BOOK ARALDICS OF THE REGIA AERONAUTICA VOLUME THIRD Author: Pierluigi Moncalvo, Giovanni MassimelloVolume of 148 pages A/4 size (21x29.7) in 150-gram matte coated paper, with 300-gram four-color plasticized cardboard cover. Over 200 b/w and color images, 15 color profiles, dozens of color drawings of heraldic symbols and coloristic details.This is the third volume in the series "Heraldry of the Regia Aeronautica," which includes as usual the articles devoted to this subject that appeared in the GMT Newsletter. It consists of twenty articles, to which is added a special unpublished piece devoted to the interesting and varied insignia that appeared in the early postwar period on the Fiat BR bombers of the 13th Wing, a department particularly rich in original badges, some of them very little known.The preface to the second volume had indicated the main reason why the criterion of an organic treatment of the various insignia had not been followed, preferring instead to seize the opportunity of the discovery-often unexpected-of interesting material, in many cases never previously illustrated, to study and describe the individual badges in depth without being bound to a predetermined order.In this volume an attempt has been made to subdivide the various emblems dealt with in recent years according to a fairly intuitive criterion, beginning with those affixed to aircraft operating between the two wars and having them followed by those that appeared on aircraft employed in World War II; the latter subdivided - indicatively - between fighters, bombers, torpedo bombers, maritime scouts, transports and various departments. Finally, in order to facilitate research by interested readers, an analytical index of the individual badges illustrated in this and the previous two volumes has been added at the end of this volume.In the face of these minor changes, the 'main commitment of the publication has been confirmed: to continue to present the emblems that appeared on Regia Aeronautica aircraft as accurately as possible, each time adding a brief historical description of the departments involved. The goal is to gradually compose, through heraldry and its tendentially "serious," sometimes humorous and above all "human" implications, a kind of mosaic that will hand down the memory of the often glorious events of our aviators.The authors are well-known aviation historians who have to their credit dozens of publications with both the GMT and other publications.
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Go to cartTHE ITALIAN AIRCRAFT COLORS OF THE GREAT WAR 2024UPDATE 2024144-page volume in A/4 (21x29.7) size in 115-gram matte coated paper, with four-color plasticized cardboard cover. More than 60 b/w and color images, 81 color triptychs with major camouflage patterns, and 9 color drawings of insignia and color details.This is the second revised and supplemented edition with news collected from 2017, when the first edition was published, to 2024. This new edition is also devoted exclusively to the color schemes of our military aircraft from the years 1915-1918. Over eighty diagrams are identified, each reproduced in color and consisting of top view, bottom view and one or two profiles for each plane. All of the drawings have been updated and in some cases replaced by new ones.We begin with the planes that entered service in 1914, virtually unpainted, and then move on to the first color schemes, the first impromptu camouflages applied in the field, and finally to the polychrome schemes inspired by French ones. In an attempt to give more defined contours to the otherwise vast subject, it was decided to retain the eight basic schemes and more than twenty sub-schemes identified in 2017.The work is aimed at modelers, but scholars and historians, too, will undoubtedly find in it insights for further study. Also for this second edition, the hope is to stimulate further research on a subject where color photos are almost non-existent and specific documentation on colorations is very scarce.The author has collaborated on various aircraft restorations, is a passionate scholar of Italian aviation colorations and has to his credit several books on aviation history, with particular reference to Italian aircraft and memorabilia still extant today. He collaborates with Gruppo Modellistico Trentino for which he has produced books and articles and research published in G.M.T.'s "Notiziario Modellistico."
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Go to cartMonograph STRANGEFIGHTERS 2 | AKA F-104s Slightly Less Strange but Still Peculiar.Monograph #12 "Strangefighters 2" is the second work devoted to the F-104 from all the aviations that have used it, and it tells additional stories and details, including relatively little known details, about the Starfighter.In particular, it discusses what was perceived as an unsatisfactory feature of the aircraft (the poor range and autonomy, moreover due to the initial design approach), the reconnaissance variants (though not as "esoteric" as those mentioned in the first Monograph No. 8 "STRANGEFIGHTERS") and of the so-called "special loads" that could be employed by fighter-bombers, with some notes on the various colorations and camouflages, to which are added (more or less) brief digressions on other topics deemed to be of some interest in any case.The monograph is then completed by an interesting modeling section that presents in detail the construction of a 1/32-scale model of the F-104A.Again, then, we repeat what was already said in the first work on the subject, namely that what is set out has absolutely no pretension to be a definitive work but rather is only intended to bring to the reader's attention some aspects that might stimulate further and more in-depth research.The volume consists of168 pages with hundreds of b/w and color photographs.The author, Aldo Zanfi, is an expert on modern military aviation, well known to readers for having published several aviation-related articles in Italian magazines in the field.
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Go to cartLE FORZE ARMATE DELLA RSI 1943/1945Dettagliato studio - completo degli organici - di tutti i reparti impiegati dalla Forze di terra della Repubblica Sociale Italiana dall'8 settembre 1943 sino alla fine della guerra. Volume di 222 pagine (21x 29,7) in carta patinata opaca da 115 gr. e copertina in cartoncino plastificato opaco da 250 gr. a 4 colori, con oltre 180 immagini foto e 13 cartine.
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Go to cartCAPRONI CA.113Now available is the new monograph #11, dedicated to the Caproni CA.113, a little-known aircraft of the Regia Aeronautica and, above all, an aircraft with a peculiar livery.Precisely for this reason the author, Salvatore Di Marco, wanted to reproduce it to scale and document all its work in progress.The Caproni Ca.113 was an advanced training aircraft of the 1930s designed specifically for aerobatic activities. The specimen with civilian serial number I-ACCA was the protagonist in America in 1933 of the world record for inverted flight, at the controls Lt. Tito Falconi.The model was born from a resin kit by Planet Models, in 1/48 scale, which has been deeply reworked and has many self-made parts. The particular livery, on the other hand, is the result of deep and lengthy color-historical research, and for its restitution in scale it was necessary to carry out numerous and complicated masking.
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Go to cartI COLORI DEGLI AEREI ITALIANI DAL 1919 AL 1939 Volume secondo di Marco Gueli
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Go to cartI COLORI DEGLI AEREI ITALIANI DAL 1919 AL 1939 Volume primo di Marco Gueli Volume di 160 pagine formato A/4 (21x29,7) in carta patinata opaca da 115 grammi, con copertina in cartoncino plastificato a quattro colori. Oltre 190 immagini in b/n e colori e quasi sessanta trittici a colori con i principali schemi di colorazione o mimetici e ricostruzioni delle principali mimetiche adottate nel ventennio. Si tratta della prima pubblicazione in Italia dedicata esclusivamente alle colorazioni dei nostri aerei militari degli anni 1919-1939. In questo primo volume sono inserite cinquantasei tavole a colori, ognuna con riprodotta la vista superiore, la vista inferiore e uno o due profili per ogni aereo. Il sottotitolo “Ipotesi e certezze” indica che la materia non è, purtroppo, del tutto conosciuta ma gli studi e i restauri di questi ultimi anni, hanno fornito molte certezze mentre per quanto non si conosce si è ricorso a ricostruzioni il più possibile attendibili e verosimili. Si inizia con gli aerei entrati in servizio nel 1919, praticamente privi di verniciatura, per poi passare alle prime colorazioni, alle prime mimetiche estemporanee applicate sul campo e, infine, agli schemi policromi di vario disegno fino ad arrivare alle mimetiche a macchie sfumate, così diffuse nella Regia Aeronautica.
LINCE LMV - Light Multirole Vehicle
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Go to cartItalian Special Colours
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Go to cartCARRO L3 - Carri veloci, carri leggeri, derivati.
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