dakar rally, one of the most prestigious and difficult events of its kind in the world. Here is some key information about the "KAMAZ Master" team: Owner and Location: The team is owned by KAMAZ, one of Russia's leading commercial vehicle manufacturers, and is headquartered in Naberezhnye Chelny, in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Dakar Rally Participation: The KAMAZ Master team is particularly well known for its participation in the Dakar Rally, a rally raid competition that takes place in various parts of the world, often in harsh desert terrain. The team has achieved numerous successes in this competition over the years. KAMAZ Vehicles: The team uses KAMAZ heavy vehicles specially prepared for off-road competition. These vehicles, known as rally trucks, are powerful, robust and adapted to deal with difficult terrain and adverse conditions. Palmarès: KAMAZ Master has an impressive palmarès of victories and successes in various categories of the Dakar rally. The team has often been competitive in the truck category, demonstrating the power and reliability of KAMAZ vehicles in extremely demanding competitions. Drivers: Over the years, the KAMAZ Master team has had several talented drivers, including Russian drivers renowned in the world of off-road racing.
Volvo F16 Globetrotter Canvas truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. SUPER DECAL - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS Introduced to the market in 1988, the Volvo F16 achieved good commercial success due to its high standards in performance, low fuel consumption and running costs. The outstanding features of its 6-cylinder "power-train" line were combined with the innovative "Globetrotter" cabin with its high on-board comfort and original solutions adopted. The sturdy chassis also served as a development platform for the creation of numerous special arrangements dedicated to responding in a timely and precise manner to the needs of different professional customers. One configuration particularly appreciated and used by long- and medium-haul logistics operators was the one with the tarpaulin body, with a good size/volume ratio, and the rear loading tailboard with hydraulic system to facilitate the loading and unloading of goods.
Scania S770 4x2 normal roof truck kit - 1/24 scale LIMITED EDITION - Italeri model. SUPER DECAL SPECIAL EDITION FROST - NEW PARTS - NEW HIGHLY DETAILED INTERIOR, CAB AND V8 ENGINE - OPENING DRIVER DOOR AND RADIATOR GRILLE - CHROME STICKERS - PHOTO ETCHED - RUBBER TIRES - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET Scania's S series sets a benchmark in the market for heavy commercial and industrial vehicles designed to meet the needs of logistics and long-haul transportation. The new S series was introduced by the famous Scandinavian manufacturer to the market in the second half of the last decade by adopting innovative design solutions. In fact, the new design was made to optimize the use of space inside the cab and enhance driver comfort. Great attention was paid to active and passive safety through the adoption of the most modern control and driver assistance systems. The new eye-catching and modern design also takes into account vehicle aerodynamics and reduced fuel consumption. The Scania S770 4x2 "Normal Roof" with the compact cab is the ideal solution for numerous professional and operational needs and complements the "Highline" version with an enlarged cab of the road tractor from the renowned Scandinavian manufacturer of heavy commercial and industrial vehicles.
Scania R143 M 500 Streamline 4x2 truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. SUPER DECAL FOR 2 VERSIONS The Scania R143 M Streamline constituted a landmark in the production of the famous Scandinavian manufacturer, achieving, between the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, an important commercial success on several European and non-European markets. The Scania R143M, assembled at the Södertälje production site in Sweden, was one of the most successful models of the "3 series," introduced by Scania in 1987 and following the innovative "2 series" of the 1980s. Powerful and reliable thanks to its 500-horsepower V-8 engine, it was designed with the most advanced technologies of the time. Great attention was paid to design to reduce aerodynamic drag and minimize fuel consumption, an important factor of success in long-distance heavy transport. Scania's two-wheel drive configuration was also prized for its ease of maintenance and low operating and running costs.
Mercedes-Benz SK 1844LS V8 truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. SUPER DECAL FOR 3 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET Mercedes-Benz SK series trucks, where the acronym stands for "Schwere Klasse" and identifies the heavy vehicles in the range, were produced from the late 1980s by the famous German group. The SK series is a direct evolution of the previous Mercedes NG line with improvements in the cab made more suitable for long journeys. On-board comfort was also amplified with the adoption of new technical and electronic solutions. The design, compared to the previous series, was also significantly improved to make it suitable for the aesthetic standards typical of the "automotive" industry of the period. It was appreciated by the market for its reliability, robustness and operational flexibility in all kinds of uses. In fact, its longevity in the market correlated with its good commercial success. The SK series was replaced starting in the late 1990s with the first versions of the new Mercedes-Benz Actros.
IVECO Hi-Way 480 E5 (Low Roof) truck kit in 1/24 scale - Italeri model. SUPER DECAL FOR TWO VERSIONS - CHROME STICKER - FULL COLOR INSTRUCTIONS - TRAILER NOT INCLUDED The Stralis Hi-Way features an important set of technological and aesthetic differences when compared to previous versions. The cab, redesigned and improved over the initial versions, offers a revamped design and is equipped with integrated electronic systems that optimize on-board comfort and safety. The evolution of the Stralis had also touched the engines and transmission. The "powertrains" adopted were capable of minimizing fuel consumption and minimizing maintenance costs. In fact, the engine apparatus made it possible to meet flatly the anti-pollution parameters dictated by the Euro 5 standard and ensure good operating performance. The appreciated combination of cab size, power delivered by the engine (480 HP), and low operating costs meant that Stralis achieved good commercial success in the main European markets.
1/35 1.5 t 4x4 G506 cargo truck The "1.5 t 4x4 G506" is a military cargo truck used by the United States during World War II. This vehicle was part of a series of military trucks designed for various purposes, including transporting troops and materials. Here is some key information about the 1.5 t 4x4 G506: Design and production: The G506 truck was developed in the 1940s as part of the U.S. war effort during World War II. It was designed and manufactured by several U.S. automotive companies, including Chevrolet, GMC, and Studebaker. Cargo capacity: As the name suggests, the G506 had a cargo capacity of about 1.5 tons, making it suitable for a variety of military transportation tasks. 4x4 configuration: The "4x4" in the name indicates that the truck had all-wheel drive on all four wheels. This configuration gave it a greater ability to traverse rough or muddy terrain. Military use: The G506 was used extensively during World War II by the U.S. Army and other allied forces. It was used to transport troops, materials, ammunition and other supplies. Design: The G506 truck had a rugged and utilitarian design, with a crew cab and an open or covered rear box, depending on the specific model. Legacy: After World War II, many of these trucks were military surplus, that is, sold to civilians. Some of them were converted for civilian purposes, while others were preserved as historic vehicles. Variants: Several variants of the G506 were produced, with different body configurations and technical specifications to meet military requirements. In general, the G506 is an example of a military vehicle used during World War II by the United States and other allied nations. It was known for its reliability and ability to operate in various environments and conditions.
1/43 KAMAZ-master KAMAZ-43509Kamaz is a Russian truck manufacturer.In 1969 the Central Committee of the PCUS and the Ministerial Council of the USSR decided to begin construction of work vehicle factories in the city of Naberežnye Celny.Construction began on December 13, 1969, but the first Kamaz-branded vehicle came off the assembly line on February 16, 1976.In 1987, the assembly line for the first passenger car, the Oka, was created, creating the specific company AutoVaz and whose first car came out on December 21, 1987.On June 25, 1990, the factory became a joint-stock company.On April 14, 1993, a fire destroyed the Kamaz engine factory.Until 2005, Kamaz also had a majority of shares in the AutoVAZ passenger car factory, which was later sold to the Severstal' group.
1/35 U.S. Tow Truck G506I camion G-506, 1+1 / tonnellata , 4x4, prodotti comeChevrolet G7100(e originariamenteG4100), erano una serie dia quattro ruote motriciutilizzati dall'esercitodegli Stati Unitie dai suoi alleati durante e dopola seconda guerra mondiale. Questa serie è arrivata in carico standard, così come molti corpi di tipo specializzato.Il G506 era una designazione del catalogo di fornitura del Corpo degli ordigni dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti per il 1+1 / 2 tonnellate, 4X4, telaio per camion costruito in gran numero dalla Chevrolet Motor Division di GM . I loro numeri di modello ufficiali erano inizialmente la serie "G4100" e successivamente la serie "G7100". Sono diventati standard 1+Camion 4x4 da 1/2 tonnellata per l'esercito americano e il corpo aereo dell'esercito durante la seconda guerra mondiale .Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, le forze armate statunitensi acquistarono un totale di 167.373 camion quattro per quattro da 1 / tonnellata e Chevrolet ne fornì la maggior parte. Secondo la revisione del 1946 del Summary Report of Acceptances dell'esercito americano, Tank-Automotive Materiel , Dodge (Fargo) – il fornitore standard iniziale di US 1+Autocarri 4x4 da 1 / 2 tonnellate - hanno contribuito con 6.762autocarri modello VF, serie G-621 nel 1940; e Ford (Marmon-Herrington) e Diamond T hanno fornito rispettivamente altre 6.271 e 136 unità, lasciando 154.204 camion Chevrolet. Tuttavia, circa 47.700 camion modello G7107 e G7117 furono spediti in Unione Sovietica come parte del programma Lend-Lease. Le capacità logistiche/di trasporto dell'Armata Rossa sovietica migliorarono notevolmente nella primavera e nell'estate del 1943, in gran parte come risultato della costante fornitura di autocarri di fabbricazione americana (come gli Studebaker US6 e i Chevrolet G506) per l'URSS.