Nation: United States of America
Period: Dopoguerra
Type: Aircraft
Category Books

Libro GRUMMAN S-2F TRACKER, VENT’ANNI DI ANTISOM - 132 pag Lingua ItalianaCon l'acquisizione del Grumman S-2F Tracker l'Aeronautica Militare ebbe finalmente a disposizione un mezzo specificatamente progettato e costruito per contrastare la minaccia subacquea. In poco più di vent'anni (1956-1978) i Tracker dei tre gruppi che ne furono equipaggiati - 86°, 87° ed 88° - parteciparono a numerosissime esercitazioni nazionali ed in ambito NATO guadagnandosi la stima ed il rispetto di tutte le altre Forze Armate con le quali collaborarono. Svolsero inoltre innumerevoli missioni SAR (Search And Rescue) contribuendo al salvataggio di un gran numero di vite umane. Questo volume, oltre a tracciare l'impiego operativo del Tracker, vuole rendere omaggio a tutti gli uomini che vi volarono. Il volume è di 132 pagine e all'interno troverete oltre 330 immagini, 6 profili ed un walk around di 20 pagine con una sezione dedicata all'arldica. In appendice alcune informazioni modellistiche: scatole di montaggio, colori ed una carrellata di modelli realizzata in collaborazione con l'IPMS Italia


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Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Books

Aeritalia - Aermacchi - EmbraerAMX A-11 / T-11 GhibliThe AMX recently exited the scene after a journey, within the Air Force, that lasted 35 years.While the start was uncertain, accompanied by doubts and criticism, only in part fully justified, as the years passed, the AMX, having reached maturity, proved to be an aircraft capable of carrying out the mission entrusted to it. It has been the Air Force trim to be most engaged in a variety of missions abroad (Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya, Kuwait) totaling more than 18,500 operational flight hours, as well as in countless exercises around the world. The book is 152 pages and inside you will find over 450 pictures, 4 profiles and a 30-page walk around. All departments that have had AMXs are treated organically highlighting the evolution of the insignia. Photos of 30 different commemorative aircraft also find space.In the appendix some modeling information: assembly boxes, colors and a roundup of models made in collaboration with IPMS Italy.


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Nation: Italy
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Books

AMX GHIBLI PHOTOALBUMThe AMX as you have never seen it, caught by the lenses of photographers and enthusiasts. 76 pages full of images-more than 150-of this aircraft that for 35 years was one of the Air Force's key assets.photos presented here show it to us in very different situations: on the ground and in the air, alone and surrounded by specialists and pilots, taking off and landing.


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Panavia Tornado - My 40 Years in the Italian Air Force - EFESTOS
Type: Aircraft
Category Books

Book Panavia Tornado - My 40 Years in the Italian Air Force.This book chronicles the operational life of the Tornado in the various specialties within the attack and fighter departments of the Italian Air Force. An extensively illustrated publication with more than 260 color images, 14 color profiles that, portray this iconic aircraft in forty years of operation. The volume also features a section devoted to static modeling to offer insights, curiosities and references for those who want to reproduce to scale, a model of this beautiful aircraft.Paperback, 21 x 30 cm. pp. 104 almost fully illustrated with color photos and profiles


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Nato Tiger Meet 2023 - EFESTOS
Type: Aircraft
Category Books

Book NATO Tiger Meet 2023 - Gioia Del Colle October 2/13.One of NATO's complex exercises with the largest number of aircraft involved; one of NATO's complex exercises with a long tradition; one of NATO's complex exercises with the largest variety of participating aircraft; one of NATO's complex exercises with the largest number of participating nations. Certainly the most colorful NATO exercise ever: the TIGER MEET.Hosted on the Gioia del Colle AB, the 2023 edition featured 80 aircraft from 12 countries.The 116-page volume contains 322 images taken by the four authors during the event. A tribute to the women and men who keep up the spirit of the Tiger Meet. A tradition started in 1968, 55 years have passed, but even today IT IS DIFFICULT TO BE HUMBLE.


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Lockheed-Martin F-16 ADF - EFESTOS
Type: Aircraft
Category Books

Book Lockheed-Martin F-16 ADF. The Air Force Vipers The Peace Caesar Program.The object of desire for many AM pilots, the F-16, in its ADF version, has been a reality for a small segment of them. It enabled the Air Force to transition from the F-104 to the Eurofighter, helping to ensure the defense of the skies. Used for a fairly short period of time, about 9 years, and in a limited number of examples, 34 in total between single and two-seaters, which came to Italy through the Peace Caesar Program, it equipped two Stormi: the 5th with the 23rd Group at Cervia and the 37th with the 10th and 18th Groups at Trapani Birgi. The book is 148 pages and inside you will find over 350 pictures, 8 profiles and a 16-page walk around. At least one image is presented of all freshmen. In the appendix is some modeling information: assembly boxes, accessories, colors and a roundup of models made in collaboration with IPMS Italy.


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