Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Kit aereo S.A. Bulldog (Lebanese, Nigerian AF) in scala 1/72 - Modello KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.  Il S.A. Bulldog, conosciuto anche come Scottish Aviation Bulldog, è un aereo da addestramento leggero originariamente progettato dalla Beagle Aircraft e successivamente prodotto dalla Scottish Aviation. È stato utilizzato da diverse forze aeree, tra cui quelle del Libano e della Nigeria, per l'addestramento dei piloti e operazioni leggere. Caratteristiche principali: Progettazione: Il Bulldog è un aereo leggero, monomotore ad ala bassa, progettato per addestrare piloti militari. La sua fusoliera robusta lo rende adatto anche per acrobazie aeree e operazioni di ricognizione. Motorizzazione: È alimentato da un motore Lycoming O-360 da 200 cavalli di potenza, che offre buone prestazioni per un aereo da addestramento. Utilizzo in Libano e Nigeria: Libano: Le forze aeree libanesi hanno utilizzato il Bulldog principalmente per addestramento basico e missioni di supporto leggere. Nigeria: L'aviazione nigeriana ha impiegato il Bulldog per addestrare i piloti e per missioni leggere di pattugliamento e ricognizione. Capacità: Il Bulldog ha una cabina a due posti, con doppi comandi, permettendo a istruttore e allievo di volare insieme. È stato apprezzato per la sua maneggevolezza, robustezza e semplicità di manutenzione. Prestazioni: Velocità massima: Circa 200 km/h Autonomia: Circa 900 km Quota operativa: Circa 4.000 metri In sintesi: Il Scottish Aviation Bulldog nelle versioni utilizzate dall'aviazione libanese e nigeriana è stato impiegato per addestrare piloti e per missioni di pattugliamento. La sua versatilità, facilità di volo e manutenzione lo hanno reso una scelta popolare in molte forze aeree del mondo.  


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Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Kit aereo S.A. Bulldog in scala 1/72 - Modello KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.  Il S.A. Bulldog, o Scottish Aviation Bulldog, è un aereo da addestramento militare leggero progettato originariamente dalla Beagle Aircraft e successivamente prodotto dalla Scottish Aviation. È stato utilizzato da diverse forze aeree per la formazione dei piloti e per operazioni leggere. Ecco una panoramica delle sue caratteristiche principali: Caratteristiche principali: Tipologia: Il Bulldog è un aereo monomotore ad ala bassa progettato principalmente per l'addestramento basico dei piloti militari, ma può essere utilizzato anche per compiti leggeri come l'osservazione. Progettazione: Il primo progetto fu avviato dalla Beagle Aircraft, ma a causa delle difficoltà finanziarie dell'azienda, la produzione passò alla Scottish Aviation. L'aereo è caratterizzato da una fusoliera robusta e da una configurazione a due posti, con doppi comandi per l'addestramento. Motorizzazione: È alimentato da un motore Lycoming O-360, che fornisce circa 200 cavalli di potenza, offrendo una buona maneggevolezza e prestazioni affidabili per l'addestramento di base e le acrobazie aeree. Uso militare: È stato utilizzato da varie forze aeree in tutto il mondo, tra cui la Royal Air Force (RAF), dove ha servito come addestratore basico sotto la denominazione Bulldog T.1. Prestazioni: L'aereo ha una velocità massima di circa 200 km/h e un'autonomia di volo di circa 900 km, il che lo rende ideale per missioni di addestramento e brevi voli di ricognizione. Cabina e dotazioni: La cabina è dotata di doppi comandi, permettendo a istruttore e allievo di avere entrambi il controllo, una caratteristica fondamentale per l'addestramento dei piloti. In sintesi: Il Scottish Aviation Bulldog è un aereo da addestramento leggero, robusto e versatile, utilizzato da molte forze aeree per la formazione basica dei piloti. Con le sue buone prestazioni e la facilità di pilotaggio, è stato una scelta popolare per l'addestramento militare negli anni '70 e '80.  


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Piper Pa-25 Pawnee Pt. II 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0473
SKU KPV-72473
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

 Kit aereo Piper Pa-25 "Pawnee" Pt. II (3x camo) in scala 1/72 - Modello KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. Il Piper PA-25 "Pawnee" è un aereo monomotore progettato e prodotto dalla Piper Aircraft per scopi agricoli, in particolare per l'irrorazione e la semina. È stato uno dei principali aerei agricoli utilizzati negli Stati Uniti e in altre parti del mondo. Caratteristiche principali: Tipologia: Aereo monomotore ad ala bassa destinato all'agricoltura. Utilizzato principalmente per operazioni di irrorazione dei campi, spargimento di fertilizzanti o semi. Progettazione: Il PA-25 è stato progettato con una fusoliera robusta per resistere alle sollecitazioni delle operazioni agricole, che richiedono frequenti decolli e atterraggi su terreni irregolari. Ha un'ala dritta e un'ampia superficie alare per stabilità a basse velocità. Motore: Equipaggiato con un motore a pistoni Lycoming, che variava in potenza a seconda delle versioni (da 150 a 235 cavalli di potenza). Utilizzo agricolo: Il "Pawnee" è stato ampiamente utilizzato per irrorare colture con pesticidi, diserbanti e fertilizzanti liquidi. L'aereo era equipaggiato con serbatoi per i prodotti chimici e sistemi di distribuzione per spargerli sui campi. Capacità: Poteva trasportare fino a circa 900 litri di liquidi per irrorazione o 450 kg di semi o fertilizzanti. Prestazioni: Velocità massima: Circa 210 km/h Autonomia: Circa 600 km, sufficiente per operazioni agricole locali. Quota operativa: Solitamente basso, a poche centinaia di metri dal suolo, per una distribuzione efficace di pesticidi o fertilizzanti. Storia e diffusione: Il PA-25 "Pawnee" è stato introdotto nei primi anni '60 e ha rapidamente guadagnato popolarità tra gli agricoltori e le compagnie di irrorazione aerea grazie alla sua robustezza, semplicità e affidabilità. È stato un pilastro dell'aviazione agricola per diversi decenni. In sintesi: Il Piper PA-25 "Pawnee" è un aereo agricolo versatile e robusto, utilizzato principalmente per operazioni di irrorazione e semina. Grazie alla sua semplicità e affidabilità, è diventato uno degli aerei più utilizzati nel settore agricolo.  


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Piper Pa-25 Pawnee Pt. I 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0472
SKU KPV-72472
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

 Kit aereo Piper Pa-25 "Pawnee" Pt.I (3x camo) in scala 1/72 - Modello KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. Il Piper PA-25 "Pawnee" è un aereo monomotore progettato e prodotto dalla Piper Aircraft per scopi agricoli, in particolare per l'irrorazione e la semina. È stato uno dei principali aerei agricoli utilizzati negli Stati Uniti e in altre parti del mondo. Caratteristiche principali: Tipologia: Aereo monomotore ad ala bassa destinato all'agricoltura. Utilizzato principalmente per operazioni di irrorazione dei campi, spargimento di fertilizzanti o semi. Progettazione: Il PA-25 è stato progettato con una fusoliera robusta per resistere alle sollecitazioni delle operazioni agricole, che richiedono frequenti decolli e atterraggi su terreni irregolari. Ha un'ala dritta e un'ampia superficie alare per stabilità a basse velocità. Motore: Equipaggiato con un motore a pistoni Lycoming, che variava in potenza a seconda delle versioni (da 150 a 235 cavalli di potenza). Utilizzo agricolo: Il "Pawnee" è stato ampiamente utilizzato per irrorare colture con pesticidi, diserbanti e fertilizzanti liquidi. L'aereo era equipaggiato con serbatoi per i prodotti chimici e sistemi di distribuzione per spargerli sui campi. Capacità: Poteva trasportare fino a circa 900 litri di liquidi per irrorazione o 450 kg di semi o fertilizzanti. Prestazioni: Velocità massima: Circa 210 km/h Autonomia: Circa 600 km, sufficiente per operazioni agricole locali. Quota operativa: Solitamente basso, a poche centinaia di metri dal suolo, per una distribuzione efficace di pesticidi o fertilizzanti. Storia e diffusione: Il PA-25 "Pawnee" è stato introdotto nei primi anni '60 e ha rapidamente guadagnato popolarità tra gli agricoltori e le compagnie di irrorazione aerea grazie alla sua robustezza, semplicità e affidabilità. È stato un pilastro dell'aviazione agricola per diversi decenni. In sintesi: Il Piper PA-25 "Pawnee" è un aereo agricolo versatile e robusto, utilizzato principalmente per operazioni di irrorazione e semina. Grazie alla sua semplicità e affidabilità, è diventato uno degli aerei più utilizzati nel settore agricolo.  


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Scale: 1/72
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Period: Anni '20
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Kit aereo Avia BH-10 "With Skis" in scala 1/72 - Modello KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. L'Avia BH-10 "With Skis" è una variante dell'Avia BH-10, un piccolo aereo da addestramento e competizione progettato in Cecoslovacchia negli anni '20, ma equipaggiato con sci al posto delle ruote per poter operare su superfici innevate o ghiacciate. Caratteristiche principali: Tipologia: Monoplano leggero ad ala bassa, utilizzato per addestramento e competizioni, modificato con sci per operazioni su terreni innevati. Motivo della modifica: Gli sci venivano installati in sostituzione del carrello d'atterraggio con ruote, consentendo al velivolo di decollare e atterrare su piste innevate, facilitando così le operazioni in ambienti invernali o in regioni con climi freddi. Uso: Questa configurazione era particolarmente utile in zone con inverni rigidi, dove le piste di atterraggio tradizionali potevano essere coperte di neve o ghiaccio. Prestazioni: L'equipaggiamento con sci non cambiava le prestazioni aerodinamiche dell'aereo in volo, ma influiva sulla maneggevolezza durante il decollo e l'atterraggio su superfici innevate. In sintesi: L'Avia BH-10 "With Skis" era una versione del BH-10 adattata per operazioni su neve o ghiaccio, utilizzata in regioni dove le condizioni climatiche richiedevano questa modifica per garantire un uso sicuro del velivolo durante i mesi invernali.  


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Scale: 1/72
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Period: Anni '20
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Kit aereo Avia BH-10 in scala 1/72 - Modello KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.  L'Avia BH-10 è un aereo da addestramento e da competizione monoplano cecoslovacco, sviluppato negli anni '20 dall'azienda Avia. Fa parte della serie di velivoli progettati dai famosi ingegneri Pavel Beneš e Miroslav Hajn (da cui la sigla "BH" nei nomi dei loro velivoli). L'Avia BH-10 è un'evoluzione dei precedenti modelli da addestramento e acrobatici come l'Avia BH-9. Caratteristiche principali: Tipologia: L'Avia BH-10 è un monoplano ad ala bassa, leggero, utilizzato principalmente come aereo da addestramento e competizione. Design: Aveva una struttura semplice, con ali basse, un carrello d'atterraggio fisso e una configurazione monoposto, il che lo rendeva adatto all'addestramento dei piloti e alle competizioni aeree. Prestazioni: Era alimentato da un motore radiale di piccola potenza, che forniva prestazioni adeguate per i ruoli di addestramento e acrobazia. Utilizzo: Utilizzato principalmente per l'addestramento dei piloti e per eventi sportivi, l'Avia BH-10 ha avuto un buon successo nelle competizioni aeree, grazie alla sua manovrabilità e alla leggerezza. Evoluzione: Il BH-10 era una versione migliorata del precedente Avia BH-9, con modifiche che ne ottimizzavano le prestazioni per competizioni e addestramento acrobatico. In sintesi: L'Avia BH-10 era un piccolo aereo da addestramento e competizione, prodotto in Cecoslovacchia negli anni '20. Sebbene semplice, fu utilizzato con successo per la formazione dei piloti e per gare di acrobazia aerea, rendendolo un modello importante nel panorama dell'aviazione cecoslovacca dell'epoca.  


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P-51D-5 Mustang 52nd FG 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0441
SKU KPV-72441
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

P-51D-5 Mustang ''52nd FG'' airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The P-51D-5 Mustang "52nd FG" refers to a P-51D Mustang fighter aircraft, one of the most famous variants of this plane, used by the 52nd Fighter Group (FG) of the USAAF during World War II. The 52nd FG was one of the most active U.S. fighter units in the Mediterranean theater of operations. Characteristics of the P-51D-5 Mustang Design and Structure: Low Wing and Monoplane: The P-51D-5 Mustang was a monoplane with a low wing and an all-metal structure. Engine: It mounted a Packard V-1650-7 engine, a licensed manufactured version of the famous Rolls-Royce Merlin, which provided excellent performance at high altitude. Teardrop Cockpit: The D-5 version is one of the first of the P-51D to feature a teardrop canopy, greatly improving 360-degree visibility for the pilot. Armament: This model was equipped with six Browning M2 12.7 mm machine guns, positioned in the wings, with the ability to carry bombs or rockets, making it versatile for both air-to-air combat and ground attack. 52nd Fighter Group (FG): Operations Unit: The 52nd FG was a fighter group that operated primarily in the Mediterranean theater and North Africa during World War II. It was known for its crucial role in the Italian and Balkan air campaigns. Missions: The group was engaged in missions escorting Allied bombers, patrolling, ground attacks and intercepting enemy aircraft. The transition to the P-51 Mustang allowed the group to extend the range of its missions and improve its overall performance. Base of Operations: During the conflict, the 52nd FG operated from several bases in Italy and southern Europe, supporting Allied operations in these theaters. Role and Impact: Air Superiority: With the P-51D-5, the 52nd FG helped ensure Allied air superiority in the Mediterranean and Europe, providing crucial escorts to bombers and engaging in confrontations with enemy fighters. Support for Operations: The group also supported ground operations with ground attack missions, striking strategic targets such as supply lines, enemy troops and infrastructure. Conclusion The P-51D-5 Mustang "52nd FG" represents a powerful combination of one of the most advanced versions of the Mustang and a highly effective and versatile fighter unit. The 52nd FG took full advantage of the P-51D's capabilities to support Allied operations in the Mediterranean theater, contributing significantly to the Allied victory.


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P-51D-5 Mustang 361st FG 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0442
SKU KPV-72442
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

P-51D-5 Mustang ''361st FG'' airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The P-51D-5 Mustang ''361st FG'' is a variant of the famous P-51 Mustang fighter, used by the USAAF's 361st Fighter Group (FG) during World War II. This fighter group played a crucial role in air operations on the European front, particularly in strategic bomber escort missions. Characteristics of the P-51D-5 Mustang Design and Structure: Low Wing and Monoplane: The P-51D-5 was a monoplane fighter with a low wing and all-metal construction. Engine: Equipped with a Packard V-1650-7 engine, a license-built version of the Rolls-Royce Merlin, the P-51D-5 offered an excellent combination of power and reliability, with excellent performance at high altitude. Teardrop Cockpit: Introduced with this version, the teardrop canopy significantly improved pilot visibility, an important advantage during aerial combat. Armament: The P-51D-5 was armed with six 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine guns mounted in the wings. In addition, it could carry bombs or rockets for ground attack missions, making it a very versatile aircraft. 361st Fighter Group (FG): Operations Unit: The 361st FG was part of the U.S. Eighth Air Force and operated primarily from the United Kingdom. It was known for its bomber escort missions and air support to ground operations in Europe. Missions: The group participated in numerous long-range escort missions for B-17 and B-24 bombers, protecting them from attacks by Luftwaffe fighters. In addition, pilots of the 361st FG engaged in air strikes against German tactical and strategic targets. Base of Operations: The 361st FG operated primarily from RAF Bottisham base in Cambridgeshire, UK. Role and Impact: Escort Missions: One of the 361st FG's main tasks was to escort American bombers on raids deep into German territory, protecting them from enemy attacks and ensuring the success of bombing missions. Air Superiority Support: The group contributed greatly to the reduction of losses among Allied bombers due to the P-51D's ability to engage and neutralize enemy fighters at high altitudes and over long distances. Contribution to Allied Victory: The 361st FG's operations with the P-51D-5 were an integral part of the Allied air strategy that led to the destruction of the Luftwaffe's combat capability, contributing to victory in Europe. Conclusion The P-51D-5 Mustang "361st FG" represents one of the most effective combinations of advanced technology and air tactics during World War II. The 361st Fighter Group, equipped with this formidable fighter, played a crucial role in protecting Allied bombers and gaining air superiority in Europe, significantly influencing the outcome of the conflict.


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P-51D-5 Mustang 20.th FG 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0440
SKU KPV-72440
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

P-51D-5 Mustang "20th FG" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. The P-51D-5 Mustang "20th FG" refers to a specific version of the American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft used by the USAAF's 20th Fighter Group (FG) during World War II. This aircraft, along with the fighter group to which it was assigned, played a crucial role in air operations in Europe. Features of the P-51D-5 Mustang Design and Structure: Low Wing and Monoplane: The P-51D-5 was an all-metal low-wing monoplane. Engine: Equipped with the Packard V-1650-7 engine, a licensed manufactured version of the Rolls-Royce Merlin, which gave the fighter a high top speed and excellent performance at medium to high altitudes. Teardrop Cockpit: This version introduced the teardrop canopy, which improved the pilot's visibility, compared with earlier versions with a framed canopy. Armament: The P-51D-5 was armed with six 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine guns mounted in the wings, and could also carry bombs or rockets for ground attack missions. 20th Fighter Group (FG): Operational Unit: The 20th FG was a USAAF fighter group that operated mainly in Europe during World War II. Base of Operations: The group was based at Kings Cliffe, England, and participated in numerous long-range escort missions for Allied bombers, as well as air superiority and ground attack operations. Missions: The 20th FG was involved in major air campaigns over Germany and Axis-occupied territories, helping to protect Allied bombers and engaging in combat against the Luftwaffe. Performance and Impact: Crucial Role: As part of the 20th FG, the P-51D-5 Mustang played an essential role in ensuring Allied air superiority. Its long-range escort capabilities enabled it to effectively protect strategic bombers during deep bombing missions in Germany. Bellic Efficiency: Due to its speed, maneuverability and robustness, the P-51D-5 became one of the most effective fighters of the war, contributing significantly to Allied air victories. Conclusion The P-51D-5 Mustang "20th FG" represents one of the most effective combinations of fighter aircraft and fighter unit of World War II. The use of the P-51D-5 by the 20th Fighter Group was instrumental in ensuring Allied air superiority in Europe and protecting strategic bombing missions against Axis forces.


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SKU KPV-72464
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Avro 504L 'Float Version' aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. TheAvro 504L 'Float Version' is a seaplane variant of the iconic Avro 504 biplane. This version was developed to operate from water surfaces, equipped with floats (or floats), which allowed it to take off and land on water, rather than conventional runways. Key Features of the Avro 504L Floats Configuration: The Avro 504L was equipped with two large floats under the fuselage instead of the normal landing gear. These floats allowed the plane to operate from seas, lakes or rivers, making it suitable for maritime missions and operations in regions without conventional airfields. Structure Modifications: In addition to the addition of the floats, the structure of the Avro 504L was strengthened to handle the additional stresses of taking off and landing on water. This also involved some modifications to the aircraft's engine and balance to maintain the same flight characteristics as the land-based version. Operational Use: Training: Like the other variants of the 504, the Avro 504L was used primarily for pilot training, particularly for those who had to operate seaplanes or maritime patrol aircraft. Maritime Missions: It was also used for coastal patrol and coastal monitoring missions, although in limited numbers compared to the land-based versions. Deployment: The Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) and other naval air forces used the Avro 504L in various coastal and maritime locations. Other nations interested in developing seaplane capabilities also acquired some units for training and patrol operations. Impact and Success: Although it was not produced in as large numbers as the land-based versions of the 504, the Avro 504L demonstrated the versatility of the Avro 504's design, helping to prepare crews for naval and maritime operations, which became increasingly important over the course of World War I and the years that followed. Conclusion TheAvro 504L 'Float Version' represents an important variant of the Avro 504 biplane, adapted for maritime operations. This model contributed to the training of seaplane pilots and the strengthening of the operational capabilities of naval forces, demonstrating the flexibility and effectiveness of the original design in a new operational dimension.


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SKU KPV-72465
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Avro 504K 'European Users' aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. TheAvro 504K 'European Users' refers to the use of the Avro 504K biplane by various European air forces during and after World War I. This specific version, the Avro 504K, is one of the most produced and popular variants of the entire Avro 504 series due to its versatility and reliability. Main Features of the Avro 504K Role and Usage: Training: The Avro 504K was primarily used as a training aircraft. Its stability and ease of piloting made it ideal for training new pilots. Reconnaissance and Communications: In addition to training, some versions were used for reconnaissance missions and for liaison and communications duties during the war. Dissemination in Europe: European Air Forces: Many European nations, including the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Italy and others, adopted the Avro 504K into their air forces. After the war, the aircraft was sold or given to various countries, becoming one of the most widely used aircraft for pilot training. Long Operational Career: The Avro 504K continued to be used in Europe for many years after World War I, in both military and civilian roles. It was used in various roles, including advanced training, aerobatic flight and air demonstrations. Engine and Performance: Engine Versatility: One of the distinguishing features of the 504K was its ability to mount different types of rotary engines, making it particularly versatile and suitable for various operational needs. Performance: The aircraft had a top speed of about 150 km/h and a range of about 400 km, making it suitable for the short-range missions typical of its role. Production: Massive Production: With over 8,000 units produced, the Avro 504K was one of the most built aircraft of the period. Production took place mainly in the United Kingdom, but also in other European countries that built licensed versions. Historical Impact: Contribution to Aeronautical Development: The widespread use of the Avro 504K in Europe contributed significantly to the training of thousands of pilots and the development of aeronautical capabilities in European countries. Its reliability and ease of use made it a benchmark in training. Conclusion TheAvro 504K 'European Users' represents the widespread use of this biplane by the air forces of various European nations, both during and after World War I. Its historical importance is related to the crucial role it played in pilot training and the development of European aviation after World War I.


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SKU KPV-72462
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Avro 504K 'Over Europe' airplane kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. TheAvro 50 4K'Over Europe' refers to the use of the Avro 504K biplane in Europe during and after World War I. This version was one of the most popular and widely used versions of the Avro 504 model, which became one of the most iconic aircraft of the era. Avro 504K in Europe Use in World War I: Initial Role: The Avro 504 was initially used for reconnaissance and light bombing missions early in the war, although soon the 504K model became primarily a training aircraft. Zeppelin bombing: The Avro 504 gained notoriety for participating in one of the first bombing missions against German Zeppelin airships in 1914. Pilot Training: Primary Training Aircraft: During the war, and especially after 1916, the Avro 504K was adopted by the Allied Air Forces as the primary aircraft for pilot training. Its stability in flight and ease of control made it ideal for training new aviators. Engine Versatility: The 504K version was famous for its ability to mount different types of rotary engines, making it particularly versatile and suitable for different training needs. After World War I: Continuity in Use: Even after the end of the war, the Avro 504K continued to be used in Europe for many years, not only as a training aircraft, but also for civilian purposes and aerobatic flight training. Adoption by Various Countries: Many European countries, including France, Italy, and Belgium, adopted the Avro 504K into their air forces for training and testing purposes. Production and Dissemination: Massive Production: The Avro 504K was produced in large numbers, with more than 8,000 built. This massive production was made possible by the cooperation of several factories in Europe. Widespread Distribution: After the war, many examples were sold or given to other European nations, helping to spread the aircraft across the continent. Impact on Aeronautical Development: The widespread use of the Avro 504K in Europe contributed significantly to the training of thousands of pilots and the growth of aviation capabilities of European nations. The model became a benchmark in pilot training, laying the foundation for the development of postwar civil and military aviation. Conclusion TheAvro 504K 'Over Europe' represents a fundamental piece of aviation history, having been one of the most widely used and influential aircraft during and after World War I. Its widespread distribution in Europe made it crucial for pilot training and the advancement of aviation capabilities in European countries.


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SKU KPV-72461
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Japan
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Avro 504K 'Japanese Users' aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. TheAvro 504K'Japanese Users' refers to the version of the Avro 504K aircraft used by the Japanese armed forces, mainly theImperial JapaneseArmy and Imperial Japanese Navy. Avro 504K in Japan Introduction in Japan: The Avro 504K was imported to Japan in the 1920s, during the period when the country was modernizing and upgrading its air force. The first units were used both as training aircraft and for technical training purposes, helping the Japanese develop their aviation skills. Role and Usage: Training: As in the UK, the main use of the Avro 504K in Japan was for pilot training. Japanese Army and Navy flight schools used the 504K to train new aviators because of its ease of flight and ruggedness. Experiments and Technical Training: In addition to basic training, the Avro 504K was also used for aviation experiments and to train Japanese technicians and mechanics in aircraft maintenance operations. Local Production and Modifications: In Japan, some Avro 504Ks were built under license by local aircraft manufacturers. These aircraft sometimes had minor modifications to suit specific Japanese requirements or to use local components. Impact on the Japanese Air Force: The use of the Avro 504K contributed significantly to the development of Japan's aviation capabilities. The skills gained from this aircraft were instrumental in the training of Japan's first pilot groups and the development of the domestic aviation industry, which would later produce its own advanced combat aircraft. Conclusion TheAvro 504K 'Japanese Users' represents an important transitional phase for Japanese aviation, which was rapidly evolving in the early 20th century. This British biplane, adapted and used in Japan, was instrumental in the training of early Japanese pilots and the growth of technical skills in the Japanese aviation industry.


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Aero L-29A Dolphin Akrobat 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0466
SKU KPV-72466
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Aero L-29A Delfín 'Akrobat' aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The AeroL-29A Delfín 'Akrobat' is a special version of the Aero L-29 Delfín, a jet trainer aircraft produced in Czechoslovakia starting in the 1960s. The 'Akrobat' model was a modified variant of the L-29, designed specifically for aero aerobatics and used in aerobatic competitions and demonstrations. Main Features of the Aero L-29A 'Akrobat': Design and Structure: Based on the L-29: The original 'Delfín' was already known for its robustness and maneuverability, features that were further emphasized in the 'Akrobat' version. Modifications for Aerobatics: The L-29A 'Akrobat' was modified with reinforced structures and improvements to the flight controls to enable more extreme and safer aerobatic maneuvers. Usage: Exhibition and Competition: This version was mainly used in air shows and aerobatic competitions, showing the aircraft's capabilities in high-G maneuvers. Aerobatic Training: Some air forces used the L-29A 'Akrobat' to train pilots in advanced aerobatic flying techniques. Performance: Improved Maneuverability: Modifications made to this variant made the aircraft particularly suitable for performing complex aerobatic maneuvers, such as tonneaux, loops, and tight turns. Engine: The L-29A retained the L-29's original engine, but its aerobatic configuration may have required specific adjustments to optimize performance during performances. Popularity and Legacy: Prestige in Performances: The L-29A 'Akrobat' was considered one of the top aircraft for aerobatic demonstrations in Eastern Europe during the Cold War period. Pioneer in Reaction Aerobatics: This version helped demonstrate the aerobatic capabilities of jet aircraft, influencing the design and engineering of future training and aerobatic aircraft. Conclusion TheAero L-29A Delfín 'Akrobat' is an aerobatic variant of the well-known Czechoslovak L-29 trainer. Modified to perform advanced aerial maneuvers, the Akrobat has played an important role in aerobatic displays and pilot training, cementing the L-29's reputation as a versatile and robust aircraft.


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Aero L-29 Dauphin 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0467
SKU KPV-72467
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Aero L-29 Delfín 'Early' airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. TheAero L-29 Delfín ' Early' refers to early production versions of the L-29 Delfín, a jet trainer aircraft developed in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s and 1960s. The L-29 Delfín was the first training jet designed and built entirely in Czechoslovakia and became the standard trainer for the Warsaw Pact Air Force. Main Features of the Aero L-29 Delfín 'Early': Origin and Development: Design: The design of the L-29 Delfín began in the early 1950s as a response to the need for a jet trainer aircraft for Eastern Bloc countries. It was designed to be simple, robust, and reliable, suitable for both basic and advanced training. Early Prototypes: The first prototypes of the L-29 flew in 1959, and after various tests and modifications, the model entered production in 1963. Design and Structure: Configuration: The L-29 was a straight-wing monoplane with a single jet engine mounted in the fuselage. It had a two-seat tandem cockpit, with the instructor pilot sitting behind the student. Materials: The structure was mainly metal, with a design that favored simplicity and ease of maintenance. Engine and Performance: Engine: Early versions of the L-29 were equipped with a Motorlet M-701 turbojet engine, which developed about 1,960 pounds of thrust. Performance: The top speed of the L-29 'Early' was about 655 km/h, with a range of about 900 km. It was designed to operate from unprepared runways, increasing its versatility. Role and Usage: Basic and Advanced Training: The L-29 Delfín was used for basic fighter pilot training, including visual flight, instrument flying, aerobatics and combat training. Diffusion: The L-29 became the standard trainer in many Warsaw Pact countries and was exported to numerous countries around the world. Evolution: Early Versions: The L-29 'Early' represents early production versions before modifications and upgrades based on operational experience were made. Successors: Later versions of the L-29 received improvements in avionics and on-board systems and continued to be used for many years. Conclusion TheAero L-29 Delfín 'Early' represents the initial production phase of one of the most important jet trainers in the Eastern Bloc. This aircraft trained thousands of pilots during the Cold War and was the backbone of military pilot training in many countries for decades.


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P-51D-5 Mustang 357.th FG 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0439
SKU KPV-72439
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

P-51D-5 Mustang "357.th FG" airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The P-51D-5 Mustang "357th FG" refers to a specific version of the famous American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft associated with the USAAF (United States Army Air Forces) 357th Fighter Group (FG) during World War II. The P-51D is one of the most iconic and improved variants of the Mustang, known for its effectiveness as both a fighter and a long-range escort. Key Features of the P-51D-5 Mustang Design and Structure: Low Wing: The P-51D was a low-wing monoplane with an all-metal structure. Teardrop Cockpit: The P-51D-5 introduced a teardrop canopy ("bubble canopy") that offered the pilot greatly improved visibility compared to earlier versions with a framed canopy. Engine: Equipped with a Packard V-1650-7 engine, a license-produced version of the famous Rolls-Royce Merlin, which provided about 1,490 horsepower. Armament: The P-51D-5 was armed with six 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine guns mounted in the wings and could carry bombs or rockets for ground attack missions. 357th Fighter Group (FG): Elite Unit: The 357th FG, also known as "The Yoxford Boys," was a USAAF fighter group that operated primarily in Europe. It was one of the most effective fighter groups of the war. Theater of Operation: The group operated mainly from Britain, performing escort missions to American bombers over occupied Europe, as well as ground attack and intercept missions. Famous Aces: The 357th FG was famous for producing numerous aces, including Clarence "Bud" Anderson and Chuck Yeager, who later became famous for being the first pilot to break the sound barrier. Impact and Operational History: Crucial Role: The P-51D Mustang, including the model used by the 357th FG, played a crucial role in ensuring Allied air superiority in Europe. Its long-range capabilities and excellent performance enabled it to escort bombers all the way to Germany, reducing losses and improving the effectiveness of strategic bombing campaigns. Superior Performance: Due to its speed, maneuverability and ruggedness, the P-51D became one of the Axis' most feared fighter aircraft. Conclusion The P-51D-5 Mustang "357th FG" represents a combination of one of the most advanced fighter aircraft of World War II and one of the USAAF's most distinguished fighter groups. Its association with the 357th Fighter Group underscores the strategic importance of the P-51D in the success of Allied air operations during the conflict.


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Morane Saulnier MoS.30 - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0456
SKU KPV-72456
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Morane Saulnier MoS.30 (A.I.) "Polish services" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. The Morane-Saulnier MoS.30 (A.I.) "Polish Services" is a version of the Morane-Saulnier Type A.I, a French single-seat fighter, which was used by the Polish Air Force (Polskie Lotnictwo Wojskowe) during and after World War I. This aircraft was part of the equipment of the Polish Air Force in the early years of its existence. Main Features of the Morane-Saulnier MoS.30 (A.I.) Design and Construction: Origins: The Morane-Saulnier Type A.I was developed for the French Armée de l'Air and introduced in early 1918. Manufacturer: Morane-Saulnier, a well-known French aircraft company. Design and Configuration: Monoplane: Parasol high-wing monoplane configuration. Structure: Wooden construction with canvas covering. Dimensions: Wingspan of about 8.42 meters and length of about 6.30 meters. Motorization: Engine: 160 horsepower (120 kW) Gnome Monosoupape 9N rotary engine. Performance: Top speed of about 200 km/h and range of about 300 km (186 miles). Armament: Machine gun: Typically a synchronized 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun. Use by Polish Services. Historical Context: After World War I: Poland, newly reconstituted as an independent state after more than a century of partitions, found itself having to quickly build up its armed forces, including an air force. Acquisition: Poland acquired several aircraft, including Morane-Saulnier A.Is, from wartime surplus and as part of agreements with Entente countries. Operational Role: Defense and Patrol: Used for patrols and air defense missions during the conflicts Poland faced in the early years of independence, including the Polish-Soviet War (1919-1921). Training: Many of these aircraft were also used for training new Polish pilots. Performance and Reliability: Agility: Like the French version, the MoS.30 was prized for its agility and maneuverability. Reliability: Despite its age and logistical challenges, the aircraft proved reliable enough for service. Impact and Significance: Development of the Polish Air Force: The use of these aircraft contributed to the development of Poland's air capabilities, training a generation of pilots and technicians. Symbolism: They represented Poland's determination to defend its independence and develop a capable air force. Conclusion The Morane-Saulnier MoS.30 (A.I.) "Polish Services" is a significant example of how Poland used surplus aircraft from World War I to build its air force in the early years of its independence. These aircraft, while not the most modern at the time, played a crucial role in the defense of the young nation and the development of Polish aviation capabilities.


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Aero L-29 Dauphin 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0459
SKU KPV-72459
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Period: Warsaw Pact
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Aero L-29 Delfín "Warsaw Pact" airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. TheAero L-29 Delfín is a jet trainer aircraft developed in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s and 1960s. Produced by the Aero Vodochody company, it was the first Czechoslovak jet aircraft and one of the main training aircraft used by the Warsaw Pact countries. Main Features of the Aero L-29 Delfín Design and Construction: Origins: The design of the L-29 began in 1955, with the first flight made on April 5, 1959. It was developed to meet the need for a reliable and economical jet trainer. Manufacturer: Aero Vodochody, one of the leading aviation companies in Czechoslovakia. Design and Configuration: Configuration: Low-wing monoplane. Structure: Made mainly of metal, with a two-seat tandem configuration for student and instructor. Dimensions: Length of 10.81 meters, wingspan of 10.29 meters and height of 3.13 meters. Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a Motorlet M-701C jet engine, capable of developing a thrust of about 8.7 kN (1,960 lbf). Performance: Maximum speed of about 655 km/h (407 mph), range of 894 km (556 miles), and maximum tangency of 11,500 meters (37,730 feet). Armament: Basic Configuration: The L-29 was primarily a training aircraft and was not normally armed. Armed Versions: Some versions could be equipped with machine guns, light bombs or rockets for combat training. Operational Use. Historical Context: Cold War: During the Cold War, the L-29 Delfín became the standard jet trainer for many Warsaw Pact countries and other nations allied with the Soviet Union. Production: Between 1963 and 1974, more than 3,500 were produced, making it one of the most popular training aircraft in the world. User Countries: Eastern Bloc: Mainly used by Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Cuba. Other Users: Countries outside the Soviet bloc, such as Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia and Nigeria, also used the L-29. Operational Role: Pilot Training: Used primarily for basic and advanced pilot training, including instrument and formation flying training. Combat Training: Some examples were configured for light combat training, equipped with weapons to simulate combat scenarios. Performance and Reliability: Reliability: The L-29 was known for its ruggedness and simplicity, which facilitated its maintenance and operation in a variety of environmental conditions. Flight Performance: Although not particularly fast by modern training aircraft standards, the L-29 offered good flight characteristics for a trainer. Conclusion TheAero L-29 Delfín was one of the most important and widespread training aircraft during the Cold War. Its simplicity, robustness and reliability made it an excellent tool for training military pilots in many countries. The L-29 has left a significant mark on the history of military aviation, contributing to the training of generations of pilots around the world.


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Nieuport Ni-16 - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0452
SKU KPV-72452
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Nieuport Ni-16 "Other services" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. The Nieuport Ni-16 is a French fighter aircraft used during World War I. It was an upgraded and improved version of the Nieuport Ni-11, designed to maintain air superiority. The term "Aces" refers to the pilots who became famous for their skills in aerial combat and achieved numerous victories flying this type of aircraft. Main Features of the Nieuport Ni-16 Design and Construction: Origins: The Ni-16 was developed as an improvement of the Nieuport Ni-11, with a more powerful engine and some structural modifications to increase its performance. Manufacturer: Produced by Nieuport, one of the leading French aircraft companies of the time, the Ni-16 entered service in 1916. Design and Configuration: Biplane: Biplane configuration with different sized upper and lower wings (sesquiplane configuration), where the lower wing was significantly smaller than the upper wing. Structure: Mainly wooden structure, with canvas covering, similar to the Ni-11 but with reinforcements to support the more powerful engine. Dimensions: Wingspan of about 7.55 meters (24 feet 9 inches) and a length of about 5.80 meters (19 feet). Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 110-horsepower (82 kW) Le Rhône 9J rotary engine, compared with 80 horsepower (60 kW) of the Ni-11. Performance: It could reach a top speed of about 165 km/h (103 mph) and had a similar range to the Ni-11, but with better climbing capabilities. Armament: Machine gun: The Ni-16 could be equipped with a 7.7 mm Vickers synchronized machine gun mounted on the nose, which fired through the propeller, or a Lewis machine gun mounted above the upper wing. Additional Options: Some models were equipped with small rockets for ground attack. Use by Axes Historical Context: World War I: The Ni-16 was used mainly in 1916 and 1917, a period when air tactics and technology were evolving rapidly. Famous Aces: Georges Guynemer: One of France's most famous aces, he flew various Nieuport models, including the Ni-11 and Ni-16. Guynemer accumulated 54 aerial victories. Charles Nungesser: Another famous French ace, known for his many victories and charismatic personality, he also flew on the Ni-16. ItalianAces: Italian pilots also used the Ni-16, achieving numerous victories and contributing to Italy's war efforts. Operational Role and Successes: Air Combat: The Ni-16 was used in numerous aerial combats, demonstrating its superiority over enemy aircraft due to its agility and firepower. Ground Support: In addition to aerial combat, the Ni-16 was employed in reconnaissance and ground attack missions. Performance and Reliability: Maneuverability: The light weight and improved structure of the Ni-16 made it extremely maneuverable, a crucial feature in aerial duels. Reliability: Despite problems common to rotary engines at the time, the Ni-16 was considered a reliable aircraft. Conclusion The Nieuport Ni-16 "Aces" represents an important evolution in World War I fighter aircraft design. Due to its improved firepower and superior performance, it was a favorite aircraft of many of the best pilots of the time. Aces who flew in this aircraft managed to achieve numerous victories, cementing the Ni-16's reputation as one of the best fighters of its generation.


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Nieuport Ni-16 - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0451
SKU KPV-72451
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Nieuport Ni-16 "Aces" airplane kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. The Nieuport Ni-16 is a French fighter aircraft used during World War I. It was an upgraded and improved version of the Nieuport Ni-11, designed to maintain air superiority. The term "Aces" refers to the pilots who became famous for their skills in aerial combat and achieved numerous victories flying this type of aircraft. Main Features of the Nieuport Ni-16 Design and Construction: Origins: The Ni-16 was developed as an improvement of the Nieuport Ni-11, with a more powerful engine and some structural modifications to increase its performance. Manufacturer: Produced by Nieuport, one of the leading French aircraft companies of the time, the Ni-16 entered service in 1916. Design and Configuration: Biplane: Biplane configuration with different sized upper and lower wings (sesquiplane configuration), where the lower wing was significantly smaller than the upper wing. Structure: Mainly wooden structure, with canvas covering, similar to the Ni-11 but with reinforcements to support the more powerful engine. Dimensions: Wingspan of about 7.55 meters (24 feet 9 inches) and a length of about 5.80 meters (19 feet). Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 110-horsepower (82 kW) Le Rhône 9J rotary engine, compared with 80 horsepower (60 kW) of the Ni-11. Performance: It could reach a top speed of about 165 km/h (103 mph) and had a similar range to the Ni-11, but with better climbing capabilities. Armament: Machine gun: The Ni-16 could be equipped with a 7.7 mm Vickers synchronized machine gun mounted on the nose, which fired through the propeller, or a Lewis machine gun mounted above the upper wing. Additional Options: Some models were equipped with small rockets for ground attack. Use by Axes Historical Context: World War I: The Ni-16 was used mainly in 1916 and 1917, a period when air tactics and technology were evolving rapidly. Famous Aces: Georges Guynemer: One of France's most famous aces, he flew various Nieuport models, including the Ni-11 and Ni-16. Guynemer accumulated 54 aerial victories. Charles Nungesser: Another famous French ace, known for his many victories and charismatic personality, he also flew on the Ni-16. ItalianAces: Italian pilots also used the Ni-16, achieving numerous victories and contributing to Italy's war efforts. Operational Role and Successes: Air Combat: The Ni-16 was used in numerous aerial combats, demonstrating its superiority over enemy aircraft due to its agility and firepower. Ground Support: In addition to aerial combat, the Ni-16 was employed in reconnaissance and ground attack missions. Performance and Reliability: Maneuverability: The light weight and improved structure of the Ni-16 made it extremely maneuverable, a crucial feature in aerial duels. Reliability: Despite problems common to rotary engines at the time, the Ni-16 was considered a reliable aircraft. Conclusion The Nieuport Ni-16 "Aces" represents an important evolution in World War I fighter aircraft design. Due to its improved firepower and superior performance, it was a favorite aircraft of many of the best pilots of the time. Aces who flew in this aircraft managed to achieve numerous victories, cementing the Ni-16's reputation as one of the best fighters of its generation.


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Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0450
SKU KPV-72450
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé "Italian Aces" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé "Italian Aces" refers to the versions of the French Nieuport Ni-11 fighter aircraft used by Italian pilots, particularly aviation aces, during World War I. These Italian pilots became famous for their skills and successes in combat while flying the Ni-11. Main Features of the Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé Design and Construction: Origins: The Ni-11 was developed by Nieuport as an improved and lighter version of the Nieuport 10, a reconnaissance and fighter biplane. Manufacturer: Nieuport, one of the leading French aircraft companies of the time, built the Ni-11 and introduced it in 1915. Design and Configuration: Biplane: Biplane configuration with different sized upper and lower wings (sesquiplane configuration), where the lower wing was significantly smaller than the upper wing. Structure: Mainly wooden structure, with canvas covering, light and agile. Dimensions: Wingspan of about 7.52 meters (24 feet 8 inches) and a length of about 5.80 meters (19 feet). Motorization: Engine: 80 horsepower (60 kW) Le Rhône 9C rotary engine. Performance: Top speed of about 156 km/h (97 mph) and range of about 250 km (155 miles). Armament: Machine gun: 7.7 mm Lewis machine gun mounted above the upper wing. Additional Options: Some models equipped with grenade launchers for ground attack. Use by Italian Axes. Historical Context: Italy inWorld War I: Italy entered the war in 1915 and used various models of aircraft, including the Nieuport Ni-11, supplied by France. Importance of the Ni-11: The Ni-11 played a crucial role in Italian air operations, especially in the Alpine front against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Italian Aces: Francesco Baracca: One of the most famous Italian aces, with 34 credited victories, he flew various Nieuport models, including Ni-11s. His personal badge, a prancing horse, became famous and was later adopted by Ferrari. Silvio Scaroni: With 26 victories, Scaroni was another famous Italian pilot who flew the Ni-11. Fulco Ruffo di Calabria: With 20 victories, Ruffo di Calabria was one of the Italian aces who contributed significantly to the war effort. Operational Role and Successes: Aerial Combat: Italian aces used the Ni-11 in numerous aerial combats, demonstrating the fighter's capabilities in aerial dueling due to its agility and maneuverability. Ground Support: In addition to aerial combat, the Ni-11 was also used for reconnaissance and ground attack missions. Performance and Reliability: Maneuverability: The light weight and structure of the Ni-11 made it extremely maneuverable, a crucial feature in World War I aerial combat. Reliability: Despite its simplicity of design, the Ni-11 was considered a reliable and robust aircraft. Conclusion The Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé "Italian Aces" represents not only a significant piece of Italian aviation history, but also an example of the extraordinary capabilities of Italian pilots during World War I. Due to its maneuverability and reliability, the Ni-11 enabled Italian aces to achieve numerous successes in the skies, contributing significantly to Italy's war efforts. The Italian aces who flew this fighter became aviation legends, and their achievements are still remembered today.

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Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0449
SKU KPV-72449
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé "French Aces" airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé is a French fighter plane used during the First World War. It was designed and built by Nieuport, one of the leading French aircraft companies of the time. The Ni-11 was a scaled-down version of the earlier Nieuport 10 model, hence the nickname "Bébé" (baby). This aircraft played a crucial role in air operations in the early years of the conflict. Main Features of the Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé Design and Construction: Origins: The Ni-11 was developed as an improved and lighter version of the Nieuport 10, a reconnaissance and fighter biplane. Manufacturer: Produced by the French company Nieuport, the Ni-11 was introduced in 1915. Design and Configuration: Biplane: The Ni-11 was a biplane with upper and lower wings of different sizes (sesquiplane configuration), where the lower wing was significantly smaller than the upper wing. Structure: The structure was mainly wood, with canvas covering. This lightweight configuration improved the aircraft's agility and performance. Dimensions: It had a wingspan of about 7.52 meters (24 feet 8 inches) and an overall length of about 5.80 meters (19 feet). Motorization: Engine: Equipped with an 80 horsepower (60 kW) Le Rhône 9C rotary engine, the Ni-11 was relatively powerful for its size. Performance: It could reach a top speed of about 156 km/h (97 mph) and had a range of about 250 km (155 miles). Armament: Machine gun: The Ni-11 was armed with a 7.7 mm Lewis machine gun mounted above the upper wing, out of the propeller field, to avoid problems with the synchronizer. This configuration allowed it to fire without hitting the propeller. Additional Options: Some models were equipped with grenade launchers for ground attack. Operational Role and Employment: Fighter: The main operational role of the Ni-11 was as a fighter, engaged in air combat operations against enemy aircraft. Defense and Escort: It was also used for defense of bomber formations and for escort missions. Performance and Reliability: Agility: Due to its light weight and powerful engine, the Ni-11 was extremely maneuverable and agile, features crucial in aerial combat. Reliability: Despite being relatively simple, it was a reliable aircraft that was highly valued by pilots. International Use: France: The Ni-11 was widely used by the French Aéronautique Militaire. Italy and Russia: The Italian and Russian air forces also adopted the Ni-11, recognizing its excellent flying characteristics. Conclusion The Nieuport Ni-11 Bébé was a light and agile fighter that played an important role in the early years of World War I. Due to its maneuverability and good performance, it quickly became popular among pilots and helped balance air superiority during the conflict. Its simple but effective configuration made it a highly respected aircraft that was also used by other Allied nations.


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Morane Saulnier MS.A.I 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0455
SKU KPV-72455
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Morane Saulnier MS.A.I "Other services" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I, also known as the Morane-Saulnier Type AI, is a French single-seat fighter aircraft used during World War I. It was designed by the French firm Morane-Saulnier and introduced in early 1918. Main Features of the Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I. Design and Construction: Origins: The MS.A.I was designed as a light and maneuverable fighter for the Armée de l'Air (the French Air Force). Manufacturer: Made by Morane-Saulnier, a French aviation company renowned for its innovative aircraft. Design and Configuration: Monoplane: The MS.A.I was a parasol high-wing monoplane, a fairly rare design for fighters of the time. Structure: The structure was mainly wooden, with canvas covering, typical of aircraft of that era. Dimensions: It had a wingspan of about 8.42 meters (27 feet 7 inches) and a length of about 6.30 meters (20 feet 8 inches). Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 160 horsepower (120 kW) Gnome Monosoupape 9N rotary engine. Performance: It could reach a top speed of about 200 km/h (124 mph) and had a range of about 300 km (186 miles). The rate of climb was one of the best in its class. Armament: Machine gun: Typically armed with a synchronized 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun mounted in front of the pilot and firing through the propeller disk. Operational Role and Usage. Historical Context: World War I: The MS.A.I was introduced near the end of the war in 1918. Despite its late arrival, it had a significant impact in the latter stages of the conflict. Operational Role: Fighter: The MS.A.I's main role was as a fighter, engaged in aerial combat against enemy aircraft. Reconnaissance: Due to its speed and maneuverability, it was also used for tactical reconnaissance missions. Performance and Reliability: Agility: The monoplane design made the MS.A.I extremely agile and capable of quick maneuvers in aerial combat. Reliability: Despite some initial problems with the engine, the MS.A.I proved to be a reliable and robust aircraft. Post-War Use: Training: After the war, many MS.A.Is were used as training aircraft for new pilots. Exports: Some examples were exported and used by other European air forces. Conclusion The Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I represents an important milestone in the evolution of fighter aircraft during World War I. Its innovative design, combined with excellent flight performance, made it an aircraft feared by enemies and appreciated by pilots. Despite being introduced in the final stages of the conflict, the MS.A.I left a significant mark on the history of military aviation.

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Morane Saulnier MS.A.I 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0454
SKU KPV-72454
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Morane Saulnier MS.A.I "French services" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I, also known as the Morane-Saulnier Type AI, is a French single-seat fighter aircraft used during World War I. It was designed by the French firm Morane-Saulnier and introduced in early 1918. Main Characteristics of the Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I. Design and Construction: Origins: The MS.A.I was designed as a light and maneuverable fighter for the Armée de l'Air (the French Air Force). Manufacturer: Made by Morane-Saulnier, a French aviation company renowned for its innovative aircraft. Design and Configuration: Monoplane: The MS.A.I was a parasol high-wing monoplane, a fairly rare design for fighters of the time. Structure: The structure was mainly wooden, with canvas covering, typical of aircraft of that era. Dimensions: It had a wingspan of about 8.42 meters (27 feet 7 inches) and a length of about 6.30 meters (20 feet 8 inches). Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 160 horsepower (120 kW) Gnome Monosoupape 9N rotary engine. Performance: It could reach a top speed of about 200 km/h (124 mph) and had a range of about 300 km (186 miles). Its climbing speed was one of the best in its class. Armament: Machine gun: Typically armed with a synchronized 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun mounted in front of the pilot and firing through the propeller disk. Operational Role and Usage. Historical Context: World War I: The MS.A.I was introduced near the end of the war in 1918. Despite its late arrival, it had a significant impact in the latter stages of the conflict. Operational Role: Fighter: The MS.A.I's main role was as a fighter, engaged in aerial combat against enemy aircraft. Reconnaissance: Due to its speed and maneuverability, it was also used for tactical reconnaissance missions. Performance and Reliability: Agility: The monoplane design made the MS.A.I extremely agile and capable of quick maneuvers in aerial combat. Reliability: Despite some initial problems with the engine, the MS.A.I proved to be a reliable and robust aircraft. Post-War Use: Training: After the war, many MS.A.I were used as training aircraft for new pilots. Exports: Some examples were exported and used by other European air forces. Conclusion The Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I represents an important milestone in the evolution of fighter aircraft during World War I. Its innovative design, combined with excellent flight performance, made it an aircraft feared by enemies and appreciated by pilots. Despite being introduced in the final stages of the conflict, the MS.A.I left a significant mark on the history of military aviation.


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Morane Saulnier MS.A.I 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0453
SKU KPV-72453
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Morane Saulnier MS.A.I "Over France" aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV. The Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I, also known as the Morane-Saulnier Type AI, is a French single-seat fighter plane used during World War I. It was designed by the French firm Morane-Saulnier and introduced in early 1918. Main Characteristics of the Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I. Design and Construction: Origins: The MS.A.I was designed as a light and maneuverable fighter for the Armée de l'Air (the French Air Force). Manufacturer: Made by Morane-Saulnier, a French aviation company renowned for its innovative aircraft. Design and Configuration: Monoplane: The MS.A.I was a parasol high-wing monoplane, a fairly rare design for fighters of the time. Structure: The structure was mainly wooden, with canvas covering, typical of aircraft of that era. Dimensions: It had a wingspan of about 8.42 meters (27 feet 7 inches) and a length of about 6.30 meters (20 feet 8 inches). Motorization: Engine: Equipped with a 160 horsepower (120 kW) Gnome Monosoupape 9N rotary engine. Performance: It could reach a top speed of about 200 km/h (124 mph) and had a range of about 300 km (186 miles). Its climbing speed was one of the best in its class. Armament: Machine gun: Typically armed with a synchronized 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun mounted in front of the pilot and firing through the propeller disk. Operational Role and Usage. Historical Context: World War I: The MS.A.I was introduced near the end of the war in 1918. Despite its late arrival, it had a significant impact in the latter stages of the conflict. Operational Role: Fighter: The MS.A.I's main role was as a fighter, engaged in aerial combat against enemy aircraft. Reconnaissance: Due to its speed and maneuverability, it was also used for tactical reconnaissance missions. Performance and Reliability: Agility: The monoplane design made the MS.A.I extremely agile and capable of quick maneuvers in aerial combat. Reliability: Despite some initial problems with the engine, the MS.A.I proved to be a reliable and robust aircraft. Post-War Use: Training: After the war, many MS.A.I were used as training aircraft for new pilots. Exports: Some examples were exported and used by other European air forces. Conclusion The Morane-Saulnier MS.A.I represents an important milestone in the evolution of fighter aircraft during World War I. Its innovative design, combined with excellent flight performance, made it an aircraft feared by enemies and appreciated by pilots. Despite being introduced in the final stages of the conflict, the MS.A.I left a significant mark on the history of military aviation.


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Messerschmitt Me 262A 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV CLK016
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Messerschmitt Me 262A "Schwalbe" fighter plane kit 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Messerschmitt Me 262A "Schwalbe" (Swallow in German) was the world's first operational jet fighter. Developed and used by the Luftwaffe during World War II, it represents a milestone in the evolution of military aviation. Here is a detailed overview of the Me 262A:History and DevelopmentDesign: The design of the Me 262 began in the 1930s, with the goal of creating a jet fighter aircraft capable of surpassing the performance of piston-powered aircraft. The project suffered various delays, mainly due to problems with jet engine development.First Flight: The first flight of the prototype occurred on April 18, 1941, but it used a piston engine for initial testing. The first flight with jet engines occurred on July 18, 1942.Production: Serial production began in 1944, with over 1,400 built by the end of the war, although only about 300 entered operational service due to various production problems and limited resources.Technical FeaturesEngines: The Me 262A was equipped with two Junkers Jumo 004 jet engines, capable of providing considerable thrust compared to piston engines.Speed: It could reach a top speed of about 870 km/h (540 mph), making it significantly faster than contemporary piston fighters.Armament: Typically armed with four MK 108 30-mm cannons mounted in the nose, capable of easily shooting down Allied bombers.Configuration: It featured an advanced airplane design with arrow wings and streamlined fuselage.Operational UseRoles: It was primarily employed as an interceptor and fighter, but some variants were also used for ground attack (Me 262A-2a Sturmvogel) and reconnaissance.Impact: Despite its advanced capabilities, the Me 262 entered service too late and in too small numbers to significantly affect the outcome of the war. However, it demonstrated the potential of jet propulsion for the future of military aviation.Challenges: The aircraft suffered from various technical problems, especially with the Jumo 004 engines, which were delicate and had a very short operational life. In addition, material shortages and Allied bombing raids on the factories limited production and operations.VariantsMe 262A-1a: Standard fighter version.Me 262A-2a Sturmvogel: Ground attack variant, armed with bombs.Me 262B-1a: Two-seat training version.Me 262C: Experimental variants with auxiliary propulsion systems.LegacyInnovation: The Me 262 represented a major technological advance in military aviation, influencing the development of postwar jet fighters worldwide.Technology: After the war, several examples were studied by the Allies and influenced the development of jets in the victorious countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union.ConclusionThe Messerschmitt Me 262A "Schwalbe" is one of the most iconic aircraft of World War II. Although its late entry into service and technical problems limited its effectiveness, the Me 262 demonstrated the potential of jet technology and marked the beginning of the jet fighter era.


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Let L-410UVP-E Turbolet 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0457
SKU KPV-72457
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Repubblica Ceca
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Let L-410UVP-E "Turbolet" Over Europe airplane kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model.The Let L-410UVP-E "Turbolet" is a twin-engine regional transport aircraft produced by the Czech company Let Kunovice. The "UVP-E" model is one of the most advanced variants of the L-410 series. The nickname "Over Europe" refers to the widespread deployment and use of this aircraft in various European countries for different operations.Technical SpecificationsType: Regional transport airplaneEngines: Two Walter M601 turboprop engines or Pratt & Whitney PT6ACargo capacity: Can carry up to 19 passengersRange: Approximately 1.500 kmCruising Speed: Approximately 355 km/hOperational Altitude: Up to 6,000 metersConfiguration: High wing to improve stability and ability to operate from short, unprepared runwaysUseRegional TransportationRegional Airlines: The L-410UVP-E is widely used by regional airlines in Europe to transport passengers on short routes. Its ability to operate on short, unpaved runways makes it ideal for smaller airports.Cargo: In addition to passenger transport, the L-410UVP-E can be configured to carry cargo, making it versatile for a variety of logistics needs.Special OperationsAir Ambulance: Some examples have been converted into air ambulances, equipped with medical instruments for transporting critical patients.Search and Rescue: The robustness and reliability of the L-410UVP-E also make it suitable for search and rescue missions, especially in remote areas.Military UseArmed Forces: Several European countries have adopted the L-410UVP-E for military purposes, using it for troop transport, parachuting, and reconnaissance missions.Historical Background and DiffusionThe Let L-410 was developed in the 1960s and 1970s to meet the needs for a reliable and versatile regional aircraft. The "UVP-E" model represents an improved version with greater load capacity, range and overall performance. Its popularity in Europe is due to its combination of robustness, short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability, and relatively low operating costs.Impact and RelevanceThe L-410UVP-E has had a significant impact on regional transportation in Europe, improving connectivity between remote areas and urban centers. Its flexibility of use makes it a valuable asset for both civilian and military operations. Its reliability and ability to operate in harsh conditions have made it popular among many European operators.In summary, the Let L-410UVP-E "Turbolet" is a versatile and robust regional transport aircraft, widely used in Europe for a variety of purposes, from passenger transport to medical rescue, demonstrating its adaptability and reliability in multiple operational contexts.


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Learjet 35 Ambulance 1/144 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM14409
SKU KPV-14409
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

1/144 scale Learjet 35 "Ambulance" airplane kit - Kovozavody Prostejov model.The Learjet 35 "Ambulance" is a version of the Learjet 35 private jet modified and equipped for emergency medical transport, also known as an air ambulance. Here is a detailed overview:Features of the Learjet 35Manufacturer: Bombardier Aerospace (originally produced by Learjet Corporation).Type: Light business jet.First Flight: August 22, 1973.Capacity: Can carry 6 to 8 passengers in standard configuration.Technical Specifications of the Learjet 35Engines: Two Garrett TFE731 turbofan engines.Maximum Speed: Approximately 872 km/h (541 mph).Range: Up to 3,310 km (2,060 nautical miles).Cruise Altitude: 13,716 meters (45,000 feet).Modifications for Ambulance UseInterior Configuration: The interior of the Learjet 35 "Ambulance" is modified to accommodate stretchers, advanced medical equipment and medical personnel. Typical configuration includes one or more stretchers, seats for doctors and nurses, and spaces for medical equipment.Medical Equipment: It is equipped with vital signs monitors, ventilators, infusion pumps, defibrillators, and other equipment needed for life support and treatment during flight.Access: It is often modified to facilitate loading and unloading of patients on stretchers.UseEmergency Medical Transport: Used to quickly transfer patients from one location to another, often in critical situations where time is a factor.Medical Evacuations: Often used for medical evacuations from remote areas or in international emergencies.Air Hospitalization: Allows hospital care to be provided during transport, stabilizing patients until they arrive at an appropriate medical facility.Advantages of the Learjet 35 "Ambulance"Speed: Due to its high cruising speed, the Learjet 35 can significantly reduce transport time compared to other forms of medical transport.Altitude and Comfort: The ability to fly at high altitudes provides a more stable and comfortable flight, which is important for critical patients.Range: With a wide range, it is suitable for long-distance flights without the need for frequent refueling.ConclusionThe Learjet 35 "Ambulance" is an essential aircraft in the field of emergency medical transport and medical evacuations. Its speed, range and ability to be equipped with sophisticated medical equipment make it an ideal choice for transferring critical patients quickly and efficiently.


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Scale: 1/72
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Avia S-92 "Vlaštovka" 1/72 Scale Fighter Aircraft Kit - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV Model.The Avia S-92 "Vlaštovka" (meaning "swallow" in Czech) is the Czechoslovak name for the Messerschmitt Me 262, the world's first operational jet fighter used by the Luftwaffe during World War II. After the war, Czechoslovakia acquired and produced copies of this aircraft. Here is an overview of the features and history of the Avia S-92:Avia S-92 "Vlaštovka"Origins and DevelopmentGerman Base: The Avia S-92 is essentially a copy of the Messerschmitt Me 262, the famous German jet fighter that entered service during World War II. After the war, Czechoslovakia acquired components and documentation from the Me 262.Production: Production of the S-92 began in Czechoslovakia using parts salvaged from the Me 262 and with the assembly of new parts according to German designs. The Avia S-92 was produced by the Avia company, which already had experience in aircraft construction.Technical CharacteristicsEngines: The S-92 was equipped with Jumo 004 jet engines, the same as those used by the original Me 262.Armament: Typically armed with four MK 108 30 mm cannons mounted in the nose, similar to the configuration of the Me 262.Performance: With a top speed of around 870 km/h (540 mph) and an operational range of about 1050 km (650 miles), the S-92 represented a remarkable capability for the postwar Czechoslovak air force.Operational UsePost-War: The Avia S-92 was not used in combat. After World War II, Czechoslovakia sought to renew and modernize its air force using available advanced technology.Training and Experimentation: The S-92s were primarily used for pilot training and experimental purposes. They provided the Czechoslovakian Air Force with valuable experience in the use of jet aircraft.VersionsS-92: The standard fighter version.CS-92: The two-seat trainer version, derived from the Me 262B.LegacyInnovation: Although not involved in combat operations, the S-92 represented a major step forward for the Czechoslovakian Air Force and contributed to the modernization of the country's air force.Technological Bridge: It served as a technological bridge between the piston-powered aircraft of World War II and the new postwar jets.ConclusionThe Avia S-92 "Vlaštovka" is a testament to Czechoslovakia's ability to adapt and use advanced wartime technology for postwar purposes. Based on the Messerschmitt Me 262, the S-92 represents one of the examples of how European countries took advantage of German World War II innovations to modernize their armed forces in the postwar period.


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SKU KPV-72446
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Ansaldo S.V.A.9 "Other services" airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Ansaldo S.V.A. 9, in addition to being employed by the Italian Air Force, was also used by other nations and services for various purposes. Here is an overview of the use of the Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 in "Other services":International useAustriaPost-war period: After the end of World War I, some S.V.A. 9s were acquired by Austria for their air force.Missions: Employed primarily for reconnaissance and training tasks.PolandAcquisition: Poland acquired several S.V.A. 9s in the immediate postwar period.Purposes: Used for pilot training and reconnaissance missions.Civilian Services and Other UsesCivilian MissionsTransport and Communication: Some S.V.A. 9s were used for transporting mail and rapid communications between different locations, taking advantage of their speed and reliability.Private Use: After military demobilization, several examples were adapted for private use, either for recreational flights or small transports.Cinema and ExhibitionFilm Shooting: The maneuverability and reliability of the Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 also made it a popular aircraft for film shoots at the time.Air Shows: Used in air shows for demonstrations of the technical and maneuverable capabilities of the aircraft by pilots.Use in War and Minor ConflictsGreek-Turkish War (1919-1922)Air Support: Some examples were used by both sides for air support and reconnaissance missions during the conflict.Regional ConflictsReconnaissance Missions: Employed in various regional conflicts and post-conflict patrol missions, taking advantage of its long-range capabilities.ConclusionThe Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 "Other services" aircraft represents the adaptability and versatility of this aircraft, which not only served the Italian Air Force excellently, but also found use in numerous other international and civilian services. Its robustness, speed, and ease of maintenance have made it a valuable asset in multiple operational contexts.

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SKU KPV-72445
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Fouga CM-170 Magister 'Over Europe Pt.2' Aircraft Kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Fouga CM-170 Magister is a jet trainer aircraft developed by the French company Fouga in the period following World War II. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Magister was designed in the 1950s to meet the needs of the French Armée de l'Air for a new advanced jet trainer aircraft. The first flight of the Magister took place in 1952.Technical Characteristics: The Magister is a single-engine jet aircraft with two tandem seats for the instructor and student. It is equipped with a Marbore II turbojet engine manufactured by Hispano-Suiza, which gives it good performanceKit Ansaldo S.V.A.9 "Italian Eagles" aircraft in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 is an Italian reconnaissance and light bombing biplane, used mainly during World War I and the period immediately after. Here is a detailed overview:Features of the Ansaldo S.V.A. 9Manufacturer: AnsaldoType: Biplane for reconnaissance and light bombingFirst Flight: 1917Technical SpecificationsEngine: An Isotta Fraschini V.4 inline engineB 220 hpMaximum Speed: Approximately 230 km/hRange: Approximately 1,000 kmMaximum Altitude: Approximately 6,000 metersArmament: Fixed machine guns and light bombsUsageRole and OperationsReconnaissance: Used mainly for observation and reconnaissance missions due to its stability and speed.Light Bombing: Equipped with light bombs, it was also used in tactical bombing missions.Performance and InnovationsSpeed and Agility: Noted for its speed and agility compared to other aircraft of the period.Structure: Robust construction that allowed it to operate in various theaters of operation with different weather conditions.Distinction "Italian Eagles"The term "Italian Eagles" is a reference to the Italian pilots who flew these aircraft, distinguishing themselves by courage and skill during missions. The Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 was a favorite among Italian pilots because of its performance and reliability.Historical SignificanceFamous Missions: Participated in several major missions, contributing to Italian air operations during and after World War I.Evolution of Aviation: The Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 represents an important step in the development of Italian military aviation, highlighting technical and tactical advances of the time.ConclusionThe Ansaldo S.V.A. 9 "Italian Eagles" is an emblematic aircraft in the history of Italian aviation, a symbol of the courage and skill of Italian pilots during the war period. Its speed, agility and versatility made it a valuable tool in reconnaissance and light bombing operations, contributing significantly to Italian military operations.

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Ansaldo SVA 10 - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0448
SKU KPV-72448
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Ansaldo S.V.A.10 "Other services" airplane kit 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Ansaldo S.V.A. 10 "Other Services" refers to the use of this variant of the Italian biplane by armed forces other than the Italian armed forces. The S.V.A. 10, being a versatile and well-designed aircraft, has been used by several nations for a variety of purposes, mainly during and after World War I. Here is an overview of its use in other services:Technical SpecificationsType: Reconnaissance and light bombing biplane.Engine: SPA 6A, a 220-horsepower piston engine.Maximum speed: Approximately 230 km/h.Range: Up to 5 hours of flight time.Armament: Usually equipped with a fixed Vickers machine gun and a movable Lewis machine gun, as well as the ability to carry small bombs.International UseForeign Air ForcesAustria: After the war, a number of examples were used by the Austrian Air Force for training and reconnaissance tasks.Kingdom of Yugoslavia: The newly formed Air Force of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia also used the S.V.A. 10 for reconnaissance and training purposes.Reconnaissance and Bombing MissionsReconnaissance: As in the case of the Italian air force, foreign air forces also employed the S.V.A. 10 primarily for reconnaissance missions, taking advantage of its range and speed to gather valuable battlefield intelligence.Light Bombardment: The S.V.A. 10 was also used for light bombing missions against strategic targets, although this role was secondary to reconnaissance.TrainingTraining of Pilots: The stable and predictable flight characteristics of the S.V.A. 10 made it ideal for training new pilots, who could thus familiarize themselves with flight and reconnaissance techniques.Historical BackgroundThe Ansaldo S.V.A. 10, with its versatility and reliability, found use in various air forces, contributing to the development of these nations' air capabilities. Its international use demonstrates the quality of the Italian design and the importance of aerial reconnaissance in military operations of that era.ImpactThe S.V.A. 10 played a significant role not only for Italy but also for other nations that benefited from its reconnaissance and bombing capabilities. This biplane helped set standards for the design and employment of reconnaissance and training aircraft in various international contexts.


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Ansaldo SVA 10 - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0447
SKU KPV-72447
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Italy
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Ansaldo S.V.A.10 "Italian Service" airplane kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Ansaldo S.V.A. 10 is a variant of the famous Italian biplane Ansaldo S.V.A., developed during World War I. This version was designed primarily for reconnaissance and light bombing tasks. Here is a detailed overview of the Ansaldo S.V.A. 10 in the context of Italian service:Technical CharacteristicsType: Reconnaissance and light bombing biplane.Engine: SPA 6A, a 220-horsepower piston engine.Maximum Speed: Approximately 230 km/h.Autonomy: Up to 5 hours flight time, ideal for long duration missions.Armament: Typically equipped with a fixed Vickers machine gun and a mobile Lewis machine gun, plus the ability to carry small bombs.Use in the Italian ServiceReconnaissanceReconnaissance Missions: The Ansaldo S.V.A. 10 was primarily employed for reconnaissance missions, due to its range and speed that allowed it to cover great distances and gather crucial information on enemy positions and troop movements.Light BombardmentTactical Bombing: Although designed primarily for reconnaissance, the S.V.A. 10 was also used for light tactical bombardment, hitting strategic targets such as supply lines, bridges and ammunition depots.Communications and ConnectionsTransporting Dispatches: It played a crucial role in the rapid transport of dispatches and orders between military units, using its speed to ensure timely communications.Support MissionsSupporting Ground Troops: The S.V.A. 10 provided direct support to ground troops, providing real-time updates on enemy movements and assisting in attack planning.Observation and Correction of Fire: It was also used for observation and correction of artillery fire, improving the accuracy and effectiveness of bombardments.Historical ImpactThe Ansaldo S.V.A. 10 was a key element in Italian military aviation during World War I, demonstrating the importance of aerial reconnaissance and tactical support. Its versatility and performance made it a highly valued aircraft for the Italian armed forces.

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Supermarine Spitfire PR Mk.XI 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0294
SKU KPV-72294
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Supermarine Spitfire PR.Mk.XI 'Special Markings' Fighter Aircraft Kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Supermarine Spitfire PR.Mk.XI was a variant of the famous British Supermarine Spitfire fighter aircraft, designed for photographic reconnaissance during World War II. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Spitfire PR.Mk.XI was developed as a specialized variant of the Supermarine Spitfire, designed to perform long-range photographic reconnaissance missions. It was one of several adaptations of the basic Spitfire design to meet specific mission requirements.Technical Characteristics: The Spitfire PR.Mk.XI retained many of the features of the basic Spitfire model, including the gull-wing design and Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. However, it was equipped with a camera mounted at the rear of the cockpit to perform photographic reconnaissance missions. The armament was often removed or reduced to increase flight range.Operational Role: The Spitfire PR.Mk.XI played a key role in providing detailed photographic images of enemy positions, including ground targets, military installations and troop movements. This information was crucial in planning Allied military operations.Variants: The PR.Mk.XI was one of several variants of the Spitfire adapted for photographic reconnaissance. Other variants included the PR.Mk.I, PR.Mk.IV, PR.Mk.VII and others, each with slightly different characteristics and capabilities.Operational Success: The Spitfire PR.Mk.XI proved to be a reliable and effective platform for photographic reconnaissance during World War II, contributing significantly to Allied intelligence and air warfare in the European theater.In summary, the Supermarine Spitfire PR.Mk.XI was a specialized variant of the famous British fighter aircraft adapted to perform photographic reconnaissance missions during World War II. It played a vital role in providing tactical intelligence to Allied forces and contributing to the overall success of the campaign.


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Salmson Sal 2 A2 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0328
SKU KPV-72328
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Salmson Sal.2 A2 'Silver Wings' Aircraft Kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Salmson Sal.2 A2 was a French reconnaissance and observation aircraft used during World War I. Here is an overview of its main characteristics:Development: The Salmson Sal.2 A2 was developed by the French company Salmson as a reconnaissance and observation aircraft to support military operations during World War I. It was a two-seat aircraft designed to be rugged and maneuverable.Technical Characteristics: The Sal.2 A2 was equipped with a 120-horsepower Salmson 9Z radial engine, which gave it acceptable performance for the time. It had a wingspan of about 11 meters and a length of about 8 meters. It was armed with one or two machine guns to defend against enemy attacks during reconnaissance missions.Operational Role: The Salmson Sal.2 A2 was widely employed by the French Air Force during World War I. It played a crucial role in providing tactical and intelligence information to troops on the battlefield. It was able to perform long-range reconnaissance missions, monitor enemy troop movements, and locate artillery positions and strategic targets.Contribution to the War: The Sal.2 A2 contributed significantly to the Allied war effort during World War I, providing air support to ground troops and helping to gather strategic intelligence. Its reliability and ability to operate in a variety of weather conditions made it one of the most important reconnaissance aircraft of the conflict.Legacy: After the end of World War I, the Salmson Sal.2 A2 was gradually withdrawn from active service and replaced by more modern aircraft. However, it left a lasting imprint on the evolution of military aviation, demonstrating the importance of aerial reconnaissance in the wartime context and paving the way for the development of new technologies and tactics in the field of military intelligence.In summary, the Salmson Sal.2 A2 was a French reconnaissance and observation aircraft used during World War I, known for its reliability and its ability to provide tactical information to troops on the battlefield. It played an important role in contributing to the Allies' success during the conflict.


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SKU KPV-72438
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Repubblica Ceca
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Let L-420 'Turbolet' 1/72 scale transport aircraft kit - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model.The Let L-420 'Turbolet' is a regional turboprop transport aircraft developed by the Czech company Let Kunovice. It is an improved and stretched version of the better known Let L-410 'Turbolet'. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Let L-420 was developed as an evolved version of the Let L-410, designed to offer greater cargo capacity and range.Technical Features: The L-420 is equipped with Walter M601F turboprop engines with a power output of about 750 shp (shaft horsepower) each. It has an elongated fuselage compared to the L-410, allowing for greater carrying capacity. It can carry up to 27 passengers in standard configuration or up to 2.5 tons of cargo.Operational Roles: The Let L-420 is mainly used for regional passenger and cargo transport on short- and medium-haul routes. It is well suited to serve remote communities or regions with limited airport infrastructure because of its ability to operate from unprepared runways.Versatility: In addition to passenger transport, the L-420 can be configured to perform a variety of missions, including cargo transport, medical evacuations, maritime patrol, surveillance, and other special tasks.Legacy: The Let L-420 is based on the proven platform of the L-410, with some enhancements and upgrades to improve its performance and versatility. It shares many features with its predecessor, including structural robustness and the ability to operate in harsh environmental conditions.In summary, the Let L-420 'Turbolet' is a regional turboprop transport aircraft designed to offer greater capacity and range than its predecessor, the Let L-410. It is used to transport passengers and cargo on regional routes and can be adapted to perform a variety of special missions.


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Let L-410UVP-E Military 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0437
SKU KPV-72437
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Repubblica Ceca
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Let L-410UVP-E Military 'Turbolet' Aircraft Kit in 1/72 Scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV Model.The Let L-410UVP-E Military "Turbolet" is a military variant of the Let L-410 light turboprop transport aircraft, designed and produced by the Czech company Let Kunovice. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Let L-410UVP-E Military is a military version of the L-410UVP-E, adapted to meet the needs of the armed forces.Technical Features: The L-410UVP-E Military is equipped with Walter M601E turboprop engines, similar to the civilian version. It has a passenger or cargo carrying capacity similar to the civilian variant, but can be configured to perform a range of military missions, including troop transport, parachute drop, cargo transport, air rescue and other special missions.Operational Roles: The L-410UVP-E Military is primarily used by the armed forces for tactical transport and logistic support purposes. Its ability to operate from unprepared runways makes it particularly suitable for operations in remote or poorly developed areas.Military Equipment: The L-410UVP-E Military can be equipped with specialized equipment and systems for military missions, such as advanced avionics and navigation systems, self-protection devices, encrypted communication systems, and supply or parachute drop devices.Legacy: Like many military variants of civilian aircraft, the Let L-410UVP-E Military is based on the robust platform of its civilian predecessor. This allows the armed forces to take advantage of the aircraft's proven reliability and versatility for a variety of tactical and support missions.In summary, the Let L-410UVP-E Military "Turbolet" is a military variant of the L-410UVP-E light turboprop transport aircraft, adapted to meet the needs of the armed forces in a range of tactical and logistical support missions.


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SKU KPV-72435
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Repubblica Ceca
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Let L-410UVP-E 'Turbolet' 1/72 scale transport aircraft kit - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model.The Let L-410UVP-E 'Turbolet' is a Czech-made light turboprop transport aircraft. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Let L-410 was developed by the Czech company Let Kunovice as a successor to the original Let L-410 Turbolet. The UVP-E version is one of the most advanced and popular variants of the model.Technical Features: The L-410UVP-E is powered by two Walter M601E turboprop engines, providing about 750 shp (shaft horsepower) each. This aircraft can carry up to 19 passengers in passenger configuration or 1.5 tons of cargo in cargo configuration. It has a flight range of about 1,000 kilometers and a cruising speed of about 370 km/h.Operational Roles: The Let L-410UVP-E is mainly used to transport passengers and cargo on regional and local routes. It is widely used in many parts of the world to connect remote communities and serve airports with unpaved or small runways.Robustness and Reliability: The L-410UVP-E is known for its robustness and reliability. It is designed to operate in harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, unprepared terrain and adverse weather conditions.Legacy: The Let L-410 has a long production history dating back to the 1970s. It has been constantly updated and improved over the years to meet the needs of its operators. The UVP-E 'Turbolet' model is one of the most popular and popular of the L-410 family.In summary, the Let L-410UVP-E 'Turbolet' is a light turboprop transport aircraft with a proven history of reliability and versatility, widely used for passenger and cargo transport in many parts of the world.


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SKU KPV-72436
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Repubblica Ceca
Period: Modern
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Let L-410UVP 'Turbolet' 1/72 scale transport aircraft kit - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model.The Let L-410UVP "Turbolet" is a light turboprop transport aircraft designed and manufactured by the Czech company Let Kunovice. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Let L-410 was developed as a successor to the original Let L-410 Turbolet. The UVP variant is one of the earliest produced versions of the model.Technical Features: The Let L-410UVP is equipped with two Walter M-601B turboprop engines, each producing about 751 horsepower. It has a carrying capacity of about 17-19 passengers, depending on the interior configuration, and a cargo capacity of about 1.5 tons.Operational Roles: The Let L-410UVP is mainly used to transport passengers and cargo on regional and local routes. It is suitable for operating at airports with unprepared or small runways, making it ideal for connecting remote communities or operating in regions with limited airport infrastructure.Robustness and Reliability: The Let L-410UVP is known for its robustness and reliability. It is designed to operate in harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures and unprepared terrain. Its durable structure and simple design contribute to its reputation as a reliable aircraft.Legacy: The Let L-410 has a long production history dating back to the 1970s. Over the years, numerous variants and versions of the original model have been developed to meet customers' needs and to adapt to changes in regulations and safety requirements.In summary, the Let L-410UVP "Turbolet" is a versatile and reliable light turboprop transport aircraft that is widely used for passenger and cargo transport in many parts of the world.


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Fouga CM-170 Magister 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0444
SKU KPV-72444
Scale: 1/72
Nation: France
Period: Dopoguerra
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Fouga CM-170 Magister 'Over Europe Pt.2' Aircraft Kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Fouga CM-170 Magister is a jet trainer aircraft developed by the French company Fouga in the period following World War II. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Magister was designed in the 1950s to meet the needs of the French Armée de l'Air for a new advanced jet trainer aircraft. The first flight of the Magister took place in 1952.Technical Characteristics: The Magister is a single-engine jet aircraft with two tandem seats for the instructor and student. It is equipped with a Marbore II turbojet engine manufactured by Hispano-Suiza, which gives it good performance for advanced training.Operational Roles: The Fouga Magister has been used mainly as an advanced training aircraft for the air forces of various countries. It was appreciated for its excellent handling characteristics, which made it ideal for aerobatic flight and air combat training.International Success: The Magister has achieved considerable international success, with many nations using it as a training aircraft for their air forces. It was used by more than 20 nations around the world and served in several conflicts, including the Algerian War.Legacy: Although the Fouga Magister was gradually replaced by more modern aircraft in the advanced training role, it left a lasting imprint on military aviation history. Many examples have been preserved as historic aircraft and continue to fly in air shows and flying events.In summary, the Fouga CM-170 Magister was an important jet trainer aircraft used by numerous air forces around the world. Prized for its excellent handling performance and versatility, it has played a significant role in training military pilots for several decades.


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SKU KPV-72443
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

De Havilland DH-82A Tiger Moth Mk.II 'Royal Navy' Aircraft Kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The De Havilland DH-82A Tiger Moth Mk.II is a biplane training aircraft developed in the 1930s and used primarily as a primary training aircraft during World War II. Here is an overview of its main features:Development: The Tiger Moth was developed as a successor to the De Havilland DH.60 Moth. The DH-82A Tiger Moth Mk.II is one of the most popular variants of the Tiger Moth, featuring a more powerful engine and other improvements over earlier models.Technical Features: The Tiger Moth Mk.II is a single-engine biplane aircraft with two tandem seats for the instructor and student pilot. It is equipped with a 130-horsepower De Havilland Gipsy Major linear engine, giving it reasonable performance for primary training.Operational Roles: During World War II, the Tiger Moth Mk.II was widely used as the primary training aircraft for pilots in the Royal Air Force (RAF) and other Allied air forces. It was used to train pilots in basic flying skills such as takeoff, landing, formation flying and other essential maneuvers.Versatility: In addition to its primary role as a training aircraft, the Tiger Moth Mk.II was also used for other purposes, such as glider towing, coastal patrol, rescue, and logistical support.Legacy: After the end of World War II, many Tiger Moth Mk.IIs were converted for civilian use and continued to be used for pilot training, air shows, and other purposes. Today, many surviving examples are preserved and still fly as historic aircraft.In summary, the De Havilland DH-82A Tiger Moth Mk.II was an important training aircraft during World War II, playing a crucial role in training generations of military and civilian pilots. Its simplicity, handling and reliability made it a much-loved aircraft for aviators around the world.


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Yakovlev Yak-3 Aces 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV CLK013
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Russia
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Soviet Yakovlev Yak-3 'Aces' Fighter Aircraft Kit (EX HELLER/SMER) 1/72 Scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a Soviet fighter aircraft developed during World War II. The designation "Aces" refers to a particular variant of this aircraft. Here is some information:Origin and Development:The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a single-engine fighter aircraft designed and built by the Soviet Union during World War II.It was developed as a successor to the Yak-1 and Yak-7 and was distinguished by its characteristics of light weight, speed, and maneuverability.Technical Features:The Yak-3 was equipped with a Klimov VK-105PF-2 piston engine, a liquid-cooled 12-cylinder V-engine that provided a power output of about 1,300 hp.It was armed with machine guns and cannons mounted on the engine cowl, with a standard configuration of two 12.7 mm machine guns and one 20 mm cannon.'Aces' variant:The "Aces" variant of the Yak-3 featured further optimization of the aircraft's performance.This variant could include improvements to the engine, aircraft structure, or armament, aimed at increasing its combat effectiveness.Role and Use:The Yak-3 had been employed primarily as a fighter aircraft in the Voenno-vozdušnye sily (VVS), the Soviet Air Force, during World War II.Due to its excellent performance, the Yak-3 proved to be a formidable opponent for German fighter planes, contributing significantly to the Soviet Union's air superiority.Legacy:The Yak-3 was one of the best Soviet fighters of World War II, with remarkable maneuverability and performance.Although the production of the Yak-3 was limited compared to other models such as the Lavochkin La-5 and the Yak-9, its impact on air combat was significant and it earned a place in Soviet aviation history.


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Yakovlev Yak-3 - 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV CLK014
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Russia
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Soviet Yakovlev Yak-3 (EX HELLER/SMER) 1/72 scale fighter plane kit - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a Soviet fighter plane developed during World War II. Here is some information about this aircraft:Origin and Development:The Yak-3 was designed and built by the OKB Yakovlev, led by Aleksandr Sergeevic Jakovlev, during World War II.It was developed as a successor to earlier Yakovlev fighter models, such as the Yak-1 and Yak-7.Technical Characteristics:The Yak-3 was a single-engine aircraft with a low-wing monoplane configuration.It was powered by a Klimov VK-105PF-2 piston engine, a liquid-cooled 12-cylinder V-engine, which provided a power output of about 1,300 hp.It was armed with machine guns and cannons mounted on the engine cowl, with a standard configuration of two 12.7-mm machine guns and one 20-mm cannon.Role and Use:The Yak-3 was intended primarily for the role of an aerial fighter and was used by the Soviet Air Force, the Voenno-vozdušnye sily (VVS), during World War II.Due to its excellent performance, the Yak-3 proved to be a formidable opponent for German fighter aircraft, contributing significantly to the Soviet Union's air superiority.Performance and Maneuverability:The Yak-3 was known for its excellent speed and maneuverability performance.It was one of the lightest and most agile fighter aircraft of its era, making it particularly effective in close air combat.Legacy:The Yak-3 was considered one of the best Soviet fighters of World War II.Although its production was limited compared to other models, its impact on aerial combat was significant and it earned a prominent place in Soviet aviation history.The Yak-3 remained in service after the war, with some variants being used in several local conflicts and in the air forces of some Eastern European countries.


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Sukhoi Su-17UM3/Su-22UM 1/72 - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV KPM0208
SKU KPV-72208
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Russia
Period: Cold War
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Su-17UM3/Su-22UM fighter-bomber kit in 1/72 scale - KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV model. The Su-17UM3, also known as Su-22UM in some variants, is a two-seat advanced training aircraft based on the Su-17 fighter-bomber (NATO designation "Fitter"). Here is some information about this variant: Origin and Development: The Su-17UM3/Su-22UM was developed by the Soviet Union as a two-seat variant of the Su-17 ground attack aircraft to provide advanced training capabilities. Technical Characteristics: The Su-17UM3 retains many of the technical features of the single-seat Su-17, including the afterburner engine. It is designed with an additional cockpit behind that of the main pilot, allowing a training instructor to sit behind the trainee pilot. Role and Usage: The Su-17UM3/Su-22UM is primarily used as an advanced training aircraft for pilots intended to operate single-seat Su-17s. The aircraft is capable of simulating a wide range of combat situations, including ground attack and air defense missions. Performance: The Su-17UM3/Su-22UM has similar performance to the single-seat Su-17, with low-altitude and high-speed flight capabilities. The aircraft is capable of carrying a load of bombs, missiles and other armaments like the single-seat Su-17. Legacy: The Su-17UM3/Su-22UM has played an important role in training military pilots in Russia and other countries using the Su-17 aircraft or its variants. It has helped prepare pilots for real combat missions and improved the effectiveness of air forces operating the Su-17.


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SKU KPV-72403
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWI
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

LVG C.VI "In Other Service" Reconnaissance and and Bombing Aircraft Kit in 1/72 scale - Model KOVOZAVODY PROSTEJOV.LVG C.VI was a reconnaissance and light bombing aircraft developed by the German aviation company Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft (LVG) during World War I. Here is some information about this aircraft:Origin and Development:The LVG C.VI was developed as a successor to the earlier LVG C.IV model.It was designed to perform reconnaissance, aerial observation and light bombing tasks.Technical Characteristics:The LVG C.VI was a monoplane aircraft with a wood and canvas structure.It was equipped with a 260-hp Mercedes D.IVa piston engine, which gave it a top speed of about 160 km/h (100 mph).It had a two-seat configuration with a pilot and an observer/mitregiver seated in tandem in the open cockpit.Role and Use:The LVG C.VI was primarily employed as a tactical reconnaissance and aerial observation aircraft.It could also be used to conduct light bombing operations, dropping bombs manually or via a lower nacelle.Operation:The LVG C.VI was used by the German Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte) during World War I.This model was also employed by other countries such as the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria, which had close cooperative relations with Germany during the conflict.Legacy:The LVG C.VI contributed significantly to air operations during World War I, performing vital observation and reconnaissance tasks.Although it was surpassed in performance by more modern combat aircraft models toward the end of the conflict, the LVG C.VI remained in service until the end of the war and was an important part of the military aviation history of the time.


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