Personenwagen Cid-27 - 1/35 - DAS WERK DW35033
SKU DASW-35033
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: Anni '20
Type: Trains
Category Kit

Kit Personenwagen Cid-27 „Donnerbüchse“ in scala 1/35 - Modello Das Werk. La Personenwagen Cid-27 "Donnerbüchse" è un tipo di carrozza passeggeri ferroviaria tedesca, costruita negli anni '20 per le ferrovie della Deutsche Reichsbahn. Il soprannome "Donnerbüchse" (in italiano, "scatola di tuono") deriva dal rumore caratteristico prodotto durante il viaggio, dovuto alla sua struttura metallica e al sistema di sospensione rigido. Caratteristiche principali Tipo: Carrozza ferroviaria passeggeri. Costruzione: Metallo (primo passo verso la sostituzione delle vecchie carrozze in legno). Anno di produzione: Fine anni '20 e '30. Uso principale: Trasporto passeggeri sulle linee principali e secondarie. Configurazione: Ampie finestre. Sedili di legno o imbottiti a seconda della classe (generalmente terza classe). Vestiboli d'accesso alle estremità. Caratteristiche tecniche Lunghezza: Circa 13-14 metri. Struttura: Telaio in acciaio con rivestimento metallico. Sistema di sospensione: Semplice, contribuiva al caratteristico rumore durante la corsa. Freni: A vuoto o pneumatici. Velocità massima: Generalmente tra i 90 e i 100 km/h. Ruolo storico Le "Donnerbüchsen" furono introdotte per modernizzare il parco rotabile della Reichsbahn e offrire un'alternativa più duratura rispetto alle vecchie carrozze in legno. Erano robuste e affidabili, ma non particolarmente confortevoli a causa delle vibrazioni e del rumore. Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, molte di queste carrozze furono convertite per usi militari o requisiti per il trasporto di truppe e materiali. Eredità Nonostante siano state gradualmente sostituite da modelli più avanzati, alcune Donnerbüchsen sono sopravvissute come materiale storico o per uso turistico su linee ferroviarie museali. Rappresentano un importante pezzo di storia ferroviaria tedesca, simbolo di un'epoca di transizione tecnologica tra il legno e l'acciaio.


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8.8 cm Flak on a VOMAG 1/35 - DAS WERK DW35024
SKU DASW-35024
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

8.8-cm Flak Kit on a 9-ton VOMAG in 1/35 scale - Das Werk Model.The "8.8-cm Flak on a 9-ton VOMAG" refers to a German anti-aircraft artillery piece, commonly known as the "Flak 88," mounted on a 9-ton VOMAG truck. Here is some information about these components:8.8 cm Flak (Flak 88): The Flak 88 was a powerful German anti-aircraft gun used during World War II. It was extremely versatile, capable of shooting down enemy aircraft at great heights, but also effective against tanks and ground vehicles due to its power and accuracy. It was one of the most feared and respected artillery pieces of the conflict.9-ton VOMAG: The VOMAG was a type of truck produced by the German company VOMAG (Vogtländische Maschinenfabrik AG). These trucks were used to transport troops, materials, and equipment to the battlefield during World War II.Mounting: The Flak 88 was mounted on a modified VOMAG truck chassis, providing a mobile and flexible platform for the use of this counteraircraft weapon. This allowed the Flak 88 to be quickly deployed in various positions to defend troops and strategic targets from enemy air raids.Use: Flak 88s mounted on VOMAG trucks were used primarily for the anti-aircraft defense of troops and strategic targets, but they could also be used in antiaircraft and anti-tank roles. Their mobility allowed them to be deployed in strategic positions along the front lines or to be quickly moved to respond to air threats.In summary, the 8.8-cm Flak mounted on a 9-ton VOMAG truck was a powerful and mobile combination of German antiaircraft artillery used during World War II to defend troops and strategic targets from enemy air raids. Its versatility and power made it a significant threat to opposing aircraft and enemy ground forces.

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Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6/38
SKU DASW-35012
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6/38The Trippel SG 6 was a Schwimmwagen ( amphibious vehicle ) developed in the 1930s and used by German ground forces during World War II .

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SKU DASW-35034
Nation: United States of America
Period: Vietnam
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 LARC-V early Version Bundeswehr, Portugal, US Navy, US ArmyLARC-V ( Lighter , A mphhibious R esupply, C argo, 5 (V) ton), is an amphibious cargo vehicle with an aluminum hull capable of carrying 5 tons. It was developed in the United States in the 1950s and is used in a variety of auxiliary roles to this day.In addition to the United States, LARC-Vs have been used by military forces in Australia , Argentina , Portugal , the Philippines , Singapore and Iceland . Some 968 were built. About 500 were destroyed , most by sinking during the U.S. withdrawal from South Vietnam . About 200 were retained in U.S. military service . About 100 are privately owned and used mainly for tourism .


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Mtl. Zgkrwg. 8t, Sd.Kfz. 7 w/Crew
SKU DASW-35037
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Mtl. Zgkrwg. 8t, Sd.Kfz. 7 w/CrewBeginning in 1928, designs for several half-tracks were studied by Krauss-Maffei, and 10 years later a vehicle was approved, the Sd.Kfz. 7, yet another German half-trailer, considered medium, with a towing capacity of 8t. The vehicle was a powerful design, albeit without on-board armor and weapons.The engine was arranged at the front, with a short drive shaft driving a front drive wheel, with the rolling train having 5 spoked, staggered wheels. There were 3 rows of seats, for about a dozen seats. The vehicle was copied, with a captured example, by the British with the Morris, and was produced by Breda as the Breda 61. The Germans, for their part, managed to produce a large quantity, so that by the end of 1942, 3262 were in service. The vehicle proved very useful as a tractor, being able to tow up to 8 tons, and it also had a 3.5t winch.The vehicle was also built until 1944 in armed versions. One was the square 20mm Flakvierling cannon, a deadly weapon against low-altitude attack aircraft. Another version was the anti-aircraft version with the 50mm FlaK 41 cannon, but without luck given also the cannon's low war performance. Another version was the V-2 launch control craft, which appeared in 1942, with protective armor for personnel.After the war many were used by the Allies, and so was the case with the Czechoslovak Army.


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Faun L900 incl. Sd.Ah.115
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

 1/35 Faun L900 incl. Sd.Ah.115 *new edition*


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Medium tank T-72M
SKU DASW-35032
Nation: Russia
Period: Dopoguerra
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Medium tank T-72M 3 in 1  

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Raupenschlepper Ost
SKU DASW-35026
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Raupenschlepper Ost RSO/OI Type 470


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Elastic Rigging Thread - 4 meters
Type: Accessori
Category Accessories

1/32 Elastic Rigging Thread - 4 meters

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Faun L900 Hardtop
SKU DASW-35001
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/35 Faun L900 Hardtop

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Einheitsanhänger 5t
SKU DASW-35006
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/35 Einheitsanhänger 5t

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FMG 39 / FuSE 62 D
SKU DASW-35014
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/35 FMG 39 / FuSE 62 D "Würzburg"

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Junkers Ju EF-126 „Elli“ / EF-127 ''Walli''
SKU DASW-32001
Scale: 1/32
Type: Aircraft
Nation: Germany
Period: Modern
Category Kit

1/32 Junkers Ju EF-126 „Elli“ / EF-127 ''Walli'' (3 in 1)


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Salvenmaschinenkanone SMK 18
SKU DASW-35005
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/35 2cm Salvenmaschinenkanone SMK 18 - Typ 2

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Sonderanhanger 115 10 Ton Tank Trailer Sd.Anh. 115 Trailer
SKU DASW-35002
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/35 Sonderanhanger 115 10 Ton Tank Trailer Sd.Anh. 115 Trailer

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German Luftwaffe Jack Stand Set
SKU DASW-48002
Scale: 1/48
Type: Diorama
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/48 Extended Edition German Luftwaffe Jack Stand Set


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3cm Flakvierling 103/38
SKU DASW-35004
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Category Kit

1/35 3cm Flakvierling 103/38

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