Military vehicles

Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Luchsturm 1/35 - DRAGON 6696
SKU DRA-6696
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit veicolo corazzato Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Luchsturm in scala 1/35 - Modello DRAGON.  Il Sd.Kfz. 234/2 è una variante del veicolo corazzato da ricognizione tedesco, spesso chiamato Puma, utilizzato dalla Wehrmacht durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Conosciuto per la sua agilità e potenza di fuoco, questo veicolo apparteneva alla serie Schwerer Panzerspähwagen 234 (veicoli corazzati pesanti da ricognizione), sviluppati per il ricongiungimento rapido e la ricognizione armata su vari terreni. Caratteristiche principali del Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Design e Struttura: Il Sd.Kfz. 234/2 aveva una struttura a 8 ruote motrici, che gli garantiva una buona mobilità e velocità su terreni difficili. Era dotato di una torretta chiusa e corazzata simile a quella del carro armato leggero Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. L "Luchs", da cui deriva il nome "Luchsturm" (letteralmente "torretta del Luchs"). La corazzatura era spessa fino a 30 mm, offrendo protezione contro il fuoco leggero e le schegge. Armamento: La sua arma principale era un cannone KwK 39/1 da 50 mm, in grado di ingaggiare efficacemente veicoli blindati nemici e fanteria. Era equipaggiato anche con una mitragliatrice MG34 da 7,92 mm montata in torretta per la difesa ravvicinata. Motore e Prestazioni: Alimentato da un motore diesel Tatra 103 da 210 CV, il Puma raggiungeva una velocità massima di circa 90 km/h su strada, risultando uno dei veicoli da ricognizione più veloci dell'epoca. L’autonomia su strada era di circa 800 km, rendendolo adatto per operazioni di ricognizione a lungo raggio. Ruolo Operativo: Progettato principalmente per compiti di ricognizione, il Sd.Kfz. 234/2 era impiegato in missioni esplorative avanzate, identificando la posizione del nemico e fornendo informazioni strategiche. Era anche utilizzato per operazioni offensive e difensive, in cui la sua velocità e il cannone da 50 mm gli permettevano di agire contro veicoli corazzati e fanteria nemici. Conclusione Il Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Puma rappresentava un veicolo da ricognizione versatile e ben armato, che univa velocità, potenza di fuoco e buona corazzatura. Sebbene prodotto in quantità limitate, fu molto apprezzato dagli equipaggi per le sue prestazioni elevate e la capacità di operare efficacemente sia in compiti di ricognizione sia in scontri diretti.  


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Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B 1/35 - DRAGON 6207
SKU DRA-6207
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit carro armato leggero Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B DAK Version in scala 1/35 - Modello DRAGON.  Il Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B (Panzerkampfwagen I Ausführung B) è una variante del carro armato leggero tedesco Panzer I, utilizzato principalmente nelle prime fasi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Sviluppato come veicolo da addestramento per formare le prime unità corazzate della Wehrmacht, il Panzer I è stato poi adattato per il combattimento, anche se la sua armatura leggera e il debole armamento lo resero rapidamente obsoleto rispetto ai veicoli nemici. Caratteristiche principali del Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B Design e Struttura: L'Ausf. B era una versione migliorata del modello precedente (Ausf. A) e differiva principalmente per l'utilizzo di un motore più potente. Questo modello montava infatti un motore Maybach NL 38 TR da 100 cavalli, rispetto al motore da 60 cavalli dell'Ausf. A, che migliorava le prestazioni su terreni difficili. Per ospitare il motore più grande, il telaio venne allungato, e l'Ausf. B aveva una ruota in più sul treno di rotolamento, con cinque ruote per lato invece delle quattro del modello A. Armamento: Il Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B era equipaggiato con due mitragliatrici MG13 da 7,92 mm montate nella torretta, che gli conferivano una discreta potenza contro la fanteria e veicoli leggeri, ma non erano efficaci contro carri armati più corazzati. Questa limitazione nell'armamento riduceva la sua capacità offensiva e lo rendeva vulnerabile nelle battaglie contro carri armati avversari. Armatura: Il Panzer I Ausf. B aveva un'armatura leggera, con uno spessore massimo di 13 mm, progettata per proteggere solo dai proiettili di piccolo calibro e dalle schegge. Questa scarsa protezione lo rendeva inadatto agli scontri prolungati con veicoli meglio corazzati. Ruolo Operativo: Il Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B fu inizialmente impiegato durante la Guerra Civile Spagnola e poi nelle prime campagne della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, come la campagna di Polonia e la battaglia di Francia. Tuttavia, il suo ruolo nel combattimento diretto venne presto ridotto, e molti Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B furono destinati a ruoli di supporto o a compiti secondari man mano che carri armati più moderni venivano prodotti. Conclusione Il Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B è stato un mezzo fondamentale per la formazione delle prime divisioni corazzate tedesche e per i primi conflitti della Germania, ma la sua limitata potenza di fuoco e armatura lo resero rapidamente superato. Sebbene non idoneo per il combattimento contro carri armati pesanti, servì come base per lo sviluppo di carri armati più avanzati e svolse un ruolo importante nell'addestramento delle truppe corazzate tedesche.  


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Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.K 1/35 - DRAGON 6853
SKU DRA-6853
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit carro armato Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.K in scala 1/35 - Modello Dragon. Il Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.K era una versione del carro armato tedesco Panzer III adattata per il ruolo di veicolo comando (da cui "Befehlswagen", che significa appunto "veicolo di comando") durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questo modello fu progettato per fornire supporto nelle comunicazioni e nel comando delle truppe corazzate sul campo di battaglia. Caratteristiche principali Base: Derivato dal telaio del Panzer III Ausf. J o L, con alcune modifiche per ospitare l'equipaggiamento di comando. Armamento: Solitamente dotato di un cannone da 50 mm KwK 39 L/60 e di una mitragliatrice coassiale, ma meno armato rispetto ai carri da combattimento standard, poiché gran parte dello spazio era destinato agli strumenti di comunicazione. Radio e Comunicazioni: Equipaggiato con una serie di radio a lungo raggio per la comunicazione e il coordinamento delle truppe sul campo; questo includeva apparati radio FuG 8 e FuG 5 per le comunicazioni tra carri armati e comando centrale. Equipaggio: Generalmente composto da 5 membri, inclusi comandante, operatore radio e equipaggio di supporto. Modifiche strutturali: Spesso presentava un’antenna a telaio o “a croce” montata sul retro per facilitare la trasmissione radio su lunghe distanze. Ruolo operativo Il Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.K fu utilizzato per coordinare le operazioni delle forze corazzate sul fronte, in particolare durante le offensive della Germania nazista in Europa e sul fronte orientale. Grazie alla sua configurazione, permetteva ai comandanti di campo di ricevere e trasmettere ordini direttamente alle unità in prima linea, mantenendo il controllo e la coordinazione anche in scenari di guerra complessi.  


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Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.J / Pz.III Ausf.J 1/35 - DRAGON 6628
SKU DRA-6628
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit veicolo corazzato Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.J / Pz.III Ausf.J in scala 1/35 - Modello DRAGON.  Il Pz.Bef.Wg. III Ausf. J è una variante del carro armato tedesco Panzer III utilizzato dalla Wehrmacht durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La designazione Pz.Bef.Wg. sta per Panzerbefehlswagen, ovvero "carro comando," ed era una versione speciale del Panzer III progettata per il comando e il coordinamento delle unità corazzate sul campo di battaglia. L'Ausf. J è una delle varianti migliorate del Panzer III, con un'armatura più spessa e un armamento potenziato rispetto alle versioni precedenti. Caratteristiche principali del Pz.Bef.Wg. III Ausf. J Ruolo e Funzione: Il Pz.Bef.Wg. III Ausf. J era utilizzato come carro comando per le unità corazzate e differiva dai normali Panzer III principalmente per l’equipaggiamento radio avanzato, utilizzato per le comunicazioni e il coordinamento tattico. Era dotato di radio a lungo raggio e sistemi di trasmissione migliorati, permettendo ai comandanti di dirigere efficacemente le operazioni delle unità corazzate in battaglia. Design e Struttura: La struttura del veicolo era basata sul Panzer III Ausf. J, una delle versioni con armatura più resistente. L'armatura frontale dello scafo era stata aumentata fino a 50 mm, offrendo una protezione migliore contro le armi anticarro nemiche. La torretta era simile a quella del Panzer III standard, ma il modello comando aveva una disposizione interna diversa, con meno munizioni per fare spazio all’equipaggiamento radio supplementare e ai dispositivi di comunicazione. Armamento: La maggior parte dei Pz.Bef.Wg. III Ausf. J era equipaggiata con un cannone KwK 38 da 50 mm L/42, con una potenza di fuoco adeguata per i veicoli nemici leggeri e di media armatura. Alcuni modelli erano disarmati o avevano un'arma simulata per mantenere l'aspetto di un carro armato, riducendo la necessità di munizioni e aumentando lo spazio per l'equipaggiamento di comando. Prestazioni e Mobilità: Dotato di un motore Maybach HL 120 TRM, il Panzer III Ausf. J aveva una velocità massima di circa 40 km/h, risultando abbastanza mobile per spostarsi tra le unità e mantenere il contatto visivo con le truppe durante le operazioni. Con un'autonomia di circa 155 km su strada, poteva supportare operazioni di breve e medio raggio senza rifornimenti frequenti. Conclusione Il Pz.Bef.Wg. III Ausf. J era essenziale per il comando delle unità corazzate tedesche durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, combinando la mobilità del Panzer III con comunicazioni avanzate. Il modello Ausf. J rappresentava uno dei più avanzati della serie Panzer III, unendo protezione, capacità di comando e discreta potenza di fuoco, e contribuendo a migliorare l’efficacia tattica dei reparti corazzati tedeschi.  


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Camion da cucina dell'esercito americano WWII 1/35 - ICM 35587
SKU ICM-35587
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit camion G7117 da cucina dell'esercito americano della seconda guerra mondiale in scala 1/35 - Modello ICM.  Il G7117 era un camion da cucina utilizzato dall'esercito americano durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per garantire pasti caldi alle truppe in movimento o nei campi base. Questo veicolo era parte della famiglia di camion Chevrolet G7100, progettati per il trasporto di rifornimenti e materiali, ma il modello G7117 era specificamente allestito come cucina mobile. Caratteristiche principali Tipo di veicolo: Camion militare da 1,5 tonnellate con allestimento per cucina mobile. Motore: Generalmente montava un motore a benzina Chevrolet a sei cilindri in linea, che forniva la potenza necessaria per spostarsi su terreni difficili. Configurazione: Trazione 4x4, per garantire mobilità anche in condizioni difficili o su terreni accidentati. Equipaggiamento cucina: Includeva bruciatori, fornelli, contenitori per cottura e utensili, nonché serbatoi per l’acqua e lo spazio per il trasporto di cibo e materiali da cucina. Uso: Preparazione e distribuzione di pasti caldi a truppe in prima linea o in basi temporanee, fondamentale per mantenere il morale e le energie dei soldati. Importanza storica Il G7117 era una risorsa logistica cruciale per l'esercito americano, in grado di fornire un supporto essenziale per l'alimentazione delle truppe anche in condizioni di guerra e lontano dalle linee di rifornimento principali.  


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Veicoli da sbarco USA 1/350 - AFV CLUB AF73516
SKU AFV-73516
Scale: 1/350
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Set di veicoli da sbarco USA in scala 1/350 - Modello AFV Club.Il set comprende M4 Sherman, M3 Scout Car, LVT Landing Vehicle Tracked, DUKW, 105mm M2A1 Howitzer, Willys MB, Dodge WC53 Ambulance, GMC CCKW 353. 


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Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 -1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35200
SKU THM-35200
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Trasportatore di carri armati britannico Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model. - 590+ parti in plastica, con dettagli stampati a slitta e multi-lato (14 sprue in grigio, 1 parte trasparente) - telaio, verricello e rimorchio riprodotti fedelmente e altamente dettagliati - motore, cabina e interni accuratamente stampati con dettagli e forma delle dimensioni corrette - pneumatici stampati in plastica - tutte le porte e le finestre possono essere assemblate aperte o chiuse, le ruote e i carrelli posteriori possono girare e oscillare - foglio di dettagli PE, catene e funi in scala inclusi   Lo Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 è un veicolo militare pesante britannico usato come trattore per il recupero di carri armati e trasporto di equipaggiamenti pesanti, prodotto dalla Scammell Lorries Ltd. Progettato negli anni '30, è stato ampiamente utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale dalle forze armate britanniche grazie alla sua robustezza e capacità di operare su terreni difficili. Caratteristiche principali dello Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 Design e Struttura: Il Pioneer ha un telaio robusto, progettato per trasportare carichi pesanti e recuperare veicoli corazzati, anche in condizioni di terreno difficili e fangosi. È dotato di un asse anteriore sterzante e di due assi posteriori, che garantiscono una trazione eccezionale e stabilità anche con carichi elevati. Motore e Prestazioni: È equipaggiato con un motore a sei cilindri diesel da 7 litri, capace di generare una potenza che permette al veicolo di trainare oltre 30 tonnellate. La trasmissione a trazione integrale e la capacità di superare ostacoli lo rendono molto efficace in condizioni di battaglia e in ambienti difficili. Ruolo operativo: Il modello TRMU30 era il trattore che trainava il rimorchio per trasporto di carri armati, mentre il TRCU30 era la versione completa con il rimorchio annesso, utilizzato per trasportare carri medi e pesanti sul campo di battaglia. Oltre al recupero di veicoli danneggiati o immobilizzati, era usato per trasportare carri armati su lunghe distanze, specialmente su strade dove i carri armati avrebbero danneggiato l’asfalto. Uso storico: Lo Scammell Pioneer è stato fondamentale durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per il trasporto di carri armati come il Matilda e il Churchill, specialmente nel teatro europeo e nordafricano. La sua capacità di recupero e trasporto ha reso le operazioni logistiche e di supporto delle truppe molto più efficienti, permettendo un rapido intervento per la riparazione e il recupero dei veicoli sul campo di battaglia. Conclusione Lo Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 è un veicolo di recupero e trasporto di mezzi pesanti, noto per la sua affidabilità e potenza durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La sua versatilità e capacità di carico l'hanno reso uno strumento fondamentale per le operazioni di recupero e trasporto delle forze armate britanniche, confermandone l’importanza nelle operazioni militari del periodo.  


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Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35207
SKU THM-35207
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Trasportatore di carri armati britannico Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.  Il Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 è il rimorchio che, insieme al trattore Scammell Pioneer TRMU30, forma un sistema di trasporto progettato per spostare carri armati e altri veicoli militari pesanti durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Costruito per sostenere carichi di fino a 30 tonnellate, il TRCU30 era essenziale per il trasporto di carri armati britannici, offrendo una soluzione robusta e affidabile per la logistica militare. Caratteristiche principali dello Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 Design e struttura: Il TRCU30 è un rimorchio pesante a due assi con una piattaforma di carico bassa e rinforzata, progettata specificamente per ospitare carri armati e veicoli corazzati. Il sistema di ancoraggio e la struttura robusta del rimorchio permettevano il trasporto sicuro dei mezzi, anche su terreni accidentati. Capacità di carico: Con una capacità di carico fino a 30 tonnellate, il TRCU30 era adatto per il trasporto di carri armati medi e pesanti, oltre ad altri veicoli e attrezzature pesanti. La capacità di sostenere grandi pesi era fondamentale per consentire movimenti rapidi di mezzi pesanti in prima linea o verso aree di recupero. Ruolo operativo: Il TRCU30 era utilizzato per trasportare i carri armati in zone di combattimento senza che questi dovessero usare il proprio motore, risparmiando carburante e riducendo l'usura. Questo rimorchio fu particolarmente utile in contesti dove il trasferimento di mezzi pesanti su lunghe distanze era necessario, come in Nord Africa e nelle campagne europee. Utilizzo storico: L'uso combinato del TRMU30 e del TRCU30 permise all’esercito britannico di effettuare spostamenti rapidi e sicuri di mezzi corazzati, garantendo supporto logistico continuo anche in zone impervie o non preparate. Conclusione Il Scammell Pioneer TRCU30, accoppiato al trattore TRMU30, ha avuto un ruolo cruciale nelle operazioni di trasporto di carri armati britannici durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, offrendo una soluzione affidabile e robusta per la logistica militare e facilitando il movimento di mezzi pesanti nelle operazioni su vari fronti di battaglia.  


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Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35204
SKU THM-35204
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Trattore britannico Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.  Lo Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 è una versione del veicolo pesante britannico Scammell Pioneer, progettato specificamente per il traino e il trasporto di carri armati durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questa versione è stata creata per funzionare in coppia con il rimorchio TRCU30, formando un sistema completo di trasporto di carri armati capace di spostare mezzi corazzati e veicoli militari pesanti. Caratteristiche principali dello Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 Design e struttura: Il TRMU30 era un trattore a tre assi, con configurazione 6x4 e una cabina aperta o semi-chiusa per l'equipaggio, dotato di un robusto telaio adatto per il traino di carichi estremamente pesanti. Questo modello è stato pensato per trainare rimorchi da trasporto corazzati, come il TRCU30, progettato per il trasporto di carri armati. Motore e prestazioni: Equipaggiato con un motore a sei cilindri diesel, il TRMU30 offriva una potenza sufficiente per trainare fino a 30 tonnellate di carico, anche su terreni irregolari e fangosi. La combinazione di robustezza del telaio e potenza del motore permetteva al TRMU30 di trasportare anche i più pesanti carri armati britannici dell'epoca. Ruolo operativo: Il TRMU30, accoppiato con il rimorchio TRCU30, veniva usato principalmente per spostare carri armati e veicoli corazzati da un luogo all'altro senza la necessità che questi utilizzassero il proprio motore. Era spesso impiegato in operazioni di supporto logistico, permettendo di trasportare i carri armati in zone di combattimento o di recupero. Utilizzo storico: Il Pioneer TRMU30 fu usato estensivamente nelle campagne europee e in Nord Africa durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La sua capacità di traino pesante e affidabilità lo rendevano uno strumento essenziale per i reparti di trasporto e recupero corazzato. Conclusione Il Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 è stato un trattore da trasporto essenziale per l’esercito britannico, capace di spostare mezzi corazzati pesanti su lunghe distanze, contribuendo alle operazioni di trasporto e supporto logistico nelle condizioni difficili delle operazioni belliche.  


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Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35208
SKU THM-35208
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Rimorchio britannico Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 da 30t "collo d'oca" in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model. 


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Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35205
SKU THM-35205
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

 Kit Rimorchio britannico Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.


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Scammell Pioneer R100 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35202
SKU THM-35202
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Trattore di artiglieria pesante R100 British Scammell Pioneer in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.  Lo Scammell Pioneer R100 è una versione del trattore militare pesante Scammell Pioneer, utilizzato principalmente durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per il recupero e il traino di artiglieria e veicoli pesanti. È noto per la sua robustezza e capacità di operare su terreni difficili, anche in condizioni di fango o sabbia, che lo hanno reso un mezzo di supporto essenziale nelle operazioni militari britanniche. Caratteristiche principali dello Scammell Pioneer R100 Design e struttura: L’R100 era costruito su un telaio a tre assi con una configurazione 6x4, che forniva un'ottima trazione e stabilità, rendendolo particolarmente adatto per operazioni su terreni accidentati. Il veicolo disponeva di una cabina chiusa, con spazio per l'autista e l'equipaggio, e un verricello posteriore, utile per il recupero di mezzi bloccati o danneggiati. Motore e prestazioni: Equipaggiato con un motore a benzina a sei cilindri Gardner, l’R100 poteva raggiungere una velocità massima di circa 40 km/h. La sua potenza gli permetteva di trainare carichi pesanti, come artiglieria da campo e carri armati leggeri, oltre a essere usato per il recupero di mezzi immobilizzati. Ruolo operativo: Utilizzato principalmente per il traino di artiglieria e il recupero di veicoli, l’R100 era fondamentale nelle operazioni di supporto delle truppe britanniche, specialmente in teatri operativi dove le condizioni del terreno rendevano difficile l’uso di veicoli standard. Era impiegato anche per il trasporto di attrezzature pesanti, svolgendo un ruolo logistico cruciale. Uso storico: Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, lo Scammell Pioneer R100 fu utilizzato in diversi teatri di guerra, inclusi il Nord Africa e l'Europa. La sua affidabilità e capacità di carico lo resero un veicolo prezioso per il Corpo Reale di Artiglieria e altre divisioni militari. Conclusione Lo Scammell Pioneer R100 è ricordato come un trattore versatile e resistente, che ha svolto un ruolo significativo nelle operazioni militari britanniche, fornendo supporto logistico essenziale e recupero di mezzi pesanti in condizioni difficili.  


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LRDG F30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35310
SKU THM-35310
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Autocarro da pattuglia LRDG F30 con cassone posteriore offset in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.  L'LRDG F30 è un veicolo militare leggero utilizzato dal Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), un'unità britannica specializzata in ricognizioni e incursioni a lungo raggio durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale nel Nord Africa. Basato sul camion Ford F30 canadese da 30 quintali (3 tonnellate), questo veicolo venne modificato per le operazioni in ambienti desertici estremamente ostili. Caratteristiche principali dell'LRDG F30 Design e Struttura: Basato su un telaio robusto, il Ford F30 venne adattato per il deserto, con modifiche che includevano la rimozione delle parti superflue, come il tetto e i pannelli laterali, per ridurre il peso e migliorare la ventilazione. Equipaggiato con un motore a benzina affidabile e una trazione robusta, progettata per affrontare terreni difficili e sabbiosi. Equipaggiamento e Armamento: Il LRDG F30 era dotato di serbatoi di carburante supplementari per aumentare l'autonomia, fondamentali per le lunghe distanze senza punti di rifornimento. Equipaggiato con mitragliatrici e mitragliatrici leggere come la Vickers K o la Bren, oltre a fucili, carabine e talvolta cannoni anticarro leggeri per difendersi o attaccare piccoli convogli. Ruolo Operativo: Utilizzato principalmente per missioni di ricognizione, incursioni contro linee di rifornimento nemiche, sabotaggi e raccolta di informazioni dietro le linee italiane e tedesche. Il Long Range Desert Group, a cui apparteneva l'F30, era noto per le sue operazioni stealth e di logoramento, infliggendo danni significativi alle linee logistiche dell'Asse. Utilizzo Storico: L'LRDG, e con esso il Ford F30, ebbe un ruolo cruciale nelle campagne del Nord Africa, lavorando spesso in cooperazione con altre unità speciali come il SAS. Il Ford F30 divenne iconico per la capacità di operare in condizioni estreme e per la resistenza, qualità che furono determinanti nelle missioni di lunga durata nel deserto. Conclusione L'LRDG F30 rappresenta un veicolo fondamentale nella strategia di guerra del deserto per il Regno Unito, grazie alla sua robustezza, capacità di adattamento e autonomia. Questi veicoli leggeri permisero al LRDG di compiere missioni difficili e contribuire in modo significativo alle operazioni alleate contro le forze dell'Asse nel Nord Africa.  


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Clarktor 6 Mill-44 Rimorchiatore statunitense 1/32 - THUNDER MODEL 32004
SKU THM-32004
Scale: 1/32
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Rimorchiatore statunitense Clarktor 6 Mill-44 in scala 1/32 - Thunder Model  Il Clarktor 6 Mill-44 è un trattore per rimorchio prodotto dalla Clark Equipment Company, progettato principalmente per il traino di velivoli e attrezzature pesanti su superfici di aeroporto e basi militari. È noto per la sua affidabilità, potenza e facilità di manovra, ed è stato largamente utilizzato in contesti militari e civili per facilitare le operazioni di movimentazione a terra, specialmente durante e dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Caratteristiche principali del Clarktor 6 Mill-44 Design e struttura: Il Clarktor 6 presenta un design robusto e compatto, ideale per operazioni di traino pesante in spazi ristretti. È dotato di una cabina aperta o semiaperta, che permette un’eccellente visibilità al conducente durante le manovre in spazi ridotti. Motore e prestazioni: È equipaggiato con un motore a combustione interna, che fornisce una potenza elevata rispetto alla sua dimensione. Questo modello è in grado di trainare carichi estremamente pesanti, come grandi aerei, con un’ottima capacità di trazione anche su superfici poco uniformi. Ruolo operativo: Utilizzato principalmente per il traino di velivoli e altre attrezzature pesanti sulle piste e nelle aree di parcheggio, il Clarktor 6 era fondamentale per la logistica a terra negli aeroporti militari e commerciali. Ha trovato impiego sia in contesti civili che militari, grazie alla sua versatilità e affidabilità. Uso storico: Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale e negli anni successivi, il Clarktor 6 è stato adottato da numerose forze armate e compagnie aeree in tutto il mondo. La sua affidabilità e resistenza ne hanno fatto un mezzo essenziale nelle operazioni di terra e nei movimenti logistici nelle basi aeree. Conclusione Il Clarktor 6 Mill-44 è un mezzo da traino iconico nel settore dell'aviazione e della logistica militare, apprezzato per la sua capacità di movimentazione di carichi pesanti e la sua durevolezza. Questo trattore ha rappresentato un contributo significativo all'efficienza delle operazioni aeroportuali, svolgendo un ruolo cruciale nelle operazioni di terra per oltre mezzo secolo.  


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Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B 1/35 - TAMIYA 35388
SKU TAM-35388
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Carro armato tedesco Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B in scala 1/35 - Modello Tamiya.  Il Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. B (Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B) è un carro armato leggero tedesco usato principalmente negli anni '30 e all'inizio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Fu progettato come veicolo da addestramento per preparare le truppe alle tecniche di guerra corazzata, ma fu utilizzato anche in combattimento nelle prime fasi del conflitto. Caratteristiche principali: Equipaggio: Due persone (pilota e mitragliere/comandante). Armamento: Due mitragliatrici MG 13 da 7,92 mm, adatte principalmente per supporto di fanteria e combattimento contro bersagli non corazzati. Corazzatura: Molto leggera, variava da 6 a 13 mm, il che lo rendeva vulnerabile anche alle armi leggere anticarro. Motore: Diversamente dalla versione Ausf. A, il Panzer I Ausf. B montava un motore più potente da 100 CV, per una velocità massima di circa 40 km/h su strada. Utilizzo in guerra: Il Panzer I Ausf. B fu impiegato nelle campagne di Polonia, Francia e nelle prime fasi della guerra sul fronte orientale. Tuttavia, la sua leggera corazzatura e il debole armamento lo resero obsoleto contro i carri armati più potenti e le armi anticarro, e presto venne relegato a compiti di supporto e addestramento.  


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K-52 Rimorchio PE-95 motore 1/35 - MINIART 35426
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Rimorchio K-52 con gruppo motore PE-95 in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIARTIl MiniArt Kit 35426 presenta il rimorchio K-52 con unità di potenza PE-95 in scala 1:35.Questo kit di modelli in plastica altamente dettagliato cattura l'aspetto autentico del rimorchio K-52,completo di unità di potenza PE-95, ampiamente utilizzato durante la seconda guerra mondiale.Rimorchio e gruppo propulsore: progettazione dettagliata del rimorchio K-52 e del gruppo propulsore PE-95.Parti in plastica di alta qualità: componenti stampati con precisione per una costruzione realistica.Parti fotoincise incluse: aggiungono dettagli precisi per una rappresentazione accurata.5 opzioni di decalcomanie: personalizza il tuo modello con marcature autentiche. 


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British Stuart Mk.I 1/35 - MINIART 35421
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit carro British Stuart Mk.I "Honey" in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART  Il British Stuart Mk. I, noto anche come M3 Stuart, è un carro armato leggero sviluppato e utilizzato dalle forze britanniche e americane durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. È stato progettato principalmente per operazioni di ricognizione e supporto. Caratteristiche principali del British Stuart Mk. I Design e sviluppo: Il M3 Stuart fu progettato negli Stati Uniti e il suo primo modello entrò in produzione nel 1941. Il nome "Stuart" deriva dal generale confederato J.E.B. Stuart. La versione Mk. I era caratterizzata da un design compatto e una struttura completamente metallica, con una buona manovrabilità su vari terreni. Motorizzazione e prestazioni: Era alimentato da un motore GMC da 6 cilindri, capace di generare circa 100 cavalli. Il carro armato poteva raggiungere una velocità massima di circa 40 km/h su strada e aveva un'autonomia di circa 160 km. Armamento: Il Stuart Mk. I era armato con un cannone da 37 mm montato in torretta, supportato da mitragliatrici Browning da 7,62 mm, una montata coassialmente con il cannone e una seconda nella parte anteriore. Corazzatura: La corazzatura del M3 Stuart variava da 12 mm a 51 mm, offrendo una protezione adeguata contro il fuoco di armi leggere, ma limitata contro i cannoni anticarro più potenti. Ruolo operativo: Il Stuart Mk. I fu impiegato in ruoli di ricognizione, supporto e pattugliamento. La sua leggerezza e velocità lo rendevano adatto per operazioni rapide e per il movimento in terreno difficile. Fu utilizzato in vari teatri di guerra, tra cui il Nord Africa e l'Europa, e si dimostrò utile in missioni di esplorazione e come supporto per le forze di fanteria. Utilizzo internazionale: Oltre alle forze britanniche, il M3 Stuart fu utilizzato anche dall'esercito statunitense e da altre forze alleate, contribuendo in modo significativo agli sforzi bellici durante la guerra. Eredità: Il M3 Stuart è stato uno dei carri armati leggeri più prodotti durante la guerra, con oltre 20.000 unità costruite. La sua versatilità e affidabilità lo hanno reso un veicolo apprezzato, e ha continuato a servire in vari eserciti anche dopo la guerra. Conclusione Il British Stuart Mk. I è un esempio significativo di un carro armato leggero dell'epoca della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La sua combinazione di mobilità, armamento e capacità di supporto lo ha reso un veicolo utile nelle operazioni di guerra, contribuendo agli sforzi bellici alleati in vari teatri di conflitto. La sua storia è un riflesso dell'evoluzione dei veicoli blindati e della loro importanza nei moderni conflitti armati.  


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VBM Arrow 1/35 - TRUMPETER 09606
SKU TRU-09606
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 scale VBM Arrow armored vehicle kit - Trumpeter model. The VBM Arrow is a multi-role armored vehicle produced by the Italian company Iveco Defence Vehicles and designed for the Italian Army. It was developed to replace older armored vehicles and to meet the modern requirements of military operations. Main features of the VBM Arrow: Type: Armored troop transport vehicle (AFV) and combat vehicle. Design and construction: It features a highly armored shell that offers protection against bullets, shrapnel and mines. The configuration of the vehicle allows good mobility and maneuverability in different terrains. Armament: Can be equipped with various weapon systems, including 25 mm cannons, machine guns and missile systems, depending on the assigned mission. It has a remote tower that provides added protection for the crew. Mobility: The Arrow is equipped with a powerful engine that enables it to tackle different types of terrain, with a top speed of about 100 km/h on the road. It can also operate in adverse weather conditions. Crew: Can carry up to 8 soldiers, in addition to the driver and commander. Role and Usage: The Arrow VBM is designed to carry out a variety of missions, including: Troop transport: Ensuring the safety and security of forces while moving to the battlefield. Fire support: Providing combat capabilities through its armament. Reconnaissance and patrol operations: Gathering intelligence and monitoring enemy activities. Operational deployment: The Arrow has been employed in several international missions, contributing to peacekeeping and stabilization operations in complex contexts. Its versatility and combination of protection and firepower make it an essential element in modern armed forces. In summary, the VBM Arrow represents a significant step forward for the Italian Army in the armored vehicle sector, providing advanced capabilities to meet contemporary challenges in theaters of operation.


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V300 1/35 - HOBBY BOSS 84573
SKU HOBS-84573
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

V300 90mm Cockerill Gun vehicle kit in 1/35 scale - Hobby Boss model. The V300 is an armored troop carrier (APC - Armored Personnel Carrier) vehicle produced by Cadillac Gage, part of the Textron Group. This armored vehicle is designed to be highly versatile and suitable for various military, homeland security and police missions. It is part of the V-series family of armored vehicles, which includes variants such as the V100 and V150. Key features: Type: 4x4 armored vehicle for troop transport Origin: United States Wheels: 4x4, designed to provide mobility both on and off road. Protection: The V300 features lightweight steel armor that protects the crew from small arms and blast shrapnel. Capacity: It can carry a crew of 2-3 members and up to 10 fully equipped soldiers. Armament: Can be equipped with a variety of armaments, including machine guns, automatic grenade launchers or small cannons. Variants: The V300 has been produced in several variants to suit specific roles as an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), mobile command post, anti-tank support vehicle or fire support vehicle. Role: The V300 is primarily used to transport troops to operational areas, providing protection against light threats, and can be used in patrol operations, peacekeeping, and combat in urban or off-road environments. The vehicle has found use in various armies and security forces around the world.


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US M1240 M-ATV MRAP - 1/72 - TRUMPETER 07413
SKU TRU-07413
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

US M1240 M-ATV MRAP armored aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Trumpeter model. TheM1240 M-ATV (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected All-Terrain Vehicle) is a multipurpose armored vehicle designed specifically for military operations in harsh environments and to provide protection against mines and ambush attacks. Developed by Oshkosh Defense, the M-ATV has been adopted by the U.S. military and other armed forces around the world. Key features of theM1240 M-ATV: Type: MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) wheeled armored vehicle. Protection: Advanced anti-mine design with a V-shaped structure that disperses blast energy under the vehicle. Reinforced armor to protect the crew from bullets and shrapnel. Protective component for vehicle doors and bottom to resist improvised explosives (IEDs). Mobility: Advanced suspension system offering excellent off-road capabilities and stability on rough terrain. Diesel engine with power output of about 400 hp, providing good speed and maneuverability. Size and capacity: Can carry up to 5 crew members, including the driver. Inside, the vehicle is designed to carry various equipment and materials, making it versatile for support missions. Armament: Often equipped with an armed turret for fire support, which may include machine guns or other armament depending on mission requirements. Role and use: The M1240 M-ATV has been used primarily by U.S. forces in theaters of war such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Due to its advanced protection and off-road capabilities, it is particularly effective in patrol, surveillance and ground troop support operations. The design of the M-ATV is based on direct experience in modern conflicts, where crew protection and the ability to operate in extreme environments have become crucial aspects of contemporary military operations.


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T-72M1 - 1/35 - TRUMPETER 09604
SKU TRU-09604
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Russia
Period: Cold War
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

T-72M1 tank kit in 1/35 scale - Trumpeter model. The T-72M1 is a variant of the famous T-72 tank, designed and produced in the Soviet Union. This tank was adopted by several countries during the Cold War and saw extensive use in various armed conflicts. Main features of the T-72M1: Type: Second-generation main battle tank (MBT). Design and construction: It has a compact structure and a low-profile tower designed to reduce the area of exposure to enemy strikes. The tank is built with armor materials that offer good protection against anti-tank shells and mines. Armament: The tower is armed with a 125 mm main gun (2A46), which can use different types of ammunition, including armor-piercing shells and anti-tank missiles. It is equipped with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun (DShK) mounted on the tower. Engine and mobility: Equipped with a diesel engine that offers good power, enabling the T-72M1 to move quickly over various terrains. It has a maximum speed of about 60 km/h on roads and 40 km/h on rough terrain. Crew: Usually composed of 3 members: commander, driver and gunner. Role and use: The T-72M1 has been used primarily as a battle tank in various armed forces around the world, particularly in Eastern European countries and some Middle Eastern and African states. Its design made it a versatile vehicle suitable for offensive and defensive operations. Variants and modifications: Over the years, the T-72M1 has undergone several modifications and upgrades to improve its protection, combat capabilities and technology, adapting to modern requirements. However, the basic design of the T-72 has remained in use, testifying to its effectiveness in the battlefield.


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M1131 Stryker 1/72 - TRUMPETER 07424
SKU TRU-07424
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

M1131 Stryker Armored Fire Support Vehicle kit in 1/72 scale - Trumpeter model. The M1131 St ryker is an armored troop carrier vehicle (APC) of the Stryker family, designed and manufactured in the United States. It is part of the Stryker program, which aims to provide the U.S. military with a versatile and highly mobile vehicle for operations in combat and troop support environments. Key features of theM1131 Stryker: Type: Armored troop transport vehicle (APC) with support capability. Protection: Construction with armored materials that provide adequate protection against bullets and shrapnel. Ability to add additional armor to increase resistance to improvised explosives (IEDs) and mines. Mobility: Diesel engine that provides sufficient power to operate on a variety of terrains, both paved and rough. Independent suspension system that provides excellent maneuverability and comfort for the crew while on the move. Capacity: Can carry up to 9 soldiers in addition to the 2-member crew (driver and commander). Ample interior space for equipment and materials. Armament: The M1131 is often equipped with an armed turret that may include 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine guns, and sometimes heavier weapon systems depending on mission specifications. Role and use: The M1131 Stryker is designed to be used in a variety of roles, including: Troop transport: Transporting troops safely to the battlefield. Fire support: Provide direct fire support through its armor and armament. Recognition andPatrol: Used in recognition and patrol operations due to its mobility and protection. The Stryker has been used in a number of military operations, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, where its versatility and ability to adapt to different operational scenarios have proven its value as a modern combat platform. Due to its modular design, the Stryker system can be easily adapted to perform different roles according to mission requirements.


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Leopard 2A6M CAN - 1/72 - TRUMPETER 07193
SKU TRU-07193
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Canadian Leopard 2A6M CAN tank kit in 1/72 scale - Trumpeter model. The Leopard 2A6M CAN is a modernized version of the German-developed Leopard 2 main battle tank. This variant is specifically designed for the Canadian Armed Forces and features enhancements to deal with modern threats, particularly those from improvised explosives (IED) and direct fire attacks. Key features of the Leopard 2A6M CAN: Type: Main Battle Tank. Developer: Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW). Armament: Main cannon: 120 mm Rheinmetall L55, which offers remarkable penetration capability and accuracy. Secondary armaments include 7.62 mm coaxial machine guns and air defense machine guns. Protection: The Leopard 2A6M is equipped with advanced protection, with additional armor systems installed to resist attacks from direct fire and mines. The "M" version also includes specific modifications to reduce vulnerability to mines and improvised explosives. Mobility: MTU MB 873 Ka-501 diesel engine, offering a power output of about 1,500 hp. Maximum road speed of about 72 km/h and good maneuverability in difficult terrain. Fire control system: Equipped with a night vision system and an advanced ballistic computer, which greatly improves accuracy in low visibility conditions. Role and use: The Leopard 2A6M CAN was employed by the Canadian Armed Forces in combat missions in Afghanistan, where protection against mines and IEDs was of particular importance. Due to its firepower, mobility and protection, the Leopard 2A6M is considered one of the most advanced and lethal tanks in service. Its combination of modern technology and operational capabilities makes it a key element in land forces, contributing significantly to power projection capability and troop protection on the battlefield.


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Eitan AFV 1/35 - HOBBY BOSS 84509
SKU HOBS-84509
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Israel
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

IDF Eitan wheeled armored vehicle kit in 1/35 scale - Hobby Boss model. TheEitan AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle) is an Israeli armored fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield. It is developed by the Israeli defense industry as a cheaper and more versatile solution than the Namer, while maintaining a high level of protection. Main features: Type: Armored troop transport vehicle (APC) and infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) Origin: Israel Entry into service: Designed for use with the Israeli army in 2020. Weight: Approximately 35 tons. Propulsion: Has a 750-horsepower diesel engine, giving it a top speed of about 90 km/h. Wheels: 8×8 (8-wheel drive). Operating characteristics: The Eitan is designed to be highly mobile and fast, allowing rapid response in various operational scenarios. Armor: Although lighter than the Namer, it offers advanced protection against mines and IEDs (improvised explosive devices), as well as anti-tank ammunition. Armament: Can be equipped with a turret with heavy machine guns, rocket launchers or automatic cannons, as well as active defense systems such as the Trophy, which detects and destroys incoming threats such as anti-tank missiles. Capabilities: Can carry up to 12 fully equipped soldiers, including pilot, commander and machine gunner. Role: The Eitan is designed to provide armored mobility to Israeli infantry for both offensive and defensive operations.


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Type 95 1/35 - FINE MOLDS FM50
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Japan
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

IJA Type 95 Kurogane 4x4 reconnaissance car kit in 1/35 scale - Fine Molds model. The Type 95 may refer to several Japanese weapons and vehicles developed during the pre-World War II period and during the war. However, one of the best known is the Type 95 Ha-Go, a light tank used by the Japanese Empire during World War II. Here is a description of this famous vehicle. Main features of the Type 95 Ha-Go Origin and role: The Type 95 Ha-Go was designed in the early 1930s and officially adopted in 1935 as a light tank for the Japanese Imperial Army. Its main role was to support infantry and carry out reconnaissance missions. It was one of the most produced Japanese tanks during the war and was widely used in campaigns in China, the Pacific Islands, and other Asian theaters of operation. Design and structure: The Type 95 had light armor, with a maximum thickness of about 12 mm, which provided limited protection against small arms and shrapnel but was ineffective against anti-tank guns or heavy machine guns. The tank had a crew of three: a pilot, a commander/artilleryman, and a machine gunner. The design of the Type 95 was quite simple and oriented toward speed and maneuverability rather than firepower or protection. Motorization and mobility: The tank was powered by a Mitsubishi NVD 6120 diesel engine, which provided about 120 horsepower. The top speed on the road was about 45 km/h, making it relatively fast for the time. It had good movement capability over rough terrain, making it suitable for operations in territories such as jungles and Pacific islands. Armament: The Type 95 was armed with a 37 mm Type 94 cannon mounted in the turret. This cannon was effective against infantry and light vehicles, but was insufficient against the Allies' more heavily armored tanks. In addition to the gun, the Type 95 was equipped with two Type 91 6.5-mm machine guns, one coaxial and one mounted in the hull for machine gunner use. Operational role and use: The Type 95 Ha-Go was widely employed in the early stages of World War II, especially during the Japanese invasions of China and the Philippines. It initially proved effective against ill-equipped infantry and light vehicles. However, as the conflict progressed and more powerful Allied tanks, such as the M4 Sherman, were introduced, the Type 95 proved inferior, both in terms of armament and protection. Despite its weakness, it was used until the end of the war due to the lack of more advanced Japanese armored vehicles. Limitations: The Type 95 Ha-Go suffered from very thin armor and limited armament. This also made it vulnerable to enemy anti-tank light weapons and heavy machine guns. Although it was fast and maneuverable, its light weight and low firepower made it unsuitable for confrontation with the Allies' medium and heavy tanks. During the war in the Pacific, especially against U.S. forces, the Type 95 was at a serious disadvantage against more advanced Allied tanks and tactics. Conclusion The Type 95 Ha-Go was one of the most important light tanks for the Japanese Army during World War II. Although it was suitable for movement warfare in territories such as China or Pacific islands, it proved inadequate when facing the Allies' more powerful armored vehicles. Despite its limitations, the Type 95 was widely used until the end of the conflict, playing a significant role in Japanese operations.


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Type 94 truck 1/35 - FINE MOLDS FM31
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Japan
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Japanese Imperial Army Type 94 6-wheel truck kit tarpaulin roof in 1/35 scale - Fine Molds model. Type 94 may refer to several vehicles or weapons developed by the Japanese Empire, especially during the period from the 1930s through World War II. One of the best known is the Type 94 light tank (also known as the Type 94 TK), a small tracked tank employed by the Imperial Japanese Army. Below, I provide an overview of the Type 94 TK. Key features of the Type 94 TK Origin and role: The Type 94 TK was developed in the early 1930s as a light reconnaissance and infantry support tank. Its main role was to carry machine guns and light guns to the battlefield and to support infantry operations with covering fire. It was mainly used for reconnaissance, troop transport, and as a means to quickly infiltrate behind enemy lines. Design and structure: The Type 94 TK had a low weight, around 3 tons, and a crew of 2: a pilot and a gunner/commander. The armor of the tank was thin, with a maximum thickness of about 12 mm, enough to protect the crew only from small arms and shrapnel, but not from heavy cannon or machine gun fire. The design of the vehicle was compact, with a low height and a very small silhouette, allowing it to move quickly through difficult terrain. Motorization and mobility: The Type 94 was powered by a Mitsubishi gasoline engine, which gave it about 35 horsepower. The maximum speed on the road was about 40 km/h, which made it fast enough for reconnaissance and infantry support operations. It had a range of about 200 km, allowing it to operate over long distances without frequent refueling. Armament: The main armament of the Type 94 TK consisted of a Type 91 6.5 mm machine gun or, in later versions, a Type 92 7.7 mm machine gun. Some more advanced versions were equipped with a 37-mm cannon to improve offensive capability against enemy light armored vehicles. Operational role and use: The Type 94 TK was mainly employed during the Sino-Japanese War and the early phase of World War II. However, despite its use in large numbers, it was vulnerable to better armored and armed enemy tanks. It was used mainly in China and other regions of Southeast Asia where the lack of heavy enemy armored vehicles allowed it to be used more effectively. Limitations: The light armor and limited armament made the Type 94 vulnerable to enemy tanks and anti-tank weapons. In addition, its poor speed and maneuverability over rough terrain made it less effective than armored vehicles developed by allied countries. As the war progressed, the Type 94 became obsolete in the face of heavier and better armed Allied tanks. Conclusion The Type 94 TK was one of the first attempts by the Japanese Empire to develop a light tank to support infantry operations and reconnaissance missions. Although it was useful in the early stages of the conflict, it quickly became outdated due to its poor armor and limited armament, especially in combat against more powerful armored vehicles. However, it remains an important vehicle in Japanese military history for its pioneering role in the development of light armored vehicles.


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Type 94 truck 1/35 - FINE MOLDS FM30
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Japan
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Japanese Imperial Army Type 94 6-wheel truck kit in 1/35 scale - Fine Molds model. Type 94 can refer to several vehicles or weapons developed by the Japanese Empire, especially during the period from the 1930s until World War II. One of the best known is the Type 94 light tank (also known as the Type 94 TK), a small tracked tank employed by the Imperial Japanese Army. Below, I provide an overview of the Type 94 TK. Key features of the Type 94 TK Origin and role: The Type 94 TK was developed in the early 1930s as a light reconnaissance and infantry support tank. Its main role was to carry machine guns and light guns to the battlefield and to support infantry operations with covering fire. It was mainly used for reconnaissance, troop transport, and as a means to quickly infiltrate behind enemy lines. Design and structure: The Type 94 TK had a low weight, around 3 tons, and a crew of 2: a pilot and a gunner/commander. The armor of the tank was thin, with a maximum thickness of about 12 mm, enough to protect the crew only from small arms and shrapnel, but not from heavy cannon or machine gun fire. The design of the vehicle was compact, with a low height and a very small silhouette, allowing it to move quickly through difficult terrain. Motorization and mobility: The Type 94 was powered by a Mitsubishi gasoline engine, which gave it about 35 horsepower. The maximum speed on the road was about 40 km/h, which made it fast enough for reconnaissance and infantry support operations. It had a range of about 200 km, allowing it to operate over long distances without frequent refueling. Armament: The main armament of the Type 94 TK consisted of a Type 91 6.5 mm machine gun or, in later versions, a Type 92 7.7 mm machine gun. Some more advanced versions were equipped with a 37-mm cannon to improve offensive capability against enemy light armored vehicles. Operational role and use: The Type 94 TK was mainly employed during the Sino-Japanese War and the early phase of World War II. However, despite its use in large numbers, it was vulnerable to better armored and armed enemy tanks. It was used mainly in China and other regions of Southeast Asia where the lack of heavy enemy armored vehicles allowed it to be used more effectively. Limitations: The light armor and limited armament made the Type 94 vulnerable to enemy tanks and anti-tank weapons. In addition, its poor speed and maneuverability over rough terrain made it less effective than armored vehicles developed by allied countries. As the war progressed, the Type 94 became obsolete in the face of heavier and better armed Allied tanks. Conclusion The Type 94 TK was one of the first attempts by the Japanese Empire to develop a light tank to support infantry operations and reconnaissance missions. Although it was useful in the early stages of the conflict, it quickly became outdated due to its poor armor and limited armament, especially in combat against more powerful armored vehicles. However, it remains an important vehicle in Japanese military history for its pioneering role in the development of light armored vehicles.


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Type 89 Otsu 1/35 - FINE MOLDS FM62
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Japan
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Imperial Japanese Army Type 89 Otsu medium tank kit in 1/35 scale - Fine Molds model. The Type 89 Otsu is an improved version of the Type 89 I-Go, a Japanese medium tank developed and used by the Imperial Japanese Army during the first half of the 20th century, particularly in the 1930s and early World War II. Key features of the Type 89 Otsu Origin and development: The Type 89 Otsu is an updated variant of the Type 89 Ko, the original version of the Type 89 tank. The main change in the Otsu model was the introduction of a Mitsubishi diesel engine to replace the Ko's gasoline engine, which had reliability and overheating problems. The designation "Otsu" indicates that it is a later or modified version of the vehicle, with improvements aimed at efficiency and performance. Design and structure: The Type 89 Otsu maintained the same general structure as the Type 89 Ko, with light armor of about 6-17 mm and a design suitable for providing infantry support. The tank was still quite tall and squared off, with a central turret and machine guns mounted in front and rear. Motorization: The main improvement of the Type 89 Otsu over the previous model was the introduction of the Mitsubishi diesel engine, which offered greater reliability than the gasoline engine. This change was important because diesel engines were less flammable and more efficient in wartime conditions, especially in hot climates such as those the Japanese faced in Asia and the Pacific. The diesel engine slightly improved the speed and range of the wagon, although the top speed remained relatively low, around 25 km/h. Armament: Like its predecessor version, the Type 89 Otsu was armed with a 57 mm Type 90 cannon designed primarily for infantry support. This cannon was effective against fortified positions and enemy troops, but was not suitable for dealing with more heavily armored tanks. The tank was also equipped with one or two Type 91 6.5-mm machine guns, one mounted in the front of the hull and the other in the turret. Operational role and use: The Type 89 Otsu was used extensively during military campaigns in China and Manchuria. Due to its diesel engine, the Otsu version was better suited for long marches and support of infantry forces. However, as the war continued and Japanese forces faced better equipped armies, such as the Soviet and American armies, the Type 89, including the Otsu, proved increasingly ineffective. Allied tanks such as the M4 Sherman were more powerful and better armored, making the Type 89 Otsu obsolete by the beginning of World War II. Limitations: Despite the modifications made in the Otsu model, the Type 89 remained a rather slow and vulnerable tank. Its thin armor and small-caliber gun were no match for the Allies' more modern tanks. Its limited battlefield performance was particularly evident when Japanese forces faced Soviet tanks during the Nomonhan conflict and American tanks in the Pacific. Evolution and decommissioning: The Type 89 Otsu continued to be used in the early stages of World War II, mainly in China and in defensive operations on Pacific islands. However, as the war evolved and more modern armored vehicles were introduced, it was gradually withdrawn from the front lines and used in secondary or training roles. Conclusion The Type 89 Otsu represents a significant improvement over the initial Type 89 Ko model, especially the more reliable diesel engine. However, like most Japanese armored vehicles, it was limited in terms of armor and firepower, making it unsuitable for battles against more advanced Allied tanks. Despite its limitations, the Type 89 Otsu played an important role in Japan's pre-World War II campaigns and early stages of the conflict.

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Type 89 Ko 1/35 - FINE MOLDS FM56
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Japan
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Imperial Japanese Army Type 89 Ko medium tank kit in 1/35 scale - Fine Molds model. The Type 89 refers primarily to a Japanese medium tank known as the Type 89 I-Go, developed and employed by the Japanese Imperial Army between the late 1920s and World War II. It was one of Japan's first large production tanks and was used mainly during the campaigns in China and Manchuria. Main features of the Type 89 I-Go Origin and development: The Type 89 I-Go was developed in the late 1920s as the first mass-produced medium tank by the Japanese Empire. The goal was to provide an armored vehicle to support infantry during offensive operations. It officially entered service in 1931 and was considered advanced for its time, although it soon became obsolete as war technologies evolved in the following years. Design and structure: The Type 89 had medium-heavy armor for the period, with a maximum thickness of 17 mm. This armor was sufficient to resist small arms, but ineffective against anti-tank guns. The tank had a crew of 4 or 5 members, including a commander, gunner, driver, gunner, and loader. It had a rather tall and squared structure, with a central armed turret and machine guns mounted on the front and rear. Motorization and mobility: The Type 89 was produced in two main versions: the Type 89A and the Type 89B. The first version had a gasoline engine and suffered from overheating problems, while the second version, the Type 89B, had a Mitsubishi diesel engine, which improved performance and reliability. Top speed was about 25 km/h, making it relatively slow compared to later tanks, but sufficient for Japanese tactics of the time, which involved slow, coordinated advances with infantry. Armament: The Type 89 I-Go was armed with a Type 90 57 mm cannon, designed primarily for infantry support and thus effective against troops and fortified positions, but less suitable against other tanks. In addition to the main gun, the tank was equipped with one or two Type 91 6.5-mm machine guns, mounted in the front and rear of the tank. Operational use: The Type 89 was first used during the military campaigns in Manchuria and China, where its capabilities were sufficient against poorly equipped Chinese forces. However, as World War II progressed, its limitations became apparent, especially when facing the Allies' better-equipped armored forces, such as Soviet and U.S. tanks. Despite these limitations, the Type 89 continued to be used until the middle of the war, in part due to the scarcity of more modern armored vehicles available to the Japanese Army. Versions: Type 89A I-Go Ko: This was the original version, equipped with a gasoline engine. It had reliability and overheating problems, which led to the development of the B version. Type 89B I-Go Otsu: Improved version with a more reliable diesel engine. This variant was the most produced and used, with some improvements to the armor and reliability of the tank. Limitations: The Type 89 I-Go quickly became obsolete in the early 1940s because of its light armor, low speed, and limited firepower, especially against the Allies' more modern and better armored tanks. It was intended for operations against infantry and fortified positions, but was not designed for combat against other armored vehicles, a problem that became apparent during battles with Soviet and American tanks. Conclusion The Type 89 I-Go was one of the first medium tanks developed by the Imperial Japanese Army and played a significant role in the Japanese military campaigns in China and Manchuria. Although it was adequate for the conflicts of the late 1930s, it quickly became obsolete as war technology advanced, especially during World War II. The Type 89 represents an important step in the development of Japanese armored vehicles, but its limitations relegated it to a secondary role in the advanced stages of the conflict.


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Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B 1/35 - TAKOM 2145B
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Tank kit Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B (Limited Edition) in 1/35 scale - Takom model. The Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B (Panzerkampfwagen I Ausführung B) is an improved version of the Panzer I, the first mass-produced tank by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, used in the early stages of World War II. The Panzer I was a light tank designed primarily for training and to prepare Germany for the construction of more advanced tanks, but it was still used in combat in various military campaigns. Main features of the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B: Origin and development: The Panzer I was initially developed to train the crew and test new armored warfare tactics, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. The Ausf. B is an improved variant of the Ausf. A, which had some limitations in terms of engine and operational capabilities. The Ausf. B entered service in 1936 and is a significant upgrade over the A version, with improvements to the engine and design for greater operational efficiency. Engine and mobility: The main improvement in Ausf. B compared to the Ausf. A is the introduction of a more powerful engine, the Maybach NL 38 TR, a 6-cylinder engine with 100 hp. This replaced the less powerful Krupp engine used in the Ausf. A, which had reliability problems. With this new engine, the Panzer I Ausf. B could reach a maximum road speed of about 40 km/h, slightly faster than the previous model. The tank had a mass of about 5.8 tons, making it light and relatively easy to transport and maneuver on the battlefield. Armament: The armament of the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B consisted of two 7.92 mm MG 13 machine guns mounted in the turret. This armament was sufficient to deal with enemy infantry and light vehicles, but was ineffective against heavier, well-armored enemy tanks. Despite being equipped only with machine guns, the Panzer I was intended primarily for infantry support and reconnaissance missions, not for combat against enemy armored vehicles. Armor and protection: The Panzer I's armor was very thin, ranging in thickness from 7 to 13 mm, sufficient only to protect the crew from small arms and artillery shrapnel. It was not designed to withstand direct hits from anti-tank guns or heavy weapons. This limitation made it vulnerable in direct engagements against armored vehicles or enemy artillery. Operational employment: The Panzer I Ausf. B was used in the early campaigns of World War II, including the invasion of Poland in 1939 and the French campaign in 1940. Because of its light armor and limited offensive power, it was gradually replaced by more advanced tanks such as the Panzer III and Panzer IV. However, the Panzer I continued to be used in support roles as a command wagon or reconnaissance vehicle. Limitations: The Panzer I, including the Ausf. B, was obsolete by the beginning of World War II. Its poor armor and limited armament made it unsuitable for modern combat against better equipped tanks. The experience gained from using the Panzer I, however, was crucial to the development of more advanced German tanks and the formulation of armored warfare tactics, which became a central part of the Blitzkrieg (blitzkrieg ). Conclusion The Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B was an improved version of the first mass-produced German tank, used mainly in the early stages of World War II. Although it was limited in terms of armament and protection, it played an important role in shaping Germany's armored warfare tactics and training crews. However, as the conflict progressed, the Panzer I was quickly superseded by more powerful and stronger tanks.

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ICBM DF-41 - 1/72 - HOBBY BOSS 82963
SKU HOBS-82963
Scale: 1/72
Nation: China
Period: Modern
Type: Razzi / Vettori
Category Kit

DF-41 ICBM kit in 1/72 scale - Hobby Boss model The DF-41 (Dong Feng-41) is an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed by China. It represents one of China's most advanced strategic weapons systems and is part of China's nuclear force modernization program. The DF-41 is designed to carry nuclear warheads and has the range to strike targets around the world. Key features of the DF-41 ICBM: Type and design: The DF-41 is a land-launched intercontinental ballistic missile designed to be launched from silos or mobile vehicles, increasing its survivability and mobility. It has a multi-stage design, which enables it to reach high altitudes during flight, reducing the flight time to the target. Range: DF-41's range is estimated at 12,000 to 15,000 kilometers, enabling it to reach targets in almost any region of the world, including the United States and most of Europe. Cargo capacity: The DF-41 is capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads because of its Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) capability. This means it can hit multiple targets with a single missile, increasing the effectiveness of its attack. Guidance systems and accuracy: The DF-41 is equipped with advanced guidance systems that improve its accuracy and ability to avoid enemy missile defense systems. These systems include the use of inertial navigation technology and possibly GPS-based guidance systems. Strategic capability: The DF-41 is part of China's nuclear deterrence strategy, helping to ensure that China can respond to a threat with a nuclear strike. Its introduction into the repertoire of China's armed forces reflects China's growing commitment to modernize and expand its nuclear capabilities. Status and deployment: The DF-41 has been tested on several occasions, and China has announced its deployment as part of its nuclear deterrence force. The missile is expected to be used as part of a larger network of strategic attack and defense systems. Geopolitical Context: The introduction of the DF-41 has attracted the attention of the international community and raised concerns among Western powers, particularly the United States, about the strategic balance in Asia and the world. The missile represents a significant step in the modernization of China's nuclear forces and its status as a global military power. Conclusion The DF-41 ICBM is an advanced intercontinental ballistic missile that plays a crucial role in China's nuclear deterrence strategy. With its global reach, ability to carry multiple nuclear warheads and advanced technology, it represents one of the most significant components of China's nuclear potential, helping to shape the international security landscape.


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Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.D 1/35 - BORDER MODEL BT-041
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

German Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.D half-track kit in 1/35 scale - Border Model. The Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D was a German half-track used by the Wehrmacht during World War II. It was part of the Sd.Kfz. 251 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251), vehicles designed for troop transport and combat support. The designation Ausf. D refers to one of the last versions of this vehicle, characterized by several design simplifications compared to earlier variants. Main features: Role: Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) troop transport vehicle, used to transport infantry to the battlefield in relative safety and protection. Armament: Usually equipped with two MG 34 or MG 42 machine guns, one mounted in the front and one in the rear. It was designed to provide covering fire for transported infantry. Carrying capacity: It could carry up to 10 soldiers, in addition to the two-man crew (driver and machine gunner). Engine: It mounted a 6-cylinder Maybach HL 42 engine, which enabled it to reach a top speed of about 50 km/h. Armor: The armor was relatively light, with armor between 6 and 14.5 mm thick, sufficient to protect the crew from small arms fire and artillery shrapnel, but vulnerable to anti-tank guns and heavy weapons. Semi-tracked: The semi-tracked traction system allowed good mobility in difficult terrain, such as mud and snow, while maintaining superior stability compared to wheeled vehicles. Differences with earlier versions: Ausf. D is a simplified version of the earlier variants (such as Ausf. A, B and C). The most obvious change is the simplification of the structure of the rear of the vehicle, which made production faster and cheaper. This model was produced in large quantities starting in 1943, representing the final variant of the Sd.Kfz. 251. Operational use: The Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D was used to transport assault troops to the battlefield and allowed them to advance along with tanks in "Blitzkrieg" warfare mode. It was used primarily in panzergrenadieren units, the German mechanized infantry, but also in many other functions, such as ammunition transport, medical relief and logistical support. This vehicle was one of the most versatile and widespread in the German arsenal during the war.


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Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 F 1/72 - DRAGON 7560
SKU DRA-7560
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Tank kit Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 (F) in 1/72 scale - Dragon model. The Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 (F), or Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. F1, was a variant of the German Panzer IV tank, used during World War II. Here are the main details: Full name: Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausführung F1 (F). Role: Medium tank. Armament: Equipped with a 75 mm KwK 37 L/24 gun, a short-barreled weapon designed for infantry support and optimized for hitting soft targets or light fortifications. This gun was more effective against infantry and structures than against other tanks, which quickly made it outdated in the anti-tank role. Armor: Increased over previous versions, with improved frontal protection to deal with the growing threat from allied tanks. Introduction: Entered service in 1941, but was soon replaced by later variants (such as theAusf. F2 andAusf. G) that mounted long-barreled guns that were more effective against other tanks. Employment: Used mainly in the early years of the war, especially during the campaigns in North Africa and the Eastern Front. Evolution: Because of its limited capability against heavily armored tanks, it was quickly replaced by the Panzer IV Ausf. F2, which mounted a much more effective long-barreled gun, the 75 mm KwK 40 L/43. In summary, the Panzer IV Ausf. F1 was an important tank for infantry support, but as the conflict evolved, its main weapon became obsolete for combat against other tanks.


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Humvee M1097A2 freight transporter - 1/35 - ICM 35436
SKU ICM-35436
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 scale Humvee M1097A2 cargo transporter kit - ICM model.Markings:Humvee M1097A2, U.S. Army, 2000sHumvee M1097A2, U.S. Army (desert camouflage), 2000s The Humvee M1097A2 is a variant of the HMMWV(High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle), more commonly known as the Humvee, designed as a cargo transporter. This lightweight, high-mobility military vehicle is primarily used by the U.S. military, but has been exported and used in many other nations. Key features of the M1097A2: Role: The M1097A2 is a version of the Humvee designed primarily for transporting heavy loads and cargo. It has a greater cargo capacity than other variants, allowing the transport of equipment, supplies or weapons, suitable for logistical support missions. Cargo capacity: This variant has a payload capacity of about 5,000 pounds ( 2,270 kg ), making it one of the Humvee models with the highest carrying capacity. It is ideal for transporting materials in harsh operating environments. Engine: Equipped with a 6.5L diesel V8 engine, which offers enough power and torque to maintain high mobility even with heavy loads and in difficult terrain. The automatic transmission and all-wheel drive (4x4) improve mobility in rough terrain. Design: Like all versions of the Humvee, the M1097A2 is designed with a rugged chassis and a high-mobility suspension that allows it to handle challenging terrain. The vehicle has a reinforced rear loading platform to accommodate heavy loads or modular containers. Usage: This Humvee is primarily used for logistical operations, transporting ammunition, field equipment, medical supplies or other vital resources for troops in the field. In addition, it can be configured for various uses, such as moving weapons or specialized equipment. Variants and modifications: The M1097A2 is part of the second generation Humvee, featuring several upgrades over previous versions, including an improved suspension system and increased load capacity. This platform can be further modified with different body configurations, depending on operational needs. Global use: Although initially developed for the U.S. Army, the Humvee and M1097A2 have been adopted by numerous countries around the world, making it an essential support vehicle for logistics and transportation missions. In summary: The Humvee M1097A2 is a high-capacity version of the famous Humvee, designed to transport heavy goods and equipment under harsh conditions. It is highly regarded for its ruggedness, versatility, and ability to operate in hostile environments, making it essential for logistics support to the armed forces.


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Kfz.70 with MG 34 - 1/35 - ICM 35502
SKU ICM-35502
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

German Kfz.70 military vehicle kit with MG 34 in 1/35 scale - ICM model. The Kfz. 70 with MG 34 was a German light military vehicle used during World War II. It was a troop transport car (or general transport vehicle) classified as a Kfz. 70 and armed with an MG 34 machine gun. Main features of the Kfz. 70 with MG 34: Design and use: The Kfz. 70 was a version of the Einheits-Pkw vehicle, a standardized all-terrain car designed to transport personnel and light equipment. It was mainly used to transport squads of soldiers, small equipment or as a command vehicle. It was a versatile vehicle with high mobility in difficult terrain due to its all-wheel drive. It was used on several fronts by the German armed forces. Armament: It was equipped with an MG 34 machine gun, a 7.92 mm light machine gun widely used by the Germans, generally mounted on a mount for defense against infantry and for patrol missions. The MG 34 was effective against both infantry targets and light vehicles. Capabilities: Could carry about 7-8 soldiers with their equipment. The vehicle was open or semi-open, which made it easy for troops to quickly dismount and provide supporting fire. Motorization: Equipped with gasoline engines, which provided sufficient power for its off-road operations. Role in the war: The Kfz. 70 was widely used in various campaigns, including the Eastern Front, North Africa and Western Europe. Due to its versatility, it was used for troop transport, as a support vehicle and for scouting missions. In summary, the Kfz. 70 with MG 34 was a light troop transport vehicle with defense capabilities, suitable for support and logistics tasks as well as patrols and escort missions, a crucial piece in the organization of German motorized troops.


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U.S. Soldiers w/ WLA Motorcycles 1/35 - MINIART 35422
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Motorcycle vehicle kit aU.S. Soldiers w/ WLA Motorcycles in 1/35 scale - MINIART model. *** Discontinued U.S. Soldiers with WLA Motor cycles refers to American soldiers who used Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycles during World War II. The WLA was a motorcycle designed specifically for military use, becoming a symbol of the U.S. military during the conflict. Key features of the Harley-Davidson WLA Design and construction: The WLA was a 45 cubic inch (740 cc) V-twin engine motorcycle that produced about 25-30 horsepower. The design was rugged and functional, with durable steel construction to cope with the harsh conditions of combat. The bike was equipped with a large-capacity fuel tank, which allowed a longer range, and a suspension system designed to improve stability over rough terrain. Armament and accessories: Although it was not factory armed, the WLA could be equipped with magazine holders and mounts for carrying small arms such as machine guns and rifles. Some units customized the bikes to include additional equipment, such as lights and radios, to improve communication and mobility on the battlefield. Operational role: WLA motorcycles were primarily used for reconnaissance, patrolling, and transporting personnel and messages. Because of their speed and maneuverability, soldiers could move quickly across the battlefield. They were also used for logistical support, facilitating the transfer of materials and ammunition between units. Production and use: The Harley-Davidson WLA was produced in large quantities during the war, with about 90,000 units built between 1940 and 1947. It became the main model for the U.S. military. The motorcycle was used not only by the U.S. Army, but also by other allied forces, including British and Canadian forces, through the Lend-Lease program. Cultural impact: In addition to its military use, the WLA has had a lasting impact on motorcycle and American culture, becoming an icon associated with heroism and freedom. After the war, many WLAs were used as civilian vehicles and are now sought after by collectors and enthusiasts of historic motorcycles. Conclusion U.S. Soldiers with WLA Motorcycles represent an important part of American military and cultural history during World War II. WLA motorcycles, with their rugged design and versatility, were valuable tools for military operations and left a legacy that continues to influence the motorcycle world to this day.

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StuG.III Ausf.B w/NEO Track 1/35 - DRAGON 7636
SKU DRA-7636
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Assault vehicle kitStuG.III Ausf.B w/NEO Track in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The StuG. III Ausf. B is a variant of the famous Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III), a German assault vehicle used during World War II. The StuG III was developed to support infantry troops by overrunning enemy defenses and destroying fortifications. The Ausf. B was an early variant of the vehicle, and the term "NEO Track" refers to a specific type of track used on this version. Key features of the StuG. III Ausf. B Design and construction: The StuG. III is based on the Panzer III chassis, but with a body designed to maximize firepower and vehicle protection, with a low profile and angular shape. The Ausf. B was introduced in 1941 and featured a slimmer and more compact design than later versions. Armor ranged from 50 to 80 mm, offering good protection against small caliber shells and explosions. Armament: The main armament of the StuG. III Ausf. B was a 75 mm StuK 40 cannon, which was highly effective against enemy armored vehicles and fortifications. The cannon was mounted in a fixed turret, which contributed to a low profile, making the vehicle less visible to enemies. The vehicle was also capable of carrying a certain amount of ammunition, allowing extended shots before having to reload. NEO tracks: The term "NEO Track" refers to the use of tracks specifically designed or upgraded to improve vehicle mobility and traction. These tracks could offer a greater contact surface area, improving the ability to deal with difficult terrain, such as mud or snow, and increasing stability during fire operations. Operational role: The StuG. III was designed primarily for direct infantry support and for attacking fortified targets, rather than for maneuvered combat against enemy tanks. It was used in various roles, including fire support for infantry troops and as an assault vehicle in attacks against enemy positions. Excellent performance on the battlefield: The StuG. III distinguished itself by its ability to operate effectively in various combat conditions due to its combination of firepower and protection. It was also relatively easy to mass produce, which contributed to its widespread use among German forces. Limitations: Although an effective assault vehicle, the StuG. III was not designed to face heavy tanks directly, so it could be vulnerable when engaged in battle with superior armored forces. In addition, the lack of a rotating turret limited its ability to engage moving targets and respond quickly to multiple threats. Conclusion The StuG. III Ausf. B with NEO Track represents one of the most significant German assault vehicle variants of World War II, designed to support infantry troops and overcome enemy defenses. The combination of firepower, protection and mobility made it a crucial element in German strategies during the conflict.


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StuG III Ausf. G 1/72 - MINIART 72107
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

StuG III Ausf. tank fighter vehicle kit. G May/June 1943 Prod. scale 1/72 - MINIART model. The StuG III Ausf. G is a German tank fighter developed during World War II. It is one of the most famous and popular variants of the StuG III, which was originally designed as an infantry support, but became one of the most widely used vehicles for fighting enemy tanks. Main features of the StuG III Ausf. G Design and construction: The StuG III Ausf. G featured a low-hull design with a fully armored body, which offered effective protection against enemy fire. Its construction was largely steel, and the armor ranged from 50 to 80 mm, making it resistant to small arms attacks and medium-caliber gunfire. Armament: It was armed with a 75 mm Pak 40 canon, which was one of the most effective anti-tank guns of the time. This weapon enabled the StuG III to deal successfully with Allied tanks. It was also equipped with a 7.92 mm MG 34 machine gun for defense against infantry and other light targets. Engine and performance: The StuG III Ausf. G was powered by a Maybach HL 120 TRM internal combustion engine that produced about 300 horsepower, enabling the vehicle to reach a top speed of about 40 km/h on the road. Its traction in rough terrain was excellent, making it suitable for operations in various types of terrain. Operational role: Initially designed to support infantry troops, the StuG III's role evolved into that of a tank fighter, becoming one of the main means of fighting Allied tanks. It was used in various theaters of war, including the Eastern and Western fronts, and distinguished itself in many significant battles. Production and use: Production of the StuG III Ausf. G began in 1942 and continued until the end of the war in 1945, with over 7,500 units built, making it one of Germany's most numerous armored vehicles during the conflict. The StuG IIIs were used not only by the German armed forces, but also by several Allied units that acquired a number of them during the war. Legacy: The StuG III Ausf. G is considered one of the best armored vehicles of World War II for its combination of firepower, mobility and protection. After the war, many examples remained in service in various armies and became a symbol of the power of German armored technology. Conclusion The StuG III Ausf. G had a significant impact on armored warfare during World War II. Its versatility and powerful armament made it a key element in German military operations, leaving a lasting legacy in the field of armored vehicles.

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StuG III Ausf. G 1/35 - MINIART 35341
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Assault vehicle kit StuG III Ausf. G May-June 1943 Alkett Prod in scale 1/35 - Model MINIART. The StuG III Ausf. G is one of the best known and most produced variants of the Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III), a German assault vehicle used extensively during World War II. This version was produced in large numbers and saw significant use in battles on the Eastern and Western fronts. Key features of the StuG III Ausf. G (May-June 1943, Alkett production) Design and construction: The Ausf. G featured a rugged design with a low-profile body to reduce visibility on the battlefield. Compared with earlier versions, the Ausf. G featured improvements in protection and turret design. The front armor was up to 80 mm thick, offering superior protection against enemy fire. This variant was equipped with an improved control system, including direction indicators and sighting instruments. Armament: The main armament of the StuG III Ausf. G was a 75 mm StuK 40 cannon, a powerful weapon capable of taking on the armor of enemy tanks of the time. The cannon was mounted in a fixed turret, allowing accurate shots against fortified targets and armored vehicles. Production: The Ausf. G was produced in large numbers, with several factories, including Alkett, involved in production. Production of this model began in 1942 and continued until the end of the war, with about 7,700 units built. The intensive production helped make it one of the most common assault vehicles of the era. Operational role: The StuG III Ausf. G was designed primarily for direct infantry support and destruction of enemy fortifications. It was used in a variety of contexts, from ground offensives to defensive operations. Its fire capability made it an important support element for German infantry troops. Battlefield performance: The StuG III Ausf. G proved effective in various combat conditions due to its combination of firepower, protection and mobility. It was particularly suited for combat in difficult terrain and urban operations. The Ausf. G was known for its ability to camouflage and conceal itself, allowing surprise strikes against enemy forces. Limitations: Despite its excellent performance, the StuG III had some limitations, such as the lack of a rotating turret, which limited its ability to engage moving targets. In addition, the vehicle was not designed to face heavy tanks directly, so it could be vulnerable when engaged in battle with superior armored forces. Conclusion The StuG III Ausf. G (May-June 1943, Alkett production) represents one of the most significant and widely used variants of the Sturmgeschütz III during World War II. Its combination of powerful armament, good protection and efficient design made it a crucial element in German battlefield strategies, helping to support infantry operations in many campaigns.


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Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier w/3/7cm FlaK 37 - 1/35 - DRAGON 6788
SKU DRA-6788
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier w/3/7cm FlaK 37 half-track vehicle kit in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The Sd.Kfz. 3 "Maultier" with 3.7cm FlaK 37 was a German World War II half-track vehicle modified to carry and employ a 3.7cm FlaK 37 anti-aircraft gun. "Maultier" (German for "mule") was the nickname given to a series of trucks modified with rear tracks to improve their mobility over muddy or rough terrain, inspired by the half-tracks already in use in the German army. Key features of the Sd.Kfz. 3 "Maultier" with 3.7 cm FlaK 37 Origins and design of the vehicle: The Sd.Kfz. 3 Maultier was originally based on civilian trucks, such as theOpel Blitz or Ford V3000S, which were modified to have rear tracks instead of normal wheels. This design made it possible to overcome the mobility problems caused by the difficult terrain that German forces encountered on the Eastern Front. The adoption of tracks at the rear of the vehicle, while the front wheels remained normal, provided a good combination of traction and stability, making it a very useful half-track vehicle for transporting troops and supplies. Armament: 3.7 cm FlaK 37: The main distinguishing feature of this variant was the installation of the 3.7-cm FlaK 37 cannon, an antiaircraft weapon that could also be used against light ground targets. The FlaK 37 was an evolution of the earlier FlaK 18 and FlaK 36 models, designed to improve accuracy and rapid fire. It could fire projectiles at high speed and was capable of shooting down enemy aircraft approaching at low altitude. This gun could fire at a rate of fire of about 120 rounds per minute and had an effective range against air targets of about 4,800 meters. When used against ground targets, it could penetrate light armored vehicles due to its high initial projectile speed. Operational role: The FlaK 37 version of the Maultier was designed primarily for mobile antiaircraft support, protecting supply columns and moving troops from Allied air attacks. In addition to its antiaircraft role, the FlaK 37 mounted on a mobile vehicle such as the Maultier could be used effectively for support against infantry or light armored vehicles, making it a versatile weapon platform. This version combined the robustness and mobility of the Maultier with the firepower of the antiaircraft gun, allowing the German Army to have a mobile air defense capable of moving easily over difficult terrain, especially on the Eastern Front. Mobility: The Maultier with rear tracks was able to traverse difficult terrain, such as mud or snow, where normal trucks would have had difficulty or would have been stuck. This made it especially useful in the Eastern Front countryside, where harsh winters and muddy conditions could slow down conventional vehicles. However, it was not as fast as other fully tracked vehicles, but it offered a good compromise between the versatility of a truck and the mobility of a half-track. Limitations: Although the FlaK 37 was an efficient weapon against aircraft and light vehicles, it could not effectively deal with heavily armored vehicles, such as Allied tanks. In addition, the Maultier did not offer significant protection for the crew or gun, making it vulnerable to direct attacks. Its light armor mainly protected against small caliber bullets and shrapnel, but was not sufficient against anti-tank or artillery weapons. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 3 Maultier with 3.7 cm FlaK 37 was a combination of a versatile half-track vehicle and a powerful antiaircraft gun, designed to provide mobile antiaircraft protection to German units during World War II. Although it was neither heavily armored nor particularly fast, its ability to move over difficult terrain and engage air and light targets made it a useful tool, especially on the Eastern Front.


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SKU DRA-6426
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Sd.Kfz.250 Ausf.A SCHUETZENPANZERWAGEN (2 IN 1) light armored half-track vehicle kit in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A Schützenpanzerwagen was a German light armored half-track, used mainly by the Wehrmacht during World War II. Belonging to the Sd.Kfz. 250, this half-track was designed to transport troops (hence the name "Schützenpanzerwagen," meaning "armored infantry vehicle") and to support reconnaissance, command, transport and communications missions. Main features of the Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A Design and structure: The Sd.Kfz. 250 was smaller and lighter than the Sd.Kfz. 251, and designed to carry a smaller squad of soldiers, usually up to 6 people. The Ausf. A featured an angular body with steel armor plates, designed to provide protection against small arms fire and shrapnel. The half-track configuration allowed good mobility over rough terrain, combining front wheels for steering and rear tracks for traction. Armament: The basic version of the Sd.Kfz. 250 was equipped with MG34 or MG42 machine guns, which could be mounted on a swivel mount for defense against enemy infantry. Depending on the model and mission, it could also be armed with light antitank guns or other specialized weapons, depending on the needs on the battlefield. Operational role: The Schützenpanzerwagen was primarily used to transport motorized infantry, particularly German mechanized infantry units (Panzergrenadier). It was also employed as a command and reconnaissance vehicle due to its speed and mobility. Specialized versions of the Sd.Kfz. 250 were adapted for specific tasks, such as transporting mortars, radio equipment, or ammunition. This half-track was ideal for blitzkrieg operations (Blitzkrieg), as it could quickly transport troops to the battlefield while protecting them from small caliber shells and explosions. Variant Ausf. A: The variant Ausf. A was the first version produced and featured a more angular and less optimized shape than the later Ausf. B, which introduced modifications to ease production and improve performance. The Ausf. A had an open crew compartment, which provided greater visibility but left soldiers exposed to enemy fire and the elements. Engine and mobility: The vehicle was equipped with a Maybach HL42 TRKM engine, capable of generating about 100 horsepower. Thanks to the combination of wheels and tracks, the Sd.Kfz. 250 was able to move nimbly over difficult terrain, such as mud or snow, and reach speeds of about 60 km/h on the road. Battle use: The Sd.Kfz. 250 was used on all the major fronts of the war, from the Eastern Front to North Africa. It was particularly valued for its versatility and mobility. Specialized versions included roles such as ammunition carrier, artillery observation vehicle, mortar transport, and even transport for anti-tank teams. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A Schützenpanzerwagen represented one of the Wehrmacht's most versatile light armored vehicles during World War II. Used for troop transport, reconnaissance and other specialized functions, it was a crucial tool for German Blitzkrieg strategy, enabling rapid troop movements on the battlefield. Although relatively light and lightly armored, its design made it effective in difficult terrain, and its ability to be armed made it useful for multiple roles.


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Sd.Kfz.234/2 - 1/35 - MINIART 35416
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Reconnaissance vehicle kit Sd.Kfz.234/2 with "Luchs" Turret. Interior Kit 1/35 scale - MINIART model. *** Discontinued The Sd.Kfz. 234/2, also known as Panzerspähwagen 8-Rad "Luchs," was a German reconnaissance vehicle used during World War II. It was part of the Sd.Kfz. 234, designed for reconnaissance missions and support to armored units, and the 234/2 was one of the most famous variants. Main features of the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 with "Luchs" turret Design and construction: The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 was an eight-wheel-drive wheeled vehicle, which gave it good mobility over a variety of surfaces, including rough terrain. The body was armored with thickness varying from 8 mm to 30 mm, offering adequate protection against small arms fire and explosive shrapnel. The "Luchs" turret was characterized by a low and compact shape, which contributed to good visibility and facilitated reconnaissance operations. Armament: The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 was armed with a 50 mm KwK 39 cannon. This cannon was effective against light vehicles and enemy infantry forces, allowing the vehicle to engage long-range targets. In addition to the cannon, the vehicle was equipped with MG 34 machine guns for fire support and defense against enemy troops and aircraft. Engine and performance: The vehicle was powered by a six-cylinder Maybach HL 42 gasoline engine, which provided about 140 horsepower. Thanks to this engine, the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 could reach speeds of about 90 km/h on the road and about 50 km/h over rough terrain, making it one of the fastest reconnaissance vehicles of the time. Operational role: The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 was designed primarily for reconnaissance functions, gathering intelligence on the enemy and supporting the operations of armored units. Its speed and maneuverability made it suitable for patrols and rapid battlefield operations. Limitations: Despite its good performance, the armor of the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 was insufficient to withstand heavier weapons fire, making it vulnerable in battles with heavier enemy tanks. Cargo capacity and interior space were limited, which prevented efficient transport of additional equipment and personnel. Production and utilization: Production of the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 began in 1944, and about 200 units were built. Although production was relatively limited, the vehicle found use in several theaters of war. The 234/2 was mainly used by reconnaissance units and armored units, contributing to military operations until the end of the war. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 with "Luchs" turret represents an important development in German reconnaissance vehicles of World War II. The combination of speed, mobility, and effective armament made it a valuable tool for intelligence gathering and support of armored operations, despite its limitations compared to heavy tanks.

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Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspähwagen 1/35 - MINIART 35410
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Armored vehicle kit Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (2 cm). Early Mod. Interior Kit 1/35 scale - MINIART model. *** Discontinued The Sd.Kfz. 234/1, also known as the Schwerer Panzerspähwagen, was a German armored vehicle used during World War II. It was part of a series of reconnaissance vehicles known as Sd.Kfz. 234, designed to provide support to armored units and gather battlefield intelligence. Key features of the Sd.Kfz. 234/1 Design and construction: The Sd.Kfz. 234/1 was a wheeled vehicle, equipped with eight-wheel drive, giving it good mobility both on and off-road. The vehicle featured an armored body with protection ranging from 8 mm to 30 mm, offering effective defense against small arms and explosive shrapnel. It was designed to operate independently and quickly, enabling rapid maneuvers during reconnaissance operations. Armament: The 234/1 was armed with a 20 mm KwK 38 cannon mounted in a revolving turret. This armament was effective against light vehicles and enemy infantry forces. The vehicle was also equipped with machine guns for close defense and to support fire against enemy troops. Operational role: The Sd.Kfz. 234/1 was designed primarily for reconnaissance and support functions for armored units. It was used to gather intelligence on the enemy and conduct patrols. The vehicle's speed and maneuverability made it suitable for frontline operations, while its armor offered sufficient protection to deal with light threats. Battlefield performance: Thanks to its eight wheels, the Sd.Kfz. 234/1 was capable of reaching speeds of about 80 km/h on the road, making it one of the fastest reconnaissance vehicles of its era. The vehicle was highly valued for its ability to maneuver and versatility in operations, so much so that it was used in various theaters of war, including the Eastern Front and North Africa. Limitations: Although it was an effective vehicle, the Sd.Kfz. 234/1 was not designed to take on heavy tanks or larger enemy armored vehicles, and its armament was limited against more robust targets. The armor, although protective against light fire, was not sufficient to withstand heavy artillery fire or the most advanced anti-tank guns. Production and use: The Sd.Kfz. 234/1 entered production in 1944, with a limited number of units built due to the logistical and industrial difficulties Germany was facing in the late war period. The vehicle was mainly used by reconnaissance units and armored units, contributing to military operations until the end of the war. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 234/1 Schwerer Panzerspähwagen represents an important development in German reconnaissance vehicles of World War II. Its combination of mobility, armament, and armored design made it an effective means of intelligence gathering and support for armored operations, although its limitations made it less suitable for direct confrontations with heavy enemy forces.

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Sd.Kfz.166 Stu.Pz.IV 1/35 - DRAGON 6992
SKU DRA-6992
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Sd.Kfz.166 Stu.Pz.IV 'Brummbar' Early Production assault vehicle kit in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The Sd.Kfz. 166 "Brummbär" (meaning "brown bear" in German) was a German assault vehicle developed during World War II. Based on the Panzer IV chassis, the Brummbär was specifically designed to support infantry troops during sieges and fortified attack operations. This vehicle was equipped with a large-caliber gun and designed to overcome enemy defenses. Key features of the Sd.Kfz. 166 "Brummbär" Design and construction: The Brummbär was based on the Panzer IV chassis, using the same transmission and engine, which facilitated production and maintenance. It featured an armored body with a compact, angular design that offered good protection for the crew, particularly the front gun. The armor ranged from 50 to 80 mm, offering decent protection against small arms fire and most light anti-tank shells. Armament: The Brummbär's main weapon was a 105 mm StuH 42 cannon, which was an assault gun designed to destroy enemy fortifications and vehicles. The cannon was mounted in a fixed turret, which allowed a wide elevation angle, useful for bombarding fortified targets or concealed enemy troops. The vehicle was capable of firing explosive shells and smoke bombs, making it also useful in direct support operations for infantry troops. Operational role: The Brummbär was designed primarily for direct infantry support in assault operations against enemy fortifications and to destroy bunkers, blockhouses, and other defensive structures. It was also used to support attacks against fortified targets during urban operations, particularly in city fighting. Excellent performance on the battlefield: The Brummbär proved to be an effective vehicle in its role, combining the firepower of the 105 mm gun with good protection. However, the vehicle was relatively slow, with a top speed of about 40 km/h, and weighed about 28 tons, which limited its maneuverability. Limitations: The Brummbär was not designed to fight in maneuver against enemy heavy tanks, so its role was specifically to support infantry and not to engage directly in combat with armored vehicles. Despite its protection, it was vulnerable to heavy artillery hits and enemy tanks, particularly allies with more advanced anti-tank vehicles. Service and production: Production of the Brummbär began in 1943 and continued until the end of the war, with about 300 made. It was used in various theaters of war, including the Eastern Front and the campaigns in Italy and Normandy. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 166 "Brummbär" represents an important example of a World War II German assault vehicle designed to support infantry operations and overcome enemy defenses. Thanks to its powerful armament and the protection it offered, the Brummbär was able to operate effectively in close combat situations, contributing to German offensives until the end of the conflict.


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Before the Assault - Eastern Ukraine 2022 - 1/35 - ICM DS3521
Brand ICM
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Ucraina
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Before the Assault Kit - Eastern Ukraine 2022 1/35 Scale - ICM Model.Includes 8 figures & accessories.The large-scale combat operations that began in February 2022 posed a serious challenge to the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the very beginning. During the summer and fall of 2022, the main focus was on the eastern zone of operations, which became a theater of high-intensity military actions. In addition to maneuver warfare, the Ukrainian Defense Forces employed assault tactics aimed at dislodging the enemy from fortified areas and strongpoints. There have also been assaults on populated areas, probably the most challenging aspect of modern warfare. The intensity and complexity of these assaults were highlighted by areas that changed hands several times. A variety of forces and assets, from armored vehicles to FPV drones, were used to execute the assault missions in addition to specially trained fighters. According to feedback from soldiers, successful assaults were based on meticulous planning, terrain study, direction of movement, evacuation routes, and anticipation of enemy forces and their intensity of fire.


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