
UH-1B Huey 1/35 - TRUMPETER 05111
SKU TRU-05111
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit elicottero UH-1B Huey in scala 1/35 - Modello Trumpeter.  L'UH-1B Huey è una variante del famoso elicottero militare Bell UH-1 Iroquois, comunemente noto come "Huey". Questo elicottero è uno dei più iconici e riconoscibili nella storia dell'aviazione militare, grazie al suo ampio utilizzo durante la Guerra del Vietnam. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Elicottero multiruolo leggero. Entrata in servizio: Anni '60. Equipaggio: 2 piloti e capacità per circa 6-8 soldati o carico equivalente. Motore: Un motore turboalbero Lycoming T53-L-5 da 960 shp. Velocità massima: Circa 204 km/h. Autonomia: Circa 480 km, estendibile con serbatoi supplementari. Armamento (specifico per la versione UH-1B) Mitragliatrici: Mitragliatrici leggere M60 montate ai lati. Lanciarazzi: Pod con razzi non guidati per supporto aereo ravvicinato. Minigun: Opzionale, montata su sistemi di supporto laterali. Ruoli operativi Trasporto truppe: Per spostare rapidamente unità di fanteria. Supporto aereo ravvicinato: Grazie al suo armamento, il modello era in grado di fornire copertura durante operazioni di sbarco o ritirata. Evacuazione medica (MEDEVAC): Utilizzato per trasportare feriti dal campo di battaglia. Ricognizione e assistenza logistica: Ruoli versatili resi possibili dalla sua affidabilità. Utilizzo nella Guerra del Vietnam L'UH-1B Huey è stato uno dei pilastri delle operazioni americane in Vietnam. Era apprezzato per la sua robustezza, la capacità di volare a bassa quota e il suo ruolo centrale nelle operazioni di assalto aereo. La sua versatilità e capacità di adattarsi a diversi ruoli lo hanno reso uno dei mezzi più utilizzati durante il conflitto. Sintesi L'UH-1B Huey rappresenta un'icona dell'aviazione militare grazie alla sua semplicità, versatilità e contributo fondamentale durante conflitti come quello del Vietnam. Ha posto le basi per lo sviluppo di numerosi elicotteri moderni.  


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AH-64A Apache Late 1/35 - TRUMPETER 05115
SKU TRU-05115
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit elicottero AH-64A Apache Late in scala 1/35 - Modello Trumpeter.  L'AH-64A Apache (Late) rappresenta una versione aggiornata del celebre elicottero d'attacco AH-64A Apache, progettato per fornire supporto aereo ravvicinato e superiorità sul campo di battaglia. Le versioni "Late" si riferiscono generalmente a modelli prodotti o aggiornati con miglioramenti specifici per aumentarne l'efficacia e l'affidabilità. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Elicottero d'attacco avanzato. Entrata in servizio: Metà degli anni '80, con aggiornamenti successivi. Propulsione: Due motori General Electric T700-GE-701 da 1.690 shp ciascuno. Velocità massima: Circa 293 km/h. Autonomia: Circa 480 km, estendibile con serbatoi esterni. Equipaggio: 2 membri (pilota e artigliere). Armamento Cannone M230 Chain Gun da 30 mm Montato sul muso, con una capacità di 1.200 colpi. Missili aria-terra AGM-114 Hellfire Principale arma anticarro con guida laser. Razzi non guidati Hydra 70 Utilizzati per attacchi di saturazione e supporto aereo ravvicinato. Missili aria-aria (opzionali) AIM-92 Stinger o AIM-9 Sidewinder per autodifesa. Elettronica e Sensori Sistema di visione notturna (TADS/PNVS): Combinazione di telecamere termiche e sistemi di visione per il targeting notturno. Laser designator: Per illuminare i bersagli e guidare i missili Hellfire. Avionica migliorata (Late Version): Implementazione di sistemi di navigazione più affidabili e interfacce migliorate. Ruolo Operativo Distruzione di veicoli corazzati: Ideale per eliminare carri armati e altri veicoli blindati. Supporto aereo ravvicinato: Cruciale per fornire fuoco di copertura alle truppe di terra. Ricognizione armata: Operazioni di osservazione con capacità di attacco immediato. Interdizione del campo di battaglia: Eliminazione di bersagli strategici dietro le linee nemiche. Utilizzo nei conflitti L'AH-64A Apache (Late) è stato largamente impiegato in conflitti come la Guerra del Golfo e le missioni in Iraq e Afghanistan, dove ha dimostrato la sua efficacia come piattaforma d'attacco multiruolo. Sintesi L'AH-64A Apache (Late) è un'icona degli elicotteri d'attacco, famoso per la sua potenza di fuoco, resilienza e capacità di operare in condizioni difficili. Le versioni aggiornate lo hanno mantenuto competitivo e adatto alle esigenze delle guerre moderne, rendendolo un punto di riferimento nell'aviazione militare.  


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Westland Lynx Mk.90 - 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 87240
SKU HOBS-87240
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit elicottero Westland Lynx Mk.90 in scala 1/72 - Modello Hobby Boss.  Il Westland Lynx Mk.90 è una variante dell'elicottero multiuso Westland Lynx, progettato nel Regno Unito e adattato specificamente per la Marina Reale Danese (Royal Danish Navy). Questa versione fu sviluppata per soddisfare le esigenze di pattugliamento marittimo, guerra antisommergibile (ASW), e altre missioni navali. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Elicottero multiuso marittimo. Produttore: Westland Helicopters (ora parte di Leonardo). Entrata in servizio: Anni '80. Utente principale: Marina Reale Danese. Specifiche tecniche Motori: Due motori turboalbero Rolls-Royce Gem 42. Velocità massima: 324 km/h. Autonomia: Circa 555 km. Peso massimo al decollo: 5.330 kg. Equipaggio: 2 piloti e fino a 6 passeggeri o specialisti. Capacità operative Ruolo principale: Pattugliamento costiero e navale. Ricerca e soccorso (SAR). Guerra antisommergibile (ASW) e anti-superficie (ASuW). Supporto logistico e trasporto leggero. Equipaggiamenti specifici: Radar per la ricerca marittima. Sistema sonar per individuazione di sommergibili. Armamento Missili: Missili antinave Sea Skua (opzionali). Siluri: Siluri antisommergibile. Mitragliatrici: Mitragliatrici leggere montate ai lati per autodifesa. Utilizzo operativo Il Lynx Mk.90 è stato utilizzato dalla Marina Reale Danese principalmente a bordo di fregate e altre navi da guerra per: Operazioni di pattugliamento e protezione delle acque territoriali. Operazioni internazionali, tra cui missioni NATO e operazioni di sicurezza marittima. Missioni di ricerca e soccorso (SAR). Impatto storico Il Lynx Mk.90 rappresenta uno degli elicotteri più versatili della sua epoca, grazie alla capacità di adattarsi a molteplici scenari operativi. La variante danese è stata aggiornata nel corso degli anni per rimanere al passo con le esigenze moderne, specialmente in contesti navali e di difesa. Sintesi finale Il Westland Lynx Mk.90 è un elicottero marittimo progettato per la Marina Reale Danese, noto per la sua versatilità e affidabilità. Utilizzato in missioni di guerra antisommergibile, pattugliamento costiero e operazioni di salvataggio, ha dimostrato di essere un elemento cruciale per le operazioni navali danesi e per le missioni internazionali.  


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UH-34D Choctaw 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 87222
SKU HOBS-87222
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit elicottero UH-34D Choctaw in scala 1/72 - Modello Hobby Boss.  L'UH-34D Choctaw è una versione dell'elicottero medio Sikorsky H-34, sviluppato negli Stati Uniti negli anni '50 e '60. Utilizzato principalmente per il trasporto truppe, operazioni di evacuazione medica, e missioni di supporto logistico, fu un velivolo fondamentale per i Marines statunitensi durante il conflitto in Vietnam. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Elicottero utility medio. Produttore: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. Entrata in servizio: 1956. Equipaggio: 3 membri (pilota, copilota, e operatore di carico). Specifiche tecniche Motore: Wright R-1820-84, un motore radiale a 9 cilindri raffreddato ad aria da 1.525 CV. Velocità massima: 209 km/h. Autonomia: Circa 315 km, estendibile con serbatoi aggiuntivi. Peso massimo al decollo: 6.830 kg. Capacità di trasporto: Fino a 16 soldati completamente equipaggiati o 6 barelle mediche con personale sanitario. Armamento L'UH-34D non era armato di default, ma poteva essere equipaggiato con mitragliatrici per autodifesa, solitamente montate ai lati della cabina di carico. Utilizzo operativo Ruolo principale: Trasporto truppe. Evacuazione medica. Supporto logistico in ambienti difficili. Conflitti: Guerra del Vietnam: impiegato intensamente dai Marines per operazioni di trasporto e soccorso. Impiegato anche da altre nazioni, tra cui Francia e Regno Unito, in contesti militari e civili. Impatto storico L'UH-34D Choctaw fu uno degli ultimi elicotteri militari a motore radiale, prima della diffusione di motori turboalbero. La sua robustezza e affidabilità lo resero particolarmente adatto per operazioni in ambienti ostili, inclusi terreni montuosi e giungle. Sintesi finale L'UH-34D Choctaw è ricordato come un elicottero versatile e robusto, che giocò un ruolo chiave nelle operazioni militari degli anni '50 e '60. Con una carriera operativa che lo vide protagonista in conflitti importanti come il Vietnam, il Choctaw dimostrò di essere una macchina affidabile in condizioni difficili, segnando la transizione verso tecnologie aeronautiche più avanzate.  


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CH-47D Chinook 1/48 - HOBBY BOSS 81773
SKU HOBS-81773
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

  Kit elicottero CH-47D Chinook in scala 1/48 - Modello Hobby Boss. Il CH-47D Chinook è un elicottero da trasporto pesante bimotore, caratterizzato da un design con due rotori principali in tandem, prodotto dalla Boeing Vertol. È una versione aggiornata del famoso CH-47 Chinook, che è stato una colonna portante delle operazioni logistiche e tattiche di numerosi eserciti nel mondo. Caratteristiche principali: Tipo: Elicottero da trasporto pesante. Origine: Stati Uniti. Entrata in servizio: 1982 (versione D). Motori: 2 turboalberi Lycoming T55-GA-714 (4.733 shp ciascuno). Velocità massima: Circa 315 km/h. Raggio operativo: Circa 740 km, estendibile con serbatoi supplementari. Capacità di carico: Interno: Fino a 24.000 libbre (10.886 kg). Esterno (sottofuso): Fino a 26.000 libbre (11.793 kg). Equipaggio: 3 membri (pilota, copilota, ingegnere di volo). Design e Capacità: Rotori in tandem: Due rotori principali controrotanti eliminano la necessità di un rotore di coda, garantendo maggiore stabilità e capacità di sollevamento. Versatilità di carico: Può trasportare fino a 55 soldati completamente equipaggiati o barelle mediche per missioni MEDEVAC. Utilizzabile per il trasporto di veicoli leggeri, artiglieria o rifornimenti. Gancio esterno: Dotato di tre ganci esterni, permette di trasportare carichi sospesi di grandi dimensioni, come container, veicoli o pezzi di artiglieria. Accesso: Una grande rampa posteriore facilita il carico/scarico rapido di truppe e materiali. Sistemi avanzati: Include aggiornamenti elettronici rispetto alle versioni precedenti, con strumentazione digitale, navigazione migliorata, e sistemi di contromisure elettroniche. Ruolo operativo: Il CH-47D Chinook è progettato per missioni di: Trasporto tattico di truppe e materiali. Rifornimento logistico: In supporto alle operazioni sul campo. Evacuazione medica (MEDEVAC). Recupero e riposizionamento di attrezzature militari pesanti. Supporto umanitario: Impiegato in operazioni di soccorso in caso di calamità naturali. Impiego nei conflitti: Il CH-47D Chinook è stato utilizzato in numerosi teatri operativi, tra cui: Guerra del Vietnam: Versioni precedenti, come il CH-47A/B/C, hanno fornito supporto critico. Guerra del Golfo (1991): Trasporto di materiali e truppe nelle regioni desertiche. Afghanistan e Iraq: Per operazioni logistiche e tattiche in terreni difficili. Operazioni umanitarie: Come il soccorso post-tsunami nel 2004 e terremoti in varie regioni del mondo. Sintesi finale: Il CH-47D Chinook è un elicottero altamente versatile e affidabile, capace di affrontare molteplici missioni in contesti operativi estremi. La sua capacità di sollevamento pesante, combinata con un design robusto e aggiornamenti tecnologici, lo ha reso una risorsa essenziale per le forze armate di tutto il mondo.  


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Westland Sea Lynx MK.88A 1/32 - REVELL 03806
SKU RE-3806
Scale: 1/32
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit Westland Sea Lynx MK.88A 40 Years in scala 1/32 - Modello Revell.  Il Sea Lynx Mk.88A è una versione del Westland Lynx, un elicottero multi-ruolo sviluppato dall'azienda britannica Westland Helicopters. È utilizzato principalmente come elicottero navale dalle forze armate tedesche (Bundesmarine), specializzato in operazioni marittime, tra cui guerra anti-sommergibile (ASW) e anti-superficie (ASuW). Caratteristiche principali Ruolo: Elicottero navale multi-ruolo. Produttore: Westland Helicopters (Regno Unito). Operatori principali: Marina Tedesca. Equipaggio: 2 piloti più personale di missione. Dimensioni: Lunghezza: 15,2 metri (con rotore). Diametro del rotore: 12,8 metri. Altezza: 3,7 metri. Motori: 2 turbomotori Rolls-Royce Gem 42-1. Velocità massima: 259 km/h. Autonomia: Circa 600 km. Peso massimo al decollo: 4.766 kg. Armamento e Sistemi Il Sea Lynx Mk.88A è progettato per operazioni navali e può essere equipaggiato con: Siluri leggeri per missioni di guerra anti-sottomarino (ASW). Missili Sea Skua aria-superficie per attacchi contro navi nemiche. Mitragliatrici leggere montate a bordo per autodifesa. Radar di sorveglianza marittima e sistemi di rilevamento sonar. Impiego Operativo Guerra anti-sottomarino (ASW): Il Sea Lynx Mk.88A può rilevare e attaccare sottomarini con siluri grazie a sonar e radar avanzati. Guerra anti-superficie (ASuW): Può attaccare navi nemiche con missili Sea Skua. Ricognizione e sorveglianza marittima: Supporta operazioni di pattugliamento navale. Operazioni di soccorso e salvataggio (SAR): Utilizzato per recupero e assistenza in mare. Utilizzo nella Marina Tedesca La Marina Tedesca ha adottato il Sea Lynx Mk.88A per operare dalle fregate e altre unità navali. È apprezzato per la sua versatilità, capacità di operare in condizioni difficili e per l'efficacia nelle missioni di guerra marittima. Conclusione Il Sea Lynx Mk.88A rappresenta uno degli elicotteri navali più avanzati e versatili in servizio nella Marina Tedesca. Grazie alla combinazione di armamento sofisticato, sistemi di rilevamento e capacità operative, svolge un ruolo fondamentale nelle missioni di guerra anti-sottomarino, anti-superficie e sorveglianza marittima.  


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Westland Lynx 1/72 - REVELL 03805
SKU RE-3805
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit Westland Lynx MK.88 in scala 1/72 - Modello Revell.  Il Westland Lynx è un elicottero multi-ruolo progettato e prodotto dalla Westland Helicopters nel Regno Unito. Introdotto negli anni '70, è stato impiegato sia in ambito militare che civile e ha guadagnato una reputazione per la sua versatilità, robustezza e capacità di manovra. Utilizzato da molte forze armate nel mondo, il Lynx è stato sviluppato in diverse versioni per compiti terrestri e navali. Caratteristiche Principali Produttore: Westland Helicopters (ora parte di Leonardo Helicopters). Primo volo: 21 marzo 1971. Introduzione: 1977. Ruolo: Elicottero multi-ruolo (trasporto, ricognizione, attacco leggero, supporto navale). Equipaggio: 2 piloti (fino a 10 passeggeri in configurazione trasporto). Dimensioni: Lunghezza: 15,2 m (incluso rotore). Diametro rotore: 12,8 m. Altezza: 3,4 m. Prestazioni: Motori: 2 turbomotori Rolls-Royce Gem. Velocità massima: 324 km/h (nella versione terrestre). Autonomia: Circa 600 km. Tangenza operativa: 3.200 m. Peso massimo al decollo: 4.760 kg. Varianti del Lynx Il Westland Lynx è stato sviluppato in diverse varianti, ciascuna pensata per specifici ruoli e clienti: Lynx AH.1 / AH.7 / AH.9 Versioni per l'Esercito britannico (Army Helicopter). Impiegato per trasporto truppe, ricognizione e supporto tattico. Lynx HAS.2 / HAS.3 / HMA.8 Varianti navali per la Royal Navy (Helicopter Anti-Submarine). Equipaggiate con sonar, missili anti-nave Sea Skua e siluri. Super Lynx Versione avanzata con motori potenziati e avionica migliorata. Utilizzata da diverse marine, tra cui quella brasiliana, malese e sudcoreana. Lynx Mk.88 / Mk.88A Versioni utilizzate dalla Marina Tedesca (Deutsche Marine). Specializzate in guerra anti-sottomarino (ASW) e anti-superficie (ASuW). Wildcat AW159 Successore modernizzato del Lynx. Impiego Operativo Il Westland Lynx è stato utilizzato con successo in numerose operazioni e ruoli: Guerra anti-sottomarino (ASW): Equipaggiato con sonar e siluri per cacciare sottomarini. Guerra anti-superficie (ASuW): Armato con missili anti-nave, come i Sea Skua. Supporto tattico: Trasporto di truppe e materiali in operazioni terrestri. Ricognizione e sorveglianza: Monitoraggio delle aree di operazione. Missioni SAR (Search and Rescue): Recupero di personale in mare e in ambienti ostili. Record e Innovazioni Il Lynx detiene ancora il record mondiale di velocità per un elicottero convenzionale, stabilito nel 1986 con una velocità di 400,87 km/h. È noto per la sua eccezionale manovrabilità, capace di compiere evoluzioni acrobatiche come il looping e il tonneau. Operatori Il Westland Lynx è stato impiegato da molte nazioni tra cui: Regno Unito (Esercito e Marina). Germania (versioni navali). Paesi Bassi, Francia, Brasile, Portogallo e altri. Conclusione Il Westland Lynx è un elicottero straordinario per la sua versatilità, velocità e capacità di manovra. Con numerose varianti adattate per ruoli specifici, è stato un pilastro sia per le operazioni terrestri che per quelle navali, servendo forze armate di tutto il mondo con successo per decenni.  


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AH-1G Cobra 1/48 - SPECIAL HOBBY SH48235
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Kit elicottero AH-1G Cobra 'Marines/US Navy' in scala 1/48 - Modello Special Hobby.  L'AH-1G Cobra, spesso soprannominato "HueyCobra", è un elicottero d'attacco sviluppato negli Stati Uniti negli anni '60 dalla Bell Helicopter. È stato il primo elicottero progettato specificamente per il combattimento e ha giocato un ruolo cruciale durante la Guerra del Vietnam. L'AH-1G rappresenta la variante iniziale della serie Cobra, basata sul popolare elicottero da trasporto UH-1 Huey, da cui eredita molte caratteristiche, tra cui il motore e la trasmissione. Caratteristiche principali Design: Fuseliera snella e stretta per ridurre il profilo e aumentare la manovrabilità. Configurazione con due posti in tandem: il pilota dietro e il copilota/artigliere davanti. Rotore principale a due pale e rotore di coda a due pale. Motore: Equipaggiato con un motore a turbina Lycoming T53-L-13 da 1.100 cavalli, che garantiva buone prestazioni anche in condizioni difficili. Armamento: Torretta anteriore M28: poteva montare una combinazione di mitragliatrici M134 Minigun da 7,62 mm e lanciarazzi da 40 mm. Razzi FFAR (Folding-Fin Aerial Rockets) montati su piloni esterni. Capacità di trasportare missili anticarro TOW nelle versioni successive. Poteva anche essere armato con mitragliatrici o cannoni da 20 mm per missioni specifiche. Prestazioni: Velocità massima: circa 277 km/h. Raggio operativo: 570 km. Tetto di servizio: 3.800 m. Equipaggio: 2 persone: pilota e artigliere. Ruolo operativo Supporto aereo ravvicinato: L'AH-1G era progettato per fornire supporto aereo alle forze di terra, attaccando obiettivi nemici come fanteria, veicoli e fortificazioni. Scorta agli elicotteri da trasporto: Utilizzato per proteggere gli elicotteri da trasporto UH-1 Huey durante missioni di inserimento o evacuazione. Ricognizione armata: Eseguito missioni di ricognizione per identificare e attaccare bersagli. Attacchi anticarro: Sebbene limitato nella versione iniziale, il Cobra è stato aggiornato successivamente con missili TOW per missioni anticarro. Impiego durante la Guerra del Vietnam L'AH-1G Cobra è entrato in servizio nel 1967 con l'Esercito degli Stati Uniti ed è stato utilizzato estensivamente in Vietnam. Grazie alla sua velocità, potenza di fuoco e manovrabilità, è diventato uno degli elicotteri più efficaci per le missioni di supporto aereo ravvicinato e scorta. Evoluzione e impatto L'AH-1G è stato il capostipite di una famiglia di elicotteri d'attacco che include modelli più avanzati, come l'AH-1 Cobra SuperCobra e l'AH-1Z Viper. Ha rappresentato una svolta nel concetto di elicottero d'attacco, portando alla sua adozione da parte di molte forze armate nel mondo. L'AH-1G Cobra è un simbolo dell'innovazione tecnologica americana durante la Guerra Fredda e rimane un'icona nell'evoluzione degli elicotteri da combattimento.  


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SA 318C Alouette II 1/72 - BRENGUN BRS72024
SKU BRS-72024
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

 Kit elicottero SA 318C Alouette II in scala 1/72 - Modello Brengun. Il SA 318C Alouette II è un elicottero leggero multiuso sviluppato dall'azienda francese Sud Aviation (poi diventata parte di Aérospatiale). È stato uno dei primi elicotteri al mondo a essere alimentato da un motore a turbina, un'innovazione che ha garantito prestazioni eccellenti rispetto ai modelli con motore a pistoni disponibili all'epoca. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Elicottero leggero multiuso. Primo volo: 12 marzo 1955. Propulsione: Motore a turbina Turboméca Artouste II o Artouste IIC6. Capacità: Equipaggio: 1 pilota. Passeggeri: Fino a 4 persone (a seconda della configurazione). Velocità massima: Circa 190 km/h. Autonomia: Circa 500 km. Altitudine operativa: Fino a circa 3.000 metri. Dimensioni: Lunghezza totale: Circa 9,66 metri. Diametro del rotore: Circa 10,2 metri. Ruoli operativi L'Alouette II è stato progettato per essere versatile e utilizzato in vari scenari. Le sue applicazioni includono: Ruoli militari: Ricognizione. Evacuazione medica (MEDEVAC) con capacità di trasporto di una barella. Addestramento dei piloti. Supporto logistico. Ruoli civili: Operazioni di salvataggio e ricerca (SAR). Trasporto leggero di persone e materiali. Operazioni di controllo del territorio e pattugliamento. Innovazioni È stato uno dei primi elicotteri ad adottare un motore a turbina, che garantiva maggiore potenza e affidabilità rispetto ai motori a pistoni. Il design della cabina con ampie superfici vetrate garantiva una visibilità eccellente per il pilota, una caratteristica cruciale per missioni di soccorso e pattugliamento. Utilizzo globale L'Alouette II è stato ampiamente esportato e utilizzato da numerose forze armate e operatori civili in tutto il mondo, tra cui: Francia: Utilizzato dall'Armée de l'Air e dall'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre. Germania: Utilizzato per scopi militari e civili. India: Impiegato per operazioni in alta quota, grazie alla sua capacità di volo a grandi altitudini. Sudafrica: Usato per pattugliamenti e missioni di sorveglianza. Eredità Il SA 318C Alouette II ha segnato un'importante tappa nello sviluppo dell'elicotteristica, dimostrando l'efficacia dei motori a turbina in elicotteri leggeri. È stato sostituito nel tempo da modelli più avanzati, come l'Alouette III, ma rimane un simbolo di innovazione tecnologica nel settore aeronautico. In alcuni paesi, l'Alouette II è ancora in uso per compiti non operativi o come elicottero storico.  

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AH-1G Cobra 1/48 - ICM 48298
SKU ICM-48298
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

TheAH-1G Cobra was the first attack helicopter specifically designed for combat, developed in the United States in the 1960s. Derived from the Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey), the AH-1G was created in response to the need for an armed and maneuverable aircraft for direct tactical support during the Vietnam War. Key features Helicopter Type: Attack Helicopter. Engine: Lycoming T53-L-13 turboshaft engine, rated at about 1,100 horsepower. Top speed: Approximately 277 mph. Armament: M134 Minigun machine guns and M129 40-mm grenade launcher mounted in a turret under the nose. Hydra 70 rocket launchers and TOW missiles for anti-tank attacks and close air support. Crew: 2 members (pilot and gunner). Employment and role Vietnam War: Used intensively by the US Army for close air support, convoy and troop escort, and anti-tank missions. Its speed and firepower made it very effective against ground targets. Maneuverability: Due to its narrow fuselage configuration, it was able to operate nimbly in complex environments such as jungles and mountainous terrain. Historical significance. The AH-1G Cobra marked the beginning of the modern era of attack helicopters, profoundly influencing the design of subsequent combat helicopter models. Its effectiveness in Vietnam solidified the idea of the attack helicopter as a key element of close air support operations, leading to the development of further versions and models such as the AH-1W Super Cobra and AH-1Z Viper.


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Mi-24P Hind-F - 1/48 - TRUMPETER 05829
SKU TRU-05829
Scale: 1/48
Nation: Russia
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Mi-24P Hind-F attack helicopter kit in 1/48 scale - Trumpeter model. The Mi-24P Hind-F is a variant of the Soviet Mil Mi-24 attack and troop transport helicopter, also known as the "Hind" in NATO classification. This model, developed in the 1970s, is a multipurpose combat helicopter, combining the ability to transport troops and perform attack missions. Main features of the Mi-24P Hind-F: Type: Attack helicopter and armored troop transport. Developer: Mil, Soviet Union. Entry into service: Late 1970s. Armament: Side-mounted 30mmGSh-30-2 cannon (specific to the "P" model). 9M114 Shturm anti-tank missiles (AT-6 Spiral). S-8 and S-13 unguided rockets. Strela-2 or Igla air-to-air missiles for air defense. Engines: Two TV3-117 turboshaft engines, providing high power. Maximum speed: Approximately 335 km/h. Range: Approximately 450-500 km. Crew: 2 members (pilot and co-pilot/trooper). Carrying capacity: Can carry up to 8 fully equipped soldiers in the rear compartment. Differences with other variants: The "P" version is distinguished by the fixed 30 mm GSh-30-2 cannon, which replaced the mobile 12.7 mm YakB-12.7 machine gun of earlier variants. This change made the Mi-24P more lethal against armored vehicles and ground targets, increasing firepower. Role and use: The Mi-24P has been used in numerous conflicts, from the Afghanistan War of the 1980s to the recent conflict in Syria. Due to its robustness and ability to combine attack operations with troop transport, it has been a mainstay of the Soviet and, later, Russian armed forces, as well as being employed by various other countries. The Mi-24P Hind-F is a versatile helicopter, capable of operating in harsh environments and providing both direct support to troops in the field and attacks against armored vehicles.


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AH-64A Apache 1/35 - TRUMPETER 05114
SKU TRU-05114
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Italian AH-64A Apache attack helicopter kit in 1/35 scale - Trumpeter model. TheAH-64A Apache is a twin-engine main rotor attack helicopter designed for combat operations. It is the first model in the Apache family developed by Hughes Helicopters (later McDonnell Douglas, now Boeing). It is used primarily for anti-tank missions, but also for armed reconnaissance, close air support, and battlefield interdiction. Main features: Type: Attack helicopter Entry into service: Mid-1980s Propulsion: Two General Electric T700 turboshaft engines Armament: M230 30mm cannon mounted on the nose. AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-ground missiles. Unguided Hydra 70 70-mm rockets. Stinger air-to-air missiles or AIM-9 Sidewinder in some cases. Maximum speed: Approximately 293 km/h Range: About 480 km, with extended combat range with external tanks. Crew: 2 members (pilot and gunner). Role: The AH-64A Apache is designed to carry out close air support missions, destruction of armored vehicles, enemy troop formations and fortified positions. Its ability to fly at low altitude and attack targets with precision makes it ideal for anti-tank operations, especially during conflicts such as the 1991 Gulf War. Electronics and Sensor Systems: Night vision sensors: Includes an infrared targeting system to operate in low visibility conditions. Target Acquisition System: FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared), which allows the Apache to engage targets in all weather conditions. Usage: TheAH-64A has served in numerous conflicts, including the Gulf War, the Iraq conflict, and Afghanistan, and remains an extremely effective helicopter for modern military operations. Later models, such as theAH-64D ApacheLongbow, have further enhanced the Apache's capabilities, with advanced fire control radars and more sophisticated communications systems.


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Bell AH-1 / AB-47 - 1/72 - ITALERI 095
SKU ITA-0095
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Bell AH-1 / AB-47 helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Italeri model. The Bell AH-1 and the Bell AB-47 (also known as the Bell 47) are two very different helicopters developed by Bell Helicopter, each with a specific role in military and civil aviation. Bell AH-1 The Bell AH-1 is an attack helicopter, one of the most iconic ever produced. Here is an overview: Full name: Bell AH-1 Cobra (also known as HueyCobra or simply Cobra). Role: Attack helicopter. Origin: Produced in the United States by Bell Helicopter in the 1960s. Development: Derived from the famous UH-1 Huey, the AH-1 was the first helicopter specifically designed for attack missions. Main use: Used primarily during the Vietnam War. It was used for close air support, ground attack, and escort operations for troop transports. Armaments: Equipped with machine guns, rocket launchers, and missiles such as TOWs (anti-tank missiles). Later, it received upgrades to more modern armaments. Variants: AH-1G: Initial version for the U.S. Army. AH-1S, AH-1F: Modernized variants with improved weapons systems and avionics. Successors: It was later replaced in many armed forces by theAH-64 Apache, but some variants of the AH-1 are still in use in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and Israel. Bell AB-47 (or Bell 47) The Bell AB-47, more commonly known as the Bell 47, is a light multi-role helicopter and was one of the first mass-produced helicopters: Full name: Bell 47 (in Italy, built under license by Agusta as AB-47). Role: Light helicopter for civilian and military use. Origin: First produced in the 1940s by Bell Helicopter. Fame: It is famous for being one of the first helicopters to have extensive civilian and military use. It became known for its reliability and ease of use. Military use: Used by the U.S. Army and other armed forces for reconnaissance, medical evacuation, training and light transport missions. Iconic design: The Bell 47 has a recognizable design, with a glass "bubble" cockpit that gives it a distinctive appearance. Popularity: It has been used in many movies and television programs, such as the "MAS*H" series. Production and variants: It was built in numerous variants and sold worldwide, used by civilian operators for agricultural operations, aerial photography, patrols and rescue operations. Main differences: The Bell AH-1 is an attack helicopter designed for offensive military purposes, while the Bell AB-47 is a versatile light helicopter used in a wide range of civilian and military roles, often for support and reconnaissance operations.


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Westland Sea King HC.4 - 1/72 - AIRFIX A04056A
SKU AX04056A
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Westland Sea King HC.4 helicopter kit 1/72 scale - Airfix model. The Westland Sea King HC.4 is a version of the Sea King helicopter developed by Westland Helicopters, based on the original design of the US Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King. This version was specifically designed for troop transport and amphibious operations for the British Royal Navy and other UK armed forces. The Sea King is famous for having been used in a wide range of operations, including transport, search and rescue, medical evacuation, and special forces support missions. Key features of the Westland Sea King HC.4 Design and structure: The HC.4 is a specially modified version for troop transport and amphibious operations. It features an elongated side spindle, allowing it to carry up to 28 fully equipped soldiers or equivalent loads of cargo and equipment. The fuselage has been modified from previous versions to improve corrosion resistance to better cope with harsh marine operating conditions. Engine and performance: The HC.4 is equipped with two Rolls-Royce Gnome turbine engines that give it a top speed of about 208 km/h (130 mph) and an operating range of about 1,200 km (750 miles), depending on load. It is capable of operating in difficult conditions, such as bad weather and isolated areas, due to its vertical takeoff and landing capability, typical of helicopters. Role and capabilities: Troop transport: The main function of the HC.4 is to transport soldiers, equipment and supplies to theaters of operation, often in support of amphibious operations conducted by the Royal Navy or Royal Marines. Amphibious operations: Because of its ability to operate in a marine environment, the HC.4 has been used in many landing missions and coastal military operations. It can take off and land from warships such as aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships. Humanitarian support and evacuations: In addition to troop transport, the HC.4 has played a key role in evacuation and humanitarian support missions because of its ability to land in hard-to-reach places. Equipment and armament: Generally, the HC.4 is unarmed for troop transport duties, but it can be equipped with side machine guns for defense or support during assault operations. It is equipped with advanced navigation equipment and instruments for night and severe weather flight. Operational use: The Sea King HC.4 has been used extensively by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines in military operations around the world. It has participated in numerous military campaigns, including the Falklands War (1982), where it played an essential role in troop transport and logistics. It has also been used in other conflicts, such as the Gulf War (1991), and in peacekeeping missions and humanitarian operations. Evolution and replacement The HC.4 was phased out of operational service, with the Merlin HC3 taking its place as the main transport helicopter for the British armed forces. Nonetheless, the Sea King HC.4 left an indelible mark in British military aviation history for its contribution in numerous crucial missions. Conclusion The Westland Sea King HC.4 is a versatile and robust helicopter designed for troop transport and amphibious operations. It has been a key tool for the Royal Navy and Royal Marines in multiple theaters of war and humanitarian operations, demonstrating its capabilities under difficult operational conditions.


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Bristol 192 Belvedere 1/72 - AIRFIX A03002V
SKU AX03002V
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Bristol 192 Belvedere Vintage Classics helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Airfix model. The Bristol 192 Belvedere is a British transport helicopter developed by the Bristol Aeroplane Company in the 1950s. It was the first twin-engine helicopter built in the United Kingdom and was mainly used by the Royal Air Force (RAF). The Belvedere is known for its tandem rotor design, with two rotors placed one in front and one in back, a rare configuration among helicopters. Key features: Design: The Bristol 192 Belvedere had a unique design with two tandem rotors, one located at the front and the other at the rear of the aircraft. This configuration allowed it to have a greater carrying capacity than single-rotor helicopters while maintaining good flight stability. The fuselage is long and narrow, designed to carry troops, cargo or equipment. Role and capabilities: It was primarily intended for troop, cargo and medical evacuation transport, being able to carry up to 19 equipped soldiers or an equivalent cargo of goods. It was used for transport operations in both land and sea environments. Motorization: It was powered by two Napier Gazelle turboshaft engines, which provided the necessary power for lifting and flying. Operational use: The Bristol Belvedere was introduced into service in 1961 and used until its decommissioning in 1969. It served in several theaters, including some deployments during the Suez Crisis and in Aden. Because of its cargo capacity, it was also useful for logistical transport and humanitarian missions. Performance: The Belvedere could reach a maximum speed of about 210 km/h and had a range of about 540 km. Its maximum operational altitude was about 3,000 meters. Limitations: Although it was advanced for the time, the tandem rotor design and available technology made the Belvedere less maneuverable and noisier than other helicopters in use later. In addition, it had a relatively low speed. In summary, the Bristol 192 Belvedere was a transport helicopter with an unusual configuration, used by the RAF to transport troops and cargo, with a short operational career but an important role in Royal Air Force operations in the 1960s.


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OH-6D Shark Teeth 1/48 - HASEGAWA 07531
SKU HAS-07531
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

OH-6D `Shark Teeth´ Limited Edition helicopter kit in 1/48 scale - Hasegawa model. TheOH-6D "Shark Teeth" is a special version of the OH-6 Cayuse helicopter, also known as the "Loach" (Light Observation Aircraft), used mainly during the Vietnam War. The OH-6D designation refers to a specific variant of this helicopter, while "Shark Teeth" is a nickname referring to the aircraft's paint job design. Characteristics of the OH-6D Designation and Role: OH-6Cayuse: The OH-6 is a light observation helicopter designed by Hughes Aircraft to perform reconnaissance and support tasks in wartime environments. It was used extensively during the Vietnam War. OH-6D: The "D" designation indicates an improved version of the OH-6, with upgrades in performance and capabilities. Technical Specifications: Engine: Equipped with a turbine engine of about 350-400 horsepower, depending on the specific configuration. Speed: Can reach a top speed of about 250 km/h (155 mph). Range: Range varies but is generally around 350-400 km (220-250 miles). Armament and Equipment: Armament: Depending on configuration, the OH-6D can be armed with light machine guns, rockets or even guided missiles, although the "Shark Teeth" version may be more oriented toward unarmed or light use. Equipment: Equipped with advanced weather communication and navigation systems, as well as observation and reconnaissance instruments. "Shark Teeth" Camouflage Camouflage Design: Appearance: The nickname "Shark Teeth" comes from the aircraft's distinctive paint decoration, which features a shark tooth pattern on the nose of the helicopter. This design not only serves an aesthetic purpose, but can also have a psychological function, intimidating enemies and making the helicopter more recognizable. History: This type of paint scheme became popular during the Vietnam War and in other conflicts because of its distinctive appearance and visual effect on the battlefield. Function and Use: Employment: Helicopters with this paint scheme were mainly used for reconnaissance, observation and sometimes light attack missions. Recognizability: The "Shark Teeth" design helped to quickly identify the helicopter as an allied aircraft and improve troop morale. Significance and Legacy. Role in the Vietnam War: Utilization: The OH-6 Cayuse was critical for reconnaissance operations and direct troop support during the Vietnam War. Its agility and ability to operate at low altitude made it particularly useful in such environments. Legacy: Collectibles: Restored examples of the OH-6D "Shark Teeth" are sought after by collectors and museums for their historical significance and distinctive design. Influence: The "Shark Teeth" design has become iconic and has influenced the paint jobs of other military and civilian aircraft. Conclusion TheOH-6D "Shark Teeth" is a version of the OH-6 Cayuse helicopter that is distinguished by its distinctive paint job and its role in reconnaissance and support operations during the Vietnam War. The "Shark Teeth" design not only adds an element of identification and intimidation, but also represents an important part of the military history of the era.


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Boeing Chinook HC.1/72 - AIRFIX A06023
SKU AX06023
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Boeing Chinook HC.1 helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Airfix model. The Boeing Chinook HC.1 is a variant of the famous Boeing CH-47 Chinook heavy transport helicopter, mainly used by the British Royal Air Force (RAF). Here is a detailed overview of this aircraft: Main Features Design and Development Origins: The Boeing CH-47 Chinook was developed to meet the needs of the U.S. Army, with the first flight occurring in 1961. The HC.1 variant was adopted by the RAF to improve airlift capabilities. Configuration: It is a twin-rotor counter-rotating (tandem) helicopter, offering high load-carrying capacity and stability in flight. Propulsion Engines: Equipped with two Lycoming T55-L-7C turboshaft engines, each capable of generating a power of about 2,200 shp (1,640 kW). Performance: Has a top speed of about 260 km/h (160 mph) and a range of about 740 km (460 miles), depending on load and operating conditions. Load Capacity. Carrying Capacity: Can carry up to 55 fully equipped soldiers or up to 10,886 kg (24,000 lb) of internal or external cargo. Flexibility: The cargo cabin is spacious and can be configured to carry troops, light vehicles, equipment or used for medical evacuation missions. Operational Use. Roles: Used primarily for tactical troop and material transport, logistical resupply and medical evacuation missions. It is also used for rescue and recovery operations in natural disasters. Military Operations: It has seen extensive use in various theaters of operation, including the Falklands War, operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, where its lifting capacity and versatility have been essential to British military operations. Technical Specifications. Length: 30.1 meters (98 feet 9 inches) Rotor Diameter: 18.3 meters (60 feet) Empty Weight: 10,185 kg (22,451 pounds) Max. Takeoff Weight: 22,680 kg (50,000 lbs.) Crew: Two pilots and one flight engineer Legacy and Subsequent Variants Successors: Later variants of the Chinook, such as the HC.2, HC.3, and HC.4, incorporated more powerful engines, advanced avionics, and other improvements based on operational experience. Modernizations: Many of the original HC.1s were upgraded to maintain their operational effectiveness and adapt to the new requirements of the armed forces. Conclusion The Boeing Chinook HC.1 has been a key component of the Royal Air Force's airlift capabilities, known for its ruggedness, reliability, and versatility. It has served with distinction in numerous conflicts and humanitarian operations, cementing its reputation as one of the most effective and durable heavy transport helicopters in the world.


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Sikorsky CH-54A Tarhe 1/35 - ICM 53057
SKU ICM-53057
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Sikorsky CH-54A Tarhe helicopter kit with universal military pod in 1/35 scale - ICM model.MARKINGSSikorsky CH-54A Tarhe 68-18457 with Universal Military Pod, 295th Aviation Company, Germany, 1972Sikorsky CH-54A Tarhe 67-18429 with Universal Military Pod, Key Field Air National Guard Base, August 1982Sikorsky CH-54A Tarhe 68-18459 with Universal Military Pod, 113th Aviation Regiment, Reno Stead Airport, November 1989DETAILS NUMBER697 The CH-54A Tarhe is a heavy transport helicopter designed and built by the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. It was widely used by the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and later for various lift and transport missions. It is known for its unique design and its ability to carry very heavy loads, including vehicles, artillery, and specialized equipment. Key features of the CH-54A Tarhe: Design and Construction: Design: The CH-54A Tarhe has a lattice structure with a long, six-wheel landing gear that allows suspended loads to be carried under the helicopter. Dimensions: It has a large-diameter main rotor and a narrow fuselage optimized for lifting heavy loads. Motorization: Engines: It is equipped with two Pratt & Whitney T73-P-1 turbine engines, each capable of developing 4,800 horsepower. Performance: It can reach a maximum speed of about 240 km/h and has a flight range of about 370 km with maximum load. Lifting Capacity: Load: The CH-54A can lift and carry up to 10,000 kg of external cargo, making it ideal for heavy transport operations and military logistics. Versatility: Due to its design, it can carry a wide range of cargo, including armored vehicles, artillery, containers and emergency equipment. Universal Military Pod: Description: The Universal Military Pod is one of many cargo configurations that can be attached to the CH-54A. It is a container module that can be quickly assembled and disassembled from the helicopter. Uses: This pod can be used to transport troops, relief supplies, medical equipment, ammunition and other cargo needed in military or humanitarian missions. Operational Use: VietnamWar: During the Vietnam War, the CH-54A Tarhe played a crucial role in transporting heavy equipment and recovering damaged helicopters. Modern Missions: Even after the Vietnam War, it was used for a variety of operations, including disaster relief missions, civil construction, and recovery operations. Legacy and Succession: CH-54B: An improved version of the CH-54A with more powerful engines and other modifications. Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane: The civilian version of the CH-54, used for heavy lift operations worldwide. Conclusion: The CH-54A Tarhe with universal military pod represents an extremely versatile and powerful helicopter capable of performing a wide range of transport and lifting missions. Its innovative design and ability to carry heavy loads made it an indispensable tool for the U.S. military during the Vietnam conflict and in subsequent operations. The universal military pod adds further flexibility, allowing rapid adaptation to different operational needs.

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CH-37A Mojave 1/72 - SPECIAL HOBBY SH72075
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

CH-37A Mojave 'US Army' helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Special Hobby model. The CH-37A Mo jave is a heavy transport helicopter developed by the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation for the U.S. Army. Introduced in the 1950s, the CH-37 Mojave was one of the largest helicopters of its time and was designed to transport troops, vehicles and heavy materials. Characteristics of the CH-37A Mojave: Design and Structure: Configuration: Helicopter with five-blade main rotor and four-blade tail rotor. Fuselage: Large and spacious, designed to carry heavy and bulky cargo. Cargo access was facilitated by large clam-shell doors at the front of the fuselage. Engines and Performance: Engines: Equipped with two Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp piston engines, each capable of developing about 2,100 horsepower (1,566 kW). Speed: Maximum speed of about 207 km/h (129 mph). Range: Ability to fly about 450 km (280 miles) with a maximum load. Cargo Capacity: Troop Transport: Could carry up to 26 fully equipped troops. HeavyLoads: Capable of carrying light vehicles, artillery pieces and other heavy loads up to a maximum of 4,500 kg (10,000 lb). Roles and Operational Use: Logistics Transport: Used for transporting supplies, equipment and troops between bases and operational fronts. Medical Evacuation: Adapted to evacuate wounded from the battlefield. Military Operations Support: Employed in a variety of logistical and operational support missions, especially in contexts where transportation infrastructure was limited or nonexistent. Technology and Innovations: Electrical Components: One of the CH-37A's innovations was the use of electrical and hydraulic components to control and manage cargo, improving operational efficiency. Historical Significance: The CH-37A Mojave represents a major breakthrough in U.S. Army airlift capability in the 1950s. Although it was quickly overtaken by more modern and efficient turbine-powered helicopters, the CH-37A played a crucial role during its service period, demonstrating the value of heavy transport helicopters in military operations. In Summary: The CH-37A Mojave is a heavy transport helicopter developed by Sikorsky for the U.S. Army. With a capability to carry troops, vehicles and heavy loads, the Mojave represented a significant advance in airborne logistics operations during the 1950s. Its ruggedness and versatility made it a valuable tool for a variety of military missions, although it was later replaced by more advanced turbine helicopters.


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Ka-52 Alligator 1/48 - ZVEZDA 4830
SKU ZVE-4830
Scale: 1/48
Nation: Russia
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Soviet Ka-52 "Alligator" attack helicopter kit in 1/48 scale - Zvezda model. The Ka-52 "Alligator" is an all-weather attack helicopter developed by the Russian company Kamov. It is an advanced version of the Ka-50 "Black Shark" and is mainly used for reconnaissance and attack missions. The helicopter features an innovative dual coaxial rotor design and a number of advanced technologies that make it one of the most modern attack helicopters in service. Features of the Ka-52 "Alligator": Design and Structure: Coaxial Rotors: Unlike conventional helicopters with a single main rotor and tail rotor, the Ka-52 uses a counter-rotating coaxial rotor system that eliminates the need for a tail rotor. This design increases the helicopter's maneuverability and stability. Seats: It has a two-seat side-by-side configuration, allowing the pilot and co-pilot to work closely together during missions. Engines: Propulsion: Equipped with two Klimov VK-2500 turboshaft engines, each with about 2,400 horsepower. These engines provide the power needed to operate in various weather conditions and altitudes. Armament: Cannon: Mounts a 30 mm 2A42 cannon, capable of firing different types of ammunition at ground and air targets. Missiles: Can be armed with a wide range of missiles, including anti-tank missiles (such as Vikhrs), air-to-air missiles and unguided missiles. Rockets: Features rocket launchers for ground attack missions. Avionics and Electronic Systems: Radar: Equipped with an advanced fire control radar that enables the acquisition and tracking of multiple targets. Targeting Systems: Includes advanced optical and electro-optical systems for target acquisition and missile guidance. Countermeasures: Features electronic countermeasures systems to defend against guided missiles and other threats. Performance: Speed: It has a top speed of about 300 km/h. Autonomy: It can operate at distances up to about 1,100 km with external fuel tanks. Service Roof: Capable of operating up to an altitude of about 5,500 meters. Operational Roles: Attack: Used for attack missions against armored vehicles, enemy structures and infantry forces. Reconnaissance: Can carry out reconnaissance missions due to its sophisticated sensor systems. Coordination: It can coordinate air and ground operations thanks to its advanced communications and command suite. Historical and Operational Significance: The Ka-52 "Alligator" represents one of the most modern attack helicopter platforms in service today. Its combination of firepower, maneuverability, and sophisticated electronic systems makes it a vital asset for the Russian armed forces. It has been used in various conflicts and military operations, proving its effectiveness in combat. In Summary: The Ka-52 "Alligator" is an advanced attack helicopter developed by Kamov, featuring a coaxial rotor design and an extensive weapons arsenal. With sophisticated avionics and weapons systems, it is designed for attack, reconnaissance and coordination missions, making it one of the most advanced attack helicopters in the world.


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Wasp HAS.1 International Service - 1/72 - LF MODELS PE7271
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

HAS.1 International Service helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - LF Models. Complete plastic kit from new molds with 4 decal options (2x Royal Navy, 1x Royal Netherlands Navy, 1x Royal New Zealand Navy) including 3D printed parts. The Westland Wasp HAS.1 is a lightweight anti-submarine helicopter (HAS: Helicopter Anti-Submarine) developed and manufactured by Westland Helicopters in the UK. Derived from the Westland Scout, the Wasp was designed to operate from naval ships and used primarily by the Royal Navy and other international navies. Here is a detailed overview of the Wasp HAS.1 and its international service: Main Features of the Westland Wasp HAS.1 Role: Anti-submarine, reconnaissance and naval utility helicopter. Manufacturer: Westland Helicopters, UK. Entry into service: 1960s. Design and Development. Origins: Developed based on the Westland Scout, the Wasp was modified to operate effectively in a marine environment. Modifications included collapsible landing gear and a corrosion-resistant structure. Design: The Wasp features a compact and rugged design suitable for naval operations, with the ability to land and take off from small ship decks. Technical Characteristics. Dimensions: Length: Approximately 9.78 meters. Rotor diameter: Approximately 9.78 meters. Height: Approximately 3.3 meters. Weight: Empty: Approximately 1,545 kg. Maximum at takeoff: About 2,495 kg. Propulsion: A Rolls-Royce Nimbus Mk.103 turbine engine, capable of developing about 1,050 shp (783 kW). Speed: Top speed of about 204 km/h (144 mph). Range: Approximately 463 km. Armament and Equipment Armament: The Wasp is armed with anti-submarine torpedoes, depth charges bombs and occasional light air defense missiles. Equipment: Equipped with search radar, sonar and other equipment for anti-submarine warfare. Operational Use. Royal Navy: Used primarily by the Royal Navy for submarine hunting and fleet protection. Operated from frigates, destroyers and other surface ships. International Service: Navies of Other Countries: The Wasp was exported and used by several international navies, including those of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Brazil, Indonesia, and South Africa. Versatile Role: In addition to anti-submarine warfare, it has been used for reconnaissance, light transport, medical evacuation, and logistical support missions. Conclusion The Westland Wasp HAS.1 has played a crucial role in naval antisubmarine defense during its operational career, both for the Royal Navy and other international navies. Its ability to operate effectively from surface ships in various weather conditions and operations made it a valuable asset for naval forces. Although now retired, the Wasp remains a significant example of a versatile and efficient naval helicopter.


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UH-12A Raven 1/72 - LF MODELS PE7267
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Dopoguerra
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

UH-12A Raven First in Service Helicopter Kit in 1/72 scale - LF Models.Complete plastic kit with clear injected canopies and 4 decal options (2x France, 2x Israel).The UH-12A Raven, also known as the Hiller UH-12, is a light multipurpose helicopter developed by the U.S.-based Hiller Aircraft Corporation. Here is a detailed overview of the Hiller UH-12A Raven:Main Features of the Hiller UH-12A RavenRole: Light Multipurpose Helicopter.Manufacturer: Hiller Aircraft Corporation.Entry into Service: 1950s.Design and DevelopmentOrigins: The Hiller UH-12 was developed in the late 1940s as one of the first light helicopters to enter service with the U.S. military.Design: The UH-12 design features a single main rotor configuration with a tail rotor for directional control. The helicopter has a simple, rugged structure with an open or enclosed cabin for two or three people.Technical SpecificationsDimensions:Length: Approximately 8.8 meters.Rotor diameter: Approximately 10.4 meters.Height: Approximately 2.8 meters.Weight:Empty: Approximately 680 kg.Maximum takeoff: Approximately 1,020 kg.Propulsion: A 178 hp Franklin O-335-5 piston engine.Speed: Maximum speed approximately 135 km/h.Range: Approximately 360 km.Capacity: Crew of one or two pilots with capacity for one or two additional passengers.Operational UseArmed Forces: The UH-12A Raven has been used primarily by the U.S. Armed Forces, including the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. It has been used for a wide range of tasks, including reconnaissance, observation, medical evacuation, pilot training, and light transport.Korean War: During the Korean War, the UH-12A was used for medical evacuation and reconnaissance missions, demonstrating its utility under combat conditions.International Service: In addition to the United States, the Hiller UH-12A has been used by numerous other countries for military and civilian tasks, including Canada, Japan, France, and several Latin American countries.Historical ImpactThe Hiller UH-12A Raven was one of the first light helicopters to demonstrate the versatility and utility of helicopters in a variety of roles. Its simplicity of design, reliability, and ability to operate in harsh environments made it a valuable tool for the armed forces and civilian applications. The UH-12 has also contributed significantly to the development of helicopter flying techniques and pilot training.ConclusionThe Hiller UH-12A Raven represents an important step forward in aviation history, being one of the first light helicopters to enter operational service. Its versatility, reliability and ease of use have meant that it has been widely adopted for a wide range of military and civilian tasks, leaving a lasting imprint on helicopter history.


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Scout AH.1 - 1/72 - LF MODELS PE7270
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Scout AH.1 British service helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - LF Models.Complete plastic kit from new molds with 4 decal options (2 x RAF, 1 x Empire State Pilots School, 1 x Special Air Services)The Westland Scout AH.1 is a light reconnaissance and utility helicopter manufactured by Westland Helicopters in the United Kingdom. Here is an overview of its features and use:Main Features of the Westland Scout AH.1Role: Light reconnaissance and utility helicopter.Manufacturer: Westland Helicopters, UK.Entry into service: 1960s.Design and DevelopmentOrigins: The Westland Scout is derived from the Saunders-Roe P.531, a light helicopter that Westland Helicopters acquired when it bought Saunders-Roe in 1959.Design: The helicopter is designed to be versatile and suitable for a variety of military tasks, with a simple and rugged structure.Technical SpecificationsDimensions:Length: Approximately 10.08 meters.Rotor diameter: Approximately 9.14 meters.Height: Approximately 2.67 meters.Weight:Empty: Approximately 1,542 kg.Maximum takeoff: Approximately 2,495 kg.Propulsion: A Rolls-Royce Nimbus Mk.101 turbine engine, capable of developing about 1,050 shp (783 kW).Speed: Maximum speed of about 193 km/h.Range: About 432 km.Armament and EquipmentArmament: The helicopter can be armed with light machine guns and rockets, depending on the configuration and type of mission.Equipment: Equipped with lifting equipment, communication systems and other equipment required for reconnaissance and utility missions.Operational UseMilitary Role: Used primarily by the British Army (British Army) for reconnaissance, light transport, medical evacuation and general ground operations support tasks.Versatility: Lightweight and maneuverable design makes it suitable for operations in harsh environments and varied operating conditions.Use in Conflict: Employed in various conflicts and military operations, including the Borneo conflict, the Aden operation, and service in Northern Ireland.ConclusionThe Westland Scout AH.1 was an important helicopter for the British Armed Forces during the 1960s and 1970s because of its versatility and ability to operate in a variety of roles. Although now retired from service, the Scout has left a significant legacy as one of the most useful and adaptable light helicopters of its time.


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Dragonfly British Service 1/72 - LF MODELS PE7265
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Dragonfly Helicopter Kit - British Service 1/72 scale - LF Models.Complete plastic kit with new molds, photoetched parts, transparent injected canopies and 5 decal options.The Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly is a helicopter developed in the 1940s by the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. It is known to be one of the first helicopters to be significantly used by military and civilian forces. Here is a detailed overview of the Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly:Main Features of the Sikorsky S-51 DragonflyRole: Rescue, transport and utility helicopter.Manufacturer: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, United States.Entry into Service: 1946.Design and DevelopmentOrigins: Developed as a civilian version of the Sikorsky R-5, the S-51 incorporated significant improvements over its predecessors, such as greater payload capacity and improved flight performance.Design: Designed with an elongated fuselage and a wider cockpit, the S-51 could carry up to three passengers in addition to the pilot.Technical SpecificationsDimensions:Length: Approximately 12.90 meters.Rotor diameter: Approximately 14.63 meters.Height: Approximately 4.05 meters.Weight:Empty: Approximately 1,315 kg.Maximum takeoff: Approximately 2,250 kg.Propulsion: A Pratt & Whitney R-985-AN-5 radial piston engine, capable of developing approximately 450 hp.Speed: Maximum speed of about 167 km/h.Range: About 435 km.Operational UseArmed Forces: Used by several armed forces, including the U.S. Army and Navy, for transport, rescue, medical evacuation and reconnaissance tasks. It was the first helicopter to be used by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.Civil Service: Used in various civilian roles, such as transporting people and cargo, postal services, and mountain rescue operations. It was one of the first helicopters to be certified for commercial passenger transport.International: Exported and used by several nations, including the UK, France and Canada. In the UK, the S-51 was known as the Westland-Sikorsky WS-51 Dragonfly, manufactured under license by Westland Aircraft.Historical ImpactThe Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly was a pioneer in the use of helicopters in a wide range of both military and civilian roles. Its success helped demonstrate the versatility and utility of helicopters, leading to an increase in their use in everyday operations. Because of its reliability and ability to operate in harsh conditions, the S-51 set standards that influenced the development of future helicopters.ConclusionThe Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly is a landmark helicopter that has made a significant impact in both the military and civilian sectors. Its innovative design and operational versatility made it one of the most important helicopters of the post-war period, paving the way for the widespread use of helicopters worldwide.

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Dragonfly 1/72 - LF MODELS PE7263
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Dragonfly helicopter kit - over the wolrd in 1/72 scale - LF Models.Complete plastic kit with new molds, photo-etched parts, injected transparent canopies and 6 decal options (Dutch Naval Air Services, AF of Yugoslavia, Italy, Australia, French Navy, Canada)The Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly is a helicopter developed in the 1940s by the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. It is known to be one of the first helicopters to be significantly used by military and civilian forces. Here is a detailed overview of the Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly:Main Features of the Sikorsky S-51 DragonflyRole: Rescue, transport and utility helicopter.Manufacturer: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, United States.Entry into Service: 1946.Design and DevelopmentOrigins: Developed as a civilian version of the Sikorsky R-5, the S-51 incorporated significant improvements over its predecessors, such as greater cargo capacity and improved flight performance.Design: Designed with an elongated fuselage and a wider cockpit, the S-51 could carry up to three passengers in addition to the pilot.Technical SpecificationsDimensions:Length: Approximately 12.90 meters.Rotor diameter: Approximately 14.63 meters.Height: Approximately 4.05 meters.Weight:Empty: Approximately 1,315 kg.Maximum takeoff: Approximately 2,250 kg.Propulsion: A Pratt & Whitney R-985-AN-5 radial piston engine, capable of developing approximately 450 hp.Speed: Maximum speed of about 167 km/h.Range: About 435 km.Operational UseArmed Forces: Used by several armed forces, including the U.S. Army and Navy, for transport, rescue, medical evacuation and reconnaissance tasks. It was the first helicopter to be used by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.Civil Service: Used in various civilian roles, such as transporting people and cargo, postal services, and mountain rescue operations. It was one of the first helicopters to be certified for commercial passenger transport.International: Exported and used by several nations, including the UK, France and Canada. In the UK, the S-51 was known as the Westland-Sikorsky WS-51 Dragonfly, manufactured under license by Westland Aircraft.Historical ImpactThe Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly was a pioneer in the use of helicopters in a wide range of both military and civilian roles. Its success helped demonstrate the versatility and utility of helicopters, leading to an increase in their use in everyday operations. Because of its reliability and ability to operate in harsh conditions, the S-51 set standards that influenced the development of future helicopters.ConclusionThe Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly is a landmark helicopter that has made a significant impact in both the military and civilian sectors. Its innovative design and operational versatility made it one of the most important helicopters of the post-war period, paving the way for the widespread use of helicopters worldwide.


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Sea King AEW2 - 1/72 - DRAGON 5104
SKU DRA-5104
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Guerra delle Falkland
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Sea King AEW.2 Falklands War helicopter kit 1/72 scale - Model Dragon.The Sea King AEW.2 is a variant of the Westland Sea King helicopter, modified to perform Airborne Early Warning (AEW) missions. This variant was developed rapidly during the Falklands War in 1982, in response to the Royal Navy's lack of AEW capabilities, which had proven to be a serious weakness during the conflict.Main Features of the Sea King AEW.2Role: Airborne Early Warning (AEW).Manufacturer: Westland Helicopters.User: Royal Navy (British Navy).History and DevelopmentBackground: During the Falklands War, the Royal Navy found itself without an effective AEW system after the withdrawal of the Fairey Gannet AEW.3. This gap was evident when the cruiser HMS Sheffield was hit by an Exocet missile.Solution: The need for an AEW capability led to the development of the Sea King AEW.2, equipped with Searchwater radar, installed in a side-mounted radome.Rapid Implementation: The Sea King AEW.2 was developed and commissioned in an extremely short time, with the first helicopters operational in the Falklands theater within a few months of conception.Technical SpecificationsRadar: Searchwater radar, used for long-range surveillance and detection of air and sea targets.Crew: Typically consisting of two pilots and one radar operator.Communication Systems: Advanced communication systems to coordinate operations with naval and air forces.Dimensions and PerformanceLength: Approximately 22 meters with main rotor.Rotor diameter: 18.90 meters.Maximum takeoff weight: About 9,707 kg.Maximum speed: About 208 km/h.Range: Up to 1,230 km.Operational use in the Falklands WarDuring the Falklands War, the Sea King AEW.2 played a crucial role in protecting the British fleet by providing early detection capabilities for incoming missiles and enemy aircraft. This capability enabled a more rapid and coordinated response to threats, significantly improving the fleet's air defense.Post-Falkland EvolutionAfter the conflict, the Sea King AEW.2 was further developed and modernized, leading to the Sea King ASaC.7 version with improvements in radar and electronic systems. These versions continued to serve in the Royal Navy until they were replaced by more advanced AEW systems, such as the Merlin Crowsnest helicopter.In summary, the Sea King AEW.2 represents a quick and effective response to a serious operational gap, demonstrating the importance of AEW capabilities in modern naval operations.


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SA 342 Gazelle 1/48 - HELLER 80486
SKU HE-80486
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

SA 342 Gazelle helicopter kit in 1/48 scale - Model Heller.The SA 342 Gazelle is a light observation and reconnaissance helicopter produced by the French company Aerospatiale (now Airbus Helicopters) in the 1970s. It was designed to be a versatile helicopter, suitable for a variety of missions, including observation, patrol, light transport, and training.Here are some key features of the SA 342 Gazelle:Lightweight and compact design: The SA 342 Gazelle features a lightweight and compact design that makes it agile and maneuverable in flight. This makes it suitable for operating in confined spaces and urban environments.Motorization: It is equipped with a 649 kW (870 shp) Turbomeca Astazou III engine, giving it good performance and a top speed of about 310 km/h.Spacious cabin: Despite its compact size, the SA 342 Gazelle can carry up to four passengers in addition to the pilot. Its spacious cabin also allows it to transport light cargo or equipment.Operational versatility: The SA 342 Gazelle has been used in a wide range of operational roles, including police support, border surveillance, light transport, training and more. Its versatility makes it suitable for a variety of civilian and military missions.Specialized variants: There are several variants of the SA 342 Gazelle, each of which is configured for a specific operational role. These variants include armed versions, light transport versions, training versions, and more.In summary, the SA 342 Gazelle is a lightweight and versatile helicopter used worldwide for a variety of civil and military missions. Its combination of performance, maneuverability, and versatility makes it a valuable asset for many aviation organizations.


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AS350 B3 Ecureuil 1/48 - HELLER 80490
SKU HE-80490
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Europa
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

AS350 B3 Ecureuil 1/48-scale helicopter kit - Heller model.The AS350 B3 Ecureuil is a light, single-engine helicopter produced by the French company Airbus Helicopters (formerly Eurocopter), known for its versatility, reliability and high performance. It is used in a wide range of applications, including passenger transport, mountain rescue, surveillance operations, support to security forces, and more.Here are some key features of the AS350 B3 Ecureuil:Robust and reliable design: The Ecureuil is built with lightweight yet robust materials, giving it great strength and reliability. Its simple, well-proven design makes it one of the most popular and reliable helicopters in its market segment.High performance: Equipped with a Turbomeca Arriel 2B or 2B1 engine, the AS350 B3 Ecureuil offers high performance, including a cruising speed of about 240 km/h and a flight range of more than 700 km. Its ability to fly at high altitudes and in mountainous environments is particularly appreciated.Payload capacity: Despite its compact size, the Ecureuil is capable of carrying up to 6 passengers on board, in addition to the pilot. Its spacious cabin also allows for the transport of cargo and equipment, making it ideal for a variety of missions.Ease of maintenance: The AS350 B3 is designed to be easy to maintain and operate. Its modular design allows easy access to major components, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.High-performance variant: The B3 variant of the Ecureuil is particularly noted for its performance at high altitudes and in high temperatures. It is equipped with a more powerful engine, a reinforced transmission, and greater payload capacity than other variants.Overall, the AS350 B3 Ecureuil is a versatile and reliable helicopter that is widely used worldwide for a wide range of civil and military missions. Its combination of high performance, ease of maintenance and payload capacity makes it a popular choice among operators, pilots and rescue agencies worldwide.

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Sikorsky MH-60K Blackhawk SOA 1/48 - ITALERI 2666
SKU ITA-2666
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Sikorsky MH-60K Blackhawk SOA 1/48 scale helicopter kit - Italeri model.The Black Hawk is a multi-use helicopter used on the front lines by the Army for air assault, sky cavalry, medical rescue and evacuation units. It was designed to carry 11 storm troopers, complete with heavy armament, to the 'objective, and is also capable of carrying a 105 mm. howitzer complete with 30 rounds of ammunition. The Black Hawk has performed admirably in numerous missions in both combat and evacuation, of which the most notable recently were Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq.


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Alouette II 1/32 - REVELL 03804
SKU RE-3804
Scale: 1/32
Nation: France
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Alouette II Helicopter Kit 1/32 Scale - Revell Model.Discover the detailed model kit of the Alouette II, a masterpiece of French engineering and one of the pioneers of gas turbine-powered helicopters. This 1:32 scale kit pays homage to the innovative technology and elegant design of the original. With 191 precisely crafted parts, it offers a compelling challenge for level 4 modelers who are already advanced in the hobby. The finished helicopter impresses with a length of 303 mm, a height of 86 mm, and a rotor diameter of 318 mm, making it an impressive display piece in any collection.Supply:191 precision-manufactured partsRotating rotor for dynamic displayAuthentic decal for realistic detailsDetailed construction instructionsSpecial features:Innovative construction techniques: designed for an immersive building experience and a detailed final product.Detailed surface structures: each part is designed to reflect the complex structure of the real helicopter.Rotating rotor: gives the model a dynamic and realistic appearance.Authentic decal: provides an authentic look and allows for customization.This Alouette II model kit is ideal for advanced level 4 modelers. It requires experience in gluing and painting and offers an exciting challenge for anyone 12 years of age and older who wants to demonstrate their skills and passion for model building.Background information:The Alouette II is a symbol of aviation progress and was one of the first mass-produced helicopters with a gas turbine engine. Their introduction marked the beginning of a new era in aviation history and significantly influenced the development of future helicopter models. With this model kit you will not only have a piece of technological history in your hands, but also the legacy of a helicopter that redefined the limits of what is possible.


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Fairey Rotodyne 1/72 - AIRFIX A04002V
SKU AX04002V
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Fairey Rotodyne Vintage Classics helicopter kit1/72 scale - Airfix model.The Fairey Rotodyne was an innovative British helicopter developed in the 1950s and 1960s by the Fairey Aviation Company. It was a hybrid aircraft, combining the features of a helicopter with those of an airplane. Its design was based on inclined rotor technology, which allowed it to make vertical takeoffs and landings like a helicopter, but also to fly at airplane-like speeds and altitudes.Here are some key features of the Fairey Rotodyne:Design: The Rotodyne featured an unusual design with two counter-rotating rotors mounted at the apex of a fixed wing. These rotors were tilted upward during horizontal flight to provide lift, but could be tilted up or down to allow vertical takeoffs and landings.Performance: The Rotodyne was designed to fly at relatively high speeds and at altitudes similar to those of an airplane, making it faster than a conventional helicopter. It could carry a significant number of passengers or cargo in a wide variety of roles, including civilian transport, military transport, and postal services.Engine: It was powered by a Napier Eland turbine engine, which provided the power needed to operate the rotors and propel the plane forward.Use: The Rotodyne was primarily intended to serve in the civil and commercial transport market, but was also considered for military service as a tactical transport aircraft or light attack helicopter.End of program: Despite promising features and successful early stages of development, the Rotodyne program was discontinued in 1962 due to financial and market problems, along with some safety and noise concerns. Despite its technical advances, the Rotodyne never entered large-scale production.In summary, the Fairey Rotodyne was an experimental helicopter that offered an innovative and promising design for air transport, but ultimately failed to achieve the commercial and military success that was expected.


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Phu Bai Combat Base 1968 - 1/35 - ICM 53053<br />
CH-54A Tarhe, 2 sets of figures, M-121 bomb, set of landing mat
SKU ICM-53056
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Phu Bai 1968 Combat Base Kit in 1/35 scale - ICM Model. Sikorsky CH-54A Tarhe, 2 sets of figures, M-121 Bomb, Set of Landing Mat CH-54A heavy helicopters in Vietnam were used mainly for transport and occasionally to carry M-121 high-explosive bombs. These bombs were modified with an extended front fuse to explode about 3 feet above the ground, effectively eliminating forests for helicopter landing sites.One notable operation involved a CH-54A helicopter from Phu Bai Air Base, also known as Camp Hochmuth, in central Vietnam. The U.S. military began operating this base in 1963, initially as a communications radio station. The base later housed U.S. Marines, paratroopers and special operations forces, and an airstrip was built using steel plates for the M8A1 airfield.At one point, the airfield also housed U.S. Marine Corps aircraft and helicopters. Despite frequent attacks by the Viet Cong, the Phu Bai base remained operational by the U.S. military until late 1972.


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AH-1Q/S Cobra 1/48 - SPECIAL HOBBY SH48224
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

AH-1Q/S Cobra 'IDF Against Terrorists' helicopter kit in 1/48 scale - Special Hobby model.- Superbly detailed modelThe AH-1Q/S Cobra is a variant of the well-known AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter, adapted to meet the specific needs of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the fight against terrorism.Here are some key features of this helicopter:Armament: The AH-1Q/S Cobra 'IDF Against Terrorists' is equipped with an assortment of armament that can include machine guns, rocket launchers, anti-tank missiles and air-to-ground guided missiles. This armament enables it to engage effectively against ground targets such as vehicles and enemy positions.Electronics: This variant is likely to be equipped with an advanced suite of electronic systems for surveillance, target acquisition and communication. These systems may include radar, optical and infrared sensors, as well as advanced navigation and communication systems.Protection: The helicopter may be equipped with ballistic protection for crew and vital systems to increase the helicopter's survivability in the event of an enemy attack.Specific adaptations: The helicopter may have been modified to better suit the operational needs of the IDF in the fight against terrorism, including structural adaptations, night vision systems and other specific modifications.Use: The AH-1Q/S Cobra 'IDF Against Terrorists' is intended to play a key role in counter-terrorism operations conducted by the IDF, including surveillance, reconnaissance and attack actions.In summary, the AH-1Q/S Cobra 'IDF Against Terrorists' is a specialized variant of the AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter, designed to meet the specific needs of the Israel Defense Forces in counter-terrorism operations.


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AH-64D Block II 1/35 - TAKOM MODEL 2608
SKU TKM-2608
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

AH-64D Block II (Late Version) helicopter kit includes 3D resin parts and 2 1/35 scale figures - Takom Model.The AH-64D Apache is a U.S. attack helicopter developed by Boeing Defense, Space & Security. The AH-64D is an advanced variant of the original AH-64 Apache, designed to enhance the helicopter's capability in various aspects, including avionics and armament systems.Here are some key features of the AH-64D Apache:Armament:The AH-64D is armed with a 30 mm M230 cannon and can carry a variety of guided missiles, including AGM-114 Hellfire antitank missiles. These missiles provide the helicopter with a powerful strike capability against ground and armored targets.Avionics Systems:The AH-64D is equipped with advanced avionics systems, including electro-optical radar, targeting and night vision systems. These systems improve the crew's situational awareness and ability to locate and engage targets.Electronic Warfare Systems:It has electronic warfare and self-defense systems to protect against enemy threats, such as electronic countermeasures and missile warning systems.Engine:The helicopter is powered by two General Electric T700 turboshaft engines, which provide the power necessary for its operations.Crew:The AH-64D can carry two crew members: a pilot and a weapon systems operator.Cockpit Upgrades:The AH-64D cockpit has been improved over previous versions, with the implementation of more modern display technologies and controls.The AH-64D Apache has been used in various conflicts and military operations around the world, demonstrating its versatility and capability to support ground forces. It should be noted that the AH-64D was later further improved in the AH-64E Apache Guardian version, which features further improvements in its avionics and armament capabilities.

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Mi-4AV 1/48 - TRUMPETER 05818
SKU TRU-05818
Scale: 1/48
Nation: Russia
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Soviet Mi-4AV Hound 1/48 Scale Soviet Helicopter Kit - Trumpeter Model. but specific details may vary depending on modifications made to the helicopter in a given operational context. Here are some general characteristics of the Mi-4: Transport Capacity: The Mi-4 is designed to transport troops or cargo. Cargo capacity may vary depending on the specific configuration and version of the helicopter. Crew: The helicopter can accommodate a crew of two members: a pilot and a co-pilot/operator. Engines: The Mi-4 is powered by a piston engine and can be equipped with different engine variants depending on the specific version. Operational Roles: In addition to troop transport, the Mi-4 has been employed for various missions, including cargo transport, VIP transport, medical evacuation, and logistical support. Operational Service: The Mi-4 served in numerous armed forces of Eastern European and other countries during the Cold War. It has also been employed in civilian contexts in roles such as civil transport and rescue operations. Design: The Mi-4 features a basic configuration with a five-bladed main rotor and a lattice tail. Its design has been a hallmark of the Mil family of helicopters. It should be noted that specific information on the Mi-4AV may vary depending on modifications made to that particular variant to suit a particular task or role.

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Robinson R-44 Raven II - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0215
SKU KPV-72215
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Robinson R-44 Raven II Helicopter Kit 1/72 Scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The Robinson R-44 Raven II is a four-seat light helicopter produced by the Robinson Helicopter Company. This helicopter is an improved version of the popular R-44 Raven model and is widely used in various applications, including flight training, private transport and light missions. Here are some key features of the Robinson R-44 Raven II: Configuration: The R-44 Raven II is a piston-powered helicopter with a four-seat configuration, arranged in two rows of two. Engine: It is powered by a six-cylinder Lycoming IO-540 piston engine, which gives it more power than its predecessor, the R-44 Raven. Cooling System: The Raven II has an improved cooling system compared to the original model. Engine Representation: The Raven II is designed with greater engine representation than the original Raven model, making it more suitable for training situations. Common Use: This helicopter is often used for flight training, air patrol, private transport and other light missions. Its versatility and more compact size make it suitable for a variety of applications. The Robinson R-44 Raven II has been a commercial success and has found use in many parts of the world. Its popularity is due in part to its relatively lower cost than some similarly sized helicopters, making it accessible to a wider range of users.

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Hughes OH-6A 1/72 - AZ MODEL AZ7865
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Hughes OH-6A "Cayuse" helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Az Model. The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is an American Cold War and modern-day light reconnaissance and observation helicopter. The flight of the prototype took place in 1963 and the machine entered service in 1966. The helicopter-in the AH-6C version-is 9.8 m long and the main rotor diameter is 8.33 meters. Transmission is provided by a single Allison T63-A-5A or Allison T63-A-700 engine with 317 hp. Its top speed reaches 282 km/h. The helicopter has a classic layout with a single main rotor and a propeller on the tail boom.

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Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow 1/35 - MENG MODEL QS-004
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter kit in 1/35 scale - Meng Model. The Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow is an attack helicopter, developed by Boeing for the needs of the U.S. military and various allied countries. The Apache Longbow is an improved version of the original AH-64 Apache attack helicopter. The "Longbow" designation refers to the radar housed in a radome above the helicopter's head, which is an integral part of the radar fire control (FCR) system. Here are some key features of the AH-64D Apache Longbow: Longbow Radar: One of the distinguishing features is the dual-pulse (Doppler) radar mounted on the top rotor of the helicopter. This radar enables enhanced target detection and identification capability, as well as guidance of Hellfire anti-tank missiles in adverse weather conditions. Armament: The helicopter is equipped with a variety of weapons, including machine guns, rockets and Hellfire missiles. The AH-64D is designed to deal with a wide range of ground targets and has considerable anti-tank capability. Defense Systems: It can be equipped with self-defense systems such as electronic countermeasures and missile defense systems to reduce the helicopter's vulnerability to enemy attacks. Advanced cockpit: It has an advanced cockpit with modern avionics systems that provide the crew with mission-critical information. The AH-64D Apache Longbow has been widely used in various conflicts and missions around the world, proving to be an effective and versatile attack helicopter. It was later followed by the AH-64E Apache Guardian model, which is a further evolution and modernization of the Apache platform.  

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EH 101 Merlin HAS 1 - 1/72 - ITALERI 1219
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

EH 101 Merlin HAS.1 multi-role helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Model Italeri

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AIRFIX A11006 Westland Sea King HAS 1 - HAS 5 - HU 5
SKU AX11006
Scale: 1/48
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

1/48 Westland Sea King HAS.1/HAS.5/HU.5 The Westland Sea King is a multi-purpose military helicopter that was developed and produced by Westland Aircraft (now part of Leonardo) in the United Kingdom. There were several variants of the Sea King, including the HAS.1, HAS.5 and HU.5 versions, each of which had specific purposes. Here is some key information on the Westland Sea King and the variants mentioned: Role : The Westland Sea King is a medium-sized helicopter used primarily for search and rescue operations, troop transport, maritime patrol, anti-submarine combat and tactical transport. Development : The Sea King was developed in the 1960s and was used to replace the elaborate Westland Wessex in maritime patrol and anti-submarine combat tasks. HAS.1 : The HAS.1 (Helicopter, Anti-Submarine, Mark 1) variant specialized in anti-submarine combat. It was equipped with sonar and anti-submarine armament. HAS.5 : The HAS.5 version was an improved variant for anti-submarine combat missions. It had improved electronic equipment and detection capabilities. HU.5 : The HU.5 (Helicopter, Utility, Mark 5) variant was designed for tactical transport and medical evacuation. It could carry troops or cargo. Engine : The Sea King was powered by turbine engines, which gave it good lift capability and a significant operational range. Use : The Sea King was used by numerous marine militaries around the world and became an icon of the military helicopter. It has served in a variety of scenarios, including conflicts and rescue operations at sea. Legacy : Although many marine militaries have gradually replaced the Sea King with more modern helicopters, some variants are still in service in specialized roles, and the Sea King is considered one of the most iconic helicopters ever built. The Westland Sea King has been one of the most versatile and durable helicopters ever built and has been widely used around the world for a wide range of military and humanitarian tasks.

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ICM 53030 AH-1G Cobra U.S. attack helicopter
SKU ICM-53030
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

1/35 AH-1G Cobra (first production) U.S. attack helicopterThe AH-1G Cobra is a U.S. attack helicopter, developed in the 1960s, known for its predominant role during the Vietnam War. Here is some key information about the AH-1G Cobra:Development: The AH-1G Cobra was developed by Bell Helicopter as an attack version of the UH-1 Iroquois helicopter, better known as the "Huey." It took its cue from the structure of the Huey, but was designed specifically for attack missions and close air support.Design and Armament: The AH-1G was a single-seat, pilot-piloted helicopter with significant armament. It was equipped with muzzle-mounted .30- or .50-caliber machine guns and could carry antitank missiles such as TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) missiles or unguided rockets.Role in Vietnam: The AH-1G Cobra was used extensively during the Vietnam War for attack, escort, and troop support missions. It proved to be effective in dealing with enemy threats such as tanks, armored vehicles, and enemy troops.Evolution: After the AH-1G, numerous variants and improvements of the Cobra helicopter were developed, including the AH-1J and AH-1W Super Cobra model, which have continued to be used by the U.S. military and many allied countries.Continued Deployment: AH-1 Cobra helicopters have been used in various conflicts around the world and have proven to be versatile and reliable. Over the years, they have undergone modernization programs to keep them effective on the modern battlefield.Current Role: While some versions of the AH-1 Cobra have been phased out, other more modern models, such as the AH-1Z Viper, are currently in service with the armed forces of the United States and other countries.In summary, the AH-1G Cobra was the predecessor of a family of attack helicopters that have been used worldwide for close air attack and support missions. Its effectiveness during the Vietnam War helped establish the concept of the attack helicopter in the modern armed forces.


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LF MODELS PE7264 AB 47J Ranger
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

1/72 AB 47J Super Ranger (Carabinieri, SAR rescue, Italian AF)Complete plastic kit with photo-etched parts, injected transparent canopies and 5 decal options.The AB 47J Ranger is a single-engine light helicopter developed and produced in Italy by the company Aeritalia (now part of Leonardo) in the 1950s and 1960s. The helicopter is based on the original design of the Bell 47, a U.S. light helicopter widely used in both the civilian and military sectors.Here are some key features of the AB 47J Ranger:Design : The AB 47J Ranger is a light helicopter with a classic main rotor and tail rotor configuration. It can generally carry two or three people, including the pilot and passengers or payload.Usage : The AB 47J helicopter has been used in a variety of roles, including light transport, training, observation, and air traffic control. It has been used by both the Italian armed forces and civilian operators.Engine : The AB 47J Ranger is powered by a Lycoming VO-540 piston engine, which provides the necessary power for flight.Versions : Several variants of the AB 47J Ranger helicopter were developed to meet specific requirements. These variants had several, including training and light transport helicopters.History : The AB 47J has been used by the Italian Armed Forces and other users in Italy and around the world. It has played an important role in Italian light aviation and helicopter pilot training.The AB 47J Ranger has become an iconic helicopter in the Italian helicopter scene and has been used in a variety of roles. However, as helicopter technology advanced, the Ranger was gradually replaced by more modern helicopters with superior performance.

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LF MODELS PE7262 AB 47J Ranger
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

1/72 AB 47J Ranger (Italian Navy, Army, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Norway AF)Complete plastic kit with photo-etched parts, injected transparent canopies and 5 decal options.The AB 47J Ranger is a single-engine light helicopter developed and produced in Italy by the company Aeritalia (now part of Leonardo) in the 1950s and 1960s. The helicopter is based on the original design of the Bell 47, a U.S. light helicopter widely used in both the civilian and military sectors.Here are some key features of the AB 47J Ranger:Design : The AB 47J Ranger is a light helicopter with a classic main rotor and tail rotor configuration. It can generally carry two or three people, including the pilot and passengers or payload.Usage : The AB 47J helicopter has been used in a variety of roles, including light transport, training, observation, and air traffic control. It has been used by both the Italian armed forces and civilian operators.Engine : The AB 47J Ranger is powered by a Lycoming VO-540 piston engine, which provides the necessary power for flight.Versions : Several variants of the AB 47J Ranger helicopter were developed to meet specific requirements. These variants had several, including training and light transport helicopters.History : The AB 47J has been used by the Italian Armed Forces and other users in Italy and around the world. It has played an important role in Italian light aviation and helicopter pilot training.The AB 47J Ranger has become an iconic helicopter in the Italian helicopter scene and has been used in a variety of roles. However, as helicopter technology advanced, the Ranger was gradually replaced by more modern helicopters with superior performance.


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LF MODELS PE4812 AB 47J Ranger
Scale: 1/48
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

1/48 AB 47J Super Ranger (Carabinieri, SAR rescue, Italian AF)Complete plastic kit with photo-etched parts, injected transparent canopies and 5 decal optionsThe AB 47J Ranger is a light single-engine helicopter developed and produced in Italy by the company Aeritalia (now part of Leonardo) in the 1950s and 1960s. The helicopter is based on the original design of the Bell 47, a U.S. light helicopter widely used in both the civilian and military sectors.Here are some key features of the AB 47J Ranger:Design : The AB 47J Ranger is a light helicopter with a classic main rotor and tail rotor configuration. It can generally carry two or three people, including the pilot and passengers or payload.Usage : The AB 47J helicopter has been used in a variety of roles, including light transport, training, observation, and air traffic control. It has been used by both the Italian armed forces and civilian operators.Engine : The AB 47J Ranger is powered by a Lycoming VO-540 piston engine, which provides the necessary power for flight.Versions : Several variants of the AB 47J Ranger helicopter were developed to meet specific requirements. These variants had several, including training and light transport helicopters.History : The AB 47J has been used by the Italian Armed Forces and other users in Italy and around the world. It has played an important role in Italian light aviation and helicopter pilot training.The AB 47J Ranger has become an iconic helicopter in the Italian helicopter scene and has been used in a variety of roles. However, as helicopter technology advanced, the Ranger was gradually replaced by more modern helicopters with superior performance.


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LF MODELS PE4811 AB 47J Ranger
Scale: 1/48
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

1/48 AB 47J Ranger (Italian Navy, Army, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Norway AF)Complete plastic kit with photo-etched parts, injected transparent canopies and 5 decal options.The AB 47J Ranger is a single-engine light helicopter developed and produced in Italy by the company Aeritalia (now part of Leonardo) in the 1950s and 1960s. The helicopter is based on the original design of the Bell 47, a U.S. light helicopter widely used in both the civilian and military sectors.Here are some key features of the AB 47J Ranger:Design : The AB 47J Ranger is a light helicopter with a classic main rotor and tail rotor configuration. It can generally carry two or three people, including the pilot and passengers or payload.Usage : The AB 47J helicopter has been used in a variety of roles, including light transport, training, observation, and air traffic control. It has been used by both the Italian armed forces and civilian operators.Engine : The AB 47J Ranger is powered by a Lycoming VO-540 piston engine, which provides the necessary power for flight.Versions : Several variants of the AB 47J Ranger helicopter were developed to meet specific requirements. These variants had several, including training and light transport helicopters.History : The AB 47J has been used by the Italian Armed Forces and other users in Italy and around the world. It has played an important role in Italian light aviation and helicopter pilot training.The AB 47J Ranger has become an iconic helicopter in the Italian helicopter scene and has been used in a variety of roles. However, as helicopter technology advanced, the Ranger was gradually replaced by more modern helicopters with superior performance.

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