MBT MODERN BATTLE TANKS - English. 136 pages. Semi-rigid coverThis book is a wonderful resource for any modeler interested in modern battle tanks. It includes ten excellent 1/35 scale representations of some of the world's most important tanks. The main content of the book focuses on the painting and aging stages, showing a multitude of techniques accessible to both beginners and experienced modelers.
AIRCRAFT SCALE MODELS TECHNIQUES - English. 256 pages. Semi-rigid coverEduard's story begins in Czechoslovakia with the production of photoetched parts during the communist regime in the late summer of 1989. Since that time, the company's evolution has made it one of the most recognized brands on the market and a benchmark for scale airplane enthusiasts. The book presents and explains the evolution of the company, with Juan Manuel Villalba responsible for some of the best work seen to date. The book explains, step by step, how to complete some of the brand's most iconic models. The techniques and quality of work are on par with one of the best brands in the world.
Libro Vallejo - Painting War Bases EnglishIn questo numero di Painting WAR, il famoso pittore Alberto Mateos Jurado, di Avahn Art Studio, condivide diverse tecniche incentrate sulla creazione di basi per wargame.Il numero presenta tecniche di costruzione e pittura che possono essere utilizzate su diverse basi tematiche, come fantascienza, fantasy e storica.Ogni base è ordinata per livelli di difficoltà, il che aiuta il lettore a identificarne la complessità prima di iniziare il processo di pittura.Inoltre si possono trovare anche alcune tecniche per realizzare basi in modo semplice e veloce, permettendo al modellista di ottenere risultati eccezionali in breve tempo.Numero di pagine: 64Formato: A4Lingua ingleseAutore: Alberto Mateos Jurado
Libro Vallejo - Landscapes of War Vol. 2Questo secondo volume è focalizzato sulla replica della natura nel modo più realistico possibile. Attraverso paesaggi desertici, prati, foreste, fiumi e tutta la fauna associata, il libro mostra passo dopo passo come ottenere i migliori risultati nei nostri diorami.Autore: Rodrigo Hernández CabosLingua: inglese (spagnolo: ref. 75.033)Numeri di pagina: 200Formato: 210 x 297 mm
Libro TANKS OF THE WEHRMACHT WWII by CARLOS DE DIEGO VAQUERIZOLa Wehrmacht (forze armate tedesche tra il 1935 e il 1945) impiegò vari tipi di carri armati durante la seconda guerra mondiale, dal piccolo Panzer I all'imponente Tiger II. Nonostante la natura avanzata di alcuni di questi progetti, che lasciarono un segno indelebile nella storia militare e influenzarono significativamente lo sviluppo di veicoli corazzati postbellici in tutto il mondo, il Terzo Reich non poté fare nulla per contrastare l'enorme capacità di produzione di armamenti degli Alleati.
SF-260 UN AEROPLANO SENZA TEMPOLa storia, le caratteristiche e l’impiego del Siai Marchetti SF-260, un prodotto d’eccellenza dell’industria aeronautica italiana. Prestazioni di assoluto rispetto unite ad un design estremamente raffinato ed elegante ne hanno fatto un successo commerciale in tutto il mondo, oltre a renderlo famoso con l’appellativo di “Ferrari dei Cieli”.
COCCARDE TRICOLORI SPECIALE 12 - F-35 JSFIl volume, che raccoglie anche foto e testimonianze inedite, si articola su vari capitoli dedicati al complesso sviluppo del programma statunitense, alla descrizione tecnica delle tre versioni del velivolo, al servizio operativo con l’Aeronautica Militare e la Marina Militare, ai racconti dei protagonisti, a uno spettacolare Fotoalbum e a una dettagliata e ampia sezione con la storia e i reparti di tutti gli operatori internazionali. Chiudono poi una sezione modellistica con informazioni, alcuni profili a colori e dettagli fotografici del velivolo. In appendice, dati e numeri per tutti gli F-35 degli operatori internazionali. Un lavoro completo e imperdibile, “tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere e non avete mai osato chiedere” sull’F-35, un velivolo dalle capacità senza precedenti.LinguaITALIANOIllustrazioniOltre 490 foto a colori, 4 profili a colori e un disegno a 4 vistePagine224
COCCARDE TRICOLORI 2024Giunto ormai alla sua XXII edizione, il nostro annuario “Coccarde Tricolori” si presenta sempre con la medesima veste introdotta nel 2014, e si occupa dei settori terrestre, aereo e navale della Difesa e Sicurezza nazionale, per essere un Almanacco completo e a tutto tondo sul mondo della Difesa italiana e dell’industria collegata.“Coccarde Tricolori 2024” si articola su ben 240 pagine, tutte a colori, che comprendono:- I Panorami aereo, terrestre e navale 2023, con tutti i fatti, le notizie e le foto più importanti dell’anno appena passato. - 21 articoli su temi d’attualità, approfonditi e ampiamente illustrati, - Le schede del Ministero Difesa e di tutte le Forze Armate e i Corpi dello Stato, con organizzazioni, organigrammi, bilanci, dati sul personale e sulle ore di volo. - Un English SummaryTra i temi toccati in questa edizione: Un’intervista esclusiva con il Segretario Generale della Difesa/Direttore Nazionale degli Armamenti Gen. Luciano Portolano, il Poligono Sperimentale e di Addestramento del Salto di Quirra, Il 6° Stormo, l’esercitazione “Red Flag Alaska 2024-1”, Il Centro Addestramento Alpino dell’Esercito, la Brigata Bersaglieri “Garibaldi”, il nuovo elicottero AW249 dell’Esercito, la Seconda Divisione Navale, la Compagnia Nuotatori Paracadutisti della Brigata Marina “San Marco”, i nuovi elicotteri UH-169 dei Carabinieri, La Scuola Alpina della Guardia di Finanza, e molto altro ancora.Un’opera unica, uno strumento eccezionale che permette a tutti gli appassionati e agli operatori del settore di essere aggiornati su tutto il panorama della Difesa italiana grazie a un’unica pubblicazione.LinguaITALIANO CON SOMMARIO IN LINGUA INGLESEIllustrazioniOltre 500 fotografie a coloriPagine240Misure21 x 30
Libro GRUMMAN S-2F TRACKER, VENT’ANNI DI ANTISOM - 132 pag Lingua ItalianaCon l'acquisizione del Grumman S-2F Tracker l'Aeronautica Militare ebbe finalmente a disposizione un mezzo specificatamente progettato e costruito per contrastare la minaccia subacquea. In poco più di vent'anni (1956-1978) i Tracker dei tre gruppi che ne furono equipaggiati - 86°, 87° ed 88° - parteciparono a numerosissime esercitazioni nazionali ed in ambito NATO guadagnandosi la stima ed il rispetto di tutte le altre Forze Armate con le quali collaborarono. Svolsero inoltre innumerevoli missioni SAR (Search And Rescue) contribuendo al salvataggio di un gran numero di vite umane. Questo volume, oltre a tracciare l'impiego operativo del Tracker, vuole rendere omaggio a tutti gli uomini che vi volarono. Il volume è di 132 pagine e all'interno troverete oltre 330 immagini, 6 profili ed un walk around di 20 pagine con una sezione dedicata all'arldica. In appendice alcune informazioni modellistiche: scatole di montaggio, colori ed una carrellata di modelli realizzata in collaborazione con l'IPMS Italia
Scale Modeling for Beginners Vol. 2: Painting & Weathering (pittura e invecchiamento) - Copertina morbida, 156 pagine con foto di alta qualità a colori passo dopo passo.Il modellismo è un hobby estremamente divertente e istruttivo, praticato da milioni di appassionati in tutto il mondo e consigliato a persone di qualsiasi età. Ma come ogni cosa nella vita, iniziare può essere fonte di confusione e frustrazione se non si conoscono i principi e i passaggi di base. In questo manuale in due volumi troverai tutti gli aspetti chiave che devi sapere per costruire e dipingere i tuoi primi modelli spiegati in modo chiaro, conciso e molto coinvolgente. In questo secondo volume, scoprirai gli strumenti e i prodotti essenziali utilizzati per dipingere e applicare effetti di invecchiamento a qualsiasi modello di qualsiasi tema e scala. I tuoi dubbi sono finiti; segui questo manuale e goditi i tuoi modelli preferiti!
Libro Hunting-Percival Pembroke Prince & Sea Prince.Il Pembroke nacque come sviluppo di un'idea sponsorizzata da Lord Brabazon verso la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, quando presiedette un comitato il cui compito era valutare i requisiti dell'aviazione civile dopo la fine delle ostilità e raccomandò diverse specifiche per gli aerei civili necessari per mantenere la Gran Bretagna in testa sia per le vendite nazionali che per quelle all'estero. Un trasporto bimotore emerse da Percival chiamato Merganser nel 1947. Questo fu perfezionato e nel 1950 nacque il Prince, che fu immediatamente acquistato dalle aziende poiché non c'era nulla di simile sul mercato all'epoca. La Royal Navy fu rapida a ordinare il tipo come aereo da comunicazione e ne vide il potenziale come velivolo da addestramento alla navigazione. Con un muso esteso per radar e altre apparecchiature, Percival fu rapido a valutarlo come idoneo. Chiamato Sea Prince, la Royal Navy ordinò tre delle prime varianti a muso corto come Sea Prince C1 per le comunicazioni, quarantuno della versione T.1 costruita per la navigazione e l'addestramento antisommergibile e quattro C.2 come versione da trasporto del Sea Prince T1. La RAF, vedendo questo interesse, ne ordinò infine quarantacinque chiamandolo "Pembroke", l'ultimo dei quali fu completato nel febbraio 1958. I Pembroke furono utilizzati per il trasporto leggero e le comunicazioni e furono anche usati come addestratori di piloti e aule di volo. Oltreoceano, dieci paesi ordinarono il tipo per ruoli simili nelle loro forze aeree in Australia, Belgio, Danimarca, Finlandia, Germania, Sudan, Svezia, Rhodesia, Thailandia e Zambia. Questo è un altro Warpaint dell'autore Adrian Balch, ampiamente illustrato con oltre 100 fotografie di alta qualità dai suoi vasti archivi, ancora una volta illustrato da disegni di profilo colorati di qualità accurata dell'artista Sam Pearson, inclusi disegni/piani a 5 viste che lo rendono un must per lo storico dell'aviazione e il modellista.
Libro PD-808.Il Piaggio Douglas PD-808 è stato per anni uno degli aeroplani più conosciuti dell’Aeronautica Militare soprattutto per il ruolo di velivolo radiomisure, ruolo che l’ha visto frequentare costantemente tutti gli aeroporti italiani. Sempre il PD-808 è stato però, per anni, anche uno degli aeroplani più segreti dell’Aeronautica Militare, per via dell’importante missione assegnata di Guerra Elettronica. Oltre alle Radiomisure e alla Guerra Elettronica il PD-808 è stato un utilizzato anche nel ruolo di trasporto VIP, sanitario e per emergenze particolari. Un aeroplano interessante, con una lunga ed importante carriera con la nostra Aeronautica Militare, tutto questo lo scoprirete leggendo questa interessantissima monografia che tratta, in modo esaustivo la genesi, la storia e l’impiego nell’Aeronautica Militare del Piaggio Douglas PD-808!83 fotografie20 riproduzioni tra pagine del manuale di volo, pubblicità e disegni8 profili a coloricapitolo modellismo52 pagine oltre copertina – formato A4Testo bilingue italiano e inglese
Libro Italian Helicopters – special color and unusual liveries.Un Autore del calibro di Claudio Toselli non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni.Da lustri fotografo e spotter d’aviazione ha viaggiato l’Europa, e non solo, in lungo ed in largo per fotografare aeroplani ed elicotteri. Naturalmente la sua attività si è concentrata soprattutto in Italia e in questo nuovo lavoro Claudio ci offre una importante massa di immagini, raccolta anche con l’aiuto e la collaborazione di tanti amici, di curiosità e di aneddoti sugli elicotteri con “colorazioni speciali ed inusuali”.Non stiamo a raccontarvi le “chicche” che troverete nello oltre 300 immagini pubblicate, scopritelo pagina dopo pagina!Ne resterete entusiasti!
Libro Elicotteri Lynx in dettaglio - WWP BOOKSJ. Fojtík, M. Fülber, M. Janoušek, J. Schymura, P. Soukop, A. Watanabe e il teamISBN 978-80-909222-2-8500 foto a colori156 pagine, rilegatura con cucitura morbida
Book AM-24-The Junkers Ju-88 Pt 2- Ju-88C to the T-series - A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's Legendary Twin by Richard A. Franks.This twenty-fourth book in our acclaimed series will contain at least 256 pages filled with vital information that no active modeler and Luftwaffe enthusiast should be without.The Junkers Ju 88 Part 2 contains:Over 40 pages of technical informationOver 60 pages of walk-around images and technical diagramsOver 35 pages of camouflage and markings Over25 pages of model building and modeling information Over200 photographs including wartime imagesColor side views and stencil diagram by Richard J. Caruana3D isometric views of all Ju 88C T-variants by Wojciech SankowskiSpecially commissioned full kit builds by Libor Jekl and Steve A. EvansSpecially commissioned cover illustration by Jerry BoucherSet of scale plans
Book Mil Mi-4 by Jakub Fojtik.This latest authoritative reference work joining the Warpaint series traces the rise of the helicopter in both military and civilian use in the vast territories of the Soviet Union since the mid-1950s. The Mi-4 was the first successful mass production type, and its widespread use with the Soviet Army and Navy saw fundamental changes in tactics and doctrine.Richly illustrated with original images, the story unfolds in detail and tells how the Mi-4 went on to serve globally, from China to Cuba, via Africa, India and the Middle East, and would remain ubiquitous in both military and civilian use throughout the Eastern Bloc and with Soviet client states around the world.The 88-page book recounts the aircraft's inception, development and all the many aspects of its long service. Few aircraft can have achieved so much and remained so unsung, but author Jakub Fojtik brings the story to life with a comprehensive and informed text that makes this book the definitive reference on the type, including all the usual Warpaint features, with illustrations and scale drawings by Sam Pearson.
LTV A-7 Corsair book. 140-page book on the LTV A-7 Corsair II. Contains every detail of the Corsair II: cockpit, fuselage, air intake, wings, pylons, landing gear, aerodynamic brake, vertical and horizontal tail, and lots of action photographs. While many photos were taken of the Greek Corsair II, other versions, such as the A-7A, B, D and E, are also included. Fantastic photos of the colorful U.S. Navy Corsair A, B and E are included, as well as Air National Guard aircraft and Portuguese jets.
Hawker Hurricane book.116 pages on the Hawker Hurricane. This third book in our Classic series provides a comprehensive overview of the Hurricane, from the Mk.I, Mk.II, Mk.IV to the Canadian-built Mk.XII. We also offer a closer look at the Sea Hurricane. There is a 10-page chapter on the cockpit and a huge 18-page chapter on the Hurricane's maintenance, showing the engine, structure and many panels removed from the plane. Every part of the plane is shown: fuselage, wings, landing gear, radiator, flaps, etc. This book is ideal for those who wish to add detail to the many recently released models in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32
Book Boeing B-29 and B-50 Superfortress 120 pagesAfter launching the flagship bomber for use in the European theater, Boeing embarked on a journey into the unknown. Bringing together numerous untried technologies, the Boeing Aircraft Company launched its most significant bomber, the B-29 Superfortress. Although plagued by development problems and after suffering the loss of the prototype and its chief test pilot Eddie Allan, the company continued to create the first long-range strategic bombers. After the capture of Pacific islands, B-29 bomber groups began bombing Japanese islands. On the other side of the Himalayas, other bomber groups launched attacks against targets in ??Japan. As combat experience grew, the focus shifted to destroying as much of its production facilities as possible, mainly by bombing areas known to have such targets. And then the world changed forever. The use of two atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shown the power of the atom. When the Japanese eventually surrendered, the Cold War came to take its place. The Korean War followed, which was the swan song for the B-29 as its younger sibling, the B-50, assumed the Strategic Defense role, a position it held until the arrival of the B-47 Stratojet.One of the largest aircraft of World War II, the B-29 remained in service in various roles throughout the 1950s, being retired in the early 1960s after 3,970 had been built. The Royal Air Force flew the B-29 under the service name "Washington from 1950 to 1954," while the B-50 Superfortress Lucky Lady II with redesigned engine became the first plane to fly around the world nonstop during a 94-hour flight in 1949. The Soviet Union produced 847 Tupolev Tu-4s, an unlicensed reverse-engineered copy of the B-29. This latest in the essential Warpaint series offers a comprehensive look at the famous bomber in all its forms, with history, development, service details, color illustrations and scale plans by Sam Pearson.
Boeing AH-64 Apache Book. DH-034 is a 140-page book that provides a comprehensive portrait of the Apache Attack helicopter. It shows the AH-64A, D and E in detail and in action. Fuselage, landing gear, wings, rotors, tail, the different cockpits, and a huge 24-page maintenance chapter. The Apaches photographed come from many different countries: the U.S., U.K., Greece, the Netherlands, Israel, India, Japan, Indonesia, and South Korea.
BAE Hawk Book 116-page book on the BAE Systems Hawk T.1 and T.2. This book is the result of some extensive visits to RAF Valley and includes every part of the aircraft, along with truly spectacular action photographs of the different versions of the jet trainer. The cockpit chapter includes the prototype version, T.1 and T.2, and a very close look at the ejection seat outside the plane. An impressive 20-page chapter shows every detail of the aircraft in maintenance, with open spine, open avionic compartments, and even the jet with wings removed. Included are many jets from the RAF, but also from the air forces of Finland, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Switzerland, South Africa
Book Imperial Armour: Modelling AFVs of the Japanese Army 1939-2020. 84 pages. Since the 1930s Japan's armed forces have fielded a wide range of armored fighting vehicles, from tiny tankettes to state-of-the-art modern battle tanks. This new 84-page book from Guideline Publications and the team that provides you Military Modelcraft International presents a series of step-by-step guides and reference articles on Japanese AFVs from 1939 to the present. Using kits from Dragon, Finemolds and Tamiya, some of the best modelers in the MMI stable examine construction, detailing, painting and aging, while in-depth reference articles examine Japanese armor in World War II and today. In addition to collecting and reinventing some ofWith the best articles on the subject published by MMI over the past decade and more, the book features new content that will inspire and inform anyone who wants to try their hand at a Japanese armor project.
Sikorsky/Westland Sea King book with 180 pages and over 400 photos, no detail of the Sea King is overlooked in this book. Many different versions of the Sea King are included, from the Belgian Mk.48, German Mk.41, Norwegian Mk.43B, RAF HAR.3, Royal Navy HC4, HAS.6, ASaC.7, Canadian CH-124 and many more, including the Marine One! A really close look at the fuselage, cockpit, cargo bay, landing gear, main and tail rotor, lots of action, and as usual an extensive 22-page maintenance chapter.
Curtiss XF15C-1 "Stingaree" book 36 pages in black and white with color covers, 87 black and white and 4 color photos.During World War II, the Navy ordered two composite propulsion fighters suitable for aircraft carriers (each equipped with a propeller and a jet engine) to counter the ground-based jet planes being developed by the Germans. The first was the small Ryan FR-1 "Fireball" followed by the much larger Curtiss XF15C-1 "Stingaree" heavy fighter. Three XF15C-1, BuNos 01213-01215 and a static airframe were ordered on ??7 April 1944. They were powered by a 2,100-hp Pratt & Whitney R-2800-34W propeller engine in the nose and a 2,700-pound thrust Allis-Chalmers H-1B (J36) (British "Goblin') jet engine in the tail. The first flight of ship one was made on February 27, 1945. All three ships were completed with a conventional tail assembly. During flight tests of ship one, it was decided to refit ships two and three with "T" tails to improve overall performance and increase the number of aircraft that could be sighted on the carrier deck and hangar deck. The first aircraft was lost due to lack of fuel caused by a faulty indicator. The other two XF15C-1s were delivered to the Naval Air Test Center where they flew until the program was canceled in October 1946, when the Navy decided to switch to the fully jet-powered Phantom FD/FH-1.
THE WEATHERING AIRCRAFT 25 - Acrylics (English text. Softcover magazine, 64 pages.)This time focused on painting with acrylics, indisputably the most widely used type of paint for model aircraft. Now, especially with the new ATOM products, the process of painting and aging our models has been revolutionized. Acrylics are easy to use, which allows modelers to achieve highly realistic results with less effort. In addition, the durability of acrylics means that we can work on them with other types of paints and aging products. Modelers can work on their projects without worrying about strong odors or the health risks associated with harsh chemicals. In addition, the compatibility of AMMO acrylics with other products broadens our creative possibilities. Acrylics can also be used to achieve amazing aging effects. The ability to mix colors and create layers without losing properties allows for layered effects, from subtle rust spots to the most intense wear. Acrylic effects lines include paint, washes, filters, varnishes, etc. This meets all your needs, just as with lacquer or enamel-based aging products. In this issue, you will be shown everything you need to know about acrylics using a wide variety of interesting and popular subjects, such as a much-worn Soviet Mi-24 Hind, a Ukrainian Su-27 Flanker sporting a modern digital camouflage scheme, a true icon such as the Messerschmitt Bf 109G, the U.S. F-105G Republic Thunderchief from the Cold War, a Hawker Hurricane crashed in North Africa, and the 1/35 scale JU-87G STUKA.We have tried to show the most basic acrylic products with which you can get the best results, such as primers, regular and metallic colors, filters, washes, shaders, dry brush colors, etc. This way, everyone can choose what best suits their personal preferences. For this, as always, we have the help of some of the best aircraft modelers in the world to guide us step by step through the processes.In short, the best guide to introduce you to the wonderful world of acrylics!
Book MODELING WW2 LIGHT TANKS AND ARMORED VEHICLES - English. 124 pages. Softcover.Adam Wilder - JoaquÍn García Gázquez - ByeongSoo Kim - Kreangkrai Paojinda - Lukasz Orczyc-Musialek - Rick Lawler - Kristof Pulinckx - Javier Soler - JAFFE LAM - Sven Young.Light tanks are a great attraction for any modeler, not only because of their historical significance, but also because of the possibilities they offer for combining and adapting them into small scenes or vignettes. They also have the advantage of being faster and easier to build, with the painting process flowing much more smoothly. In this book, you will find a fantastic collection of light tanks created by extraordinary modelers. Vehicles from a variety of different armies and backgrounds serve as a common thread throughout the work, showing amazing finishes. All of the items are worth a close and thorough read. With a variety of approaches and styles, you will be able to draw many conclusions and learn new techniques that you will surely apply to your future models.
THE WEATHERING TECHNICAL GUIDE 01 - Metallized (English, Spanish, Français) Softcover magazine, 98 pages with high-quality color photosAMMO presents the first issue of The Weathering Technical Guide, a new magazine formula, more technical and detailed. More defined and didactic, with more specific and specialized topics and a variable number of pages per issue, specifically tailored to the needs of each individual subject. All in all, a more mature, clearer and more direct magazine that gives you everything you need to know to paint your models quickly and professionally.TWTG is an evolution based on everything we have learned so far. In your hands is a dynamic visual concept, with a more practical format to incorporate into your workbench with better quality articles and techniques explained.And to usher in this new venture, we decided to focus on metallics, a finish that still continues to intimidate a large number of modelers because of its inherent technical complexity compared to standard paints. This, in turn, ends up limiting the number of models these modelers dare to tackle, especially in topics such as cars, trucks and motorcycles, airplanes and science fiction models; although metallics is a subject that has important applications in all genres of our hobby: from military vehicles to historical and fantasy characters, as well as ships and railroad models. In short: this first issue of our new magazine will enable you to confidently tackle any challenge arising from metal finishes in your upcoming projects.In the Metallized issue, you can find a wide variety of models in metal finishes, such as a Mercedes-Benz 300SL in aluminum finish, a railroad car, a Sicaran tank, and Space Marines in metal armor from the Warhammer 40 universe.000, the iconic World War II P-51 Mustang in the classic natural metal finish, and the super robot Mazinger Z.All of the painting and weathering techniques presented in this Metallized issue of The Weathering Technical Guide are explained with extremely detailed step-by-step articles by some of the world's best modelers, who show how to perform each technique using high-quality images and accurate descriptions. This first issue of TWTG is sure to become a collector's item, filled with thoroughly explained tips and techniques and a great source of inspiration for modelers of all levels and genres.
Scale Modeling for Beginners Vol. 1: Assembly - Softcover, 120 pages with high-quality step-by-step color photos. Bilingual: English and SpanishModeling is an extremely fun and educational hobby, practiced by millions of enthusiasts worldwide and recommended for people of all ages. However, like anything in life, getting started can be confusing and frustrating if you don't know the basic steps. In this two-volume handbook, you'll find all the essential keys to building your first models, explained in a clear, simple, and highly entertaining way.In this first volume, you'll discover the essential tools and products for assembling any model, as well as the techniques and methods needed to work with different types of parts, patterns, and scales. Your doubts will be overcome; follow this manual and enjoy your favorite models!