CH-53E "Super Stallion", MH-53E "Sea dragon" rotore principale dispiegato (7 pale - 3 motori) per kit Academy (stampato in 3D) in scala 1/48 - Set di dettagli Reskit stampati in 3D.
Brassin ha impostato le ruote del carrello di atterraggio per Chinook HC.1 in scala 1/72.Il set è composto dalle ruote principali e dalle ruote di coda.Facile da montare, sostituisce le parti in plastica.Kit consigliato: Airfix Il set contiene:resina: 6 partidecalcomanie: nodettagli fotoincisi: nomaschera di pittura: sì
AH-1G Turret Armament - Minigun and grenade launcher barrels (2 of each) in 1/35 scale - CMK set.The AH-1G Cobra was equipped with a turret under the nose and could carry a minigun with grenade launcher, a pair of miniguns or a pair of grenade launchers, depending on crew preference or operational requirements. And these combinations can be assembled using the parts in this 3D printed set that offer much better detail than the styrene parts in the original ICM model kit.
1/35 Scale Exterior Upgrade Set - CMK Set.This set consists of a 3D printed pitot tube, a 3D printed tail skid, and the thick under-wing armament carried by the AH-1G that includes pairs of M200, M260 and XM-150 rocket launchers with much better levels of detail than the Avere kit parts. The main bodies of the launchers are made of resin, while the front and rear faces are 3D printed. Photo-etched details are also included.
Vietnam-era U.S. helicopter pilot helmet (2 pieces) 1/35 scale - Set CMK.A pair of finely detailed resin helmets depicting the ??type used by U.S. helicopter aviators during the Vietnam War. The set also contains photo etchings.
1/35 Scale AH-1G Cobra Cockpit Upgrade Set - CMK Set.This multi-material set consists of resin, 3D printed and photo-etched parts and significantly enhances the pilot and gunner offices of the AH-1G Cobra model. And because the interior of the cockpit is very easy to see through the large side windows, which can also be opened, this set is truly a "must have!"
LööK Set - Brassin pre-painted dashboards and STEEL seat belts for Sea King HU.5 in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: Airfix Set contains:resin: 4 partsdecals: nophotoetched details: yes, pre-paintedpainting mask: no
LööK set Brassin pre-painted dashboards and STEEL seat belts for Sea King HAS.5 in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: Airfix Set contains:resin: 4 partsdecals: nophotoetched details: pre-paintedpainting mask: no
LööK set Brassin pre-painted dashboards and STEEL seat belts for Sea King HAS.1 in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: Airfix Set contains:resin: 3 partsdecals: nophotoetched details: pre-paintedpainting mask: no