Cutting mat (144x105).- Preserves blade life- Thickness 2 mm (3 layers)- Measures in mm- Lightweight and durable- No cracking or warpingCutting mats from the Modelcraft Value range offer excellent protection for the work surface.With self-repairing design, three layers and a measuring grid, these mats are ideal for making straight, precise cuts. The self-repairing properties repair furrows created by previous cuts, keeping the surface smooth.
Cutting mat (220x150).- Preserves blade life- Thickness 2 mm (3 layers)- Measures in mm- Lightweight and durable- No cracking or warpingCutting mats from the Modelcraft Value range offer excellent protection for the work surface.With self-repairing design, three layers and a measuring grid, these mats are ideal for making straight, precise cuts. The self-repairing properties repair furrows created by previous cuts, keeping the surface smooth.
Cutting mat (300x220).- Preserves blade life- Thickness 2 mm (3 layers)- Measures in mm- Lightweight and durable- No cracking or warpingCutting mats from the Modelcraft Value range offer excellent protection for the work surface.With self-repairing design, three layers and a measuring grid, these mats are ideal for making straight, precise cuts. The self-repairing properties repair furrows created by previous cuts, keeping the surface smooth.
Cutting mat (450x300).- Preserves blade life- Thickness 2 mm (3 layers)- Measures in mm- Lightweight and durable- No cracking or warpingCutting mats from the Modelcraft Value range offer excellent protection for the work surface.With self-repairing design, three layers and a measuring grid, these mats are ideal for making straight, precise cuts. The self-repairing properties repair furrows created by previous cuts, keeping the surface smooth.
Flexible sanding pad set (6 pieces)(90x19x6 mm)- Grits: 60/100, 240/400, 600/1000, 1500, 2000, 3000- Flexible: perfect for precision tasks- Full range of grits to suit any task- Crafts, model making, art and jewelryThis set of six sanding pads includes a range of grits from 60 to 3000, covering all tasks from material removal to finishing and polishing. These drums are washable and reusable, can be cut to shape, and with a flexible foam core are perfect for sanding curves and contours.
GS Hypo Cement- Dries completely clear- Ideal for gluing clear plastic, glass and beads- Precision applicator for intricate work- Perfect for model making, crafts, jewelry, beading, optics and repairHypo Cement dries crystal clear without damaging surfaces and includes an applicator for pinpoint accuracy. The glue cures in 10 minutes, allowing parts to be positioned before setting.Suitable for plastics, glass, metal, ceramics and synthetics.
Tronchesino di precisione indicato per plasticaDESCRIZIONE• Lame angolate sottili per tagli precisi• Ganasce in acciaio al carbonio temprato• Tagli a filo affilati con pulizia minima• Impugnatura comoda• Ideale per plastica e resina• Uno strumento essenziale per la costruzione in miniatura, l'artigianato e altro ancora
CUTTER CON ASSPRTIMENTO DI 10 LAME Set di coltelli artigianali di precisione 16 pezzi Questo eccellente set viene fornito completo di una scelta di 3 manici per coltelli - 13 lame diverse, ideali per hobby, artigianato e attività professionali. I coltelli possono eseguire tagli angolari di precisione - rifilatura, taglio, intaglio, scalpellatura, segatura, scriccatura precisi - sagomatura. Tutto confezionato in una pratica custodia. Il set include: Coltello artigianale classico n. 1 Coltello hobby medio n. 2 - Coltello artigianale con manico in plastica n. 5 Lame per adattarsi al manico n. 1 - 1x lama curva per uso generale n.10 - 2x lame Classic Fine Point # 11 - 1x lama per segnare # 16 - 1x lama per scalpello n. 17 Lame per adattarsi al manico # 2 - # 5 - 2x lama grande a punta fine n.2 - 1x lama per scalpello n. 18 - 1x lama per scalpello angolata n. 19 - 1x Grande lama da intaglio curva n. 22 - 2x lame sbavatrici # 24 - 1x lama del bordo dello stampino # 68
Work Station wood + A4 Cutting Mat This workstation provides the ideal modelling space wherever you are, whether placed on a desk or held on your lap. The A4 cutting mat fits snugly into the laser cut design, with tool holders, shelf and space for a water pot. Questa postazioni di lavoro in legno offre lo spazio per modellare ovunque tu sia. Il tappetino da taglio A4 si inserisce perfettamente, portautensili, ripiano e spazio per un bicchiere d'acqua.