Speed Epoxy II 4 min Syringe (28 g).Newly formulated, fast-setting epoxy glue. Remains transparent, and is sandable. Tolerant to dosage errors. Bonding time 4 minutes.
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Go to cartSpeed Epoxy II 4 min (71 g).Newly formulated, fast-setting epoxy glue. Remains transparent, and is sandable. Tolerant to dosage errors. Bonding time 4 minutes.
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Go to cartPrecision Plastic Glue 25g
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Go to cartSolid Water 90ml Kit bi componente per creare l'acqua
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Go to cartEze Epoxy Putty (25g) Stucco bi componente a rapida essiccazione
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Go to cart40ml New Formula Plastic Magic Deluxe Colla liquida per kit in plastica con due pennelli
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Go to cartDELUXE Plastic magic 10 sec cement 40ml
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Go to cartStrip Magic sverniciatore a effetto rapido - agisce in 5 - 15 minuti
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Go to cartRoket Re-Cap (x3) Set di beccucci e tappi per colle cianoacriliche
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Go to cartRoket Rapid Roket cyano range Highest quality cyanoacrylate adhesives. Roket Rapid: Medium viscosity, fast setting adhesive; sets 5-10 sec. Designed for use with precise Micro Tip anti-clog applicator (AC9). Colla cianoacrilica a media densità . Tempi di incollaggio da 5 a 10 sec
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Go to cartRoket Powder Polvere rinforzante da utilizzare con colle ciano per riempire gli spazi vuoti
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Go to cartRoket Plastic Glue Colla liquida per plastica con dosatore ad ago Incolla stirene poliestere abs e butirate. Non infiammabile, inodore, lavabile con acqua. Incolla in 8-10 secondi - puo essere usato il dosatore ad ago AC-9
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Go to cartRoket Odourless Colla cianoacrilica anallergica e inodore.Tempi di incollaggio da 10 a 20 secondi - non fa fumi
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Go to cartRoket Max Roket cyano range Highest quality cyanoacrylate adhesives. Roket Max: Thick, maximum gap-filling adhesive; sets 10-20 sec. Designed for use with precise Micro Tip anti-clog applicator (AC9). Colla cianoacrilica a media densità . Tempi di incollaggio da 10 a 20 sec
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Go to cartRoket Hot Colla cianoacrilica liquida. Tempi di incollaggio da 1 a 5 secondi
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Go to cartRoket Glue Tips applicatore capillare di precisione, pz.6
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Go to cartPerfect Plastic Putty Stucco super fine per plastica con dosatore in pasta bianco. Rapida essiccazione
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Go to cartMicro Tips & Tube Micro puntali e micro tubi - 6 pezzi per le colle AD43 - AD44 - AD45 - AD46
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Go to cartLiquid Gravity 240g Piccole sfere metalliche , indicate come zavorra per bilanciare i modelli da usare con colle cianoacriliche
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Go to cartGlue Buster Debonder Debonder and dissolver of all superglues. Releases bonded skin. Liquido per dissolvere e rimuovere le macchie e i fumi di colla ciano
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Go to cartGlue 'n' Glaze For making crystal clear windows and bonding canopies and most plastics Bonds wood, plastic, metal, painted surfaces. For glazing windows up to 6mm. Use with micro-tips. colla speciale per canopy e per creare piccole superfici vetrate
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Go to cartRoket Blaster Accelleratore Spray che consente alla colla Roket (AD43-AD46) di incollare superfici difficili
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Go to cartTricky Stick 50ml Accelleratore per incollaggi rapidi e tenaci , con pennellino
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