US Army Case VAI & VAC tractor 1/72 - THUNDER MODEL 72001
SKU THM-72001
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit US Army Case VAI & VAC tractor w/ Le Tourneau compaction roller (2 tractor kits per box plus roller) in scala 1/72 - Modello Thunder Model.  Il US Army Case VAI e VAC erano trattori leggeri prodotti dalla J.I. Case Company e adattati per scopi militari durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questi veicoli venivano utilizzati dall'esercito americano per varie attività logistiche e di supporto, in particolare per il traino di piccoli rimorchi, l'aratura e altri compiti utili alla gestione di campi e basi operative. Caratteristiche principali Case VAI: Design: Versione industriale della serie "VA" di trattori Case. Aveva un telaio robusto e una configurazione adatta a lavori pesanti. Motore: Equipaggiato con un motore a 4 cilindri a benzina, progettato per essere semplice da mantenere e resistente. Uso militare: Il VAI veniva impiegato per trainare attrezzature, piccoli cannoni o rimorchi, oltre che per lavori ingegneristici leggeri nelle basi o nei campi avanzati. Case VAC: Design: Versione agricola del trattore della stessa serie, progettata principalmente per lavori di aratura e movimentazione di materiali. Motore: Anche questo dotato di un motore a 4 cilindri, ma con alcune modifiche per compiti agricoli specifici. Uso militare: Adattato per l'utilizzo in contesti agricoli nelle basi o per supportare le operazioni nei teatri bellici dove era necessario sfruttare terreni coltivabili. Differenze tra VAI e VAC: VAI: Costruito principalmente per l'uso industriale e logistico, con un design più compatto e privo di ruote alte tipiche dei trattori agricoli. VAC: Configurato come un trattore agricolo, con ruote alte posteriori e una maggiore altezza da terra per l'uso su campi e terreni accidentati. Impiego storico I trattori Case VAI e VAC furono utilizzati dall'esercito americano sia negli Stati Uniti che nei teatri operativi d'oltremare. Furono fondamentali per la costruzione e il mantenimento delle infrastrutture militari, come piste d'atterraggio, basi e depositi di rifornimenti. La loro affidabilità e versatilità li resero una scelta popolare per i compiti di supporto, soprattutto in aree con poche risorse meccanizzate. Eredità Dopo la guerra, molti trattori militari Case furono venduti come surplus e riutilizzati in applicazioni civili, sia per scopi agricoli che industriali. La loro robustezza e semplicità meccanica li resero molto apprezzati, prolungandone l'uso per decenni.  

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LRDG F30 -1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35311
SKU THM-35311
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit LRDG F30 Patrol Truck with Offset rear bed Bonus edition in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.  L'LRDG F30 era un veicolo utilizzato dal Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), un'unità speciale britannica della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, specializzata in operazioni di ricognizione e incursioni profonde dietro le linee nemiche nei deserti del Nord Africa. Questo veicolo era una variante del Ford F30, un camion militare leggero di produzione canadese, adattato alle esigenze specifiche del LRDG per operazioni nel deserto. Caratteristiche principali Base del veicolo: Il Ford F30 faceva parte della famiglia dei camion CMP (Canadian Military Pattern), sviluppati per l'esercito britannico e dei suoi alleati durante la guerra. Aveva una configurazione a trazione integrale (4x4), progettata per affrontare terreni difficili. Adattamenti per il LRDG: Equipaggiato con serbatoi di carburante aggiuntivi per garantire un’autonomia maggiore nelle lunghe missioni nel deserto. Carico ottimizzato per trasportare acqua, viveri, munizioni, carburante e altre forniture critiche. Modificato con sistemi di raffreddamento migliorati e pneumatici specifici per il deserto. Spesso dotato di armi leggere o mitragliatrici per autodifesa, come la Vickers K o la Bren. Ruolo operativo: Utilizzato per missioni di ricognizione, sabotaggio e raccolta di informazioni in profondità dietro le linee nemiche. Trasportava piccoli gruppi di soldati del LRDG, che operavano in modo autonomo per lunghi periodi. Equipaggio: Normalmente gestito da un equipaggio di 2-3 persone, inclusi un conducente e operatori addetti alla navigazione e all'armamento. Mobilità e autonomia: La combinazione di leggerezza e robustezza del Ford F30 lo rendeva ideale per attraversare vaste distese sabbiose e terreni accidentati. L'autonomia estesa lo rendeva perfetto per operazioni che potevano durare settimane senza supporto diretto. Utilizzo storico Il Ford F30, in configurazione LRDG, fu largamente impiegato durante la Campagna del Nord Africa (1940-1943). Questi veicoli svolsero un ruolo cruciale nel supporto alle forze alleate, raccogliendo informazioni sui movimenti dell'Asse e compiendo raid contro convogli nemici e infrastrutture strategiche. Conclusione L'LRDG F30 rappresenta l'adattamento ingegnoso di un camion militare standard alle esigenze uniche della guerra nel deserto. Con la sua capacità di operare in autonomia e la sua affidabilità, fu una risorsa fondamentale per il Long Range Desert Group, contribuendo in modo significativo alle operazioni alleate in Nord Africa.  

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British Morris Bofors C9/B Gun truck 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35210
SKU THM-35210
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit British Morris Bofors C9/B Gun truck Early variant in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model.  Il British Morris Bofors C9/B Gun Truck era un veicolo militare britannico della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, progettato per trasportare e fornire supporto logistico e operativo al celebre cannone antiaereo Bofors 40 mm. Questo veicolo combinava un’autocarro leggero con un’arma antiaerea, diventando un asset cruciale per la difesa aerea mobile. Caratteristiche principali Costruzione del veicolo: Basato sul telaio del camion Morris Commercial C9/B, un autocarro britannico leggero ma robusto, prodotto per scopi militari durante la guerra. Dotato di trazione integrale (4x4) per operare su terreni accidentati. Armamento: Equipaggiato con il cannone Bofors 40 mm L/60, un’arma antiaerea estremamente efficace contro aerei nemici a bassa quota. Il cannone poteva essere smontato dal veicolo e usato come pezzo d'artiglieria stazionario, offrendo versatilità tattica. Ruolo operativo: Utilizzato per difendere colonne di rifornimento, aeroporti, porti e altri obiettivi strategici dagli attacchi aerei. Aveva anche un ruolo limitato contro obiettivi terrestri, come veicoli leggeri e fanteria nemica. Equipaggio: Normalmente servito da un equipaggio di 3-4 persone: un conducente, un comandante e due operatori del cannone. Mobilità: Grazie al telaio compatto e al sistema di trazione 4x4, poteva essere utilizzato in vari tipi di terreno. Capacità di carico sufficiente per trasportare munizioni e attrezzature necessarie per il cannone. Utilizzo storico Ampiamente utilizzato dal British Army e dai suoi alleati durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Essenziale durante le campagne in Nord Africa, in Italia e nel teatro europeo, dove la difesa antiaerea mobile era cruciale per contrastare i velivoli tedeschi come i bombardieri e i cacciabombardieri. Conclusione Il Morris Bofors C9/B Gun Truck è stato un esempio di come l’esercito britannico abbia ottimizzato l’uso dei veicoli militari per garantire difese antiaeree mobili ed efficaci. Il suo design e il cannone Bofors lo resero un mezzo versatile e indispensabile per il successo di molte operazioni militari.  


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Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 -1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35200
SKU THM-35200
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

British Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 tank transporter kit in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. - 590+ plastic parts, with slip molded and multi-sided details (14 sprue in gray, 1 part transparent) - faithfully reproduced and highly detailed chassis, winch and trailer - accurately molded engine, cab and interior with correct size details and shape - plastic molded tires - all doors and windows can be assembled open or closed, wheels and rear bogies can turn and swing - PE detail sheet, scale chains and ropes included The Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 is a British heavy military vehicle used as a tank recovery and heavy equipment transport tractor, manufactured by Scammell Lorries Ltd. Designed in the 1930s, it was widely used during World War II by the British armed forces due to its ruggedness and ability to operate in difficult terrain. Key features of the Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 Design and Structure: The Pioneer has a rugged chassis designed to carry heavy loads and recover armored vehicles, even in difficult and muddy terrain conditions. It has a steerable front axle and two rear axles, providing exceptional traction and stability even under heavy loads. Engine and Performance: It is equipped with a 7-liter six-cylinder diesel engine, capable of generating power that enables the vehicle to tow more than 30 tons. Its all-wheel drive transmission and ability to overcome obstacles make it highly effective in battle conditions and harsh environments. Operational role: The TRMU30 was the tractor pulling the tank transport trailer, while the TRCU30 was the full version with the attached trailer, used to transport medium and heavy tanks to the battlefield. In addition to recovering damaged or immobilized vehicles, it was used to transport tanks over long distances, especially on roads where tanks would damage the asphalt. Historical use: The Scammell Pioneer was instrumental during World War II in transporting tanks such as the Matilda and Churchill, especially in the European and North African theater. Its salvage and transport capability made logistical and troop support operations much more efficient, allowing rapid action to repair and recover vehicles on the battlefield. Conclusion The Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 is a heavy vehicle recovery and transport vehicle known for its reliability and power during World War II. Its versatility and carrying capacity made it a key tool for British armed forces recovery and transport operations, confirming its importance in military operations of the period.


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Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35207
SKU THM-35207
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

British Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 tank transporter kit in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. The Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 is the trailer that, together with the Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 tractor, forms a transport system designed to move tanks and other heavy military vehicles during World War II. Built to support loads of up to 30 tons, the TRCU30 was essential for transporting British tanks, offering a rugged and reliable solution for military logistics. Key features of the Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 Design and structure: The TRCU30 is a two-axle heavy trailer with a low, reinforced loading platform designed specifically to accommodate tanks and armored vehicles. The trailer's anchoring system and sturdy structure allowed for safe transportation of vehicles, even over rough terrain. Load capacity: With a load capacity of up to 30 tons, the TRCU30 was suitable for transporting medium and heavy tanks, as well as other heavy vehicles and equipment. The ability to carry large weights was critical to enable rapid movement of heavy vehicles to the front lines or to recovery areas. Operational role: The TRCU30 was used to transport tanks into combat zones without them having to use their own engines, saving fuel and reducing wear and tear. This trailer was particularly useful in contexts where the transfer of heavy vehicles over long distances was necessary, such as in North Africa and the European countryside. Historical use: The combined use of the TRMU30 and TRCU30 enabled the British Army to make rapid and safe movements of armored vehicles, ensuring continuous logistical support even in impervious or unprepared areas. Conclusion The Scammell Pioneer TRCU30, coupled with the TRMU30 tractor, played a crucial role in British tank transport operations during World War II, providing a reliable and robust solution for military logistics and facilitating the movement of heavy assets in operations on various battlefronts.


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Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35204
SKU THM-35204
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

British Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 tractor kit in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. The Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 is a version of the British Scammell Pioneer heavy vehicle, designed specifically for towing and transporting tanks during World War II. This version was created to work in tandem with the TRCU30 trailer, forming a complete tank transport system capable of moving armored vehicles and heavy military vehicles. Key features of the Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 Design and structure: The TRMU30 was a three-axle tractor with a 6x4 configuration and an open or semi-closed crew cab, equipped with a strong chassis suitable for towing extremely heavy loads. This model was designed to tow armored transport trailers, such as the TRCU30, which was designed to transport tanks. Engine and performance: Equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine, the TRMU30 offered enough power to haul up to 30 tons of cargo, even on uneven and muddy terrain. The combination of chassis strength and engine power enabled the TRMU30 to haul even the heaviest British tanks of the time. Operational role: The TRMU30, coupled with the TRCU30 trailer, was mainly used to move tanks and armored vehicles from one place to another without the need for them to use their own engine. It was often employed in logistic support operations, allowing tanks to be transported to combat or recovery areas. Historical use: The Pioneer TRMU30 was used extensively in European and North African campaigns during World War II. Its heavy towing capability and reliability made it an essential tool for armored transport and recovery units. Conclusion The Scammell Pioneer TRMU30 was an essential transport tractor for the British Army, capable of moving heavy armored vehicles over long distances, contributing to transport and logistical support operations under the harsh conditions of wartime operations.


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Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35208
SKU THM-35208
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

British Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 30t "gooseneck" trailer kit in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model.


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Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35205
SKU THM-35205
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

British Scammell Pioneer TRCU30 trailer kit in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model.


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Scammell Pioneer R100 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35202
SKU THM-35202
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

R100 British Scammell Pioneer heavy artillery tractor kit in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. The Scammell Pioneer R100 is a version of the Scammell Pioneer heavy military tractor, used mainly during World War II for recovering and towing artillery and heavy vehicles. It is known for its ruggedness and ability to operate in difficult terrain, even in muddy or sandy conditions, which made it an essential support vehicle in British military operations. Key features of the Scammell Pioneer R100 Design and structure: The R100 was built on a three-axle chassis with a 6x4 configuration, which provided excellent traction and stability, making it particularly suitable for rough terrain operations. The vehicle had an enclosed cab, with space for the driver and crew, and a rear winch, useful for recovering stranded or damaged vehicles. Engine and performance: Equipped with a Gardner six-cylinder gasoline engine, the R100 could reach a top speed of about 40 mph. Its power allowed it to tow heavy loads, such as field artillery and light tanks, as well as being used to recover immobilized vehicles. Operational role: Primarily used for artillery towing and vehicle recovery, the R100 was critical in British troop support operations, especially in theaters of operation where terrain conditions made the use of standard vehicles difficult. It was also employed to transport heavy equipment, playing a crucial logistical role. Historical use: During World War II, the Scammell Pioneer R100 was used in several theaters of war, including North Africa and Europe. Its reliability and cargo capacity made it a valuable vehicle for the Royal Artillery Corps and other military divisions. Conclusion The Scammell Pioneer R100 is remembered as a versatile and rugged tractor that played a significant role in British military operations, providing essential logistical support and recovery of heavy vehicles in difficult conditions.


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LRDG F30 - 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35310
SKU THM-35310
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

LRDG F30 patrol truck kit with 1/35 scale offset rear body - Thunder Model. TheLRDG F30 is a light military vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a British unit specializing in long-range reconnaissance and raids during World War II in North Africa. Based on the 30-quintal (3-ton) Canadian Ford F30 truck, this vehicle was modified for operations in extremely hostile desert environments. Key features of the LRDG F30 Design and Structure: Based on a strong chassis, the Ford F30 was adapted for the desert, with modifications that included the removal of unnecessary parts, such as the roof and side panels, to reduce weight and improve ventilation. Equipped with a reliable gasoline engine and rugged traction designed to cope with difficult, sandy terrain. Equipment and Armament: The LRDG F30 was equipped with additional fuel tanks to increase range, which were essential for long distances without refueling points. Equipped with machine guns and light machine guns such as the Vickers K or Bren, as well as rifles, carbines and sometimes light anti-tank guns to defend themselves or attack small convoys. Operational Role: Used mainly for reconnaissance missions, raids against enemy supply lines, sabotage, and intelligence gathering behind Italian and German lines. The Long Range Desert Group, to which the F30 belonged, was known for its stealth and attrition operations, inflicting significant damage on Axis logistics lines. Historical Use: The LRDG, and with it the Ford F30, played a crucial role in the North African campaigns, often working in cooperation with other special units such as the SAS. The Ford F30 became iconic for its ability to operate in extreme conditions and for its endurance, qualities that were crucial in long-duration missions in the desert. Conclusion TheLRDG F30 represents a key vehicle in the desert warfare strategy for the United Kingdom because of its ruggedness, adaptability, and range. These light vehicles enabled the LRDG to accomplish difficult missions and contribute significantly to Allied operations against Axis forces in North Africa.


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LRDG Crew figure 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL F35004
SKU THM-F35004
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

LRDG Crew figures set 3 - 2 highly detailed resin figures in 1/35 scale


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LRDG Crew figure 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL F35003
SKU THM-F35003
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

LRDG Crew 2 - set 3 highly detailed 1/35 scale resin figures (pilot and co-pilot from TM35307 + new figure added)


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Güterwagen Gr 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35902
SKU THM-35902
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Trains
Category Kit

German Güterwagen kit Gr in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. - 210 plastic parts (sprues 2xA,2xB, C, 2xD1, 2xD2) with slide and multi-side slide molded details - accurately reproduced under carriage and air brake system - faithfully reproduced wooden texture - door can be assembled any any position - optional appearance choices - PE detail sheet, 3 decal options The Güterwagen Gr is a German freight car used during the first half of the 20th century, particularly during World War II, to transport supplies and troops. "Güterwagen" means "freight wagon" in German, while "Gr" denotes a specific type of enclosed wagons known for their robustness and loading capacity. Main features of the Güterwagen Gr Design and structure: It is an enclosed freight car designed to transport cargo, war materials, and even troops or prisoners. The enclosed structure protects the cargo from the elements. Made of wood or metal, the Güterwagen Gr was built with sliding side doors for easy loading and unloading. Cargo capacity: Typically, this type of wagon could carry several tons of military material and resources, such as weapons, ammunition, equipment or provisions. It was also often used to transport horses, other farm animals, and, in wartime situations, people. Use during the war: The Güterwagen Gr was used extensively by the Deutsche Reichsbahn (the German railways) during World War II to transport troops, prisoners of war and resources to various fronts. It is known for its role in German wartime logistics, as it allowed the movement of large quantities of material and personnel quickly and over long distances. Operational role: As a versatile wagon, the Güterwagen Gr played a variety of roles during the conflict, demonstrating utility both for logistical purposes and for transporting men and animals as well as essential supplies. Conclusion The Güterwagen Gr is an iconic example of a German freight wagon used during World War II to support army logistics. Robust and versatile, this type of wagon represents one of the main means of transportation in military rail logistics at the time.

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Clarktor 6 Mill-44 U.S. Tug 1/32 - THUNDER MODEL 32004
SKU THM-32004
Scale: 1/32
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

US tugboat kit Clarktor 6 Mill-44 in 1/32 scale - Thunder Model The Clarktor 6 Mill-44 is a tow tractor manufactured by the Clark Equipment Company, designed primarily for towing aircraft and heavy equipment on airport surfaces and military bases. It is known for its reliability, power and ease of maneuvering, and was widely used in military and civilian settings to facilitate ground handling operations, especially during and after World War II. Key features of the Clarktor 6 Mill-44 Design and structure: The Clarktor 6 features a rugged and compact design, ideal for heavy towing operations in confined spaces. It features an open or semi-open cab, which provides excellent visibility for the driver when maneuvering in tight spaces. Engine and performance: It is equipped with an internal combustion engine, which provides high power relative to its size. This model is capable of towing extremely heavy loads, such as large aircraft, with excellent traction capability even on uneven surfaces. Operational role: Used primarily for towing aircraft and other heavy equipment to runways and parking areas, the Clarktor 6 was critical to ground logistics at military and commercial airports. It found use in both civilian and military settings because of its versatility and reliability. Historical use: During World War II and in the years that followed, the Clarktor 6 was adopted by numerous armed forces and airlines around the world. Its reliability and endurance made it an essential asset in ground operations and logistical movements at air bases. Conclusion The Clarktor 6 Mill-44 is an iconic towing vehicle in the aviation and military logistics industry, prized for its heavy-load handling capability and durability. This tractor has been a significant contributor to the efficiency of airport operations, playing a crucial role in ground operations for more than half a century.


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LRDG F30 Wireless Truck 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35308
SKU THM-35308
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

LRDG F30 Wireless Truck standard edition 1/35 scale kit - Thunder Model. The LRDG F30 Wireless Truck is a vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a British special forces unit operational during World War II, particularly active in the North African theater. Key features of the LRDG F30 Wireless Truck: Vehicle base: The LRDG F30 Wireless Truck was based on a Ford F30 truck, a lightweight all-wheel-drive vehicle very common in the British armed forces during the war. The "F30" refers to its load capacity of 30 quintals (about 1.5 tons). Role and configuration: This specific version of the truck was configured as a mobile communications vehicle, equipped with radio equipment to maintain communications between LRDG units and central command. The "Wireless Truck" was critical for reconnaissance and sabotage operations deep in the desert, allowing the unit to stay in contact despite extreme distances. Equipment: The vehicle was equipped with a powerful radio, extended antennas and extra batteries to ensure the functionality of radio equipment even in harsh desert conditions. It was also often equipped with light weapons for self-defense, such as Bren or Vickers K machine guns. Design and modifications: Like other vehicles used by the LRDG, the F30 Wireless Truck was often modified to better suit desert conditions, with additions such as extra fuel tanks, spare tires, and survival equipment. Desert Operations: The LRDG was known for its long-duration missions behind enemy lines, and the Wireless Truck was essential for coordinating these operations, providing a vital link between the various patrols and allied commands. Historical Context: The Long Range Desert Group specialized in reconnaissance operations and deep desert raids, often operating far from friendly lines. The Wireless Truck, as part of the LRDG's inventory, contributed significantly to the success of their operations by providing mobile communications capabilities in an extremely isolated environment.


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LRDG F30 Gun Truck 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35307
SKU THM-35307
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

LRDG F30 Gun Truck kit with 37mm MKI Bofors Bonus Edition ordnance in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model. The LRDG F30 Gun refers to a specific vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) during World War II. LRDG was a specialized unit of the British Armed Forces known for its reconnaissance operations and raids behind enemy lines in the North African desert. Main Features of the LRDG F30 Gun. BaseVehicle: Ford F30: The base vehicle was the Ford F30, a 30-quintal (3-ton) military truck produced by Ford Canada. It was a rugged and versatile vehicle suitable for the harsh conditions of the North African desert. LRDG Modifications: Ford F30 vehicles used by the LRDG were often modified to suit the specific needs of the unit, including the addition of armaments, extra fuel, and specialized equipment. Armament: Cannon: The F30 Gun was armed with a cannon, often a 2-pound (40 mm) anti-tank gun or a 37 mm Bofors automatic cannon. These guns were mounted on the rear of the vehicle to provide fire support against armored vehicles and enemy positions. Machine Guns: In addition to the main gun, the vehicle could be equipped with light or medium machine guns for short-range defense and fire support against enemy infantry. Design and Configuration: Ruggedness and Simplicity: The design of the Ford F30 was simple but rugged, ideal for desert operations. The vehicle had an open cab and a rear loading platform that could be adapted for various purposes. Autonomy: With extra fuel tanks and the ability to carry supplies, the F30 Gun could operate away from bases for extended periods, an essential feature for LRDG missions. Operational Role and Deployment: Reconnaissance and Incursions: The F30 Gun was primarily used for long-range reconnaissance missions and raids behind enemy lines. The ability to carry an anti-tank gun allowed the LRDG to engage enemy armored vehicles and provide fire support to its forces. Desert Operations: The LRDG's missions required vehicles capable of traversing sandy and rough terrain, and the modified Ford F30 proved adequate for this purpose. Performance and Reliability: Mobility: The Ford F30, with its rugged traction and reinforced suspension, was capable of navigating through desert terrain, including sand and rocks. Reliability: The simplicity of the vehicle's design contributed to its reliability, an essential quality in the harsh desert conditions where field repairs were difficult. Conclusion The LRDG F30 Gun represents one of the innovative adaptations of standard military vehicles to meet the specific needs of special operations in the desert during World War II. Equipped with anti-tank guns and machine guns, and based on the rugged Ford F30 truck, this vehicle enabled the Long Range Desert Group to perform reconnaissance and raid missions with effectiveness and versatility. The combination of ruggedness, mobility, and firepower made it an essential tool for long-range operations in the North African theater.

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LRDG Weapons Set 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL F35002
SKU THM-F35002
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Armamenti
Category Figurines

LRDG Weapon set 1 - set of 1/35 scale 3D printed weapons commonly used in LRDG services.

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LRDG F30 Patrol Truck 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35305
SKU THM-35305
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

LRDG F30 Patrol truck Bonus edition kit with 2 figures + weapons and resin air intakes in 1/35 scale - Thunder Model.The LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was a vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a British reconnaissance unit operating in the North African desert during World War II. Here is some key information:Origins: The LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was based on the U.S.-made Ford F30 truck. It was converted and adapted for the specific needs of the Long Range Desert Group for desert operations.Adaptations: The vehicle was being modified to withstand the harsh desert conditions and to provide greater range. Additional fuel tanks were added so as to increase the ability to travel long distances without refueling.Role: The LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was used for reconnaissance and long-range patrol missions in the North African desert. The Long Range Desert Group operated behind enemy lines, gathering intelligence information, conducting raids and patrols, and supporting the operations of Allied forces.Operations: During World War II, the LRDG F30 Patrol Truck participated in numerous successful operations in the desert theater of North Africa, contributing significantly to the logistics and intelligence warfare against Axis forces in the region.Legacy: The Long Range Desert Group, along with vehicles such as the LRDG F30 Patrol Truck, was widely praised for its ability to operate under extreme conditions and for its contribution to the Allied victory in the North African theater during World War II.In summary, the LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was a vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group for long-range reconnaissance and patrol missions in the North African desert during World War II. It was known for its reliability and ability to operate in extreme conditions.


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LRDG F30 Gun Truck 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35306
SKU THM-35306
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

LRDG F30 Gun Truck CMP kit in 1/35 scale LRDG service - Thunder Model.The LRDG F30 Gun Truck CMP was a vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a special unit of the British Armed Forces during World War II. Here are some details about this vehicle and its service in the LRDG:LRDG: The Long Range Desert Group was a highly specialized unit that operated in the North African desert during World War II. It was responsible for reconnaissance, sabotage and intelligence gathering missions behind enemy lines.F30 Gun Truck: The LRDG F30 Gun Truck was an armed vehicle used by the LRDG to provide fire support during desert operations. It was based on a CMP (Canadian Military Pattern) chassis, a vehicle produced in Canada for military use during the war.Armament: The LRDG F30 Gun Truck was equipped with light and heavy weapons, including Browning .50 caliber and Bren .303 caliber machine guns. These weapons were mounted on improvised gun mounts or special mounts to provide fire support during missions.Mobility and Reliability: The CMP was known for its ruggedness and reliability in the desert, essential for the LRDG's long missions in the difficult and remote terrain of North Africa. The vehicle had to be able to traverse difficult terrain and support the weight of the additional weapons mounted on it.Operational Contribution: The LRDG F30 Gun Truck contributed significantly to Long Range Desert Group operations by providing fire support during attacks on enemy supply columns, protecting allied convoys, and conducting disruptive raids behind enemy lines.Overall, the LRDG F30 Gun Truck CMP was a vital element of Long Range Desert Group operations in the North African desert, providing fire support and protection during missions in the Mediterranean theater of operations during World War II.

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LRDG Crew figure 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL F35001
SKU THM-F35001
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

LRDG Crew figures set 1 - 3 highly detailed 1/35 scale resin figures (pilot and co-pilot from THM-35305 + new figure added)


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LRDG F30 Patrol Truck 1/35 - THUNDER MODEL 35304
SKU THM-35304
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

LRDG F30 Patrol Truck CMP kit in 1/35 scale LRDG service - Thunder Model.The LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was a vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a British reconnaissance unit operating in the North African desert during World War II. Here is some key information:Origins: The LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was based on the U.S.-made Ford F30 truck. It was converted and adapted for the specific needs of the Long Range Desert Group for desert operations.Adaptations: The vehicle was being modified to withstand the harsh desert conditions and to provide greater range. Additional fuel tanks were added so as to increase the ability to travel long distances without refueling.Role: The LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was used for reconnaissance and long-range patrol missions in the North African desert. The Long Range Desert Group operated behind enemy lines, gathering intelligence information, conducting raids and patrols, and supporting the operations of Allied forces.Operations: During World War II, the LRDG F30 Patrol Truck participated in numerous successful operations in the North African desert theater, contributing significantly to the logistics and intelligence warfare against Axis forces in the region.Legacy: The Long Range Desert Group, along with vehicles such as the LRDG F30 Patrol Truck, was widely praised for its ability to operate under extreme conditions and for its contribution to the Allied victory in the North African theater during World War II.In summary, the LRDG F30 Patrol Truck was a vehicle used by the Long Range Desert Group for long-range reconnaissance and patrol missions in the North African desert during World War II. It was known for its reliability and ability to operate in extreme conditions.

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U.S. Army Bomb Trailer Mark II 1/32 - THUNDER MODEL 32002
SKU THM-32002
Scale: 1/32
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

US Army Mark II bomb trailer kit in 1/32 scale - Thunder Model.


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US tugboat Clarktor 6 - 1/32 - THUNDER MODEL 32003
SKU THM-32003
Scale: 1/32
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

US Clarktor 6, MILL-33 tugboat kit with 2 Mark II bomb trailers in 1/32 scale - Thunder Model.


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US tugboat Clarktor-6 Mill-33 - 1/32 - THUNDER MODEL 32001
SKU THM-32001
Scale: 1/32
Nation: United States of America
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

U.S. tugboat kit Clarktor-6 Mill-33 The 1/32-scale heavy airport tractor - Thunder Model.  


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Morris Bofors C9/B
SKU THM-35209
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Morris Bofors C9/B Late The Iconic British WWII Gun TruckThe Morris CS9/LAC was an armored vehicle produced for the British armed forces during World War II.The vehicle used the stretched chassis of the Morris CS8 4×2 15 cwt truck, on which was mounted an armored hull equipped with a two-place open-top turret. In the turret took their places the foreman and gunner, while the conductor and radio operator were in the hull.The armored plates were joined with rivets, and the main armament consisted of the Boys anti-tank gun, a Bren machine gun, and a fog gun mounted between the two guns. The radio system was of the No. 19 type. The gearbox was a four-speed, and the CS9 was equipped with indraulic brakes on all four wheels.The prototype was tested in 1936 and, including the prototype, 100 were ordered. First deliveries began in 1938.The vehicle was employed by the 12th Royal Lancers during the French campaign. The 38 examples available to this unit were all destroyed or abandoned. The 11th Hussars employed 30 examples during the North African campaign. These vehicles were equipped with desert tires and proved to perform well in this type of terrain.Instead, both armor and armament proved insufficient, and Morris armored cars began to be withdrawn beginning in 1941.


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THUNDER MODEL 35212 Scammell Pioneer Heavy Artillery Tractor R100
SKU THM-35212
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 British Scammell Pioneer Heavy Artillery Tractor R100 with 7.2 Inch Howitzer 


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THUNDER MODEL 35007 US Army Armored Tractor
SKU THM-35007
Nation: United States of America
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

  1/35 US Army Armored Tractor

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THUNDER MODEL 35904 German Ssyl Flat Wagon
SKU THM-35904
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 German Ssyl Flat Wagon


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THUNDER MODEL 35400 Russian ChTZ S60 Stalinetz
SKU THM-35400
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Russian ChTZ S60 Stalinetz


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THUNDER MODEL 35006 US Crawler Sixty
SKU THM-35006
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 US Crawler Sixty


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THUNDER MODEL 35003 US Military Motorcycle Indian 741B
SKU THM-35003
Scale: 1/35
Type: Motorcycles
Category Kit

1/35 US Military Motorcycle Indian 741B

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THUNDER MODEL 35901 German Gedeckter Guterwagen G10
SKU THM-35901
Scale: 1/35
Type: Trains
Category Kit

1/35 German Gedeckter Guterwagen G10


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THUNDER MODEL 35211 British 7.2 inch Howitzer
SKU THM-35211
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 British 7.2 inch Howitzer

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SKU THM-35002
Scale: 1/35
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 Trattore U.S. ARMY


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SKU THM-35101
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 BergePanzer 38 Hetzer ultime versioni

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SKU THM-35103
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 BergePanzer 38 Hetzer prime versioni Limited Edition (completo di motore e fotoincisioni)


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SKU THM-35102
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 BergePanzer 38 Hetzer prime versioni (con fotoincisioni)

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SKU THM-35100
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 BergePanzer 38 Hetzer ultime versioni Limited Edition (completo di motore e fotoincisioni)


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