
Sherman M4A1 Mid 1/35 - BORDER MODEL BT-047
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Kit Sherman M4A1 Mid in scala 1/35 - Modello Border Model. Lo Sherman M4A1 Mid è una variante del carro armato medio M4 Sherman, sviluppato dagli Stati Uniti e impiegato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il suffisso "Mid" si riferisce alle produzioni di metà serie, caratterizzate da aggiornamenti progettuali e funzionali rispetto ai modelli precedenti. Questa variante combinava il classico scafo in ghisa (caratteristico dell'M4A1) con miglioramenti specifici introdotti per soddisfare le esigenze del conflitto in evoluzione. Caratteristiche principali Scafo e torretta Tipo di scafo: Fusione in acciaio, arrotondato per migliorare la resistenza ai proiettili e facilitare la produzione. Torretta: Dotata di una cupola del capocarro migliorata, con periscopio integrato per una migliore visibilità. Armamento Cannone principale: Cannone da 75 mm M3 con una lunghezza di 37 calibri (L/37). Munizioni: HE (High-Explosive) per fanteria e fortificazioni. AP (Armor-Piercing) per affrontare veicoli corazzati. Velocità alla volata: 620-625 m/s. Armi secondarie: Mitragliatrice coassiale M1919A4 da 7,62 mm. Mitragliatrice frontale montata nello scafo. Mitragliatrice pesante M2 Browning da 12,7 mm montata sulla torretta per la difesa antiaerea e anti-fanteria. Motore e mobilità Motore: Continental R975 C4, un motore a radiale a benzina da 9 cilindri con raffreddamento ad aria. Potenza: 400 hp a 2.400 giri/min. Velocità massima: Circa 38-40 km/h su strada. Autonomia: Circa 190-200 km su strada. Corazza Spessore variabile: Scafo anteriore: Fino a 51 mm, inclinato per aumentare la protezione. Fiancate: Circa 38 mm. Torretta: Fino a 76 mm nella parte frontale. Caratteristiche distintive del modello "Mid" Cupola migliorata: La cupola del capocarro era più pratica rispetto ai modelli iniziali, fornendo una visione panoramica migliore. Aggiornamenti del sistema di sospensioni: Dotato di sospensioni VVSS (Vertical Volute Spring Suspension) ottimizzate. Accesso e manutenzione: Pannelli migliorati per facilitare la manutenzione sul campo. Schermature aggiuntive opzionali: Alcuni veicoli erano equipaggiati con corazze aggiuntive saldate o imbullonate per proteggere meglio l'equipaggio contro le armi anticarro. Impiego operativo Ruolo principale: Carro armato medio multiuso, utilizzato per supporto alla fanteria, combattimenti con altri carri e distruzione di obiettivi fortificati. Teatri di guerra: Impiegato su tutti i fronti del conflitto, tra cui Europa occidentale, Nord Africa e Pacifico. Prestazioni: Affidabile, ma vulnerabile ai cannoni anticarro pesanti e ai carri armati tedeschi come il Panther e il Tiger. Sintesi finale Lo Sherman M4A1 Mid rappresenta una versione intermedia dello Sherman, combinando l’affidabilità e la facilità di produzione con aggiornamenti progettuali utili per migliorare le prestazioni sul campo. Il suo ruolo nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale lo ha reso un simbolo dell’efficacia degli armamenti alleati, nonostante alcune limitazioni contro le forze corazzate più avanzate.  


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German 88mm Gun Flak 36 w/SSys Wagon 1/35 - BORDER MODEL BT-044
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Kit German 88mm Gun Flak 36 w/SSys Wagon in scala 1/35 - Modello Border Model. Il German 88mm Gun Flak 36 w/SSys Wagon è una combinazione dell'iconico cannone antiaereo e anticarro tedesco Flak 36 da 88 mm montato su un carro ferroviario SSys, progettato per il trasporto e l'impiego rapido dell'artiglieria pesante durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questo sistema combinato veniva usato per difesa antiaerea, supporto anticarro e spostamento rapido su rotaia. Dettagli principali Cannone Flak 36 da 88 mm Ruolo: Artiglieria antiaerea e anticarro. Calibro: 88 mm. Lunghezza canna: 56 calibri (circa 4,92 m). Velocità del proiettile: Circa 820-1.000 m/s, a seconda del tipo di munizione. Portata massima (antiaerea): 10.600 m in altitudine. Portata effettiva (anticarro): 2.000 m. Munizioni: Proiettili perforanti (AP) per bersagli corazzati. Proiettili esplosivi (HE) per bersagli aerei e fanteria. Carro ferroviario SSys Tipo: Vagone ferroviario pesante a pianale basso, progettato per trasportare carichi militari pesanti come carri armati o artiglieria. Portata: Fino a 50 tonnellate. Dimensioni: Lunghezza: circa 10-12 m. Larghezza: circa 2,5-3 m. Caratteristiche: Struttura rinforzata per sostenere il peso del cannone e facilitare il posizionamento per l'impiego operativo. Utilizzo operativo Trasporto rapido Il carro SSys consentiva di spostare rapidamente il cannone Flak 36 su lunghe distanze, sfruttando la rete ferroviaria. Questo era particolarmente utile per proteggere obiettivi strategici come fabbriche, città, ponti e snodi ferroviari. Impiego in battaglia Il Flak 36 poteva essere utilizzato direttamente dal carro ferroviario come piattaforma fissa. La configurazione era ideale per la difesa antiaerea di convogli o aree critiche. Ruolo anticarro Il cannone poteva essere schierato anche in posizione stazionaria, sfruttando il carro come base stabile. La sua capacità di distruggere carri armati alleati a lunghe distanze lo rese temuto sul campo di battaglia. Importanza storica Il Flak 36 da 88 mm è uno dei cannoni più iconici della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, noto per la sua versatilità e letalità. Abbinato al carro ferroviario SSys, rappresentava un sistema logistico e operativo efficace per la Wehrmacht, particolarmente utile in scenari dove la rapidità di schieramento e la mobilità erano cruciali. Questa configurazione riflette la capacità tedesca di adattare le tecnologie esistenti alle esigenze del conflitto. Sintesi finale Il German 88mm Gun Flak 36 w/SSys Wagon combinava la potenza del temibile cannone da 88 mm con la mobilità della rete ferroviaria, rendendolo un sistema d'arma strategico versatile per la difesa antiaerea e anticarro. Questa configurazione, sebbene non comune, sottolinea l'importanza dell'integrazione tra logistica e armamenti durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.  


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Panzerjäger-Triebwagen 51 - 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 82953
SKU HOBS-82953
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Kit treno blindato Panzerjäger-Triebwagen 51 in scala 1/72 - Modello Hobby Boss. Il Panzerjäger-Triebwagen 51 (PzTrWg 51) era un treno blindato tedesco costruito durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per servire come veicolo ferroviario corazzato e armato. Questo mezzo speciale fu progettato per proteggere le linee ferroviarie dalle incursioni nemiche e supportare operazioni di sicurezza e combattimento nelle zone di occupazione. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Treno blindato/mezzo ferroviario corazzato anticarro. Costruttore: Deutsche Reichsbahn e collaborazioni industriali tedesche. Anno di produzione: 1944. Numero di unità costruite: 1 esemplare. Motore: Locomotiva diesel con trasmissione elettrica. Design e struttura Blindatura: Il PzTrWg 51 era completamente corazzato per resistere a piccoli calibri, schegge di artiglieria e attacchi leggeri. Armamento principale: Cannone anticarro PaK 43 da 88 mm, montato in una torretta girevole derivata dal carro armato Tiger II. Questo armamento lo rendeva efficace contro veicoli corazzati e fortificazioni. Armamento secondario: Mitragliatrici per la difesa ravvicinata contro la fanteria e l'aviazione leggera. Mobilità: Alimentato da un motore diesel-elettrico, consentiva una discreta mobilità lungo le linee ferroviarie. Ruolo operativo Protezione delle ferrovie: Il Panzerjäger-Triebwagen 51 fu utilizzato per scortare convogli ferroviari e difendere le linee logistiche cruciali. Supporto anticarro: Grazie al potente cannone PaK 43 da 88 mm, il PzTrWg 51 poteva ingaggiare efficacemente carri armati nemici e veicoli corazzati. Teatri operativi: Utilizzato principalmente sul Fronte Orientale, dove la minaccia ai trasporti ferroviari era elevata a causa delle attività partigiane e delle offensive sovietiche. Prestazioni e limiti Punti di forza: Potente armamento, elevata protezione e capacità di offrire un efficace supporto anticarro. Adatto a operazioni statiche o difensive lungo linee ferroviarie. Limiti: Dipendenza dalle linee ferroviarie per la mobilità, che ne limitava l'impiego tattico. Vulnerabilità agli attacchi aerei o sabotaggi della ferrovia. Sintesi finale Il Panzerjäger-Triebwagen 51 rappresentava un'idea unica nel panorama bellico della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, combinando il concetto di treno blindato con la potenza di fuoco di un cannone anticarro avanzato. Sebbene fosse efficace in ruoli specifici, la sua produzione limitata e l'evoluzione del conflitto ne ridussero l'importanza strategica. Rimane tuttavia un esempio affascinante dell'ingegnosità militare tedesca.  


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German Panzerjägerwagen 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 82955
SKU HOBS-82955
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Kit vagone blindato German Panzerjägerwagen Vol. 2  in scala 1/72 - Modello Hobby Boss. Il Panzerjägerwagen era un vagone blindato tedesco utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale come parte dei treni corazzati. Il suo scopo principale era fornire protezione anticarro e supporto di fuoco pesante lungo le linee ferroviarie, cruciali per la logistica e le operazioni militari tedesche. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Vagone blindato con funzione anticarro. Ruolo: Difesa ferroviaria, supporto alle truppe e protezione di convogli. Armamento principale: Cannone anticarro pesante, spesso il famoso PaK 40 da 75 mm o altre varianti come il PaK 43 da 88 mm. Blindatura: Protezione contro proiettili di piccolo calibro e schegge di artiglieria, con spessori variabili tra 10 e 30 mm. Equipaggio: Composto da un numero ridotto di operatori per gestire il cannone, le mitragliatrici e la sorveglianza. Design e struttura Struttura: Il Panzerjägerwagen era montato su un vagone ferroviario con ruote standard, progettato per essere trainato da locomotive corazzate. Spesso dotato di una torretta mobile o di un cannone fisso montato su una piattaforma aperta, offriva un'elevata capacità di fuoco in tutte le direzioni. Armamento secondario: Mitragliatrici leggere o medie per la difesa ravvicinata contro la fanteria. Ruolo operativo Protezione delle linee ferroviarie: Utilizzato per scortare convogli e difendere le linee ferroviarie da attacchi partigiani o nemici. Supporto anticarro: Grazie al potente cannone anticarro, il Panzerjägerwagen poteva ingaggiare carri armati nemici e veicoli corazzati. Teatri operativi: Impiegato principalmente sui fronti orientale e occidentale, dove le linee ferroviarie erano spesso soggette a sabotaggi e attacchi nemici. Prestazioni e limiti Punti di forza: Potente armamento in grado di neutralizzare minacce corazzate. Protezione sufficiente per operazioni contro fanteria e incursioni leggere. Limiti: Mobilità limitata alle linee ferroviarie, rendendolo prevedibile e vulnerabile a bombardamenti aerei o sabotaggi delle rotaie. Utilità ridotta in scenari dinamici o offensivi. Sintesi finale Il German Panzerjägerwagen era una soluzione tattica innovativa per difendere le cruciali infrastrutture ferroviarie durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Sebbene fosse efficace nel suo ruolo specifico, la sua dipendenza dalle ferrovie e l'evoluzione delle tattiche nemiche ne limitarono l'utilizzo. Rimane un esempio emblematico dell'ingegnosità bellica tedesca, in grado di combinare potenza di fuoco e protezione in un mezzo ferroviario.  


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Personenwagen Cid-27 - 1/35 - DAS WERK DW35033
SKU DASW-35033
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: Anni '20
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Kit Personenwagen Cid-27 „Donnerbüchse“ in scala 1/35 - Modello Das Werk. La Personenwagen Cid-27 "Donnerbüchse" è un tipo di carrozza passeggeri ferroviaria tedesca, costruita negli anni '20 per le ferrovie della Deutsche Reichsbahn. Il soprannome "Donnerbüchse" (in italiano, "scatola di tuono") deriva dal rumore caratteristico prodotto durante il viaggio, dovuto alla sua struttura metallica e al sistema di sospensione rigido. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Carrozza ferroviaria passeggeri. Costruzione: Metallo (primo passo verso la sostituzione delle vecchie carrozze in legno). Anno di produzione: Fine anni '20 e '30. Uso principale: Trasporto passeggeri sulle linee principali e secondarie. Configurazione: Ampie finestre. Sedili di legno o imbottiti a seconda della classe (generalmente terza classe). Vestiboli d'accesso alle estremità. Caratteristiche tecniche Lunghezza: Circa 13-14 metri. Struttura: Telaio in acciaio con rivestimento metallico. Sistema di sospensione: Semplice, contribuiva al caratteristico rumore durante la corsa. Freni: A vuoto o pneumatici. Velocità massima: Generalmente tra i 90 e i 100 km/h. Ruolo storico Le "Donnerbüchsen" furono introdotte per modernizzare il parco rotabile della Reichsbahn e offrire un'alternativa più duratura rispetto alle vecchie carrozze in legno. Erano robuste e affidabili, ma non particolarmente confortevoli a causa delle vibrazioni e del rumore. Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, molte di queste carrozze furono convertite per usi militari o requisiti per il trasporto di truppe e materiali. Eredità Nonostante siano state gradualmente sostituite da modelli più avanzati, alcune Donnerbüchsen sono sopravvissute come materiale storico o per uso turistico su linee ferroviarie museali. Rappresentano un importante pezzo di storia ferroviaria tedesca, simbolo di un'epoca di transizione tecnologica tra il legno e l'acciaio.


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Güterwagen Gr 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35902
SKU THM-35902
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German Güterwagen kit Gr in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. - 210 plastic parts (sprues 2xA,2xB, C, 2xD1, 2xD2) with slide and multi-side slide molded details - accurately reproduced under carriage and air brake system - faithfully reproduced wooden texture - door can be assembled any any position - optional appearance choices - PE detail sheet, 3 decal options The Güterwagen Gr is a German freight car used during the first half of the 20th century, particularly during World War II, to transport supplies and troops. "Güterwagen" means "freight wagon" in German, while "Gr" denotes a specific type of enclosed wagons known for their robustness and loading capacity. Main features of the Güterwagen Gr Design and structure: It is an enclosed freight car designed to transport cargo, war materials, and even troops or prisoners. The enclosed structure protects the cargo from the elements. Made of wood or metal, the Güterwagen Gr was built with sliding side doors for easy loading and unloading. Cargo capacity: Typically, this type of wagon could carry several tons of military material and resources, such as weapons, ammunition, equipment or provisions. It was also often used to transport horses, other farm animals, and, in wartime situations, people. Use during the war: The Güterwagen Gr was used extensively by the Deutsche Reichsbahn (the German railways) during World War II to transport troops, prisoners of war and resources to various fronts. It is known for its role in German wartime logistics, as it allowed the movement of large quantities of material and personnel quickly and over long distances. Operational role: As a versatile wagon, the Güterwagen Gr played a variety of roles during the conflict, demonstrating utility both for logistical purposes and for transporting men and animals as well as essential supplies. Conclusion The Güterwagen Gr is an iconic example of a German freight wagon used during World War II to support army logistics. Robust and versatile, this type of wagon represents one of the main means of transportation in military rail logistics at the time.

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German Railway Track Set 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 82902
SKU HOBS-82902
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German Railway Track Set kit in 1/72 scale - HOBBY BOSS model.


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German railway cannon K5 Leopold 1/72 - HASEGAWA 30070
SKU HAS-30070
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German K5 (E) Leopold Winter Camouflage railway gun kit with figure in 1/72 scale - Hasegawa model. The German Railgun K5 (E) Leopold Winter Cam ouflage is a heavy artillery piece designed and used by Germany during World War II. This cannon is known for its imposing size and ability to inflict considerable damage, and the "Winter Camouflage" version refers to its camouflage appearance used during winter operations. Characteristics of the K5 (E) Leopold Cannon Design and Construction: Origin: The K5, also known as the "Leopold," was designed by Krupp, one of Germany's leading armament companies. It is a heavy rail gun that uses a railroad train as its movement platform. Type: It is a 28 cm (280 mm) rail gun designed for long-range bombardment. It was one of the most powerful artillery weapons of its time. Technical Specifications: Gauge: 280 mm. Barrel length: Approximately 21 meters. Weight: The artillery piece and train together weigh over 200 tons. Range: It can fire at distances of up to 40 kilometers, depending on the type of ammunition used. Features and Operations: Movement: Being mounted on a railway train, the K5 can be moved along railway lines. However, transportation and positioning require considerable planning and logistics. Loading and Firing: The gun is manually fed and requires a team of highly skilled gunners for loading and firing operations. Winter Camouflage Version: Camouflage: "Winter Camouflage" refers to the paint pattern applied to the gun to suit the winter environment. This camouflage helps camouflage the weapon in snowy or icy environments, making it less visible to the enemy. Usage: This version was particularly useful during winter operations on the Eastern Front, where harsh weather conditions were common. Historical Significance and Legacy Strategic Role: Heavy Artillery: The K5 was used to bombard strategic targets and enemy fortifications at long ranges, contributing significantly to German operations during the war. Limitations: Despite its power, the railgun had limitations, including the need for specific rail lines and its bulky size that made it difficult to conceal and protect. Collectibles and Rarities: Rarity: Today, original K5 pieces are extremely rare and are considered collector's items of historical value. Some examples can be found in museums and private collections. Legacy: The design and capability of the K5 represent an example of German military technology and engineering during World War II. Conclusion The German K5 (E) Leopold Winter Camouflage railgun is a significant example of World War II heavy artillery, known for its power and innovative use of the railroad as a firing platform. The "Winter Camouflage" version adds another level of adaptation to the environmental conditions of the time, demonstrating the attention to detail in German military design and strategy.

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German Panzerträgerwagen 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 82936
SKU HOBS-82936
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German Panzerträgerwagen kit in 1/72 scale - Hobby Boss model. The German Panzerträgerwagen is a type of armored railway car used by Germany during World War II. These wagons were an integral part of German armored trains (Panzerzüge), designed to transport and deploy tanks and other armored vehicles directly to battlefields or conflict zones. Main Features of the Panzerträgerwagen Design and Construction: Origins: The Panzerträgerwagen was developed as part of German efforts to create versatile and mobile armored trains capable of carrying and supporting armored vehicles. Manufacturer: Several German railroad manufacturers contributed to the production of these wagons. Design and Configuration: Structure: These tanks were built with a strong metal structure to support the weight of the tanks. Protection: Some Panzerträgerwagen were armored to provide protection against air and artillery attacks, while others were less armored but designed to quickly transport heavy vehicles. Loading Systems: Equipped with ramps and anchor systems to facilitate the loading and unloading of tanks and armored vehicles. Types of Transported Vehicles: Tanks: Mainly light, medium and heavy tanks, such as the Panzer III, Panzer IV, Tiger I, and other armored vehicles. Support Vehicles: Vehicles for logistical support, troop transport, and self-propelled artillery. Operational Use. Historical Context: Introduction: Used primarily during World War II, these armored rail cars were part of the Wehrmacht's mobility and surprise strategies. Theater of Operation: Employed on several fronts, including the Eastern and Western fronts, where mobility and rapid deployment of armored vehicles were crucial. Operational Role: Rapid Transport: Enabled the rapid transfer of tanks and armored vehicles between different theaters of operations. Operations Support: An integral part of armored trains, providing logistical support and mobility to armored units. Tactical Surprise: Used to launch quick and surprising attacks, carrying tanks directly into conflict zones. Performance and Reliability: Robustness: Built to withstand the weight and stresses of transporting heavy armored vehicles. Versatility: Ability to carry a variety of vehicles, making them a valuable asset for military operations. Conclusion The German Panzerträgerwagen represents a crucial element in German military logistics and strategy during World War II. The ability to rapidly transport and deploy tanks and armored vehicles directly to battlefields gave German forces a significant tactical advantage, improving mobility and rapid response capability. These armored railcars underscore the importance of logistics and engineering in supporting the complex military operations of the period.


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Schnellzuglokomotive S3/6 BR18 - 1/87 - REVELL 02168
SKU RE-2168
Scale: 1/87
Nation: Germany
Period: Anni '30
Type: Trains
Category Kit

S3/6 BR18 Rapid Train Locomotive Kit with Tender Scale 1/87 - Revell Model.Discover the era of steam locomotives with our high-precision model kit of the S3/6 BR18 Rapid Train Locomotive. This 1:87 scale kit consists of 154 finely crafted parts and faithfully reproduces the historic original with a length of 284 mm, a width of 39 mm and a height of 64 mm. The recommended age is 13+ years, making this model the ideal project for experienced modelers. Special features such as the detailed boiler, smoke chamber, driving wheels and pushrods, as well as the tender and its chassis promise a realistic and stimulating building experience.Supply:Detailed boiler and smoke chamberDriving wheels and pushrodsTender and detailed chassisDecals for two versions: Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche ReichsbahnSpecial features:Highly detailed parts for a realistic designSpecial features that emphasize the authenticity of the modelTwo different design options with decalsThis complex kit in the Level 5 category is intended for experienced modelers with in-depth knowledge and skills. Recommended for ages 13 and up, this kit offers the perfect opportunity to expand your model building skills and delve into the details and techniques of in-depth model building projects.Background information:From 1908 to 1931 the S 3/6 series was produced for the Royal Bavarian State Railways and the German Reich Railways. It was characterized by its smooth operation and an output of 1830 PSi. This kit brings a piece of railway history into your home and allows you to create an impressive model of one of the most iconic locomotives.


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Automobile FS 206/207/208 Sole 1/35 - AK INTERACTIVE 35009
SKU AK-35009
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Trains
Category Kit

FS 206/207/208 Sogliola Rail Shunter Automotore Kit in 1/35 scale - AK INTERACTIVE Model. The Automotore FS 206/207/208 Sogliola is a series of rail shunters developed and used by the Italian State Railways (FS). These self-propelled cars were part of the family of light and fast trains designed for regional and suburban rail services. Here is some general information about them: Design and Features: The Sogliola self-propelled railcars were light diesel-powered trains with engines installed on board. They were designed to be fast, efficient, and suitable for service on non-electrified rail lines. They were known for their distinctive aerodynamic shape, which vaguely resembled the shape of a "sole," hence the name. Use and Service: Sogliola railcars were used mainly for regional and suburban rail services on non-electrified lines in several regions of Italy. They have been used for passenger transport on medium- and long-distance routes, offering a combination of comfort, speed, and reliability. Variants: The FS 206/207/208 series included several variants of self-propelled cars, each with small differences in design and technical characteristics. These variants were used according to the specific needs of different railway lines and passenger services. Legacy: Sogliola self-propelled cars represented an important step forward in the evolution of regional and suburban rail services in Italy. Their introduction helped to improve the accessibility and efficiency of rail transportation by providing a modern and comfortable solution for travelers. In general, FS 206/207/208 Sogliola railcars have been an integral part of the Italian railway fleet and have played a significant role in passenger transport on non-electrified lines in different regions of the country.


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German Railway Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSys 1/35 - AK INTERACTIVE 35501
SKU AK-35501
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German Railway Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSys kit in 1/35 scale - AK INTERACTIVE model. The "Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSys" is a type of heavy platform wagon used for transporting exceptional and heavy loads by rail. The German designation "Schwerer Plattformwagen" can be translated as "heavy platform wagon". Some key features of this type of wagon might include: Heavy Load Capacity: These platform wagons are designed to carry heavy and bulky loads, such as industrial equipment, large parts, or other exceptional loads. Rugged Structure: To handle considerable weights, the platform wagon is built with a strong and reinforced structure to ensure safety and stability during transport. Swivel Plate or Fixed Structure: Depending on the specific design, some platform wagons may have a swivel plate that allows greater flexibility in load placement, while others may have a fixed structure. Securing Devices: They may have securing devices such as straps, chains, or other equipment to secure the load securely during rail transport. Rail Use: These platform wagons are designed specifically for rail transport and are suitable for integration into the rail system.


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G10 covered freight wagon in 1/35 - AK INTERACTIVE 35502
SKU AK-35502
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German Railways G10 covered goods wagon kit in 1/35 scale - AK INTERACTIVE model.


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Breuer IV 1/35 - AK INTERACTIVE 35008
SKU AK-35008
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Breuer locomotive kit IV Railway diverter in 1/35 scale - AK INTERACTIVE model.


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Railway tracks dead end 1/35 - AK INTERACTIVE 35010
SKU AK-35010
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Blind alley railroad track kit in 1/35 scale - AK INTERACTIVE model.


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Binari ferroviari doppi 1/35 - AK INTERACTIVE 35011
SKU AK-35011
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

 Kit Binari ferroviari doppi in scala 1/35 - Modello AK INTERACTIVE.


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Deutz OMZ 122f 1/72 - HAULER HLP72036
SKU HLP-72036
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Deutz OMZ 122f Locomotive in 1/72 Scale - Hauler Resin Model.Whether you prefer it as an individual display piece or as part of a diorama, Hauler's Deutz diesel locomotive is a well-detailed and fun item. Most of the components are cast resin, and you will also receive an excellent display base with track and point details in situ. The engine is a separate item, as is the cab control unit, which receives PE hand levers. The trolleys and connecting arms are also cast individually, while a fire extinguisher is provided to be mounted on the inside rear wall of the cab. The cab and engine housing are individual subassemblies, but construction seems straightforward--although most of the components will have to be sawed away from the casting blocks. A considerable amount of resin must be removed from the top of the entire chassis floor before it can be used, but the bottom is full of integral engine/transmission details. Photoetched brass is also used for the engine side doors, front grille, and manufacturer's plates for the exterior cab. Clear acetate is provided to replicate the cabin window panes.


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Mehrzweck-Lokomotive Baureihe 03
SKU RE-2166
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/87
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/87 Mehrzweck-Lokomotive Baureihe 03The 03 series locomotives were built between 1930 and 1938 as express train locomotives for routes suitable only for axle loads up to 18 tons. The Borsig , Krupp , Henschel and Schwartzkopff companies built 298 of the locomotive type, which was based on the 01 series .The lower mass of the machines compared to the 01 series was achieved through a lighter bar frame , a smaller boiler and smaller cylinders . From 03 123 the pumps were moved to the center of the vehicle and from 163 the locomotives were equipped with bogies with 1000 mm diameter running wheels instead of 850 mm . The first 122 units were originally approved only for a maximum speed of 120 km/h, but this was increased to 130 km/h after a few years following tests at the locomotive test office in Grunewald . The 03 123 machines were already approved for this speed at the time of delivery. The 03 series locomotives were characterized by a low specific steam consumption value of 6.32 kg/PSh in relation to the indicated power. The machines also had low coal consumption values of 0.86 kg/hp (in comparison: P 8 0.96 kg/hp, 01 series 0.93 kg/hp and S 3/6 0.88 kg/hp).


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WWII German Wasserfall Ferngelenkte Flakrakete Railway Car
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/72
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/72 WWII German Wasserfall Ferngelenkte Flakrakete Railway Car 


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REVELL 02171 Vierzylinder-Einheitslokomotive BR 02 mit Kurztender 2'2 T30
SKU RE-2171
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/87
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/87 SVierzylinder-Einheitslokomotive BR 02 mit Kurztender 2'2 T30   


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Germany Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSyms 80
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/72
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/72 Germany Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSyms 80 *** Discontinued -

Out of stock
Nation: Germany
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 Kesselwagen Bauart Deutz 1941-1990

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German Railway Schwerer Plattformwagen SSyms 6 (Axle) 80t
Nation: Germany
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 German Railway Schwerer Plattformwagen SSyms 6 (Axle) 80t

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German Railway Flatbed Ommr
Nation: Germany
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 German Railway Flatbed Ommr (Flachwagen Ommr Linz)  

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Vagone ferroviario piatto
Brand MIG
Scale: 1/72
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/72 Vagone ferroviario piatto


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Vagone ferroviario per trasporto di veicoli pesanti
Brand MIG
Scale: 1/72
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/72 Vagone ferroviario per trasporto di veicoli pesanti


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Sezione di binario
Brand MIG
Scale: 1/72
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/72 Sezione di binario


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Schwerer Plattformwagen Typ Ssy
SKU DRA-6069
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Schwerer Plattformwagen Typ Ssy

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REVELL 02172 Schwere Schnellzuglokomotive mit Tender 2'2 T32 BR 01
SKU RE-2172
Nation: Germany
Period: Modern
Scale: 1/87
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/87 Schwere Schnellzuglokomotive mit Tender 2'2 T32 BR 01  


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THUNDER MODEL 35904 German Ssyl Flat Wagon
SKU THM-35904
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 German Ssyl Flat Wagon


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Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit



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Armoured locomotive of the armored train -25% OFFER
SKU UMM-72684
Scale: 1/72
Category Kit

1/72 Armoured locomotive of the armored train "Kozma Minin"

46,20 € 34,65

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Mörser KARL-Gerät 040/041
SKU HOBS-82961
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/72 Mörser KARL-Gerät 040/041 on Railway Transport Carrier   I Karl-Gerät erano una serie di mortai da assedio semoventi in forza all'esercito tedesco, concepiti durante la seconda metà degli anni trenta per sfondare la linea difensiva francese Maginot. Entrati in servizio quando la Francia era già stata conquistata, furono impiegati in poche occasioni e alla fine della guerra furono per lo più distrutti dagli stessi tedeschi. 


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T-Model 50t SSys
Scale: 1/72
Category Kit

1/72 T-Model 50t SSys Schwerer Plattformwagen + 8,8cm Flak


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German 80T Type SSyms
Scale: 1/35
Category Kit

1/35 German 80ton Type SSYMS Flatcar

Out of stock
Scale: 1/35
Period: WWI
Category Kit



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SKU HOBS-82904
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/72 MORSER KARL-Gerat 040/041 Initial version


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German Kanonen und Flakwagen of BP42
SKU HOBS-82925
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/72 German Kanonen und Flakwagen of BP42


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Scale: 1/35
Nation: Russia
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit



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MBV-2 (F-34 GUN)
SKU HOBS-85515
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Russia
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 Soviet MBV-2 (F-34 GUN)


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Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Civili
Category Kit

1/35 RAILWAY GONDOLA 16,5-18t

Out of stock
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Russia
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit



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Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit



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Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Type: Trains
Category Kit


Out of stock
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Type: Trains
Category Kit


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