SOLUTION BOOK 28 - How to Paint Rebel Galactic Starships - Flexible cover, 65 pages with high-quality color photos. This book is multilingual: English, Spanish, French and GermanSOLUTION BOOK: How to Paint Rebel Galactic Starships will allow you to paint and apply aging effects to any Star Wars Rebel Alliance starfighter and capital ship, and even Republic subjects, since they used similar colors. Although a B-Wing heavy assault starfighter has been chosen as an example for this step-by-step guide, the same processes can be applied using the same methods and sequence for any Rebel Alliance starship, such as the X-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing, or Snow Speeder, to large vessels such as the fast CR90 corvettes, Nebulon-B escort frigates, or MC-80 Mon Calamari cruisers. Now simply pick up your favorite model and start painting without further ado! Most of the techniques described are optional and it is up to you to decide whether or not to apply them. If you want to improve your painting and aging techniques, we recommend that you try them all. SOLUTION BOOK is a simple, basic guide designed to help any modeler easily achieve results similar to those shown in the book. No matter if the reader is a beginner or a more experienced and seasoned modeler, by following the steps in this guide they will be able to achieve amazing results with the efficient and effective methods shown. The new design of SOLUTION BOOK will allow you to follow each step very easily and intuitively without text, using simple icon-based code that will show what to do at each step. By following the steps shown in this guide, you will be able to get excellent results with minimal effort.
SOLUTION BOOK 23 - How to Paint WWII German Late War Vehicles (Multilingual Book) - Softcover, 60 pages with high-quality color photos.This book is multilingual: English, Spanish, Italian, and German.In this SOLUTION BOX, you will find not only the paints, aging products, and brushes you need, but also the SOLUTION BOOK - How to Paint WWII German Late War Vehicles. This book contains explanatory texts in ??four languages (English, Spanish, French and German) and is a simple 60-page easy-to-follow guide. It explains step by step how to paint and apply the most common aging effects on German military vehicles with WWII camouflage. With this guide, any modeler can achieve effects and finishes similar to those shown in the examples. It doesn't matter if you are a novice novice modeler or a more advanced and experienced modeler. With this guide, you can achieve amazing effects with minimal effort just by following a few simple steps.The SOLUTION BOOK's new design style allows you to follow each step simply and intuitively, without text, using an easy-to-understand icon code that helps you know what to do at all times. By following the steps in this guide, you can get amazing results with minimal effort. The model used as an example in this Solution Book is the PHANTER Ausf.G Late Production, 1/35 scale, TAKO2121 by TAKOM.
SOLUTION BOOK 24 - How to Paint and Lacquer Scale Cars - 47-page softcover book. EnglishThis Solution Book is a comprehensive 47-page guide with step-by-step tutorials in four languages (English, Spanish, French and German) that explains how to paint and lacquer any model of civilian vehicle, including street and race cars, motorcycles, trucks and other vehicles.This book, together with Cobra Motor paints and 2K body polish lacquer, will enable you to achieve a professional finish in an easy and fun way. To learn more about 2K lacquers, click HERE. To learn more about the full range of Cobra Motor lacquers, click HERE.Cobra Motor PaintsAMIG2261 Cobra Motor Clear Lacquer 2K - 30 mlAMIG2262 Cobra Motor Hardener for 2K lacquer - 30 mlAMIG2263 Cobra Motor - Cleaner & Thinner for 2K Clear Lacquer - 30 mlIf you follow the recommended application order and drying times, you will be rewarded with excellent results. The model used as an example in this guide is the Ferrari 458 Italia, 1/24 scale by Fujimi. Now choose your favorite model and let an experienced modeler guide you step by step!SOLUTION BOOK is a simple, basic guide designed to help any modeler easily achieve results similar to those shown in the book. It doesn't matter if the reader is a beginner or a more experienced and seasoned modeler, following the steps in this guide will achieve amazing results with the fun and effective methods shown.
Libro Vallejo - Painting War Bases EnglishIn questo numero di Painting WAR, il famoso pittore Alberto Mateos Jurado, di Avahn Art Studio, condivide diverse tecniche incentrate sulla creazione di basi per wargame.Il numero presenta tecniche di costruzione e pittura che possono essere utilizzate su diverse basi tematiche, come fantascienza, fantasy e storica.Ogni base è ordinata per livelli di difficoltà, il che aiuta il lettore a identificarne la complessità prima di iniziare il processo di pittura.Inoltre si possono trovare anche alcune tecniche per realizzare basi in modo semplice e veloce, permettendo al modellista di ottenere risultati eccezionali in breve tempo.Numero di pagine: 64Formato: A4Lingua ingleseAutore: Alberto Mateos Jurado
Libro Vallejo - Landscapes of War Vol. 2Questo secondo volume è focalizzato sulla replica della natura nel modo più realistico possibile. Attraverso paesaggi desertici, prati, foreste, fiumi e tutta la fauna associata, il libro mostra passo dopo passo come ottenere i migliori risultati nei nostri diorami.Autore: Rodrigo Hernández CabosLingua: inglese (spagnolo: ref. 75.033)Numeri di pagina: 200Formato: 210 x 297 mm
Scale Modeling for Beginners Vol. 2: Painting & Weathering (pittura e invecchiamento) - Copertina morbida, 156 pagine con foto di alta qualità a colori passo dopo passo.Il modellismo è un hobby estremamente divertente e istruttivo, praticato da milioni di appassionati in tutto il mondo e consigliato a persone di qualsiasi età. Ma come ogni cosa nella vita, iniziare può essere fonte di confusione e frustrazione se non si conoscono i principi e i passaggi di base. In questo manuale in due volumi troverai tutti gli aspetti chiave che devi sapere per costruire e dipingere i tuoi primi modelli spiegati in modo chiaro, conciso e molto coinvolgente. In questo secondo volume, scoprirai gli strumenti e i prodotti essenziali utilizzati per dipingere e applicare effetti di invecchiamento a qualsiasi modello di qualsiasi tema e scala. I tuoi dubbi sono finiti; segui questo manuale e goditi i tuoi modelli preferiti!
THE WEATHERING TECHNICAL GUIDE 01 - Metallized (English, Spanish, Français) Softcover magazine, 98 pages with high-quality color photosAMMO presents the first issue of The Weathering Technical Guide, a new magazine formula, more technical and detailed. More defined and didactic, with more specific and specialized topics and a variable number of pages per issue, specifically tailored to the needs of each individual subject. All in all, a more mature, clearer and more direct magazine that gives you everything you need to know to paint your models quickly and professionally.TWTG is an evolution based on everything we have learned so far. In your hands is a dynamic visual concept, with a more practical format to incorporate into your workbench with better quality articles and techniques explained.And to usher in this new venture, we decided to focus on metallics, a finish that still continues to intimidate a large number of modelers because of its inherent technical complexity compared to standard paints. This, in turn, ends up limiting the number of models these modelers dare to tackle, especially in topics such as cars, trucks and motorcycles, airplanes and science fiction models; although metallics is a subject that has important applications in all genres of our hobby: from military vehicles to historical and fantasy characters, as well as ships and railroad models. In short: this first issue of our new magazine will enable you to confidently tackle any challenge arising from metal finishes in your upcoming projects.In the Metallized issue, you can find a wide variety of models in metal finishes, such as a Mercedes-Benz 300SL in aluminum finish, a railroad car, a Sicaran tank, and Space Marines in metal armor from the Warhammer 40 universe.000, the iconic World War II P-51 Mustang in the classic natural metal finish, and the super robot Mazinger Z.All of the painting and weathering techniques presented in this Metallized issue of The Weathering Technical Guide are explained with extremely detailed step-by-step articles by some of the world's best modelers, who show how to perform each technique using high-quality images and accurate descriptions. This first issue of TWTG is sure to become a collector's item, filled with thoroughly explained tips and techniques and a great source of inspiration for modelers of all levels and genres.
Scale Modeling for Beginners Vol. 1: Assembly - Softcover, 120 pages with high-quality step-by-step color photos. Bilingual: English and SpanishModeling is an extremely fun and educational hobby, practiced by millions of enthusiasts worldwide and recommended for people of all ages. However, like anything in life, getting started can be confusing and frustrating if you don't know the basic steps. In this two-volume handbook, you'll find all the essential keys to building your first models, explained in a clear, simple, and highly entertaining way.In this first volume, you'll discover the essential tools and products for assembling any model, as well as the techniques and methods needed to work with different types of parts, patterns, and scales. Your doubts will be overcome; follow this manual and enjoy your favorite models!
How to Paint Scale Cars - Hardcover, 156 pages with high-quality color photos explaining step-by-step, bilingual: English and Spanish.The essential guide to painting, lacquering and applying aging effects on cars and vehicles of any scale, including racing cars, motorcycles and civilian vehicles. All techniques are explained step-by-step following simple, quick and easy methods used to create highly realistic results, all illustrated with detailed, high-quality photos.Nestor Espinoza is one of the most experienced and award-winning car modelers. In this book, he explains in depth how to use all the techniques and achieve amazing effects in an easy way, sharing tricks to achieve super realistic results accessible to modelers of any level, from beginners to experts.This book is a limited edition-don't miss it!With the Cobra Motor Colors range, you can paint any part of your vehicles, not only the bodies but also the interiors, engines, wheels, tires, lights, exhausts, trim, and any other detail of your favorite vehicles.Cobra Motor paints are acrylic-based, but when thinned and airbrushed, they behave like lacquers because of their excellent strength, covering ability, and flow. They also have great self-leveling properties, making them very easy to use with both airbrush and brush. The main difference from other car modeling paints is that they are non-toxic, reducing toxicity during the modeling process to just the lacquering stage. Another significant advantage is their efficiency; because of the need for dilution, a single bottle can paint many models compared to paints from other brands.
From reality to realism - Step-by-step guide for scale modelers English language. 112 pages. Hardcover.French modeler specializing in facades and ultra-realistic construction, Emmanuel Nouaillier plunges us into a journey beyond the fragments of structures recreated to scale. It is a nostalgic and poetic work that invites the viewer to question the hobby with an artistic background, witnessing a vanishing urban landscape. After more than three decades of documentary photography devoted to these "timeless facades," the book shows how to transfer the photographed atmospheres into vignettes and scaled volumes with detailed step-by-step processes. This hardcover-bound book is a very special limited edition work, halfway between modeling and art that belongs to the most realistic current of our hobby.
Book Soviets in Berlin - Bilingual English-Spanish. 156 pages. Semi-rigid cover. This modeling book contains exquisitely crafted dioramas and vehicles to tell the story of the fall of Berlin. A multitude of references and stories behind the works inspire each of the authors to tell a story with each piece. Not only is the design, painting and construction process explained step by step, but also the keys to achieve an excellent level of aging with different effects: mud, splashes, drops, chips, dust, dirt, etc. In January 1945 the Krásnaya Ármiya or Red Army, after three and a half years of bitter fighting without quarter, launched a series of strategic operations that took it into the heart of the Third Reich. Its relentless advance toward Berlin culminated in April 1945. There it fought its last major battle on the European continent, achieving an overwhelming victory over German forces. The massive use of artillery and armored vehicles in ground operations was one of the keys to this triumph.
Manueale di modellismo AK Learning Wargame Series 3 : LANDSHIP TECHNIQUES - Inglese 96 pagine. Copertina morbidaIl terzo capitolo della serie Learning Wargames è dedicato ai veicoli terrestri e alle navi. Questa raccolta è composta da diversi volumi per gli appassionati di wargame, sia che stiano cercando di fare il salto al profilo da tavolo, migliorare la loro pittura o realizzare capolavori.Ogni libro si concentra su un tema specifico e fornisce al lettore un'ampia gamma di conoscenze e tecniche per affinare le proprie capacità.
Book Vallejo - Weathering Effects on Aircraft. Painting and weathering by Manel Blasco and Manuel Soriano (A4 size book English language 160 pp.) If you are an aircraft enthusiast, you can't miss this new book in the Remove Before Flight series, which collects Vallejo's publications related to aircraft modeling. Thanks to expert modelers Manel Blasco and Manuel Soriano, you'll learn several tips and techniques for recreating the effects of wear and tear on aircraft. Through nine chapters, the authors describe the process of assembling and painting aircraft, as well as techniques for simulating the aged appearance characteristic of combat aircraft in different eras. The models, in 1/48 and 1/32 scale, are subjected to a wide range of techniques and processes, both brush and airbrush, to achieve paintwork worn by use, as well as wear and tear caused by the course of time, environmental conditions conditions, and effects as diverse as rust, liquid spills, and exhaust stains. A real treasure in book form for hobbyists, as they will inspire and teach you advanced techniques to take your skills to the next level.
How to use Pigments - AMMO Modelling Guide - English book, soft cover, 168 pages with high-quality color photos Pigments are the most versatile modeling product and allow you to create the widest variety of effects with a different application methods. Using pigments you can recreate effects such as dust, earth, mud, rust, soot, shiny metal, streaks, and many others that we will show you in the different chapters of the book. In this guide you will discover all the effects that can be applied with pigments on models of all scales and subjects including military vehicles, airplanes, dioramas, wargames, fantasy and science fiction figures, civilian vehicles, rally cars, ships, trains , RC and more. Are you ready for the landslide? Well, enter now!
Learning Wargames Series 2 - Spaceship Techniques - Advanced (English) 96 pages. SoftcoverThe way wargame painters approach their projects is different from other fields, such as historical modeling. This Learning Wargames collection consists of several volumes for wargaming enthusiasts, both those who want to make the leap to tabletop profile and those who are looking to further improve their painting or make display pieces. Each book focuses on a specific theme and provides the reader with a wide range of knowledge and techniques to aid their skills. This second volume is devoted to ships with complex finishes.
Starship Techniques - English 96 pp. SoftcoverThis is the first volume in a collection devoted to the world of wargames. When a traditional wargame painter decides to improve his skills and reach the Tabletop profile, he faces several recurring challenges. These include assimilating a large number of techniques, learning to use new products and tools, and paying more attention to every detail. This path, while rewarding in terms of results, also requires commitment and sacrifice. For amateurs who want to make the leap to the Tabletop profile, as well as those who want to further improve their painting and occasionally make exhibition pieces, this series based on the format of the successful Learning series will serve as a guide and reference. Each volume focuses on a specific theme, from vehicles to figures, and provides readers with a wide range of knowledge and techniques to hone their skills. This first volume is devoted to aircraft from different themes with different decorations.
TINT INC. 05 - English 88 pp. Semi-rigid coverThis fifth issue of our figurative painting magazine is undoubtedly the most international of all so far. We think it was worth the wait because we found some new and high-quality content. A little twist with which to learn about new trends and techniques, from different corners of the globe, that manage to raise the level and knowledge of our readers. We are back with step-by-step articles from internationally renowned artists who bring us works not usually found on our desks. In this way we want to open new windows for the creation of skins, OSLs or scenes different from those we usually publish. In addition, we continue our conversations with top painters, opinion articles on the topics thatmotivate us, and a review of the figurine industry. We maintain the high quality and aesthetics of this publication, being available to you in English and Spanish so that your collection grows, trying as always to surpass the previous issue. Fans of fantastic, historical or science fiction characters have an unmissable date with us in this new issue of our Tint Inc.
How to Build Tamiya de Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI The definitive guide to building the much anticipated Tamiyaa 1:32 Mosquito FB.VI by Brett Green.This book is currently being prepared by our own Brett Green and will feature:Step by Step guide to building and painting the modelMosquito restoration close-upHistorical summaryWartime reference photosThe other Tamiya Mosquitos in 1/72 and 1/48 scalesAftermarket decal and accessory summaryThe de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito was a monoplane, twin-engine aircraft made by the British de Havilland Aircraft Company in the late 1930s.Employed during World War II, it proved to be extremely versatile and was used in a variety of roles by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and many other Allied air forces in both the European and Pacific and Mediterranean theaters; in several armed forces it was retained in service beyond the war period and was also used by the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) as a transport aircraft.Affectionately nicknamed "Mossie" (short for "mosquito" in English), it also had other nicknames, mainly related to the airframe's wooden construction: The Wooden Wonder, The Timber Terror, and, less respectfully, The Termite's Dream. It was the basis for the development of the de Havilland Hornet heavy fighter and its naval derivative Sea Hornet.
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX NEW VERSION for 2015Although initially conceived as a stop-gap measure, the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX (and the essentially similar Mk.XVI) eventually became the most numerous of all Spitfire variants with more than 7,000 delivered to the RAF, the VVS and other Allied air forces.Premier Japanese model company Tamiya has released Spitfire Mk.IXc, Mk.VIII and Mk.XVIe kits in 1:32 scale. These three kits are simply superb in terms of detail, engineering innovation, fit and presentation. In the warm afterglow of their release, many modellers have declared Tamiya's 1:32 scale late model Spitfires to be the some of the best scale model aircraft kits of all time.This book details the construction of all three kits in step-by-step illustrated guides, and also suggests how Tamiya's kits may be improved and describes the after market decals and accessories that are available for these magnificent models. (designed to be used with Tamiya kits)The Supermarine Spitfire was a single-seat, single-engine, low-wing fighter aircraft produced by the British company Supermarine Aviation Works in the 1930s and 1940s. Employed in Europe, North Africa, Australia and Asia, it became one of the iconic aircraft of World War II mainly because of its effective and decisive contribution to the victorious British resistance to German aggression, during the Battle of Britain and the conflict years.In the Battle of Britain, it shared with the Hawker Hurricane the difficult task of defending territory from Luftwaffe attacks. Employed by the airforces of numerous Allied countries - such as the Soviet Union, Australia and the United States of America - it was the only Allied fighter produced for the duration of the war.Made in some 40 different versions, it is probably the aircraft with design and construction evolution superior to any other model, in the entire history of flight.Including the 2,556 Seafire, 20,351 examples were produced until 1947, when the last Mk.24 rolled off the assembly lines. After the war it was still employed for a long time by the air forces of France, the Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Belgium, India, Italy and Czechoslovakia.The RAF's last operational front-line mission was carried out on April 1, 1954 by a PR19 Spitfire reconnaissance aircraft of No. 81 RAF Squadron.[9] But the Spitfire continued to be used for three more years by Temperature and Humidity Flight, for meteorological measurements, until June 1957, when it was discharged.It was considered by British ace Johnnie Johnson "the best conventional defensive fighter of the war."
AK Learning 14 PAINTING ANIMAL FIGURES - English language 88 pages, soft coverIn this new installment of the AK Learning series, we will look at how animals play an important role in a scene, whether as an element to help identify scale, to help tell a story, or simply as an individual figure. Animal figures can be commercial references or animals made by us for the occasion from a variety of materials. Whether they are common animals or exotic, dangerous, even extinct species, we will always need references before we begin the project and, especially, when approaching the painting process. This animal theme would suffice for many volumes in the series but we decided to summarize it in this issue 14 and have you apply these techniques to other animals, adapting colors and studying real references.
THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE #37 - Airbrush 2.0 ENGLISHIt is a fact that the airbrush is an almost essential tool for modeling. And it is equally true that the airbrush instills caution and some fearamong many modelers because they consider it a complex tool to use. No problem!!! As always at AMMO, our mission is to make this hobby easier and more accessible to the modeler. And in this case, after a first issue dedicated to the more technical aspects of the subject such as types of airbrushes and compressors, common mistakes and failures, and more, we now present a second volume where we will show you several examples for you to follow. We will make intimidating camouflage, metallics, dusting and figure painting much easier to approach and perform with confidence. Included are examples that touch on many of the different modeling topics and are explained quickly, clearly and simply so that you can follow along easily with our team of experienced contributors.
Painting in MiniatureThis book examines the work of well-known figurine artist Danilo Cartacci who illustrates, thanks to an unpublished collection of step-by-step photos of his most successful work, how to color historical miniatures. Packed with practical advice, the title is recommended for both the experienced modeler and the neophyte.The coloring of complexions, frogs, cloth, armor, flags, and sideburns will no longer be out of your reach after seeing this book!The author is Danilo Cartacci.For those who don't know him, he is one of the best known and most skilled figurinists in the world, capable of spanning the various eras of the historical and making surprising forays even into the world of fantasy.Suffice it to say that, paired with Mariano Numitone, he won Best of Show in the last two editions of the World Expo, the world figurinism world to be precise.The manual, let's face it, is not intended for novice painters.Although it often mentions the basic techniques of painting, in fact, it does not go into a description of them, but merely shows how to use them to achieve the different effects illustrated in the 128 pages, all in color, of the book.The order of the chapters is structured so that one can ideally follow the entire path of painting a figurine, starting with useful advice on the materials to be used, going through the assembly and the laying of the primer, and ending with the painting of the various parts.It begins with an illustrated step-by-step description of painting the parts most common to figurines (face, drapery, metal parts) gradually arriving at the more complex techniques of aging, drawing heraldry, and decorating the bases.
TINT INC. 03 - Inglese 96 pagine. Copertina semirigidaIn questo terzo numero vi proponiamo una selezione di articoli dove potrete godere di diverse tecniche dei migliori pittori del momento. Ai sette articoli passo-passo su temi storici e fantasy, aggiungiamo le nostre sezioni di interviste speciali e i nostri articoli. Artisti di primo livello al lavoro per mostrarci tutti i loro segreti. Continuiamo a cercare di offrire al lettore una pubblicazione moderna e vivace che metta questo tipo di arte al posto che le spetta. Una rivista essenziale per i pittori di figura e gli amanti delle figure in generale.
HOW TO BUILD... TAMIYA'S 1:32 Vought F4U-1A & F4U-1D Corsair. When Tamiya released their 1:32 scale Spitfire Mk.IXc in 2009, they set a new standard for plastic model kits. Each model since then has seen incremental improvements. Just when you think the series can't get any better, Tamiya goes and proves you wrong. [ADH code ADH177]Their 1:32 scale Birdcage Corsair was released in mid-2013. This was an outstanding kit in every respect.Tamiya expanded their 1:32 scale Corsair family with an F4U-1A in late 2014. This kit included several new sprues and offered a wider range of camouflage and marking possibilities.Tamiya has now completed the -1 trio with their new 1:32 scale F4U-1D Corsair. Once again, this kit includes a significant number of brand new sprues to depict the unique attributes of this variant.We can also marvel at the kit's subtle surface textures, high level of detail, clever parts breakdown and accuracy.In this new book, we provide an exhaustive step-by-step illustrated guide to building and detailing the 1:32 scale F4U-1D and F4U-1A, offering plenty of inspiration with two different configurations and colour schemes.
REVISED How to Build The Airfix 1:24 Typhoon MK.IB inc. Car Door and Bubbletop Versions.The complete guide to building the amazing Airfix 1:24 scale Hawker Typhoon, written by Brett Green of HyperScale and Model Military fame.This new book features an exhaustive step-by-step guide to construction with modelling contributions by James Hatch, Brett, Marcus Nicholls and Chris Wauchop.Detailed analysis of the 1:72 Airfix Typhoon and 1:48 scale kits on the market is also included.
How to Build The Revell 1:32 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa (designed to be used with Revell kits) The name Supermarine Spitfire has now become synonymous with an entire island people, and their battle to maintain their freedom in the shadow of the Nazi jackboot. The very shape and sound of the Supermarine Spitfire seems to still invoke and embody the usually reserved pride of the British person.It is probably true to say that Reginald Mitchell's beautiful aircraft design is one of the most easily recognised and much-loved shapes that ever took to the skies.When actual mass production of the Supermarine Spitfire ceased in 1948, over 20,000 machines had been built, and operated by over thirty countries around the world.This iconic series saw service with the RAF right up until the mid-1950s. It also saw service with the Irish Air Corps as late as 1961; a full 26yrs after the flight of the prototype K5054.Revell has now released an all-new 1:32 scale Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa. With some minor modifications, this model may also be built as a Mk.I or a Mk.Va.Over the course of five Chapters, James Hatch examines the kit contents in detail, describes construction of the model with lavish illustrations, and points out the areas of the kit that may be improved and corrected.This new book features an exhaustive step-by-step guide to construction; plus a painting and weathering tutorial. A number of essential reference resources are also included.
HOW TO BUILD TAMIYA'S 1:48 SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE MK.1 (2018 released kits)When Tamiya released their 1:32 scale Spitfire Mk.IXc in 2009, they set a new standard for plastic model kits. As one of the most popular subjects in the history of scale modelling, we should not be surprised to find that Tamiya has now released an all-new Spitfire kit in 1:48 scale.Tamiya's brand new 1:48 scale Spitfire Mk.I delivers innovative design, outstanding detail, an accurate outline and crisp, subtle surface textures.This model has nothing at all in common with their 1993 kit.Between these covers, we provide an exhaustive step-by-step illustrated guide to building Tamiya's 1:48 scale Spitfire Mk.I straight from the box plus tips on painting and weathering. Plenty of inspiration is offered with two different configurations plus a conversion to the Photo Reconnaissance version with models by Brett Green and Marcus Nicholls.Also included are a walkaround of a surviving Spitfire Mk.I, a summary of other Spitfire Mk.I model kits available in 1:48 scale, a list of available accessories and decals plus a catalogue of helpful references.
How to Build Tamiya's Motorcycles. Our new book on building motorcycles by resident expert on Tamiya Model Magazine Keith Bristow shows you how to achieve the very best results that Keith is known for.Using Tamiya models Keith shows techniques for painting, weathering and superdetailing to create the amazing models seen in TMMI. This book gives all the hints and tips needed for all types of bikes from road to racing and all the techniques are relevant to the latest models. Super high quality photography and easy to follow step-by-step guides make this the unmissable book to have when building bikes or even cars.
How to Build Tamiya's Aircraft, is the latest addition to this popular series of modelling titles and as such, offers the enthusiast plenty of inspirational builds, hints, tips and techniques to enjoy. Within the book's 84 pages you will find features on the de Havilland Mosquito, McDonnell F-4 Phantom, Focke-Wulf Fw-190, Heinkel He-162, Bristol Beaufighter, Ilyushin IL-2, Vought F4U Corsair and Supermarine Spitfire, features created by expert modellers, keen to show you what is possible from Tamiya's range of excellent kits. 'How To Build Tamiya's Aircraft' The perfect addition to your library and your workbench! (designed to be used with Tamiya kits)
Extreme Reality 5 - Inglese 124 pagine. Copertina semi-rigidaIl realismo è solitamente l'obiettivo che noi modellisti vogliamo sempre raggiungere. Diventa molto difficile perché dobbiamo tenere a mente molti dettagli, ma questi piccoli dettagli sono quelli che danno al nostro modello il suo aspetto realistico. Extreme Reality mostra come questo realismo può essere raggiunto nella modellazione in scala. Segui gli artisti di talento attraverso un viaggio dalle modelle alla vita reale. Diviso in articoli passo dopo passo che ti mostrano da tecniche ben note ad alcune di esse rare o addirittura realizzate solo per il suo modello specifico.