Book AM-24-The Junkers Ju-88 Pt 2- Ju-88C to the T-series - A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's Legendary Twin by Richard A. Franks.This twenty-fourth book in our acclaimed series will contain at least 256 pages filled with vital information that no active modeler and Luftwaffe enthusiast should be without.The Junkers Ju 88 Part 2 contains:Over 40 pages of technical informationOver 60 pages of walk-around images and technical diagramsOver 35 pages of camouflage and markings Over25 pages of model building and modeling information Over200 photographs including wartime imagesColor side views and stencil diagram by Richard J. Caruana3D isometric views of all Ju 88C T-variants by Wojciech SankowskiSpecially commissioned full kit builds by Libor Jekl and Steve A. EvansSpecially commissioned cover illustration by Jerry BoucherSet of scale plans
Book The Supermarine Spitfire Part 1 - AIRFRAME & MINIATURE No. 12Expanded and Updated VersionThe Spitfire is probably one of the most popular aircraft modeling topics around. Our book goes a little further, revealing the bewildering choices of variants and diagrams that apply to Merlin-powered versions.This twelfth book in our acclaimed series now contains 272 pages filled with vital information no active modeler and Spitfire enthusiast should be without.More than 40 pages of technical informationMore than 20 pages of walk-around images and technical diagramsMore than 30 pages of camouflage and markingsMore than 25 pages of up-to-date model building and modeling informationMore than 200 photographs , including wartime imagesFull-color side views and four views by Richard J. Caruana3D isometric views of all variants by Wojciech SankowskiForeign service informationEvaluations of all new kits issued since mid-2018Specially commissioned full kit builds by Libor Jekl, Steve A. Evans, and Dani Zamarbide. Constructions include Eduard's new 1/48-scale Spitfire Mk I kit toolSpecially commissioned cover illustration by Jerry BoucherA bonus set of 1/48-scale plans
Book The Junkers Ju-88 Part 1 - AIRFRAME & MINIATURE No. 23A Complete Guide to the Legendary Luftwaffe Twin by Richard A. Franks.The Junkers Ju-88 has become a popular model aircraft subject in recent years, and our latest book will deal in part with dismantling the bewildering array of variants and schemes that apply to the type. This twenty-third book in our acclaimed series contains over 264 pages filled with vital information that no active modeler and Luftwaffe enthusiast should be without.Junkers Ju 88 Part 1 contains:- Over 40 pages of technical information- Over 60 pages of panoramic images and technical diagrams- Over 35 pages of camouflage and markings- Over 25 pages of modeling and modeling information- Over 200 photographs, including wartime images- Color side views and stencil diagram by Richard J. Caruana- 3-D isometric views of all Ju 88A and B-series variants by Wojciech Sankowski- Specially commissioned full kit builds by Steve A. Evans and specially commissioned cover illustrations by Jerry Boucher- Set of 1/48-scale plans
Book The Heinkel He-177 Greif - Airframe Album No 20This is our largest Airframe Album to date, with over 192 pages.Our twentieth title in the Airframe Album series will be an essential reference for any Luftwaffe enthusiast and anyone tackling the ??Revell or other 1/72 and 1/48 scale kits.The Heinkel He 177 Greif contains:- A wealth of historical and panoramic photographs and detailed images of the type, including data from flight manuals and spare parts catalogs- Detailed images and diagrams of the period during production and in-service use - Wojciech Sankowski's isometric views of all prototype, production and test aircraft - Concise notes on camouflage and markings- Color profiles and stencil diagram by Richard J. Caruana - Detailed construction of the Revell 1/72nd He 177A-5 by Libor Jekl- Lists of all He 177 kits, accessories, decals and masks produced in all scales- Cover illustration by Arkadiusz Wrobel- At least 192 pages plus cover ISBN: 978-1-912932-38-2. Recommended price: £25.95 per copyPublication end of February 2024
Book The Grumman F4F Wildcat (Inc. GM FM-1 and FM-2) - A Comprehensive Guide to Grumman's First "Cat" by Richard A. Franks.The Wildcat has been a popular type of aircraft among modelers and has recently been the subject of much new work in all scales, especially in 1/72 and 1/48. Our latest book will go some way to helping reveal the different variations and differences in detail that apply to the type.This twenty-second book in our acclaimed series will contain at least 208 pages packed with vital information that no active modeler and Wildcat enthusiast should be without.It will contain: Over 80 pages of technical informationOver 60 pages of panoramic images and technical diagrams Over20 pages of camouflage and markingsOver 25 pages of model building and modeling information LOver 200 photographs including wartime imagesFull-color side views by Richard J Caruana3D isometric views of all variants by Juraj JankovicSpecially commissioned complete kit builds by Steve A. Evans and Libor JeklFront cover graphics specially commissioned by Jerry BoucherBonus set of scale plans
Book The Fairey Barracuda - Airframe Album No 19 A detailed guide to the Fleet Air Arm's first aerosail monoplane by Richard A. Franks Our nineteenth title in the Airframe Album series will be an essential reference for any FAA enthusiast tackling the special Hobby kits (1/48 and 1/72) along with older kits such as the Frog 1/72 scale example and will be an ideal companion to our Airframe Album titles covering the Fairey Firefly, Hawker Sea Fury and de Havilland Sea Hornet. Period diagrams Data from flight manuals Data from spare parts catalogs Fully detailed 3D isometric views of prototypes and production machines Color profiles and concise camouflage and marking notes Contents will include all items listed plus: A wealth of historical and walkaround photographs and type detail images Period detail images during production and service use Isometric views by Juraj Jankovic of all prototypes, production and test cells Color profiles by Richard J. Caruana At least 128 pages in total Lists of all Barracuda kits, accessories, decals, and masks produced in all scales Detailed construction of the Special Hobby Barracuda Mk I in 1/72 scale by Libor Jekl Airframe Album No. 19 - The Fairey Barracuda - A detailed guide to the Fleet Air Arm's first monoplane aircraft by Richard A. Franks
Book The Avro Lancaster (Including the Lancastrian)Part 2 - AIRFRAME & MINATURE No. 21 - Postwar Service - A comprehensive guide to the RAF's legendary heavy bomber by Richard A. Franks The Avro Lancaster Part 2 will cover post-war variants, use by foreign air forces, civilian types, both Lancaster and Lancastrian, and test and testbed machines. The Lancaster has been a popular aircraft type among modelers and has recently been the subject of many new workings in all scales, especially in 1/32 and 1/48. The latest book will go some way toward distinguishing the different variants and differences in detail that apply to the type. It will contain at least 272 pages full of vital information that no active modeler and Lancaster enthusiast should be without. Each contains : 60+ pages of technical information More than 60 pages of panoramic images and technical diagrams More than 8 pages of camouflage and markings More than 25 pages of modeling and modeling information More than 200 photographs including wartime images Full-color side views and four views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all variants by Juraj Jankovic Complete full kit specially commissioned by John 'Tigger' Wilkes Front cover graphics specially commissioned by Jerry Boucher Bonus set of scale plans
The Avro Lancaster (including the Manchester) Part 1 - Wartime Service- A Complete Guide to the RAF's Legendary Heavy Bomber by Richard A. FranksThis covers the Avro Manchester and Lancaster B Mks I, II, III & VI in RAF (inc. RCAF/RAAF) service in WWIIThe Avro Lancaster Part 2 will cover postwar variants, use by foreign air forces, civilian types, both Lancaster and Lancastrian, and trials and test-bed machines. This volume will be published later this year. Full details of its contents will be announced in due course.The Lancaster has been a popular aircraft type with modellers and has recently been the subject of several new toolings in all scales, especially in 1/32nd and 1/48th. Our latest book will go some way toward unpicking the different variants and detail differences that apply to the type. It will contain at least 272 pages packed with vital information that no active modeller and RAF Bomber Command enthusiast should be without.They each contain:60+ pages of technical information60+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams
The Lockheed P-38 Lightning (inc. F-4 & F-5 versions) - A Complete Guide to the 'Fork-tailed Devil' by Richard A. Franks.Il Lockheed P-38J Lightning ("Fulmine" in inglese) era un caccia pesante bimotore statunitense a largo raggio d'azione, impiegato durante la seconda guerra mondiale dalla RAF e dagli Stati Uniti (AAC/AAF). Alla sua apparizione, nel 1939, era un aereo rivoluzionario, estremamente innovativo, grazie soprattutto alla fusoliera bitrave, ai due motori a V Allison con turbocompressori all'interno delle travi di coda e al carrello d'atterraggio a triciclo anteriore. Il pilota sedeva in un ampio abitacolo con ottima visibilità, ma la cabina di pilotaggio risultava torrida d'estate e gelida ovunque e in qualsiasi stagione ad alta quota. L'aereo era molto stabile grazie ai due motori che, girando in senso contrario, annullavano la tendenza ad imbardare, tipica dei caccia ad elica monomotore, anche se i propulsori Allison erano delicati e scarsamente affidabili.L'aereo volò alla fine degli anni trenta e un esemplare andò perduto perché in picchiata arrivò a superare gli 840 km/h, andando in un regime di compressibilità da alto numero di Mach per via della sua finezza; tale problema, che comportava la perdita di efficacia dei comandi di volo, fu riscontrato anche su altri velivoli (ad es. sul P-47). Nel 1939, sorvolò gli Stati Uniti da costa a costa, in appena 7 ore e 2 minuti con due sole soste per il rifornimento, una prestazione che a quei tempi aveva dell'incredibile. Il P-38 fu probabilmente il caccia più silenzioso della storia, dato che gli scarichi erano smorzati dai turbo della General Electric dei due motori Allison, e perdonava molti errori di pilotaggio, ma la sua velocità di rollio era troppo bassa perché potesse eccellere come caccia da duelli aerei. Ne vennero prodotti, in totale, 9.942 esemplari. Curiosamente, questo moderno e potente caccia ad elica divenne l'ultima vittima abbattuta da un biplano da caccia - un Fiat C.R.42 italiano - nella storia.
The North-American P-51D/K Mustang (inc. the P-51H & XP-51F, G & J) - A Complete Guide to the Cadillac of the Skies Valiant Wings Publishing is pleased to announce that our next title in the well-established Airframe & Miniature series will be The North-American P-51D/K Mustang (inc. the P-51H & XP-51F, G & J) A Complete Guide to the Cadillac of the Skies by Richard A. Franks The P-51 Mustang is one of the most popular aircraft modelling subjects around. Our latest book will go some way towards unpicking the different variants and colourful schemes that apply to the type. This eighteenth book in our much-acclaimed series. AM18 has now been expanded to 272 pages plus covers and plans section in order to accommodate extra material. Packed with vital information that no active modeller and USAAF enthusiast should be without. It will contain: 60+ pages of technical information 60+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams 8+ pages of camouflage and markings 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information 200+ photographs including wartime images Colour side views and four-views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all variants by Wojciech Sankowski Specially commissioned extensive full kit builds by Libor Jekl & Steve A. Evans Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Jerry Boucher Bonus set of 1/48 scale plans
AM-16 The Hawker Hurricane - A Complete Guide To The Famous Fighter by Richard A. Franks. This will be the sixtieth book published in our ten year history. The Hurricane is a very popular aircraft modelling subject and our latest book will go some way towards unpicking the bewildering choices of variants and schemes that apply to the type. This sixteenth book in our much-acclaimed series will contain at least 240 pages packed with vital information that no active modeller and Hurricane enthusiast should be without. It will contain: 40+ pages of technical information 20+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams 5+ pages of camouflage and markings 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information 200+ photographs including wartime images Colour side views and four-views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all variants by Juraj Jankovic Specially commissioned extensive full kit builds by Libor Jekl & Steve A. Evans Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Jerry Boucher
AM-15 The Grumman F6F Hellcat - A Complete Guide To The Famous American Naval Fighter. Valiant Wings Publishing is pleased to announce that our next title in the well-established Airframe & Miniature series will be The Grumman F6F Hellcat - A Complete Guide To The Famous American Naval Fighter by Richard A. Franks. The Hellcat is a very popular aircraft modelling subject and our latest book will go some way towards unpicking the bewildering choices of variants and schemes that apply to the type This fifteenth book in our much-acclaimed series will contain at least 224 pages packed with vital information that no active modeller and Hellcat enthusiast should be without. It will contain: 40+ pages of technical information 20+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams 5+ pages of camouflage and markings 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information 200+ photographs including wartime images Colour side views and four-views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all variants by Wojciech Sankowski Specially commissioned extensive full kit builds in four scales by Libor Jekl, Steve A. Evans & John 'Tigger' Wilkes Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Arkadiusz Wrobel
AM-07R The Focke-Wulf Fw-190 Radial-engine Versions (including Fw-190A, Fw-190B, Fw-190C, Fw-190F, Fw-190G & Fw-190S)-A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Butcher Bird by Richard A. Franks. This seventh book in our much-acclaimed series has been out of print for a while now. With new short-nose Fw 190 kits now available in 1/72nd and 1/48th scales, plus a mass of associated accessories and decals, it seemed right to make this book available once again. In addition to the original contents it also contains: Full assessments of all the new kit releases since the title's first release in 2014 A build of the new-tooled Fw 190A-2 from Eduard in 1/48th scale by Steve A. Evans Updated kit, accessory and decal appendices
AD-09 - The Westland Lysander - A Technical Guide by Richard A. Franks Increased from the intended 80 to 112 pages! Our ninth title in the Airframe Detail series will be an essential companion for anyone tackling the new Dora Wings (or old Airfix, Matchbox or Pavla) 1/72nd, Eduard/Gavia (or old Testors) 1/48th or venerable Matchbox/Revell 1/32nd scale kits. Contents will include all the elements listed plus: Period detail images during production and service use A wealth of historical technical photographs and diagrams Detailed walkaround images of the world's only surviving example Colour profiles by Richard J. Caruana At least 80 pages in total Lists of all Lysander kit and accessories produced in all scales Kit build of the new Dora Wings 1/72nd Mk.III(SD) by Libor Jekl
The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka- A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Famous Dive Bomber by Richard A Franks The Stuka is a very popular aircraft modelling subject and our latest book will go some way towards unpicking the bewildering choices of variants and schemes that apply to the type. This fourteenth book in our much-acclaimed series will contain at least 240 pages packed with vital information that no active modeller and Stuka enthusiast should be without. 40+ pages of technical information 20+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams 5+ pages of camouflage and markings 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information 200+ photographs including wartime images Colour side views and four-views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all variants by Juraj Jankovic A set of 1/48 scale plans Specially commissioned extensive full kit builds by Libor Jekl & Steve A. Evans Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Jerry Boucher
The Battle of Midway Airframe Extra No.10: Publication in late July •64-80 pages in full colour •ISBN: 978-1-912932-05-4 •Cover price £11.95 •Covers the historical aspects of the battles in the air and at sea over and above Midway between the 4th & 7th June 1942: •Historical narrative by Patrick Branly •Numerous period images •Colour profiles by Richard J Caruana •Specially commissioned kit builds: - Airfix Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat and Nakajima B5N2 Kate plus Hasegawa Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless all in 1/72nd by Libor Jekl •Accurate Miniatures Grumman Avenger and Vought SB2U Vindicator plus Hasegawa Nakajima B5N ‘Kate’ by Steve Evans
Airframe & Miniature No.1: The Messerschmitt Me-262 (Second Edition)Il Messerschmitt Me 262 era un aereo militare multiruolo a reazione, bimotore turbogetto e monoplano ad ala bassa e a freccia, sviluppato dall'azienda aeronautica tedesca Messerschmitt AG negli anni quaranta. Impiegato dalla Luftwaffe, l'aeronautica militare dell'allora Germania nazista durante le fasi finali della seconda guerra mondiale, detiene il primato di essere stato il primo caccia della storia con motore a getto ad entrare in servizio operativo e il primo caccia bireattore.Le versioni principali erano da caccia, soprannominata «Schwalbe» (in tedesco «rondine»), da bombardamento, soprannominata «Sturmvogel» («uccello delle tempeste») e da addestramento biposto.È considerato l'aereo più avanzato utilizzato dai tedeschi, precursore anche dei jet da combattimento realizzati nell'Unione Sovietica nell'immediato dopoguerra.. Confrontato con i caccia in dotazione agli alleati in quel periodo, compreso il Gloster Meteor che sarebbe entrato in servizio di lì a poco, il jet tedesco si rivelava più veloce e più potentemente armato.Ma numerosi problemi di messa a punto ne ritardarono l'entrata in servizio e i problemi tecnici di cui soffriva permisero di renderne operativo un numero di esemplari troppo limitato per poter influenzare le sorti della guerra aerea in Europa. Tuttavia, a differenza degli aerei a reazione degli alleati, che furono usati limitatamente in servizio operativo e senza scontrarsi con i velivoli nemici, i Me 262 abbatterono oltre 700 aerei, tra bombardieri e caccia.
Airframe & Miniature No.2 Third Edition : The Hawker TyphoonQuesto secondo libro della nostra acclamata serie era fuori catalogo da più di un anno. Con i nuovi kit Typhoon disponibili in 1/72 e 1/24 inclusa la versione "Car Door" in quest'ultima scala, sembrava giusto rendere nuovamente disponibile questo libro.Aggiornato e rivisto - ora 176 pagine!Oltre al contenuto della seconda edizione, la terza edizione contiene:Una costruzione in scala 1/24 del kit Typhoon Airfix 'Car Door' di John WilkesRecensioni del kit aggiornateAppendici aggiornate che elencano kit, accessori, maschere e decalcomanieImmagini aggiuntiveContenuto della seconda edizione dell'Hawker Typhoon:128 pagine ricche di informazioni vitali di cui nessun modellista di aviazione attivo dovrebbe essere sprovvistoOltre 40 pagine di informazioni tecnicheOltre 20 pagine di immagini walkaround e schemi tecniciPiù di 5 pagine di mimetiche e segniOltre 25 pagine di build di modelli e informazioni sulla modellazioneOltre 200 fotografie comprese le immagini in tempo di guerraViste laterali e quadrilatere a colori di Richard CaruanaViste isometriche 3D di tutte le varianti di Jacek JackiewiczCostruzioni di kit completi in scala 1/72, 1/48, 1/32 e 1/24, inclusi i kit Brengun 1/72 e Airfix 1/72 costruiti da Steve A. Evans e il kit Airfix 1/24 di Daniel ZamarbideOpera d'arte della copertina anteriore appositamente commissionata da Jerry BoucherUn set completo di piani pieghevoli in scala 1/48L'Hawker Typhoon fu un aereo monomotore, monoplano ad ala bassa progettato dall'azienda britannica Hawker Aircraft sul finire degli anni trenta come aereo da caccia con il quale sostituire il precedente Hurricane, di recente entrato in servizio.Alcuni problemi nello sviluppo ritardarono la sua messa in opera ma, una volta risolti, diventò il principale cacciabombardiere della Royal Air Force durante il secondo conflitto mondiale. Rimase in servizio fino al 1945, quando fu rimpiazzato dall'Hawker Tempest.
Airframe & Miniature No.10: The de Havilland Mosquito 40+ pages of technical information 20+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams 5+ pages of camouflage and markings 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information 200+ photographs including wartime images Colour side views and four-views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all fighter, fighter-bomber, night fighter and Sea Mosquito variants by Wojciech Sankowski Specially commissioned full kit builds by Libor Jekl, Steve A. Evans and Dani Zamarbide of the 1/72nd scale Tamiya FB Mk VI, Hasegawa NF Mk II and FB Mk XVIII, 1/48th scale Tamiya FB Mk VI in BOAC markings and an Airfix FB Mk VI converted to a Nationalist Chinese Air Force FB Mk 26, plus the 1/32nd scale Tamiya FB Mk VI kits Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Jerry Boucher Fold-out 1/48th scale plans
Airframe Extra No.9: The North African Campaign. - Covers the historical aspects of the battles on the ground and in the air in North Africa from Italy's declaration of war on France and the United Kingdom on the 10th June 1940 through to the surrender of all Axis forces in Tunisia on the 13th May 1943: - Historical narrative by Patrick Branly - Numerous period images - Colour profiles by Richard J Caruana - Specially commissioned kit builds: - Hasegawa Heinkel He 111, Special Hobby Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk Ia and RS Models Dewoitine D.520 all in 1/72nd by Libor Jekl - Eduard 1/144th Junkers Ju 52/3m and 1/48th Me 110C-2/Trop plus Fly 1/32nd Hawker Hurricane Mk IId by Steve Evans
Airframe & Miniature No.11 - The Me-109 40+ pages of technical information 20+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams 5+ pages of camouflage and markings 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information 200+ photographs including wartime images Colour side views and four-views by Richard J. Caruana 3D isometric views of all variants by Wojciech Sankowski Fold-out 1/48th scale plans by Jacek Jackiewicz Specially commissioned full kit builds by Libor Jekl, Steve A. Evans and Dani Zamarbide Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Jerry Boucher