Kit moto BMW R18 Classic in scala 1/9 - Modello Meng Model. La BMW R18 Classic è una moto cruiser prodotta dalla BMW, ispirata ai modelli classici della marca e pensata per chi cerca un'esperienza di guida rilassante ma con una potenza eccezionale. Fa parte della serie R18, che rappresenta una fusione tra il design retro e la tecnologia moderna, tipica del marchio tedesco. Caratteristiche principali Motore Tipo: Bicilindrico a "boxer" (due cilindri disposti orizzontalmente). Cilindrata: 1.802 cc. Potenza: 91 CV (67 kW) a 4.750 giri/min. Coppia: 158 Nm a 3.000 giri/min. Il motore è progettato per offrire una coppia potente già ai bassi regimi, ideale per una guida confortevole e potente su lunghe distanze. Trasmissione e Sospensioni Trasmissione: A 6 marce con albero di trasmissione, tipica delle moto cruiser. Sospensioni anteriori: Forcella telescopica con steli da 49 mm. Sospensioni posteriori: Ammortizzatore centrale a doppio braccio oscillante. Le sospensioni sono progettate per offrire un comfort ottimale durante la guida, assorbendo le irregolarità della strada senza compromettere la stabilità . Design e Carrozzeria Stile: La BMW R18 Classic è ispirata alle moto cruiser degli anni '40, con un aspetto vintage, ma con una finitura moderna. La carrozzeria in metallo e il serbatoio a goccia sono tra i tratti distintivi che evocano il classico stile BMW. Finiture: Dettagli come il parafango posteriore lungo e il grande faro anteriore, insieme ai cerchi a raggi, le conferiscono un aspetto rétro senza rinunciare alla robustezza e alla qualità tipiche delle moto BMW. Accessori: La versione "Classic" include un parabrezza e borse laterali in pelle, aumentando il comfort per le lunghe percorrenze. Tecnologia e Sistemi Freni: Dischi a doppio freno anteriore e singolo posteriore, con sistema di ABS per una frenata sicura e precisa. Controllo della trazione: Il sistema ASC (Automatic Stability Control) garantisce una guida sicura in diverse condizioni stradali. Modes di guida: La R18 Classic offre diverse modalità di guida che possono essere selezionate dal conducente per adattarsi a diverse condizioni stradali (ad esempio, modalità Road, Rain). Strumentazione: Un grande display circolare centrale che combina strumenti analogici e digitali per monitorare velocità , carburante, temperatura e altre informazioni. Comodità e Ergonomia Sella: Sella lunga e comoda, che permette una postura rilassata per il conducente e il passeggero. Posizione di guida: La posizione di guida è confortevole e naturale per lunghe distanze, con le mani su manubri larghi e i piedi posizionati su pedane alte. Sintesi finale La BMW R18 Classic è una moto cruiser che fonde il design rétro delle motociclette degli anni '40 con la tecnologia e l'affidabilità moderne. Con un potente motore bicilindrico boxer da 1.8 litri, è progettata per garantire un'esperienza di guida comoda e potente, sia nelle lunghe percorrenze che nelle brevi gite. Grazie alla sua estetica classica, alla qualità costruttiva e alle sue capacità tecnologiche avanzate, la R18 Classic è una moto adatta agli appassionati di moto vintage che cercano prestazioni moderne.
Kit moto Yamaha TY 125 in scala 1/8 - Modellino Heller. La Yamaha TY 125 è una motocicletta progettata e prodotta dalla Yamaha negli anni '70, specificamente ideata per il trial, una disciplina motociclistica che richiede grande controllo e precisione, piuttosto che velocità . È considerata un modello iconico nel mondo del trial per la sua maneggevolezza, affidabilità e semplicità . Caratteristiche principali della Yamaha TY 125 Origini e scopo: Lanciata negli anni '70 come parte della serie TY, dedicata al trial. Progettata per piloti di ogni livello, sia principianti che appassionati più esperti, grazie alla sua leggerezza e facilità di utilizzo. Si ispirava ai successi della Yamaha nelle competizioni di trial, in particolare con modelli più grandi come la TY 250. Motorizzazione: Motore: Monocilindrico a due tempi da 123 cc. Potenza: Circa 10-12 CV, ideale per il controllo a bassa velocità necessario nelle competizioni di trial. Raffreddamento: Ad aria, semplice e robusto. Carburatore: Dotato di carburatore regolabile per una risposta fluida dell'acceleratore. Telaio e sospensioni: Telaio leggero e resistente in acciaio, progettato per offrire grande agilità e manovrabilità . Sospensioni: Anteriore: Forcella telescopica. Posteriore: Ammortizzatori regolabili a doppia molla. Altezza da terra elevata, per superare ostacoli come rocce e tronchi. Design: Estetica semplice e funzionale, con serbatoio compatto e sella sottile per migliorare il controllo. Colorazioni tipiche: Bianco con dettagli rossi e neri, seguendo il classico stile Yamaha degli anni '70. Manubrio ampio per una maggiore leva e precisione nei movimenti. Prestazioni e utilizzo: Perfetta per il trial grazie alla sua erogazione di potenza lineare e alla leggerezza complessiva. Peso contenuto (circa 80-85 kg) che la rende facile da manovrare anche nei percorsi più tecnici. Ottimo controllo della trazione, essenziale per superare terreni difficili come rocce, fango e pendenze ripide. Destinazione d'uso: Ideale per competizioni amatoriali e allenamenti. Molto apprezzata anche per il fuoristrada leggero o per uso ricreativo, grazie alla sua affidabilità e semplicità di manutenzione. Evoluzione e successo: La TY 125 è diventata un modello di riferimento per chi voleva avvicinarsi al mondo del trial negli anni '70. Ha contribuito a rendere il trial una disciplina accessibile a un pubblico più vasto. Curiosità : È ancora molto apprezzata dai collezionisti e dagli appassionati di moto d'epoca. Grazie alla sua robustezza, molti esemplari originali sono ancora perfettamente funzionanti e utilizzati nei raduni vintage. La Yamaha TY 125 è una motocicletta iconica che combina semplicità , prestazioni e affidabilità , rappresentando una pietra miliare nel mondo del trial e delle moto leggere degli anni '70.
Kit moto Kawasaki ZX900A GPZ900R Ninja '85 in scala 1/12 - Modello Aoshima. La Kawasaki ZX900A GPZ900R Ninja (1985) è una motocicletta sportiva iconica prodotta dalla Kawasaki. Fu la prima moto della serie Ninja, un nome che divenne sinonimo di prestazioni eccezionali e tecnologia avanzata. Presentata nel 1984, la GPZ900R è considerata rivoluzionaria per il suo tempo, poiché combinava un motore potente, un design aerodinamico e una ciclistica avanzata, rendendola una delle prime vere moto sportive moderne. Caratteristiche principali: Categoria: Moto sportiva. Motore: Quattro cilindri in linea, raffreddato a liquido, DOHC (doppio albero a camme in testa). Cilindrata: 908 cc. Potenza: Circa 115 CV a 9.500 giri/min. Coppia: 85 Nm a 8.500 giri/min. Trasmissione: Cambio a 6 marce. Trasmissione finale a catena. Prestazioni: Velocità massima: Oltre 240 km/h, rendendola la moto di produzione più veloce al mondo al momento del lancio. Accelerazione (0-100 km/h): Circa 3,6 secondi. Peso: Circa 228 kg (a secco). Serbatoio: Capacità di 22 litri, ideale per lunghe percorrenze. Tecnologia: Telaio: Telaio a doppia culla in acciaio, progettato per offrire rigidità e stabilità alle alte velocità . Sospensioni: Anteriore: Forcella telescopica da 37 mm. Posteriore: Monoammortizzatore con sistema Uni-Trak, regolabile per il precarico. Freni: Doppio disco anteriore. Disco singolo posteriore. Innovazioni: Raffreddamento a liquido per una migliore gestione della temperatura, una novità rispetto ai modelli precedenti raffreddati ad aria. Aerodinamica avanzata, con carenature disegnate per ridurre la resistenza al vento. Design e Stile: Linee aggressive e aerodinamiche, con un cupolino che racchiudeva il faro singolo rettangolare, un tratto distintivo dell'epoca. La colorazione originale includeva combinazioni iconiche come il rosso/nero e il verde lime, diventate sinonimo del marchio Ninja. Impatto culturale: Moto rivoluzionaria: La GPZ900R Ninja è stata una delle prime moto a essere definita una "superbike". Fu elogiata per il suo equilibrio tra potenza, maneggevolezza e comfort. Presenza nei media: La Ninja GPZ900R divenne celebre anche grazie al film "Top Gun" (1986), in cui Tom Cruise la guida in scene memorabili, cementando il suo status di leggenda. Eredità : Questa moto ha gettato le basi per l'evoluzione delle Ninja successive e ha ispirato la generazione futura di moto sportive ad alte prestazioni. Sintesi finale: La Kawasaki ZX900A GPZ900R Ninja (1985) è una pietra miliare nella storia delle moto sportive. Con la sua combinazione di potenza, innovazione e stile, è stata pioniera di una nuova era nel motociclismo. Ad oggi, è ricordata come una delle moto più importanti e influenti mai costruite, amata dagli appassionati e celebrata per il suo contributo al design e alla tecnologia motociclistica.
Kit moto Kawasaki ZR400C Zephyr X '02 in scala 1/12 - Modello Aoshima. La Kawasaki ZR400C Zephyr ? '02 è una motocicletta appartenente alla popolare serie Zephyr, prodotta dalla Kawasaki. La gamma Zephyr è nota per il suo design retrò ispirato alle motociclette degli anni '70, combinato con tecnologie moderne per garantire prestazioni affidabili e una guida piacevole. Il modello Zephyr ? è una versione più sportiva e raffinata della ZR400 standard, pensata per i motociclisti che desiderano un equilibrio tra estetica vintage e prestazioni dinamiche. Caratteristiche principali: Categoria: Naked retrò. Motore: Quattro cilindri in linea, raffreddato ad aria e olio. Cilindrata: 399 cc. Potenza: Circa 53 CV a 11.000 giri/min. Coppia: 38 Nm a 9.000 giri/min. Alimentazione: Carburatori, caratteristici delle moto di questo periodo. Trasmissione: Cambio a 6 marce. Trasmissione finale a catena. Prestazioni: Velocità massima: Circa 170-180 km/h, a seconda delle condizioni. Peso: Circa 192 kg (a secco), garantendo una buona stabilità su strada. Serbatoio: Capacità di 15 litri, sufficiente per medie percorrenze. Telaio e Ciclistica: Telaio: Tubolare in acciaio, progettato per offrire robustezza e una buona maneggevolezza. Sospensioni: Anteriore: Forcella telescopica tradizionale. Posteriore: Doppio ammortizzatore regolabile, che aggiunge un tocco vintage. Freni: Anteriore: Disco singolo con pinza a doppio pistoncino. Posteriore: Disco singolo, adatto alle dimensioni e alle prestazioni della moto. Ruote: Cerchi a raggi con pneumatici di medie dimensioni, perfetti per un uso urbano e stradale. Design e Stile: Stile retrò: Linee eleganti e pulite, ispirate alle Kawasaki Z degli anni '70, come la leggendaria Z1. Caratteristiche distintive: Serbatoio arrotondato e fiancate semplici, che richiamano l'estetica classica. Sella piatta, ideale per il comfort del pilota e del passeggero. Scarico cromato singolo o doppio, a seconda della configurazione. Colorazioni: La versione del 2002 include tonalità classiche e sofisticate, come nero, rosso scuro o verde scuro con dettagli argentati. Impatto culturale: La Zephyr ? ha un posto speciale tra gli appassionati di motociclette retrò, poiché offre il fascino delle moto d'epoca con l'affidabilità della tecnologia moderna. Popolare in mercati come il Giappone, è spesso scelta per personalizzazioni e modifiche, grazie alla sua versatilità e al design facilmente adattabile. Sintesi finale: La Kawasaki ZR400C Zephyr ? '02 è una moto che combina il fascino del passato con la funzionalità contemporanea. Ideale per gli amanti dello stile classico che non vogliono rinunciare a prestazioni affidabili, rappresenta una scelta eccellente per uso urbano e uscite su strada. La sua semplicità e il suo carattere retrò la rendono una moto amata dagli appassionati di tutto il mondo.
Kit moto Kawasaki ZR400C Zephyr X '03 w/Custom Parts in scala 1/12 - Modello Aoshima. La Kawasaki ZR400C Zephyr X (chi) del 2003 è una motocicletta naked di medie dimensioni prodotta per il mercato giapponese. Appartiene alla famosa serie Zephyr, nota per il suo design retrò che richiama le motociclette classiche degli anni '70, come la leggendaria Kawasaki Z1, ma con tecnologie moderne per garantire affidabilità e prestazioni. Caratteristiche tecniche principali Tipo di veicolo: Naked retrò. Motore: Quattro cilindri in linea, 4 tempi, raffreddato ad aria e olio. Cilindrata: 399 cc. Potenza massima: Circa 53 CV a 11.000 giri/min (a seconda delle specifiche del mercato). Coppia massima: Circa 37 Nm a 8.500 giri/min. Alimentazione: 4 carburatori Keihin CVK. Accensione elettronica (CDI). Trasmissione: Cambio manuale a 6 marce. Trasmissione finale a catena. Ciclistica: Telaio: Tubolare in acciaio, leggero e rigido. Sospensioni: Anteriore: Forcella telescopica con steli tradizionali. Posteriore: Doppio ammortizzatore regolabile. Freni: Anteriore: Disco singolo ventilato. Posteriore: Disco singolo. Ruote: Cerchi in lega da 17 pollici con pneumatici stradali. Dimensioni e peso: Peso a secco: Circa 195 kg. Altezza sella: Circa 780 mm. Capacità serbatoio: 15 litri. Velocità massima: Circa 180 km/h. Design e stile La Kawasaki Zephyr ? si distingue per il suo aspetto classico ma elegante, con dettagli moderni come: Serbatoio sagomato e decorato con loghi Kawasaki in stile vintage. Faro anteriore circolare e strumentazione analogica per richiamare l’era delle moto degli anni '70. Scarichi cromati a doppia uscita, un richiamo diretto alle linee retrò. Colori vivaci e finiture curate che enfatizzano il look classico ma raffinato. Target e utilizzo La ZR400C Zephyr ? è progettata per motociclisti che cercano una combinazione di: Look retrò: Richiama la tradizione delle moto classiche. Maneggevolezza: Adatta sia ai principianti che agli esperti, grazie alla sua ciclistica equilibrata. Affidabilità moderna: Perfetta per l’uso quotidiano o per i weekend fuori porta. Essendo pensata per il mercato giapponese, dove le cilindrate sotto i 400 cc sono popolari, questa moto offre un'ottima alternativa per chi desidera un mezzo pratico con un fascino senza tempo. Sintesi La Kawasaki ZR400C Zephyr ? '03 è una naked classica con un'anima moderna. Combina il fascino delle moto retrò con l'affidabilità e le prestazioni di una moto contemporanea. È ideale per chi desidera uno stile distintivo senza rinunciare alla praticità e alla facilità di guida.
Kit moto Kawasaki KZ750D Z750FX '79 Custom in scala 1/12 - Modello Aoshima. La Kawasaki KZ750D Z750FX, introdotta nel 1979, è una motocicletta giapponese di fascia alta progettata come parte della gamma Z di Kawasaki, che includeva modelli iconici come la Z900 e la Z1000. La versione Custom rappresenta una variante modificata o personalizzata di questo modello, caratterizzata da aggiornamenti estetici o funzionali che ne esaltano lo stile o le prestazioni rispetto al modello di serie. Caratteristiche tecniche della Kawasaki KZ750D Z750FX (1979) Tipo di veicolo: Motocicletta sportiva/naked di media cilindrata. Motore: Quattro cilindri in linea, 4 tempi. Cilindrata: 738 cc. Raffreddamento ad aria. Alimentazione: 4 carburatori Mikuni VM24. Potenza: Circa 74 CV a 9.000 giri/min. Coppia massima: 61 Nm a 7.500 giri/min. Trasmissione: Cambio manuale a 5 marce. Trasmissione finale a catena. Ciclistica: Telaio tubolare in acciaio, progettato per un'elevata rigidità . Sospensione anteriore: Forcella telescopica. Sospensione posteriore: Doppio ammortizzatore regolabile. Freni: Doppio disco all'anteriore e disco singolo al posteriore. Peso: Circa 240 kg (a secco). Velocità massima: Oltre 200 km/h. Caratteristiche distintive della versione Custom Una versione Custom della Z750FX del 1979 potrebbe includere modifiche come: Aggiornamenti estetici: Verniciature personalizzate o schemi di colore unici. Componenti cromati o in alluminio spazzolato. Sella personalizzata o riprogettata per maggiore comfort o stile. Modifiche alle prestazioni: Scarico aftermarket per migliorare il suono e aumentare leggermente la potenza. Miglioramenti al sistema di aspirazione, come filtri dell'aria ad alte prestazioni. Aggiornamenti al sistema di sospensioni per una guida più precisa. Componenti aftermarket: Manubri riposizionati (più alti o bassi) per adattarsi a stili di guida diversi. Indicatori, fari e strumentazione digitale di nuova generazione. Pneumatici più larghi o con battistrada moderno. Stile e ruolo della KZ750FX La Kawasaki KZ750FX è stata progettata per offrire un'esperienza di guida sportiva ma accessibile. Con un motore fluido e potente e un telaio ben bilanciato, era adatta sia per i motociclisti esperti che per chi desiderava una moto più prestante rispetto ai modelli entry-level. La versione Custom, spesso realizzata da appassionati o officine specializzate, aggiunge un tocco di unicità e personalizzazione, trasformando un classico degli anni '70 in un'opera unica, adattata ai gusti del proprietario o a specifiche esigenze di guida. Sintesi La Kawasaki KZ750D Z750FX '79 Custom è un'evoluzione personalizzata di una moto iconica degli anni '70, che combina prestazioni, stile e carattere vintage. È una scelta ideale per gli appassionati di motociclette classiche che desiderano un mezzo unico, capace di distinguersi sia su strada che negli incontri tra appassionati.
Kit moto Kawasaki KZ400M Z400GP '82 in scala 1/12 - Modello Aoshima. La Kawasaki KZ400M Z400GP è una motocicletta giapponese introdotta dalla Kawasaki nel 1982 come parte della sua popolare gamma di moto sportive e da turismo. La Z400GP è una variante della famiglia KZ/Z400, progettata per combinare prestazioni sportive e un design adatto anche a spostamenti quotidiani. Caratteristiche tecniche Tipo di veicolo: Motocicletta sportiva di media cilindrata. Motore: Bicilindrico in linea, 4 tempi. Raffreddato ad aria. Cilindrata: 398 cc. Alimentazione: Carburatori. Potenza: Circa 43 CV (a seconda del mercato). Coppia: Adeguata per una guida fluida sia in città che su strade extraurbane. Trasmissione: Cambio manuale a 6 marce. Trasmissione finale a catena. Ciclistica: Telaio tubolare in acciaio. Sospensione anteriore: Forcella telescopica. Sospensione posteriore: Doppio ammortizzatore regolabile. Freni: Disco singolo all'anteriore e tamburo al posteriore. Peso: Circa 180 kg (a secco). Velocità massima: Intorno ai 160 km/h. Caratteristiche distintive Design: Look sportivo tipico degli anni '80, con carenature ridotte e linee squadrate. Strumentazione analogica chiara e leggibile. Prestazioni: Ideale per motociclisti che cercano una moto versatile e affidabile, con una buona combinazione di potenza e maneggevolezza. Comfort: Sella progettata per offrire comfort anche su tragitti più lunghi. Posizione di guida sportiva ma non estrema, adatta a vari tipi di utilizzo. Ruolo e mercato La Z400GP è stata progettata per competere nel segmento delle motociclette di media cilindrata, un settore popolare tra motociclisti principianti ed esperti alla ricerca di una moto equilibrata e versatile. Fu apprezzata per la sua affidabilità , semplicità di manutenzione e costi contenuti, che la resero un'opzione interessante per chi desiderava un mezzo sportivo ma pratico. Sintesi La Kawasaki KZ400M Z400GP rappresenta un classico esempio di motocicletta giapponese degli anni '80, con un equilibrio tra prestazioni, stile e praticità . È stata particolarmente apprezzata per il suo motore robusto e la facilità di utilizzo, rendendola una scelta popolare tra i motociclisti di quell'epoca.
Kit Yamaha YZR500 (OW98) "TECH 21 1988" "Limited Edition" in sacala 1/12 - Modello Hasegawa. La Yamaha YZR500 è una motocicletta da competizione sviluppata dalla Yamaha Motor Company per il campionato mondiale di MotoGP (categoria 500cc). È stata utilizzata dai team ufficiali Yamaha e da piloti privati durante gli anni in cui la classe 500cc era la categoria regina del motociclismo, fino all'introduzione della MotoGP nel 2002. Caratteristiche principali della Yamaha YZR500: Motore: La YZR500 era equipaggiata con un motore a 2 tempi, una tecnologia tipica dell'epoca per le moto da gara della classe 500cc. Si trattava di un quattro cilindri a V, con una cilindrata di 499 cm³, in grado di erogare una potenza massima di circa 170-200 CV a regimi elevati. Il motore era estremamente leggero e compatto, una delle ragioni del grande successo della YZR500 in termini di maneggevolezza. Telaio e Ciclistica: La moto era costruita con un telaio perimetrale in alluminio, che garantiva leggerezza e rigidità strutturale, fondamentale per una guida precisa in pista. La geometria del telaio era ottimizzata per fornire equilibrio tra stabilità alle alte velocità e agilità in curva, una caratteristica essenziale nei circuiti del MotoGP. La sospensione anteriore utilizzava una forcella telescopica upside-down, mentre al posteriore era presente un sistema monoshock. Prestazioni: La YZR500 era in grado di raggiungere velocità superiori ai 300 km/h grazie alla combinazione di potenza del motore e aerodinamica ottimizzata. L'accelerazione e la leggerezza la rendevano competitiva, anche se la gestione del motore a 2 tempi richiedeva abilità da parte del pilota, a causa della brusca erogazione della potenza. Design: La moto presentava un design aerodinamico, con una carenatura sviluppata per minimizzare la resistenza all'aria e migliorare la stabilità . I colori e le grafiche variavano in base agli sponsor dell'epoca. Tra i più famosi, le livree Marlboro, Gauloises e Yamaha Factory Racing. Piloti e Successi: La Yamaha YZR500 è stata guidata da leggende del motociclismo come Eddie Lawson, Wayne Rainey, Kenny Roberts Sr., e Max Biaggi. La moto ha vinto diversi titoli mondiali, contribuendo al dominio Yamaha negli anni '80 e '90 nella classe 500cc. Evoluzione e Fine della Carriera: La YZR500 è stata costantemente aggiornata nel corso degli anni per rimanere competitiva contro rivali come la Honda NSR500 e la Suzuki RGV500. Con l'introduzione della classe MotoGP nel 2002, che prevedeva moto con motori a 4 tempi e cilindrate fino a 990cc, la YZR500 venne sostituita dalla Yamaha YZR-M1, il modello progettato per competere nella nuova era del MotoGP. Eredità : La Yamaha YZR500 è considerata una delle moto più iconiche nella storia delle corse motociclistiche, rappresentando l'apice della tecnologia a 2 tempi nella classe 500cc. È ricordata per i suoi successi, il design innovativo e per essere stata la moto di grandi campioni che hanno segnato un'epoca nel motociclismo.
Zündapp KS750 kit with Sidecar in 1/9 scale - Italeri model. The Zündapp KS750 with sidecar was a German motorcycle designed for military use during World War II, famous for its ruggedness and ability to handle difficult terrain. Built by Zündapp, it was a versatile and durable vehicle used primarily by the Wehrmacht to transport troops, messengers, and provide logistical support on the battlefield. It was often employed in reconnaissance and communication tasks. Key features Engine: Twin-cylinder 4-stroke 751 cc boxer engine, air-cooled. Power: Approximately 26 hp. Maximum speed: About 95 km/h on the road. Transmission: 4-speed manual plus reverse gear. Transmission: Traction on both wheels, the rear wheel of the motorcycle and the sidecar, to increase stability and off-road capabilities. Weight: Approximately 420 kg. Military equipment and design Sidecar: Equipped to carry a passenger, often an armed soldier. The sidecar was equipped with a compartment for carrying equipment or ammunition. Tow hook: Many models were equipped with a hook for towing small trailers or light artillery pieces. Armament: An MG34 or MG42 machine gun was often mounted for defense or support in reconnaissance operations. Use and impact The Zündapp KS750 was used on all major war fronts, from the plains of Eastern Europe to the deserts of North Africa. Due to its ruggedness and advanced technical features for the time, it became one of the most iconic military motorcycles of World War II.
1/9th scale Triumph 3HW motorcycle kit - Italeri model. The Triumph 3HW was a British motorcycle used during World War II by the British Army. Based on a civilian model, the Triumph 3H, it was modified for military needs and supplied to various units for reconnaissance, communication and order carrying roles. Key Features. Engine: Single-cylinder four-stroke 350cc engine. Power: Approximately 17 hp. Maximum speed: Approximately 100 km/h. Gearbox: 4-speed manual. Weight: About 150 kg. Suspension: Front telescopic fork and rigid rear shock absorbers. Role and use. The Triumph 3HW was intended primarily for troop liaison functions, with motorcycle messengers carrying orders and information between units. Its simplicity and ruggedness made it reliable even in rough terrain, and it was used extensively in Europe and North Africa. Design and technical features Compared to the civilian versions, the 3HW was equipped with various military adaptations, including: Stronger tires for difficult terrain. Mounts for military equipment such as side bags for carrying ammunition or documents. Camouflage coloring to better suit the wartime environment. History and impact The Triumph 3HW became an icon of British military motorcycles during the conflict and, along with other military motorcycles, is remembered for its contribution in logistics and communication. After the war, many of these motorcycles were purchased and refitted for civilian use, contributing to the spread of postwar motorcycle culture.
Suzuki RG500G Early Version "Blue/White Color" (1985) motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Suzuki RG500G (Gamma) Early Version "Blue/White Color" is an iconic sports motorcycle produced by Suzuki in the 1980s, inspired by MotoGP racing models and derived from the legendary RG500 race model. It is famous for its powerful two-stroke engine and racing motorcycle-inspired design, which made it a cult object among enthusiasts. Key features Engine and Performance: The RG500 Gamma mounts a 498 cc, two-stroke, inline-four-cylinder engine with "square-four" architecture, that is, consisting of two pairs of parallel cylinders. The engine is capable of generating about 95 horsepower, enabling extraordinary performance for its time, with a top speed that could exceed 225 mph. Design and Color: The "Blue/White Color" version represents one of the most classic and recognizable colors of the RG500, featuring the white and blue typical of Suzuki's racing livery. The design is directly inspired by the racing version, with aerodynamic lines and an aggressive aesthetic, making it visually similar to the racing models used by Suzuki in MotoGP in the 1970s and 1980s. Technology and Chassis: The RG500G was advanced for its time, with a lightweight aluminum frame, racing suspension, and disc brakes to provide precise handling and excellent road response. The adoption of racing technologies made it one of the few bikes on the market with such high specifications, intended for those seeking a track-like riding experience. Legacy and Historical Significance The Suzuki RG500 Gamma is considered one of the most iconic two-stroke sport bikes in motorcycle history, especially for racing enthusiasts and collectors. With its combination of high performance, racing-derived design, and a limited production line, the RG500 still remains a cult model and a symbol of the golden era of two-stroke motorcycles.
Kit Kettenkrad Sd.Kfz. 2 Small chain motorcycle type HK 101 in 1/9 scale - Italeri model. The Kettenkrad Sd.Kfz. 2, also known as the Kettenkrad HK 101, was a small German tracked motorcycle used during World War II. The term "Kettenkrad" is a combination of the German words "Ketten" (tracks) and "Krad" (abbreviation for motorcycle). This vehicle was unique in its design, similar to a motorcycle with a rear track system, and was developed by NSU Motorenwerke AG. Key features Type: Light tracked transport vehicle. Engine: 1.5-liter, 4-cylinder Opel Olympia. Top speed: About 70 km/h on the road. Carrying capacity: Up to 3 people (driver and two passengers in the back). Range: About 250 km on the road. Weight: About 1,250 kg. Role and use. The Kettenkrad was initially employed as a light artillery tractor, particularly for towing light artillery pieces such as the Pak 36 anti-tank gun. Later, it was used for a variety of tasks, including: Troop and supply transport: Because of its ability to deal with difficult terrain, it was ideal for transporting equipment and supplies in muddy, sandy or snowy areas. Towing gliders: It was also used by the Luftwaffe to move light gliders to air bases. Reconnaissance and liaison missions: Its speed and maneuverability made it useful for liaison tasks between units. Design and technical characteristics. The Kettenkrad combined the maneuverability of a motorcycle with the traction of a tracked vehicle. The tracks provided excellent traction on difficult terrain, while the front wheel contributed to better steering on firm surfaces. This vehicle became iconic for its versatility and reliability, and is one of the most recognizable vehicles employed by German forces during the war.
Honda VT250F (MC08) (1985) "Limited Edition" motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The 1985 Honda VT250F (MC08) is a sports motorcycle produced by Honda for the Japanese and international markets. This motorcycle is famous for its liquid-cooled, 90-degree V-twin engine, which gives it good performance and great reliability for its segment. Key features Engine: 249 cc 90-degree V-twin engine Power: Approximately 30-35 hp, optimized for quick acceleration and good low to mid-range response Cooling: Liquid, a less common feature for small-displacement motorcycles of that period Gearbox: Six-speed, for greater flexibility and control Frame: Steel trellis type, designed to reduce weight and increase stability Suspension: Front telescopic and rear with Pro-Link monoshock, improving handling and ride comfort Design: Partial sport fairing, giving an aggressive and aerodynamic look Performance and Usage. The VT250F is known for its easy handling, moderate speed, and ease of control, making it ideal for younger riders or those looking for a lightweight, fun bike for city or suburban use. With the combination of its V-engine and cooling system, the VT250F has been highly praised for its durability and reliability.
Japanese Honda CG125 motorcycle kit in 1/35 scale - AK INTERACTIVE model. The Honda CG125 is a Japanese motorcycle manufactured by Honda, first introduced in 1976 as a sturdy and inexpensive commuter motorcycle. It has become famous for its reliability and low maintenance cost, making it popular in many parts of the world, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Key features of the Honda CG125: Engine: The CG125 is equipped with a single-cylinder, four-stroke 125 cc, air-cooled engine. This engine is known for its durability and ease of maintenance, suitable for heavy use. Transmission: The bike is equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission, which provides a smooth ride and good control in town and on rural roads. Simple design: The design of the CG125 is minimal and functional, designed to withstand heavy use without requiring much care. The fuel tank is moderate in size, the seat comfortable for two people, and the chassis is designed to provide stability even on uneven terrain. Fuel economy: The bike is celebrated for its low fuel consumption, making it an economical choice for those seeking daily transportation. Reliability: One of the main reasons the CG125 has been so successful is its incredible reliability. Many CG125s are still in use after decades of service, demonstrating the model's longevity. Ease of repair: Due to its simple construction, maintenance and repairs of the CG125 can be done easily, even in areas with limited mechanical resources. Usage: The Honda CG125 is mainly used for daily commuting, delivery services, and in many countries it is also used as a work bike. It is popular in rural and urban areas for its durability and ease of use on difficult or poorly maintained roads.
Yamaha TZR250 (2AW) "Special Edition" motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Yamaha TZR250 (2AW) is a two-stroke sport motorcycle produced by Yamaha, known for its innovative design and high performance. This motorcycle was introduced in the 1980s and is an important evolution of the TZR series, designed to provide a sporty and competitive riding experience. Key Features. Design and Construction: Origins: The Yamaha TZR250 (2AW) was introduced in 1986 as part of the TZR series, designed for the street and inspired by the Japanese manufacturer's racing bikes. It is one of the best-known versions of this series. Type of Motorcycle: A two-stroke street sport motorcycle designed to offer high performance and an engaging riding experience. Construction: The frame of the TZR250 is made of lightweight steel with a construction that aims to improve handling and stability. The bike has aerodynamic bodywork with a distinctive design. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a liquid-cooled, 250cc in-line two-cylinder, two-stroke engine. This engine is equipped with a fuel injection system or carburetors, depending on the market. Power: The engine produces about 45-50 horsepower (33-37 kW), with a top speed of about 190 km/h (118 mph). This power is optimized to provide rapid acceleration and sporty performance. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission designed to handle high performance and the demands of sporty on-road driving. Suspension: Telescopic wishbone front suspension and monoshock rear suspension, designed to provide good stability and precision while riding. The suspension is adjustable to suit different riding conditions. Design and Features: Design: The Yamaha TZR250 (2AW) features a sporty design with an aerodynamic body, a low nose and a wide tail. The design is geared toward improving speed and handling, with styling elements inspired by racing motorcycles. Features: Includes an essential dashboard with gauges to monitor engine performance, an exhaust system designed to improve efficiency, and an advanced braking system. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its powerful two-stroke engine and advanced design, the TZR250 (2AW) offers excellent performance with quick acceleration and good cornering stability. The bike is designed for sporty and engaging riding. Usage: Primarily used as a sport road bike, the TZR250 (2AW) has been successful among enthusiastic riders and sport bike lovers. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The TZR250 (2AW) is one of the versions of the TZR series, with updates and modifications over the years to improve performance and reliability. Modifications: Some examples have been modified to improve performance or customize appearance, with upgrades to the engine and suspension. Special Features: Two-Stroke Engine: The TZR250's two-cylinder two-stroke engine is known for its power and distinctive sound, offering superior performance compared to other bikes in the same class. Sporty Design: The aerodynamic design and lightweight construction make the TZR250 (2AW) a highly competitive and attractive motorcycle for sport bike enthusiasts. Key Points. Riding Performance: The Yamaha TZR250 (2AW) is designed to deliver high performance on the road with a powerful engine and aerodynamic design. Technology and Innovation: It uses advanced technologies for the time, including lightweight materials and sophisticated suspension. Popularity: It was successful among enthusiastic motorcyclists and is an important example of Yamaha's ability to develop high-quality sports motorcycles. In Summary. The Yamaha TZR250 (2AW) is a two-stroke street sport motorcycle featuring a powerful engine and advanced aerodynamic design. With excellent performance and a focus on sporty riding, the TZR250 (2AW) represents an example of innovation and success in Yamaha's sports motorcycle history.
Kit motorcycleKawasaki KR250 (KR250A) Silver Color "Limited Edition" 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Kawasaki KR250 (KR250A) is a two-stroke sport racing motorcycle produced by Kawasaki during the 1980s. It is known for its role in track motorcycling competitions, particularly in the 250 cc class. The KR250A is one of the versions of the KR series, designed to offer high performance and compete internationally. Key Features. Design and Construction: Origins: The Kawasaki KR250 was introduced in 1980 as part of the KR series of racing motorcycles. The KR250A model represents one of the iterations of this series, designed for 250 cc class racing. Type of Motorcycle: Two-stroke sport racing motorcycle developed to compete in track motorcycling events. Construction: The motorcycle is built with a lightweight steel frame and aerodynamic body, designed to reduce weight and improve handling while riding. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a liquid-cooled, 250 cc in-line two-cylinder, two-stroke engine. This engine is known for its power and quick response. Power: The engine of the KR250A produces about 50-55 horsepower (37-41 kW), with a top speed of about 200 km/h (124 mph). This power is optimized for the demands of motorcycle racing. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission designed to handle the high performance and sporty driving demands. Suspension: Telescopic wishbone front suspension and monoshock rear suspension, designed for stability and precision during track riding. Design and Features: Design: The KR250A features an aerodynamic design with a streamlined body and low nose, optimized to reduce drag and improve speed. Features: Includes a minimalist dashboard with essential gauges to monitor engine performance and an exhaust system designed to optimize engine efficiency and sound. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its two-stroke engine and advanced design, the KR250A offers excellent performance on the track, with quick acceleration and good stability. Usage: Used mainly in track motorcycling competitions in the 250cc class, it has been successful in numerous races, contributing to Kawasaki's results. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The KR250A is one of the versions of the Kawasaki KR250, with updates and modifications over the years to improve performance. Modifications: Some examples have been modified by race teams to further improve performance on the track. Special Features: Two-Stroke Engine: The KR250A's two-stroke two-cylinder engine is known for its power and distinctive sound, offering superior performance compared to other bikes in the same class. Advanced Design: The aerodynamic design and lightweight construction make the KR250A a highly competitive motorcycle in motorcycle racing. Key Points Race Performance: The KR250A is designed to deliver high performance in competition, with a powerful engine and track-optimized design. Technology and Innovation: It uses advanced technologies for the time, including lightweight materials and sophisticated suspension. Role in Racing: Played a significant role in 250 cc class racing, demonstrating Kawasaki's capabilities in racing motorcycles. In Summary. The Kawasaki KR250 (KR250A) is a racing sports motorcycle from the 1980s, featuring a two-cylinder engine and advanced aerodynamic design. With excellent performance and a focus on track competition, the KR250A represents an example of innovation and success in the history of Kawasaki racing motorcycles.
Kawasaki KR250 (KR250A) Motorcycle Kit Black/Red Color "Limited Edition" 1/12 Scale - Hasegawa Model. The Kawasaki KR250 (KR250A) is a two-stroke sport racing motorcycle manufactured by Kawasaki, designed to compete in the 250 cc class. This motorcycle is particularly well known for its participation in track motorcycling competitions during the 1980s and 1990s. Main Features: Design and Construction: Origins: The Kawasaki KR250 was introduced in 1980 as part of the KR series of racing motorcycles. The KR250A is one of the versions of this series, designed specifically for GP motorcycle racing and 250 cc class competitions. Type of Motorcycle: A two-stroke sport racing motorcycle designed for high performance and reliability on the track. Construction: The KR250A uses a lightweight steel frame and aerodynamic bodywork, designed to reduce weight and improve handling while riding. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a liquid-cooled, 250 cc in-line two-cylinder, two-stroke engine. This engine is known for its power and quick response. Power: The engine of the KR250A produces about 50-55 horsepower (37-41 kW), offering competitive performance and a top speed of about 200 km/h (124 mph). The power is optimized for the demands of motorcycle racing. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission designed to handle the high performance and demands of sporty track riding. Suspension: Telescopic wishbone front suspension and monoshock rear suspension, designed to ensure good stability and precision during track riding. Design and Features: Design: The Kawasaki KR250A features an aerodynamic design with a streamlined body and low nose. The design is geared toward improving speed and handling, with a focus on weight reduction. Features: Includes a minimalist dashboard with gauges to monitor engine performance and an exhaust system designed to improve engine efficiency and sound. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its powerful two-stroke engine and advanced design, the KR250A offers excellent performance on the track. It is designed for precise and competitive riding, with quick acceleration and good stability. Usage: Used primarily in track motorcycling competitions, the KR250A has been successful in 250cc class racing, contributing to numerous results and victories for Kawasaki. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The KR250A is one of the versions of the Kawasaki KR250, with updates and modifications over the years to improve performance and competitiveness. Modifications: Some examples have been modified by race teams to optimize performance on the track, including engine and suspension upgrades. Special Features: Two-Stroke Engine: The KR250A's two-stroke two-cylinder engine is known for its power and distinctive sound, offering superior performance compared to other bikes in its class. Advanced Design: The KR250A's aerodynamic design and lightweight construction make it a highly competitive motorcycle in motorcycle racing. Key Points: Race Performance: The Kawasaki KR250A is designed to deliver high performance in motorcycle racing, with a powerful engine and track-optimized design. Technology and Innovation: It uses advanced technologies for the time, including lightweight materials and sophisticated suspension, to enhance competitiveness in competition. Role in Racing: Played a significant role in 250 cc class racing, demonstrating Kawasaki's ability to develop high-quality racing motorcycles. In Summary: The Kawasaki KR250 (KR250A) is a two-stroke racing motorcycle from the 1980s, featuring a two-cylinder engine and advanced aerodynamic design. With excellent performance and a focus on track competition, the KR250A represents an important example of innovation and success in Kawasaki's racing motorcycle history.
Kawasaki KR250 motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - HASEGAWA model. The Kawasaki KR250 is a racing motorcycle designed and manufactured by Kawasaki to compete in road motorcycling competitions, particularly in GP motorcycle racing and 250 cc class competitions. It was developed in the 1980s and is distinguished by its performance and advanced design. Main Features: Design and Construction: Origins: The Kawasaki KR250 was designed to compete in the 250 cc class of motorcycle racing, with a special focus on competition in motorcycle GP championships. Type of Motorcycle: Two-stroke racing motorcycle designed for track racing. Construction: The KR250 is built with a steel frame and lightweight body, designed to reduce weight and improve track performance. Powertrain: Engine: Equipped with a 250 cc in-line two-cylinder two-stroke engine. This engine uses a liquid cooling system to improve performance and reliability. Power: The KR250 engine produces about 50-55 horsepower (37-41 kW), offering good acceleration and a competitive top speed for the 250 cc class. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission, designed to handle the high performance and sporty demands of track riding. Suspension: Telescopic wishbone front suspension and double shock rear suspension, designed to ensure good stability and precision during track driving. Design and Features: Design: The Kawasaki KR250 features an aerodynamic design with a streamlined body and low nose, designed to optimize speed and handling. Its design is influenced by the demands of GP motorcycle racing. Features: Includes a simple but functional dashboard with gauges to monitor engine performance and an exhaust system designed to improve engine efficiency and sound. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its powerful two-stroke engine and advanced design, the KR250 delivers outstanding performance on the track. It is designed for precise and competitive riding. Usage: Used primarily in road racing and GP motorcycle competitions, the KR250 has been praised for its speed and maneuverability. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The KR250 has been produced in several versions and upgrades over the years, with improvements to optimize performance and competitiveness. Modifications: Some examples have been modified by race teams to further improve performance on the track. Special Features: Two-Stroke Engine: The two-cylinder two-stroke engine offers an excellent combination of power and low weight, which is essential for motorcycle racing. Competitive Design: The KR250's aerodynamic design and lightweight construction make it a highly competitive motorcycle for racing. Key Points: Race Performance: The Kawasaki KR250 is designed to deliver high performance in motorcycle racing, with a powerful engine and track-optimized design. Technology and Innovation: It uses advanced technologies for the time, including lightweight materials and sophisticated suspension. Role in Racing: The KR250 played an important role in GP and motorcycle racing, demonstrating Kawasaki's ability to develop high-quality racing motorcycles. In Summary: The Kawasaki KR250 is a highly competitive racing motorcycle from the 1980s, featuring a two-cylinder two-stroke engine and advanced design. With outstanding performance and a focus on track competition, the KR250 represents an important example of innovation and success in the history of Kawasaki racing motorcycles.
Kawasaki 500-SS/MACH III motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - HASEGAWA model. The Kawasaki 500-SS, commonly known as the Kawasaki Mach III, is a legendary sports motorcycle produced by Kawasaki in the 1970s. It is known for its three-cylinder two-stroke engine and extraordinary performance for its time. Main Features: Design and Construction: Origins: The Kawasaki Mach III was introduced in 1969 as the top model in Kawasaki's series of two-stroke sport bikes. It is the successor to the Kawasaki 500-SS and has gained a reputation for outstanding performance. Type of Motorcycle: Three-cylinder two-stroke sports motorcycle. Construction: The motorcycle is built with a tubular steel frame and a compact body designed to optimize power-to-weight ratio and maneuverability. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 500 cc in-line three-cylinder two-stroke engine. This engine uses an air-cooling system and a separate lubrication system. Power: The Mach III's engine produces about 60 horsepower (45 kW) at 7,500 rpm, offering a top speed of about 200 km/h (124 mph). It is known for its lightning-fast acceleration and characteristic two-stroke engine sound. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a five-speed manual transmission designed to handle high performance and sporty driving demands. Suspension: Telescopic wishbone front suspension and double shock rear suspension, designed to provide good stability and comfort while riding. Design and Features: Design: The Kawasaki Mach III features a sporty and aggressive design with a sleek fuel tank and tapered body line. Its distinctive styling and compact bodywork make it easily recognizable. Features: Includes a dashboard with clear gauges and an exhaust system that contributes to the distinctive sound of the two-stroke engine. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its powerful three-cylinder engine and sporty design, the Mach III is designed to deliver outstanding performance and an enthusiastic ride. It has been praised for its rapid acceleration and impressive top speed. Usage: Primarily used for sporty road riding and motorcycling competitions. It is considered one of the most iconic and respected two-stroke motorcycles of its era. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The Mach III was produced in several versions and upgrades over the years, with minor changes to the engine and chassis. Modifications: Some examples were modified by owners to improve performance or customize appearance. Special Features: Three-Cylinder Engine: The Mach III's three-cylinder two-stroke engine is known for its power and distinctive engine sound, offering superior performance compared to other bikes in its class. Iconic Design: The Mach III's sporty design and aggressive appearance make it an icon in the world of 1970s sports motorcycles. Key Points: Outstanding Performance: The Kawasaki Mach III is known for its rapid acceleration and high top speed, thanks to its powerful three-cylinder engine. Distinctive Design: Its sporty design and compact bodywork make it an easily recognizable motorcycle prized by collectors. Legacy: The Mach III is considered one of the most iconic two-stroke motorcycles of its era and continues to be appreciated by vintage motorcycle riders and collectors. In Summary: The Kawasaki 500-SS/Mach III is a legendary sports motorcycle from the 1970s, featuring a three-cylinder two-stroke engine and a sporty design. With outstanding performance and distinctive looks, the Mach III represents an important milestone in sports motorcycle history and continues to be a coveted motorcycle among collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts.
Honda NSR500 `Elf Honda`"Limited Edition" motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - HASEGAWA model. The Elf Honda NSR500 is a special version of the Honda NSR500, featuring the collaboration between Honda and the Elf racing team, a brand known for its commitment to motorsport and support for racing teams. This model has been particularly relevant in MotoGP history due to its innovative technology and racing success. Main Features: Design and Construction: Origins: The Elf Honda NSR500 was developed as part of the collaboration between Honda and the Elf team, known for its technical contribution and support to racing teams. This model debuted in 1986 and represents one of the most significant iterations of the NSR500. Type of Motorcycle: A two-stroke sports racing motorcycle designed specifically to compete in the 500 cc MotoGP class. Construction: The bike is built with an aluminum frame and advanced aerodynamic bodywork designed to optimize weight and improve track performance. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 500 cc in-line four-cylinder two-stroke engine. This engine uses a liquid cooling system and advanced configuration to maximize performance. Power: The engine produces about 150-160 horsepower (110-120 kW), offering excellent performance and a top speed of about 300 km/h (186 mph). Power is optimized for the demands of MotoGP racing. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission designed to handle the high performance and demands of sporty track riding. Suspension: Telescopic wishbone front suspension and monoshock rear suspension, designed to provide good stability and precision during track riding. Design and Features: Design: The Elf Honda NSR500 features a highly aerodynamic design with a streamlined body and low nose. The design is geared toward improving speed and handling on the track, with distinctive styling elements related to Elf branding. Features: Includes an essential dashboard with gauges to monitor engine performance and an exhaust system designed to improve engine efficiency and sound. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its powerful two-stroke engine and advanced design, the NSR500 Elf Honda delivers outstanding performance on the track. It is designed for precise and competitive riding, contributing to numerous victories and titles. Usage: Used primarily in MotoGP and track motorcycling competitions, the NSR500 Elf Honda was one of Honda's flagship team bikes during the 1980s. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The NSR500 Elf Honda is a specific version of the NSR500, featuring collaboration with the Elf team and some technical modifications to optimize performance. Modifications: Some examples have been modified by race teams to further improve performance or customize appearance. Special Features: Collaboration with Elf: The partnership with the Elf team has led to technical innovations and a distinctive design, with stylistic and technical elements reflecting this collaboration. Two-Stroke Engine: The four-cylinder two-stroke engine is known for its power and distinctive sound, offering superior performance compared to other bikes in its class. Key Points: Race Performance: The Elf Honda NSR500 is designed to deliver high performance in MotoGP racing, with a powerful engine and track-optimized design. Technology and Innovation: It uses advanced technologies for the time, including lightweight materials and sophisticated suspension, and benefits from collaboration with the Elf team. Role in Racing: Played a crucial role in MotoGP racing, contributing to Honda's success and demonstrating the company's ability to develop high-quality racing motorcycles. In Summary: The Elf Honda NSR500 is an iconic racing motorcycle from the 1980s, featuring a four-cylinder two-stroke engine and advanced aerodynamic design. Through its collaboration with the Elf team and its outstanding performance, the NSR500 Elf Honda represents an important example of innovation and success in Honda's racing motorcycle history.
Kawasaki KH400-A7 motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - HASEGAWA model. The Kawasaki KH400-A7 is a sport motorcycle produced by Kawasaki, launched in 1976 as part of the KH series. It is known for its two-stroke engine and innovative design at the time. Main Features: Design and Construction: Origins: The KH400-A7 is an updated version of the Kawasaki KH400, designed to offer sporty performance and a dynamic ride. It was produced during a period when two-stroke motorcycles were particularly popular. Type of Motorcycle: A three-cylinder two-stroke sports motorcycle designed to combine high performance and handling. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 400 cc in-line three-cylinder two-stroke engine. This engine uses an air-cooling system. Power: The engine of the KH400-A7 produces about 45 horsepower (33 kW) at 8,000 rpm, offering good acceleration and top speed. Transmission and Suspension: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission designed to optimize the bike's performance and response on the road. Suspension: Telescopic front suspension and dual shock rear suspension, designed to improve stability and ride comfort. Design and Features: Design: The KH400-A7 features a sporty design with streamlined bodywork and a distinctive fuel tank. The bike's design reflects the aesthetic trends of the 1970s, with sleek lines and bold styling. Features: Includes a dashboard with clear gauges and an exhaust system that contributes to a distinctive two-stroke engine sound. Performance and Usage: Performance: With its two-stroke engine and sporty design, the KH400-A7 offers lively performance and enthusiastic riding. It is suitable for both daily use and sporty riding. Usage: Used mainly on the road, it is appreciated by riders for its combination of power and handling. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The KH400-A7 is a specific version of the KH400 series, with improvements and upgrades over previous models. Modifications: Some examples have been modified by owners to improve performance or to customize appearance. Special Features: Two-Stroke Engine: The three-cylinder two-stroke engine is known for its high power and characteristic "ringing" sound that many enthusiasts appreciate. Sporty Design: The KH400-A7 combines sporty performance with elegant design, making it a coveted bike for collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts. Key Points: Dynamic Performance: The KH400-A7 is designed to deliver high performance and an engaging ride, thanks to its two-stroke engine and six-speed transmission. 1970s Design: The bike's design reflects the sporty style of the 1970s, with distinctive lines and streamlined bodywork. Collector Appreciation: Even today, the KH400-A7 is appreciated by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts for its historicity and appeal. In Summary: The Kawasaki KH400-A7 is an iconic sports motorcycle from the 1970s, featuring a three-cylinder two-stroke engine and a sporty design. With spirited performance and distinctive looks, it represents an important example of innovation and style in the motorcycle world of the era.
KS600 Motorcycle and Sidecar Zündapp kit in 1/35 scale - Tamiya model. The Zündapp KS600 is a German motorcycle produced by Zündapp, a company renowned for motorcycle production, between the years 1938 and 1941. This motorcycle was known for its sturdiness and reliability and was frequently used in conjunction with a sidecar, particularly during World War II. Main Features Motorcycle: Type: Motorcycle with sidecar Engine: 4-stroke twin-cylinder, air-cooled Displacement: 597 cc Power: Approximately 28 hp at 4,000 rpm Maximum Speed: Approx. 125 km/h Transmission: 4-speed manual transmission with shaft final drive Sidecar: The sidecar was a common accessory for the KS600, used for both passenger and equipment transport. During the war, the sidecar could be equipped with a machine gun or used to transport troops and supplies. Configuration: The sidecar was mounted on the right side of the motorcycle, equipped with its own wheel and attached to the motorcycle frame for greater stability. Military use Role in World War II: The Zündapp KS600, equipped with a sidecar, was widely used by the Wehrmacht during World War II. It was prized for its ability to transport troops, supplies and even small arms, such as machine guns. Versatility: Due to its ruggedness and sidecar side wheel traction, the KS600 could handle difficult terrain, making it ideal for operations in varied and often hostile environments. Equipment: Many KS600s with sidecars were equipped with specific equipment for military purposes, including ammunition carriers, weapon mounts and other accessories for tactical use. Historical Significance. War Contribution: The KS600 played a significant role in improving the mobility of German troops. Motorcycles with sidecars were fast, maneuverable, and capable of carrying light loads, making them an essential component of motorized units. Technology and Design: The technology used in the KS600, such as the 4-stroke engine and shaft drive, was advanced for the time. The motorcycle was considered an example of high-quality German engineering. Legacy: The Zündapp KS600 remains a historical icon for motorcycle enthusiasts and military vehicle collectors. It is often celebrated at historic vehicle rallies and military museums for its contribution during the war. Conclusion The Zündapp KS600 with sidecar is a historic motorcycle famous for its military use during World War II. Its combination of sturdiness, reliability and versatility made it ideal for use in harsh conditions, contributing significantly to the mobility of German troops. Today, it is a highly sought-after vehicle for collectors and military history enthusiasts.
Yamaha RZ250 (4L3) motorcycle kit with hood (1982) in 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Yamaha RZ250 (4L3) (1982) is a sports motorcycle produced by Yamaha Motor Company in the early 1980s. It is particularly known for its two-stroke engine, agility and performance, making it a popular choice among sports motorcycle enthusiasts of the period. Main Features of the Yamaha RZ250 (4L3) (1982) Design and Construction: Origins: The Yamaha RZ250 was introduced in 1980 as a mid-size sport motorcycle. The 4L3 model refers specifically to the 1982 version. Design: Designed to offer high performance and a sporty riding experience, the RZ250 was built with a lightweight frame and a configuration that emphasizes agility and handling. Powertrain: Engine: Equipped with a 247 cc in-line two-stroke twin-cylinder engine. This engine is known for its power and quick and lively delivery typical of two-strokes. Power: Capable of producing about 35 horsepower at 8,500 rpm, a remarkable output for a motorcycle of this displacement at the time. Cooling: The engine is liquid-cooled, an advanced feature for the time that helps maintain optimum operating temperatures. Transmission: Transmission: Equipped with a six-speed manual transmission, which allows the driver to make the most of the engine's power. Clutch: The clutch is manually operated, typical of sport motorcycles. Cycling: Frame: Steel double-cradle frame designed to provide rigidity and stability. Suspension: Telescopic front suspension and rear suspension with dual shock absorbers, providing good road response. Brakes: Equipped with front and rear disc brakes, providing effective and safe braking. Performance: Top Speed: It can reach a top speed of about 160 km/h, making it one of the fastest sports motorcycles in its class at the time of launch. Handling: Known for its excellent handling and agility, especially appreciated in tight turns and winding roads. Aesthetic Design: Style: The RZ250's design is sporty and aggressive, with a minimalist fairing that highlights the engine and chassis. Colors: Available in various color combinations, often with eye-catching graphics that emphasize its sporty character. Historical Significance. Technological Innovation: Two-Stroke: The RZ250's two-stroke engine represented a technological approach that emphasized pure performance with rapid power delivery and low weight. LiquidCooling: The adoption of liquid cooling was an advanced feature for a motorcycle of this displacement, helping to improve engine reliability and performance. Market Influence: Popularity: The RZ250 has been very popular among young riders and road racing enthusiasts due to its high performance and relatively affordable price. Legacy: It helped establish Yamaha's reputation as a manufacturer of high-performance sports motorcycles and influenced the development of later models. Conclusion The Yamaha RZ250 (4L3) (1982) is an iconic motorcycle of the 1980s, renowned for its powerful two-stroke engine, handling and sporty design. It was a popular choice among motorcycle enthusiasts because of its ability to offer an exciting riding experience and high performance in an affordable package. The RZ250 remains one of the most memorable motorcycles of its era, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of sport motorcycles.
Honda RS250RW "2009 WGP250 Czech Republic GP" motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Honda RS250RW is a racing motorcycle used in the 250cc class of the MotoGP World Championship, specifically in the 2009 season. The reference race is the 2009 Czech Republic Grand Prix, held at the Brno circuit. This bike was designed to be highly competitive in the 250cc class, which at the time was one of the most important categories in world motorcycling. Main features of the Honda RS250RW: Design and Construction: Chassis: The RS250RW features a twin-spar aluminum frame designed to be lightweight and rigid, optimizing handling and stability. Aerodynamic Design: The fairing is designed to reduce drag and improve top speed, with an aggressive and functional design. Engine and Performance: Engine: The bike is equipped with a 250cc, two-stroke, twin-cylinder engine capable of delivering high power for its displacement. Power: The power output of the engine varies, but is generally around 90-100 horsepower, allowing for quick acceleration and high speeds. Engine Technology: The engine uses advanced technologies for power management and reliability, which are essential for top-level competition. Suspension and Brakes: Suspension: The RS250RW is equipped with inverted telescopic fork front suspension and a rear shock absorber, both adjustable to suit different track conditions. Brakes: Front and rear disc brakes, with high-performance calipers, provide powerful and controllable braking. Success in Competition: 2009 Season: The 2009 season was significant for the Honda RS250RW, with many riders competing on this bike in the 250cc World Championship. 2009 Czech Republic Grand Prix: This race was one of the championship stages where the RS250RW proved its competitiveness. The Brno circuit is known for its fast corners and ups and downs, which test the bikes' handling and power. Legacy and Influence: End of the 250cc Class: 2009 was the last year of the 250cc class, which was replaced by the Moto2 class in 2010. The Honda RS250RW thus represents one of the last bikes in this iconic class. Technical Innovations: The technical solutions developed for the RS250RW have influenced the design of racing bikes in subsequent categories. Conclusion: The Honda RS250RW "2009 WGP250 Czech Republic GP" represents one of the most competitive and advanced motorcycles in the history of the 250cc class of the MotoGP World Championship. With its sophisticated design, powerful engine and advanced technologies, it has left an indelible mark on the world of motorcycling. Its participation in the 2009 Czech Republic Grand Prix was a demonstration of Honda's engineering and competitive capabilities in one of motorsport's most exciting categories.
Honda Dax 125 Limited Edition motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Tamiya model. The Honda Dax 125 is a small-displacement motorcycle produced by Honda. It is known for its compact, retro design reminiscent of the original Honda Dax (ST series) models of the 1960s and 1970s. The Dax 125 is a modern reinterpretation of those classic models, offering contemporary technology and performance appropriate for today's market. Features of the Honda Dax 125: Design and Structure: Retro Style: The design of the Dax 125 maintains the retro style that made the original series famous, with a visible "T" frame and an overall appearance that evokes nostalgia. Compactness: It is a small, light and maneuverable motorcycle, ideal for urban use and riders of all ages. Engine: Displacement: 125 cc. Engine Type: Single-cylinder four-stroke, air-cooled. Power: Provides adequate power for city use and short road trips, with performance that balances efficiency and agility. Transmission: Transmission: Equipped with a 4-speed manual transmission, easy to use and ideal for those looking for a bike that is simple and fun to ride. Frame and Suspension: Frame: The "T" frame is sturdy and gives the bike a unique look. Suspension: Suspension is designed for comfort and stability, with telescopic front forks and rear shocks. Brakes and Tires: Brakes: Equipped with front and rear disc brakes for safe and effective braking. Tires: Tires are suitable for both urban use and small off-road light excursions. Comfort and Functionality: Seating: The seat is long and comfortable, allowing for a passenger. Instrumentation: The instrumentation is simple but comprehensive, with gauges for speed, fuel level and other essential information. Lucidity: Equipped with LED lights to improve visibility and safety. Meaning and Usage: The Honda Dax 125 is designed for those looking for a practical, reliable and fun motorcycle for daily commuting or leisure. It is especially popular with those who love vintage design but want the performance and reliability of a modern motorcycle. It is ideal for urban riders, those who need a second bike that is easy to maneuver and maintain, or those who are fascinated by Honda's classic models. In Summary: The Honda Dax 125 is a small-displacement motorcycle that combines retro charm with modern technology. With its compact and distinctive design, efficient engine, and contemporary features, it is an excellent choice for those seeking a practical and stylish motorcycle for everyday use.
Suzuki GSX-R750 (H) (GR71G) (1987) 1/12 scale motorcycle kit - Hasegawa model.The 1987 Suzuki GSX-R750 (H) (GR71G) is a sports motorcycle produced by Suzuki, part of the famous GSX-R series. This series is known for its high performance and racing-inspired design. The 1987 GSX-R750 is particularly significant in the history of sports motorcycles. Here is an overview of its main features:Features of the Suzuki GSX-R750 (H) (GR71G) (1987):Engine: The 1987 GSX-R750 is equipped with a 749 cc in-line four-cylinder air/oil-cooled engine, known as SACS (Suzuki Advanced Cooling System). The engine produced about 106 horsepower at 10,500 rpm, offering high performance for the time.Chassis: The motorcycle features an aluminum frame, known as a "double girder frame," which provides excellent structural rigidity and reduces the overall weight of the motorcycle. This frame was a distinguishing feature of the GSX-Rs, contributing to their handling and performance.Suspension and Brakes:The GSX-R750 (H) features telescopic front forks and a rear monoshock, both of which can be adjusted to improve ride response and comfort.Front and rear disc brakes provide excellent stopping power.Design and Bodywork:The design of the 1987 GSX-R750 features a full fairing that improves aerodynamics and protects the rider from the wind.The bike has a sporty and aggressive appearance, with sharp lines and a low profile.Performance:The combination of a powerful engine, lightweight frame and aerodynamic design made the 1987 GSX-R750 one of the best-performing sports motorcycles of its era.It was able to reach high speeds and offer excellent acceleration, making it popular among sports motorcycle enthusiasts.Historical Significance:The 1987 GSX-R750 represents an important milestone in the evolution of sports motorcycles. The innovations introduced with this model influenced the design and technology of sports motorcycles in the years that followed.It is often regarded as one of the most iconic motorcycles of the 1980s, prized both for its performance and for its contribution to the development of modern sports motorcycles.In summary, the 1987 Suzuki GSX-R750 (H) (GR71G) is a legendary sports motorcycle that has left a significant mark in the history of two-wheeled motorcycles, thanks to its technical innovations, advanced design, and outstanding performance.
Honda VT250F (MC08) (1984) "Black Color" Limited Edition 1/12 Scale Motorcycle Kit - Hasegawa Model.The 1984 Honda VT250F (MC08), in "Black Color" version, is a small-displacement sports motorcycle produced by Honda. The VT250F is known for its innovative design and respectable performance in the 250 cc motorcycle segment. Here is an overview of its main features:Features of the Honda VT250F (MC08) (1984) "Black Color":Engine:The VT250F is equipped with a 249 cc, liquid-cooled, 90-degree V-twin engine.This engine was known for its smoothness and power, capable of producing about 35-40 horsepower at 11,500 rpm.Frame:The motorcycle uses a tubular steel frame that provides a good combination of rigidity and light weight.The frame design contributes to agile and responsive handling, making the bike ideal for urban use and winding roads.Suspension and Brakes:The VT250F is equipped with telescopic front forks and a Pro-Link rear monoshock, which provide a comfortable and stable ride.Both front and rear disc brakes provide effective and safe stopping power.Design and Bodywork:The VT250F features a sporty design with a full fairing that improves aerodynamics and protects the rider from the wind.The "Black Color" version is distinguished by its black livery, which gives the bike a sleek and aggressive look.Performance:Thanks to its V-twin engine and lightweight construction, the VT250F offers good performance in both top speed and acceleration.The bike is appreciated for its agility and ease of maneuvering, features that make it suitable for both beginner and experienced riders.Technology and Innovation:One of the VT250F's innovative features is its use of advanced technologies for the time, such as liquid cooling and the V-twin engine design.These technologies help improve the bike's reliability and durability.Historical Significance: The 1984 Honda VT250F is a significant model in the history of small-displacement sport bikes. The combination of an advanced engine, sporty design and innovative technologies made this motorcycle popular with enthusiasts and influenced the development of later models. The "Black Color" version adds a distinctive aesthetic touch to a motorcycle already highly regarded for its technical and performance qualities.
Suzuki GT380 B "Red Color" Motorcycle Kit (1972) 1/12 scale - Hasegawa Model.The 1972 Suzuki GT380 B "Red Color" is a classic motorcycle produced by the Suzuki Motor Corporation. Here is a detailed description of this model:Technical SpecificationsEngine:Type: Three-cylinder in-line two-stroke.Displacement: 371 cc.Power: Approximately 38 hp at 7,500 rpm.Cooling: Air-cooled with an oil cooler (Suzuki Ram Air System).Transmission:Gearbox: Six-speed.Final Drive: Chain.Dimensions and Weight:Dry weight: About 170 kg.Wheelbase: 1.360 mm.Frame:Type: Steel double-cradle frame.Front Suspension: Telescopic fork.Rear Suspension: Double shock absorber.Brakes:Front: Single disc.Rear: Drum.Tank:Capacity: Approximately 15 liters.Design and ColorAesthetics: The 1972 model was known for its classic 1970s styling, with clean lines and well-proportioned bodywork.Color: The "Red Color" version featured a vibrant red color scheme, making it particularly attractive and distinctive.PerformanceTop speed: About 160 km/h.Fuel economy: Relatively high, as typical for two-stroke engines of the time, but balanced by good performance and smooth power delivery.Distinctive FeaturesSuzuki Ram Air System: This system improved engine cooling, enabling better performance and reliability.Three-cylinder: The three-cylinder engine gave the GT380 a distinctive sound and smooth power delivery.Historical SignificanceThe Suzuki GT380 is remembered as one of the most iconic motorcycles of its era, combining reliability, good performance and attractive design. The 1972 "Red Color" model is especially prized by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts for its aesthetics and technical features.In summary, the 1972 Suzuki GT380 B "Red Color" is a three-cylinder two-stroke motorcycle known for its classic design and solid performance, representing an important part of 1970s motorcycle history.
2015 Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin motorcycle kit in 1/6 scale - Tamiya model. Honda Africa Twin is the name of a series of Japanese road and sport (so-called dual-sport) motorcycles, the first of which was presented to the public in 1988 - series production began in the same year and continues. In the CRF1000L version, propulsion is provided by a 998 cm3 engine with 94 hp. The unladen weight of the vehicle reaches 242 kilograms. The Africa Twin series was developed and implemented for production by the Honda Motor Corporation in order to expand the company's commercial offerings, but also to increase its market share. The series - to date - consists of three models. Chronologically, the first is the XRV650 model, produced in the years 1988-1989. Its successor was the XRV750T, powered by a 750 cc engine and produced between 1990 and 2003. Its indirect successor was the CRF1000L Africa Twin, which entered the market in 2016. The bike is Honda's answer to competition models such as the BMW R1200GS or Ducati Multistrada.
BMW R 1250 GS ADV 1/9 scale motorcycle kit - Meng Model.The BMW R 1250 GS ADV is an adventurous touring motorcycle produced by the German motorcycle manufacturer BMW Motorrad. Here is an overview of its main features:Role: The BMW R 1250 GS ADV is designed primarily for adventurous on-road and off-road touring. It is ideal for long-distance, rough-terrain travel and adventures in various types of terrain, from paved roads to dirt tracks.Engine: The R 1250 GS ADV is equipped with a 1,254 cc twin-cylinder boxer engine that delivers high power and torque. BMW's ShiftCam technology adjusts the variable valve timing to improve engine response and fuel efficiency.Technology: The bike is equipped with a wide range of technologies, including ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), traction control, stability control, selectable riding modes, adaptive electronic suspension and smartphone connectivity via the BMW Motorrad Connectivity system.Design: The design of the BMW R 1250 GS ADV is geared toward comfort and versatility. It has an ergonomic riding position with a wide seat and adjustable windshield. The fuel tank capacity is increased over the base model to allow long trips without frequent refueling.Off-road capabilities: The R 1250 GS ADV is designed to handle challenging terrain. It has good ground clearance, adjustable suspension, and off-road tires that make it capable of tackling stretches of rough terrain with relative ease.Accessories: BMW offers a wide range of accessories to customize the R 1250 GS ADV to the rider's needs, including side bags, top cases, auxiliary lights, electronic protectors, and more.In summary, the BMW R 1250 GS ADV is a versatile, high-performance adventure touring motorcycle ideal for exploring a wide range of terrain and tackling long-distance travel with comfort and confidence.
Kawasaki KH400-A3/A4 (1976/1977) 1/12 scale motorcycle kit - Hasegawa model.The Kawasaki KH400-A3/A4 is a sport motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Kawasaki in the early 1980s. Here is some information about this model:Origin and Development: The Kawasaki KH400-A3/A4 was part of the Kawasaki KH series, which included motorcycles with two-stroke engines. It was introduced to replace the previous model, the KH350.Engine: The KH400-A3/A4 was equipped with a three-cylinder, two-stroke, air-cooled engine with a displacement of about 398 cc. This engine provided considerable power for the size of the motorcycle and offered an exciting, high-performance ride.Chassis and Suspension: The motorcycle had a strong, well-designed frame with telescopic front suspension and a single shock absorber at the rear. This contributed to a stable and maneuverable ride, both on the road and on the track.Design and Style: The KH400-A3/A4 featured a sporty and aggressive design, typical of 1980s sports motorcycles. It was available in various colors and graphics, with a sleek and aerodynamic bodywork.Performance: With its powerful engine and well-designed chassis, the Kawasaki KH400-A3/A4 offered excellent performance on the road. It was capable of high speeds and cornering with ease, providing an engaging and enjoyable ride for sports motorcycle enthusiasts.In summary, the Kawasaki KH400-A3/A4 was a successful two-stroke sports motorcycle known for its exciting performance and attractive design. It continues to be appreciated by vintage motorcycle enthusiasts and collectors for its history and distinctive styling.
Suzuki RG500 First Version (1985) motorcycle kit (1/12 scale) - Hasegawa model.The Suzuki RG500 is a sports motorcycle produced by Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Suzuki between 1985 and 1987. Here is some information about this model:Engine: The RG500 was equipped with a liquid-cooled four-cylinder two-stroke engine. The total displacement of the engine was 498 cc, with each cylinder having a displacement of about 124.5 cc. This engine delivered significant power and offered a high-performance ride.Chassis and Suspension: The RG500's chassis was constructed of light alloy and provided a solid base for sporty riding. The suspension was of high quality, with a telescopic front fork and a single shock absorber at the rear to provide good stability and handling.Design and Style: The RG500 had a sporty and aggressive design, typical of high-performance motorcycles of the time. It was available in various liveries and colors, with eye-catching graphics and a modern look.Performance: With its powerful engine and well-designed chassis, the RG500 offered outstanding performance on road and track. It was capable of high speeds and cornering with ease, providing an engaging and enjoyable ride for sports motorcycle enthusiasts.Legacy: The Suzuki RG500 became an icon of sports motorcycles in the 1980s and is still highly valued and sought after by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts. Its combination of excellent performance and eye-catching design makes it a coveted piece in the history of racing motorcycles.In summary, the Suzuki RG500 is a legendary sports motorcycle with a powerful two-stroke engine and eye-catching design that continues to be admired and appreciated by sports motorcycle enthusiasts.
Suzuki RG250 Gamma w/ Full Options 1983 1/12 scale motorcycle kit - Tamiya model.The Suzuki RG250 is a sport motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Suzuki. Here is some information about this specific model:Year of Production:The Suzuki RG250 was first produced in 1983.Design and Technical Features:The RG250 was a lightweight sport motorcycle designed to offer performance suitable for both road and track riding.It was powered by a liquid-cooled, 250 cc two-stroke engine that offered high power relative to its displacement.The chassis was designed to offer handling and stability, important features for sport motorcycles.The RG250 was equipped with adjustable suspension and disc brakes, which provided good handling and effective stopping power.Success and Impact:The Suzuki RG250 was quite successful in the light sport motorcycle segment of the 1980s.It was appreciated by both professional riders and motorcycle enthusiasts for its sporty performance and attractive design.Variants and Evolution:Over the years, the RG250 has undergone several modifications and improvements, with new versions and variants being introduced.Some variants may have included technical specification updates, design improvements, and new safety features.Legacy:The Suzuki RG250 helped establish Suzuki's reputation in the sport motorcycle industry and influenced the design and development of later models.Although it is no longer in production, it remains a motorcycle sought after by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts.In summary, the 1983 Suzuki RG250 was a lightweight, high-performance sport motorcycle valued for its performance and distinctive design. It made a significant impact in the sports motorcycle market of the 1980s and helped solidify Suzuki's reputation in the industry.
Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Tamiya model. The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R is a sports motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Kawasaki. Here is some information about this model: Origin and Development: The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R was introduced to the market in 2000. It was developed as a high-performance motorcycle intended to compete in the superbike segment, offering extraordinary power and speed. Design and Technical Features: The ZX-12R features an aggressive, sporty design with a full fairing to improve aerodynamics and stability at high speeds. It is equipped with an 1199cc, liquid-cooled, in-line four-cylinder engine that offers high power and considerable torque. The chassis is designed to offer great stability and handling, while the suspension and brakes are of high quality to ensure outstanding riding performance. Performance: The Ninja ZX-12R is designed to deliver top-level performance, with a claimed top speed of more than 300 km/h. It features rapid acceleration and quick throttle response, making it one of the most powerful and fastest motorcycles available on the market. Success and Popularity: The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R has been well received by critics and motorcycle enthusiasts for its outstanding performance, aggressive design, and precise handling. It has become one of the most coveted bikes in the superbike segment and has maintained a strong fan base even after its production. Legacy: Although production of the ZX-12R ceased in 2006, it left a lasting imprint on the world of sportbikes. It is still sought after by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts and remains one of the most celebrated motorcycles in Kawasaki's history. In summary, the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R was one of the most powerful and fastest superbikes available on the market, prized for its outstanding performance, aggressive design, and precise handling. It maintained a strong reputation in the world of sports motorcycles even after its production ended.
1/12 scale Honda VFR750R RC30 motorcycle kit - Tamiya model.The Honda VFR750R RC30 is a sports motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Honda. Here is some information about this iconic model:Year of Production:The Honda VFR750R RC30 was produced from 1987 to 1990.Design and Technical Features:The RC30 was developed as a road racing motorcycle, designed to compete in road and track sport competitions.It features a liquid-cooled 748 cc V4 engine, which offers high performance and optimum weight distribution.The frame was designed to offer great rigidity and precise handling, while the suspension and brakes were state-of-the-art for the time.The RC30 features a distinctive aerodynamic design and a full fairing, which contributes to its sporty and aggressive aesthetic.Success and Performance:The Honda VFR750R RC30 was an extremely competitive motorcycle in its segment, winning numerous track competitions and earning a reputation for excellence in motorcycle racing.It was acclaimed by critics and riders alike for its outstanding performance, handling and reliability.Limited Production:Production of the RC30 was limited and only a relatively small number were produced.This helped to make it a highly desirable and sought-after motorcycle by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts.Legacy:The Honda VFR750R RC30 is considered one of the best sports motorcycles of the 1980s and 1990s, and it is still highly prized and sought after today.It has left an indelible imprint on the world of motorcycle racing and has influenced the design and development of subsequent sports motorcycles.In conclusion, the Honda VFR750R RC30 is a legendary motorcycle, celebrated for its outstanding performance, distinctive design and iconic status in the world of sports motorcycles.
Honda CB750F Custom Tuned motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Tamiya model. The Honda CB750F Custom Tuned is a custom variant of the Honda CB750F, a street motorcycle produced by Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Honda. Here is some information about this variant: Origin and Development: The Honda CB750F was originally introduced to the market in the 1970s as a sporty road bike. The Custom Tuned version was modified and customized to offer additional performance and style over the standard model. Design and Technical Features: The CB750F Custom Tuned retained many of the features of the production model, including the frame structure, engine, and other mechanical components. However, it featured aesthetic and functional changes, such as the addition of custom components such as special exhausts, handlebars, suspension, and cosmetic details. Performance and Style: The CB750F Custom Tuned was designed to offer a sportier and more aggressive look than the standard model. Changes made could include engine performance improvements, such as the addition of intake and exhaust kits, and the installation of sportier suspension for a more dynamic ride. Customization by Owners: Many Honda CB750F Custom Tuned bikes have been further customized by their owners with the addition of aftermarket accessories and custom modifications to suit individual tastes and preferences. Legacy: The Honda CB750F Custom Tuned helped cement the reputation of the CB750F as one of the most iconic and versatile motorcycles of the 1970s. Although production of this custom variant may not have been as massive as that of the standard model, it still left an imprint on the custom motorcycle world and inspired many enthusiasts to further customize their motorcycles. In summary, the Honda CB750F Custom Tuned was a custom variant of the CB750F, designed to offer more sporty, custom styling and performance. It helped solidify the reputation of the CB750F as one of the most iconic motorcycles of its time.
Kit motorcycle 1996 Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird in 1/12 scale - Tamiya model. The Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird is a sports motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Honda. Here is some information about this model: Origin and Development: The Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird was introduced to the market in 1996. It was developed as a high-end sports motorcycle intended to offer high performance and comfort for long journeys. Design and Technical Features: The Super Blackbird features a streamlined, aggressive design with a full fairing to improve aerodynamics and rider protection. It is equipped with an 1137cc, liquid-cooled, in-line four-cylinder engine that delivers high power and impressive torque. The chassis is designed for stability and handling even at high speeds, while the suspension and brakes are state-of-the-art for the time. Performance and Comfort: The CBR1100XX was designed to deliver top-level performance, with a claimed top speed of more than 300 km/h, making it one of the fastest motorcycles on the market at the time of its launch. However, the bike was also designed to be comfortable for long trips, with a relaxed riding position and well-positioned controls. Success and Popularity: The Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird has been well received by critics and motorcycle enthusiasts for its outstanding performance, impressive design, and comfort for long trips. It became one of the most iconic motorcycles of the 1990s and maintained a strong fan base even after its production. Legacy: Although production of the Super Blackbird ceased in 2007, it has left a lasting imprint on the sportbike world. It is still sought after by collectors and vintage motorcycle enthusiasts and remains one of the most celebrated motorcycles in Honda's history. In summary, the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird was a highly successful sports motorcycle, prized for its outstanding performance, distinctive design, and comfort for long journeys. It maintained a strong reputation in the sports motorcycle world even after its production ended.
Yamaha Enduro DT250 "Mandarin Orange" motorcycle kit1/10 scale - Hasegawa Model.The Yamaha Enduro DT250 is an enduro motorcycle produced by Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Yamaha. Here are some main features of this motorcycle:Design: The Yamaha Enduro DT250 is designed for off-road use, with strong suspension, knobby tread tires and a durable design to deal with rough and variable terrain.Engine: It mounts a 250cc two-stroke engine, which offers good torque and power to deal with challenging terrain. This type of engine is known for its simplicity and robustness.Transmission: The DT250 is equipped with a five-speed transmission, which allows the rider to adapt to different terrain conditions and manage power effectively.Use: This motorcycle is designed primarily for off-road use, such as trail riding, enduro riding and other off-road activities. Because of its versatility and performance, it can also be used for urban commuting.Popularity: The Yamaha Enduro DT250 was very popular in the 1970s and 1980s, prized for its reliability, ruggedness and off-road capabilities. It was a common choice for enduro enthusiasts and those looking for a versatile and easy-to-ride off-road motorcycle.In summary, the Yamaha Enduro DT250 is a rugged and versatile enduro motorcycle designed for off-road use and prized for its reliable performance and off-road capabilities. It has become an icon in the enduro world and has continued to be appreciated by vintage motorcycle enthusiasts and those seeking a reliable vehicle for off-road adventure.
1/12 scale Honda CX500 Turbo motorcycle kit - Tamiya model.The Honda CX500 Turbo is a sports motorcycle produced by Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Honda in the 1980s. It was introduced in 1982 as one of the first mass-produced motorcycles equipped with a turbocharger.Here are some key features of the Honda CX500 Turbo:Engine: The CX500 Turbo was powered by a 497 cc liquid-cooled V-twin engine. This engine was equipped with a turbocharger, which increased the engine's power and torque, enabling higher performance than the non-supercharged version of the CX500.Power: The CX500 Turbo's engine produced about 82 horsepower, making it one of the most powerful motorcycles of its time. Thanks to the turbocharger, the CX500 Turbo offered additional boost under acceleration, providing sporty performance.Design: The CX500 Turbo featured a streamlined, modern design with full fairings and aggressive lines. The driving position was sporty, with ergonomics designed for maximum rider comfort and control.Technology: The Honda CX500 Turbo was equipped with a number of cutting-edge technologies for the time, including electronic fuel injection, liquid cooling system, and an advanced suspension system.Limited Production: Production of the Honda CX500 Turbo was limited and lasted for only a few years. Despite its impressive performance, the CX500 Turbo failed to achieve great commercial success, in part because of its high price and competition from other sports motorcycles.In summary, the Honda CX500 Turbo was an advanced and innovative sports motorcycle for its time, featuring powerful performance and cutting-edge technology. Although it did not become an industry icon like some other motorcycles, the CX500 Turbo is still remembered by enthusiasts for its unique design and impressive performance.
Yamaha YZR500 (0W98) "Sonauto Yamaha 1988" motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Yamaha YZR500 was a racing motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Yamaha. It was developed to participate in World Motorcycle Championship competitions in the 500 cc category, which was the highest displacement category in the racing motorcycle class. The Yamaha YZR500 represented one of Yamaha's efforts to compete at the highest level of motorcycle racing. Here are some general features and information about the Yamaha YZR500: Displacement: The designation "YZR500" indicates that the motorcycle belonged to the 500 cc class. The 500 cc displacement was the norm in the premier category of motorcycle racing. Engine: The YZR500 was equipped with a two-stroke engine, a common feature in racing motorcycles in that category. These two-stroke engines offered high power, but required special attention to tuning for optimum performance. Competition Participation: The Yamaha YZR500 competed in world motorcycle racing championships, representing Yamaha in premier class competition. These racing bikes have been ridden by talented riders in various seasons of the championship. Evolution: Over the years, the YZR500 has undergone continuous development and improvement to maintain competitiveness in racing. The bike's technical specifications and design have been updated to meet the demands of racing and new technologies. It should be noted that the YZR500 was replaced by later models when the World Motorcycle Championship adopted the MotoGP class, which introduced 1000 cc four-stroke motorcycles as the premier class. The YZR500 thus represents a part of motorcycle racing history, testifying to Yamaha's commitment and expertise in track racing.
Kawasaki KR250 (KR250A) motorcycle kit "Red/Gray color" (1984) 1/12 scale - Hasegawa model. The Kawasaki KR250 was a sport motorcycle produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Kawasaki. It was a lightweight, high-performance motorcycle belonging to the smaller displacement sports motorcycle category. The KR250 was part of the KR family, which included several variants designed to compete in specific track racing categories, such as the Formula 2 World Championship. Here are some key features of the Kawasaki KR250: Displacement: The KR250 was powered by a 249 cc two-stroke engine. The small displacement made it suitable for competing in racing categories with displacement restrictions. Engine Architecture: Like many sports motorcycles of the period, the KR250 was equipped with a two-stroke engine, which featured higher performance than four-stroke engines of similar displacement. Chassis and Cycling: The KR250 was designed with a lightweight chassis and a sporty chassis, optimized for handling and track performance. Competition: The Kawasaki KR250 was developed to participate in motorcycle racing, particularly Formula 2 class competitions. These competitions were often characterized by light and agile motorcycles, offering exciting track rides. Production Period: The KR250 was produced in the 1980s and was part of a generation of sport motorcycles that were becoming popular in both the street market and in competitions. Legacy: Although production of the KR250 has ended, Kawasaki sport motorcycles have continued to evolve, maintaining a commitment to producing high-performance models that are competitive in motorcycle racing. The Kawasaki KR250 represents a chapter in the history of Japanese sport motorcycles, offering a combination of performance and agility designed to meet the needs of enthusiastic riders and competition participants.
Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade SP Thirtieth Anniversary motorcycle kit in 1/12 scale - Tamiya model. The Honda CBR1000RR is a sports motorcycle produced by Honda, a well-known Japanese motorcycle manufacturer. It is part of the CBR series, which is generally associated with high-performance, track-oriented motorcycles. The CBR1000RR was first introduced in 2004 and has undergone several revisions over the years. Featuring a powerful engine and lightweight chassis, the CBR1000RR is designed to deliver high performance on the road and track. This motorcycle is often used in sports competitions and is known for its agility, handling and speed.