Kit Sd.Kfz.234 WITH MG151 DRILLING in scala 1/35 - Modello Miniart.Questo kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:35 dà vita all'autoblindo Sd.Kfz.234, equipaggiata con il triplo cannone automatico MG151. Perfetto per gli appassionati di "What If...?", questo kit presenta componenti altamente dettagliati, parti fotoincise per una maggiore precisione e cinque opzioni di decalcomanie per rappresentare scenari storici alternativi. Progettato con dettagli superficiali realistici, accessori funzionali e interni intricati, questo kit è ideale per creare un pezzo da esposizione sorprendente o un centrotavola diorama. Lo Sd.Kfz. 234 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234) era una serie di autoblindo pesanti utilizzate dalla Germania nazista durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Progettato per la ricognizione e il supporto di combattimento, si caratterizzava per la sua elevata mobilità, buona corazzatura e potente armamento. Prodotto dalla Büssing-NAG tra il 1943 e il 1945, era dotato di otto ruote motrici e una configurazione a doppia guida, che permetteva di procedere rapidamente sia in avanti che in retromarcia senza dover invertire il mezzo. Caratteristiche Generali Ruolo: Ricognizione corazzata, supporto di fuoco Equipaggio: 4 uomini (comandante, cannoniere, servente, pilota) Motore: Tatra 103 V12 diesel da 220 CV Velocità massima: Circa 80 km/h su strada, 40 km/h su terreni accidentati Autonomia: Fino a 1.000 km su strada Corazzatura: Da 8 a 30 mm, progettata per resistere a mitragliatrici pesanti e schegge Mobilità: Trazione integrale 8x8, con doppio posto di guida per ritirate rapide Varianti Principali Lo Sd.Kfz. 234 fu prodotto in quattro varianti, ognuna con armamento e funzioni differenti: 1. Sd.Kfz. 234/1 Armato con una mitragliera da 20 mm KwK 38 L/55 e una mitragliatrice MG34 Destinato principalmente alla ricognizione rapida 2. Sd.Kfz. 234/2 "Puma" Versione più famosa, equipaggiata con un cannone KwK 39 L/60 da 50 mm Maggiore potenza di fuoco rispetto alla variante base Utilizzato sia per scout avanzati che in combattimento contro veicoli corazzati leggeri 3. Sd.Kfz. 234/3 Versione per supporto di fanteria con un cannone KwK 37 L/24 da 75 mm Ideale per combattimenti urbani e contro truppe appostate 4. Sd.Kfz. 234/4 La versione più pesantemente armata, dotata di un cannone Pak 40 da 75 mm Impiegato come cacciacarri leggero, capace di affrontare i T-34 sovietici e gli Sherman alleati Impiego Operativo Lo Sd.Kfz. 234 fu impiegato su tutti i fronti dal 1943 al 1945. La sua velocità e resistenza lo resero un ottimo veicolo da ricognizione e schermaglia, ma le versioni con cannoni più potenti come il 234/2 "Puma" e il 234/4 si rivelarono efficaci anche in combattimenti diretti. Fronte occidentale: Utilizzato contro gli Alleati in Francia e Belgio, impiegato in ruoli di ricognizione avanzata Fronte orientale: Usato contro l’Armata Rossa per missioni di interdizione e supporto al combattimento Italia e Nord Africa: Sebbene introdotto tardi, il suo motore diesel e la lunga autonomia lo resero ideale per operazioni in territori vasti Conclusione Lo Sd.Kfz. 234 fu una delle migliori autoblindo tedesche della guerra, con un mix di mobilità, resistenza e potenza di fuoco. Sebbene prodotto in numeri limitati, dimostrò la validità del design 8x8 e influenzò lo sviluppo di veicoli blindati nel dopoguerra.
Figurini PAINT WORKERS WITH ACCESSORIES in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART.Questo kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:35 include due figure dettagliate di operai addetti alla verniciatura, complete di accessori realistici come scale, secchi di vernice e pennelli. Perfetto per scene di diorama, questo kit aggiunge un tocco di vita quotidiana ai tuoi progetti, raffigurando personaggi laboriosi in azione. Con una scultura eccezionale e pose realistiche, questo kit è una scelta eccellente per i modellisti che desiderano arricchire le loro scene con elementi umani.
Kit aereo P-47D-26RA THUNDERBOLT. ADVANCED KIT in scala 1/48 - Modello Miniart.Questo kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:48 offre una rappresentazione dettagliata dell'iconico aereo da caccia P-47D Thunderbolt. Con parti fotoincise e decalcomanie incluse, il kit consente un'elevata personalizzazione e precisione. Include tre opzioni di marcatura che rappresentano squadroni storici, tra cui unità dell'8a e della 12a Air Force durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Perfetto per i modellisti avanzati, questo kit presenta dettagli dei pannelli altamente realistici e interni della cabina di pilotaggio. Crea una straordinaria esposizione di questo leggendario caccia della seconda guerra mondiale con l'ingegneria di precisione e l'attenzione storica ai dettagli di MiniArt. Il P-47D-26RA Thunderbolt era una variante del celebre Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, uno dei più robusti e potenti caccia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questo modello specifico fu prodotto nello stabilimento di Evansville, Indiana, da cui deriva la designazione RA (Republic Aircraft Evansville). Era un aereo da caccia e attacco al suolo, noto per la sua grande resistenza, l’elevata potenza di fuoco e la capacità di sopportare ingenti danni in combattimento. Caratteristiche Tecniche Motore: Pratt & Whitney R-2800-59 Double Wasp, 18 cilindri radiale, da 2.300 CV Velocità massima: Circa 700 km/h a 9.150 metri di quota Autonomia: Circa 1.600 km, estendibile con serbatoi supplementari Armamento principale: 8 mitragliatrici Browning M2 calibro .50 (12,7 mm) montate sulle ali Armamento secondario: Bombe fino a 1.100 kg Razzi HVAR da 127 mm per attacco al suolo Corazza: Protezione avanzata per il pilota e il motore Carrello retrattile a larga carreggiata, che lo rendeva stabile in fase di decollo e atterraggio Miglioramenti della Versione D-26RA Rispetto ai primi modelli, il P-47D-26RA introduceva alcune innovazioni importanti: Adozione della capottatura a goccia (bubble canopy) per una visibilità a 360° Miglioramenti all’impianto di sovralimentazione per migliori prestazioni ad alta quota Capacità di trasportare serbatoi sganciabili per aumentare il raggio d’azione Affinamenti aerodinamici per una maggiore velocità e manovrabilità Ruolo e Impiego Operativo Il P-47D-26RA fu impiegato sia come caccia di scorta che come caccia-bombardiere. Grazie alla sua potenza di fuoco e alla capacità di resistere ai danni, era particolarmente efficace nelle missioni di: Scorta ai bombardieri B-17 e B-24 in profondità nel territorio nemico Attacco al suolo contro colonne di carri, truppe e infrastrutture Interdizione aerea e combattimenti contro caccia nemici Operò soprattutto nel teatro europeo, ma fu utilizzato anche nel Pacifico. Conclusione Il P-47D-26RA Thunderbolt rappresentava una delle varianti più avanzate del P-47, con un’ottima combinazione di velocità, potenza di fuoco e resistenza. Fu uno degli aerei più temuti dagli avversari e contribuì in modo significativo alla superiorità aerea alleata nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Kit veicolo JAPANESE M3 STUART w/CREWin scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART.Questo dettagliato kit di modelli ricrea accuratamente il carro armato leggero M3 Stuart utilizzato dai giapponesi, completo di cinque figure di equipaggio finemente scolpite. Il kit include parti fotoincise e offre quattro opzioni di decalcomanie per mostrare vari schemi di verniciatura e marcature storiche. Cattura gli adattamenti e i camuffamenti unici utilizzati dalle forze giapponesi durante la seconda guerra mondiale, rendendolo un'aggiunta di spicco a qualsiasi collezione. Il Japanese M3 Stuart si riferisce ai carri M3 Stuart catturati o ceduti al Giappone durante e dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. L’M3 Stuart era un carro leggero statunitense, ampiamente usato dagli Alleati. Alcuni esemplari vennero catturati dalle forze giapponesi nel teatro del Pacifico, soprattutto nelle Filippine e in altre aree occupate. Dopo la guerra, gli Stati Uniti fornirono alcuni M3 Stuart all’Esercito giapponese per la difesa interna durante il periodo di occupazione americana. Caratteristiche Generali dell’M3 Stuart Ruolo: Carro leggero da ricognizione Equipaggio: 4 uomini (comandante, cannoniere, servente, pilota) Peso: Circa 14 tonnellate Motore: Continental W-970 da 250 CV Velocità massima: Circa 58 km/h su strada Autonomia: Circa 113 km Corazzatura: Tra 13 e 38 mm, efficace contro armi leggere Armamento: Cannone M6 da 37 mm Mitragliatrici Browning M1919 da 7,62 mm Impiego Operativo in Giappone Durante la guerra: I giapponesi, pur avendo catturato alcuni M3 Stuart, li usarono in modo limitato perché non compatibili con la loro logistica e difficili da mantenere. Dopo la guerra: Gli USA fornirono M3 Stuart ricondizionati alle Forze di Autodifesa Giapponesi (JSDF) nel primo dopoguerra, fino all’arrivo di veicoli più moderni. Conclusione Il Japanese M3 Stuart non fu un veicolo ampiamente impiegato dai giapponesi durante la guerra, ma divenne parte della loro flotta corazzata nel dopoguerra sotto supervisione americana.
Figurini Italian Tank Crew. Resin Heads in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART.Questo kit include cinque figure altamente dettagliate di membri dell'equipaggio di carri armati italiani della seconda guerra mondiale, ciascuna con teste in resina per espressioni facciali realistiche. Le figure sono vestite con un mix di uniformi, adatte a diversi climi e campagne.Ideale per aggiungere figure di equipaggio ai veicoli corazzati italiani, questo set funziona bene per il Nord Africa, il Fronte Orientale o i diorami teatrali italiani. Che siano in piedi, seduti o in preparazione all'azione, queste figure aggiungeranno più profondità e autenticità alle tue esposizioni della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Kit veicolo German 3t Cargo Truck 3,6-36S Mid Prod. in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART.Ricrea l'iconico camion tedesco da 3 tonnellate 3,6-36S con questo dettagliato modello in scala 1:35 di MiniArt. Questo camion della seconda guerra mondiale di media produzione è dotato di motore, interni e area di carico personalizzabili completamente dettagliati, con opzioni per un cassone aperto o un telo coperto. Il kit include parti fotoincise per un maggiore realismo e decalcomanie per cinque versioni storiche, tra cui unità in Ucraina, Francia e una versione statunitense catturata. Perfetto per gli appassionati e i modellisti della seconda guerra mondiale, questo kit offre accuratezza storica e un'esperienza di costruzione gratificante. Il German 3T Cargo Truck era un autocarro da trasporto militare da 3 tonnellate, ampiamente utilizzato dalla Germania durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questi veicoli erano essenziali per il trasporto di truppe, rifornimenti e attrezzature su tutti i fronti di guerra. Tra i modelli più diffusi rientravano il Opel Blitz, il Mercedes-Benz L3000 e il Borgward B 3000, tutti con una capacità di carico di circa 3 tonnellate. Caratteristiche Generali Ruolo: Trasporto truppe e materiali Capacità di carico: Circa 3 tonnellate Motore: Diesel o benzina, con potenze tra 68 e 95 CV Velocità massima: Circa 75 km/h su strada Autonomia: Circa 300-500 km, a seconda del modello e del carburante disponibile Trazione: 4x2 per la maggior parte dei modelli 4x4 per le versioni destinate a terreni difficili Modelli Principali 1. Opel Blitz 3.6-36S (il più diffuso) Prodotto in oltre 100.000 esemplari Motore a benzina 3.6L da 75 CV Versioni 4x2 e 4x4 Utilizzato per logistica, trasporto truppe e ambulanza 2. Mercedes-Benz L3000 Prodotto in circa 27.000 esemplari Motore diesel da 74 CV Prestazioni simili all’Opel Blitz, ma con maggiore efficienza sui lunghi tragitti 3. Borgward B 3000 Variante meno diffusa, con motore diesel da 78 CV Buona autonomia, impiegato soprattutto sul Fronte Orientale Impiego Operativo I camion da 3 tonnellate erano la spina dorsale della logistica tedesca, utilizzati in tutti i teatri operativi: Fronte Orientale: Fondamentali per trasportare rifornimenti alle truppe sul fronte sovietico Africa Settentrionale: Adattati alle condizioni desertiche, ma soffrivano per la scarsità di carburante Francia e Italia: Utilizzati per il trasporto di equipaggiamento e truppe Spesso, questi autocarri venivano convertiti per altri usi, come ambulanze, officine mobili e persino piattaforme per armi antiaeree come il Flak 38 da 20 mm. Conclusione Il German 3T Cargo Truck fu uno dei mezzi più utilizzati dalla Wehrmacht per il trasporto e la logistica. Nonostante le difficoltà nella produzione durante la guerra, questi camion rimasero essenziali fino alla fine del conflitto.
French Concrete Road Signs 1930-40’s. North & East in scala 1/35 - modello Miniart.Questo kit offre una varietà di realistici segnali stradali francesi degli anni '30 e '40, perfetti per aggiungere dettagli autentici ai tuoi diorami della seconda guerra mondiale. Il set include segnali direzionali, indicatori di pietre miliari e segnali stradali comunemente visti nella Francia settentrionale e orientale durante la guerra.Che tu stia costruendo una scena rurale o un campo di battaglia urbano, questi segnali stradali in cemento aumenteranno il realismo del tuo progetto. Un'ottima aggiunta a qualsiasi diorama ambientato in Francia tra l'inizio e la metà del XX secolo.
Figurini CONSTRUCTION WORKERS WITH ACCESSORIES in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART.Questo kit porta il mondo delle costruzioni nel tuo diorama o scena di modellismo con due figure dettagliate in scala 1:35 e una gamma di accessori. Operai edili, il set include attrezzi, mattoni, una carriola e altri oggetti per creare un ambiente di cantiere realistico.Perfetto per aggiungere vita e contesto a diorami urbani o industriali, questo set offre versatilità e un tocco di realismo quotidiano. Sia come figure indipendenti che come parte di una scena più ampia, questi operai edili sono un ottimo modo per migliorare le esposizioni dei tuoi modelli.
ALCOHOL BOTTLES w/BOXES in scala 1/35 - modello Miniart.Questo kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:35 presenta un assortimento di bottiglie di alcolici, con casse di legno. Con le decalcomanie incluse, puoi personalizzare le etichette per una maggiore autenticità, perfette per diorami, scene di bar o allestimenti storici. Il design dettagliato sia delle bottiglie che delle casse conferisce un tocco vibrante di realismo a qualsiasi progetto a tema civile o della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Kit StuH 42 Ausf. G MID PRODUCTION 1/72 scale - Model Miniart.This 1:72 scale model kit reproduces the StuH 42 Ausf. G Mid Production, one of the best-known self-propelled guns of World War II. Known for its pivotal role in supporting German forces, this vehicle is meticulously recreated with detailed parts that highlight its unique design and historical significance.The kit includes six marking options, allowing you to represent units on the Eastern Front in 1943. Photo-etched parts are also included to enhance the finer details, adding another level of authenticity to the build. Compact in size but rich in detail, this model is ideal for both collectors and diorama builders who wish to add a key piece of World War II history to their collection. The StuH 42 Ausf. G (short for Sturmhaubitze 42) was a German assault artillery self-propelled vehicle developed during World War II. It was a variant of the StuG III, one of the Wehrmacht's most famous assault guns, but armed with a 105 mm howitzer to provide more firepower against enemy infantry and fortifications. Main Features Development: 1942 Manufacturer: Alkett Base: Chassis of the StuG III Ausf. G Primary armament: 105 mm howitzer (10.5 cm StuH 42 L/28) Secondary armament: 7.92 mm MG34 mounted on the hull for self-defense Armor: Variable from 30 to 80 mm (upgraded from early StuG III models) Engine: 300-hp Maybach HL 120 TRM Maximum Speed: About 40 km/h Autonomy: About 160 km on the road Crew: 4 men (commander, gunner, servant, pilot) Role and Usage The StuH 42 Ausf. G was designed to support infantry by providing mobile artillery fire. The 105 mm gun with HE(High Explosive) ammunition was extremely effective against: Fortified positionsEnemy bunkers and trenchesInfantry in cover However, its low initial speed howitzer made it less effective against enemy tanks, although it could use HEAT (High-Explosive Anti-Tank) projectiles to counter enemy armored vehicles. Production and Operational Employment Production began in 1942 and continued until 1945, with about 1,300 built. It was employed on all fronts, particularly on the Eastern Front, where it proved invaluable in supporting German troops against Soviet defensive positions. The vehicle shared most components with the StuG III, simplifying maintenance and repairs. Advantages and Disadvantages. PROS: Powerful 105-mm howitzer effective against structures and infantry. Based on a reliable chassis (StuG III) already widely used. Low profile that made it difficult to spot on the battlefield. CON: Low initial projectile speed, less effective against heavy tanks. No rotating turret, thus limited in rapid engagement of moving targets. Limited close defense, with only a machine gun for protection against infantry. Conclusion The StuH 42 Ausf. G was a versatile and valuable weapon for the Wehrmacht, especially in infantry support and the destruction of fortified enemy positions. Although not a true tank, its powerful howitzer and the StuG III 's reliable chassis made it an effective vehicle until the end of the war.
Junkers F13 Float Plane Kit. Early Prod in 1/48 scale - Model Miniart.The Junkers F13 was a revolutionary aircraft, recognized as the world's first all-metal passenger plane. This 1:48 scale kit depicts the seaplane version of the early production model, perfect for recreating historic civil aviation and seaplane operations. The Junkers F 13 is considered the first all-metal airliner in history. Designed and produced by Junkers & Co. in Germany immediately after World War I, it was a revolutionary aircraft that laid the foundation for modern commercial aviation. There was also a seaplane version, called the Junkers F 13 Float Plane, equipped with floats instead of landing gear, making it suitable for use in regions with many waterways, such as Northern Europe, South America and the Pacific. Key Features First flight: June 25, 1919 Manufacturer: Junkers & Co. Structure material: Corrugated metal, a first for the time Engine: Various models over time, including the 185-hp BMW IIIa Top speed: Approximately 170 km/h Autonomy: Approximately 1,400 km Capacity: 4 passengers + 2 crew members Configuration: Low-wing monoplane, with wheeled or float versions Hydroplane Version (Float Plane) To operate on rivers, lakes, and coasts, the Junkers F 13 was modified with the addition of two floats in place of the undercarriage. This made it particularly useful for: Postal services and passenger transport in areas without airports, such as Brazil and Canada Military and naval reconnaissance operations Use by airlines in South America and the Pacific Role and Impact The Junkers F 13 was a milestone in commercial aviation, demonstrating the superiority of all-metal aircraft over those made of wood and canvas. It operated with companies such as Lufthansa and various South American airlines, where the seaplane version proved essential. It was exported all over the world and remained in service until the 1940s. Conclusion The Junkers F 13 Float Plane was a revolutionary aircraft for air transport because of its metal construction and ability to operate over water. It contributed greatly to the development of civil and commercial aviation, making it one of the forerunners of modern seaplanes.
1/35 Scale German Officers & Drivers Figurines - Model MINIART.This kit includes four detailed figures representing German officers and drivers from World War II. The set features sitting and standing poses, making it perfect for adding crew members to military vehicles or creating realistic diorama scenes.With accurate uniforms and accessories, these figures bring your World War II displays to life. Whether used as drivers inside vehicles or as commanding officers in conversation, this set is a versatile addition to any collection.
GERMAN MACHINEGUNS SET. SPECIAL EDITION in 1/35 scale - Model MINIART.German machine gun set in 1:35 scale with six World War II machine guns. This special edition includes detailed gun models, ammunition boxes, belts and tripods, making it a must-have addition for diorama enthusiasts and military collectors.
Figurines GERMAN GROUND STAFF w/ACCESSORIES. NORTH AFRICA in 1/48 scale - Model MINIART.MiniArt kit in 1:48 scale German Ground Staff. This set includes four detailed figures in realistic poses, along with a wide range of tools and equipment used by ground teams during World War II.Perfect for adding activity and realism to your scenes, this kit shows the daily work of German ground staff in the North African campaign. The included accessories, such as workbenches, ladders, and toolboxes, offer many options for customizing your display.
1/35 Scale ALLIED DRIVERS Figurines - Model MINIART.This kit includes four 1:35 scale figures of Allied pilots from various World War II armies, each posed to fit a variety of vehicle types. The set includes detailed uniforms and equipment, along with weapons, making it ideal for enhancing military vehicles and dioramas.Perfect for bringing your allied vehicle models to life, these figures add realism and character to any World War II scene. Whether sitting behind the wheel or preparing for their next task, these drivers provide a dynamic addition to your collection.
US-type 20-liter jerrycans in 1/24 scale - Model Miniart.The 1:24 scale plastic model kit contains 12 Jerrycans used by the US during World War II. The set includes different designs of jerrycans for gasoline, oil, petrol and water, complete with decals for each type. With various customization options, this set is ideal for accessorizing vehicles and dioramas.
Sd.Kfz.234/3 armored vehicle kit WITH 2 cm 38 SCHWEBELAFETTE 1/35 scale - MINIART model.1:35 scale model of the Sd.Kfz.234/3 armed with a 2 cm 38 Schwebelafette gun, a historically accurate German World War II armored vehicle. The kit offers realism with photo-etched parts, two decal options and finely crafted interior details. Perfect for military history enthusiasts, this model is designed to bring an impressive level of authenticity to your collection or diorama. The Sd.Kfz. 234/3 was a version of the Sd.Kfz. 234, a German armored vehicle used during World War II. The Sd.Kfz. 234 was a wheeled armored vehicle designed for reconnaissance operations, fire support and, in some variants, anti-tank or artillery functions. Version 234/3 was one of the configurations of the Sd.Kfz. 234, specifically equipped with a 75 mm KwK 37 L/24 canon, the same armament used on some German light tanks such as the Panzer II. This made it suitable for supporting armored and infantry troop operations, offering remote firepower. Main Features of the Sd.Kfz. 234/3 Engine and Mobility: The vehicle was powered by a 300-hp Maybach HL 120 TRM engine, which enabled it to reach a speed of about 85 km/h on the road and to have good mobility even over rough terrain. The wheel system, instead of tracks, made the Sd.Kfz. 234/3 faster and more agile than tracked tanks, but less suitable for muddy or sandy terrain. Armament: The Sd.Kfz. 234/3 was equipped with a 75 mm KwK 37 L/24 canon, the same one used on vehicles such as the Panzer II. The cannon was useful for attacking light vehicles, infantry positions and targets at medium range, but was not effective against enemy heavy tanks. The vehicle was also equipped with MG34 machine guns for close defense and infantry support. Armor: The vehicle had armor ranging from 14 mm to 30 mm thick, enough to protect it against small arms fire and some 20 mm or 37 mm cannon shells, but not enough to withstand hits from heavier armored vehicles. The turret was completely open at the front, with an armored structure that provided discreet protection for the crew. Crew: The Sd.Kfz. 234/3 had a crew of four men: commander, gunner, loader and driver. The crew worked inside a fixed turret with sufficient space to operate the gun and machine guns. Role and Employment Reconnaissance and Support: Although the Sd.Kfz. 234/3 was designed primarily as a fire support vehicle, it was also used for reconnaissance missions due to its speed and agility. Its 75 mm cannon allowed it to give fire support to troops, hitting light targets and infantry positions, but it was not effective against heavy armored vehicles. Theater of Operations: The Sd.Kfz. 234/3 was mainly used during the campaigns in Russia and North Africa, where Germany sought to counter Soviet resistance and Allied forces. The 234/3 version was particularly useful in battle environments where speed and fire support were crucial. Because of its relatively light configuration and armament, the Sd.Kfz. 234/3 did not have long-term employment, as it could not compete against heavier Allied vehicles. Summary The Sd.Kfz. 234/3 was a variant of the German armored vehicle Sd.Kfz. 234, armed with a 75-mm KwK 37 L/24 gun. Designed for reconnaissance operations and fire support, the vehicle was fast and maneuverable, but its limited protection and underpowered armament made it less effective against heavier enemy vehicles. Nevertheless, the Sd.Kfz. 234/3 played a significant role in some campaigns, supporting infantry and light armored operations in battles.
German and Italian pilots with DAL soldiers in North Africa in 1/48 scale .This plastic scale model kit includes 6 highly detailed figures representing German and Italian pilots together with Free Arabian Legion soldiers, set in a World War II setting in North Africa. The kit includes fuel drums, canisters, and other equipment to enhance historical accuracy. Perfect for creating dioramas or as stand-alone figures, this set captures the details of the North African campaign.
M3 STUART DIESEL Tank Kit. EARLY PRODUCTION 1/35 scale - Model MINIART.This 1:35 scale plastic model kit offers a highly detailed model of the first M3 Stuart Diesel, a light tank widely used during World War II. The kit includes photoetched parts for accuracy and offers 3 decal options to represent different historic units, including the USMC at Guadalcanal and the 2nd Armored Division. Perfect for building dioramas or stand-alone displays, this model captures the essence of armored combat in the Pacific and other theaters of war. A great addition for military modelers seeking authenticity and detail. The M3 Stuart Diesel is a variant of the famous M3 Stuart, a light tank used primarily during World War II by the United States Armed Forces and several other Allied countries. The Diesel variant of the M3 Stuart is distinguished by the use of a diesel engine, while the standard versions of the M3 were powered by gasoline engines. Key Features of the M3 Stuart Diesel Engine: The main difference between the M3 Stuart Diesel and earlier versions was the engine. Instead of the 250-hp Twin 6-71 gasoline engine, the M3 Stuart Diesel was equipped with a General Motors 6-71 diesel engine that provided the same power but with greater efficiency and range. The use of the diesel engine improved fuel reliability and reduced the need for refueling, which was important in long-duration operating scenarios. Armament: The M3 Stuart Diesel was armed with a 37 mm M6 L/50 main canon, which was capable of tackling light vehicles and supporting infantry support operations. It was also equipped with a Browning M1919 7.62 mm caliber machine gun mounted in the turret and other machine guns for support against enemy infantry. Armor: The armor of the M3 Stuart Diesel consisted of plates between 12 mm and 51 mm thick, which offered adequate protection against small arms fire and some enemy light tanks, but was insufficient against heavier tanks or more powerful anti-tank weapons. The turret was rotating and mounted on an armored base that offered good mobility for the commander and crew. Mobility and Performance: The M3 Stuart Diesel had a top speed of about 56 km/h on the road, with a range of about 160-200 km, depending on terrain and fuel conditions. Mobility was good, especially in less rugged terrain, due to its lightweight construction and diesel engine that provided greater range than the gasoline versions. Crew: The crew of the M3 Stuart Diesel consisted of four men: commander, gunner, loader and driver. The interior layout was fairly compact, typical for light tanks, but despite this, the crew could operate efficiently due to a well-designed layout. Deployment and Operations Theater of Operations: The M3 Stuart Diesel was mainly used during operations in North Africa and Europe, where Allied forces employed it to support infantry troops and to carry out reconnaissance. Although it was faster and more maneuverable than other tanks, the M3 Stuart Diesel was nevertheless vulnerable to heavier enemy tanks, such as the German Panzer IV or M4 Sherman. Variant and Evolution: The M3 Stuart Diesel was not a mass-produced version, but rather a modification of the standard M3 model, employed in some units that needed a diesel engine for operational reasons, such as fuel reliability or mission duration. However, the diesel version was limited compared to other medium tanks such as the M4 Sherman, which became the main tank of the Allied forces during the war. Summary The M3 Stuart Diesel is a modified version of the famous M3 Stuart light tank, equipped with a diesel engine instead of a gasoline engine. Although the M3 Stuart Diesel offered greater range and reliability than previous versions, its light armor and 37 mm cannon made it vulnerable against heavier enemy armored vehicles. However, it was mainly used for infantry support duties, reconnaissance, and in operations where speed and maneuverability were essential.
Junkers-Larsen JL.6 Aircraft Kit Military Service in 1/48 scale - Model Miniart. Extremely detailed aircraft: This kit reproduces the unique design of the JL.6 with precise panel lines and structural elements for authentic construction. 3 decal options: includes three military service decal options, providing flexibility for different historical liveries. Photoetched parts included: the kit includes photoetched parts, adding extra detail for more realistic construction. The Junkers-Larsen JL.6 is a German training and observation aircraft developed during World War II. It was a collaboration between German manufacturer Junkers and Danish designer Jørgen Larsen, and was intended to play a role in pilot training and as an observation and tactical support aircraft. Main Features Type: Training and observation aircraft Origin: Germany/Denmark Designer: Jørgen Larsen (in collaboration with Junkers) Years of service: World War II (1940-1945) Design and Structure Configuration: The JL.6 was a single-engine, high-wing monoplane training aircraft with a two-seat tandem nacelle (pilot and trainee seated one behind the other). The aircraft was equipped with trapezoidal-shaped wings and had a solid but simple structure designed for training and surveillance operations. Engine: It was powered by a radial engine (probably a BMW 132 or similar) with power that varied according to version and use. Speed and performance: Top speed: about 300 km/h (approximately). Range: between 700 and 800 km, depending on variants. The JL.6 was designed for low-altitude operations because of its stability and maneuverability. Armament: Although primarily a training aircraft, in some models the JL.6 could be equipped with light machine guns or rockets for observation missions or close support if necessary. Role and Military Service. The Junkers-Larsen JL.6 was intended primarily for two roles: Pilot training: It served as an aircraft for the initial training of Luftwaffe (German air force) pilots. Its simple structure and maneuverability made it suitable for teaching the basics of flying. Observation and tactical support: In addition, the JL.6 was used as an observation aircraft and for ground force support, providing battlefield information and helping in close support operations. However, production of the JL.6 was limited, and its operational career was relatively short due to production difficulties and changes during the course of the war. Summary The Junkers-Larsen JL.6 represents an example of how the German armed forces sought to develop aircraft for specific purposes during World War II, particularly to train new pilots and provide tactical support. Despite its usefulness in the training and observation context, the JL.6 did not have a significant impact on wartime operations, and its production was limited.
German L1500S tool wagon kit in 1/35 scale - Miniart model. The L1500S was a German tow truck used during World War II. Produced by Mercedes-Benz, this vehicle was a variant of the L1500 model, a rear-wheel-drive German military truck designed for logistical, transport operations and support of the armed forces. The L1500S version was specifically equipped as a tow truck for the recovery and repair of damaged vehicles on the battlefield. Key features Type: German tow truck Production: Mercedes-Benz Role: Recovery of damaged vehicles, logistical support Year of production: During World War II Base: Variant of the L1500truck Specifications. Engine: The L1500S was equipped with a gasoline or diesel engine, which enabled it to move even in difficult terrain conditions. The original engine of the L1500 produced about 75 horsepower, which enabled it to reach a top speed of about 80 km/h on the road. Fuselage and cargo capacity: As a tow truck version, the L1500S was equipped with specific tools and mechanisms for recovering damaged vehicles. These included a winch or crane to lift and remove vehicles that had been damaged or stranded on the battlefield. The truck maintained a load capacity of about 1,500 kg, making it suitable for transporting equipment and small loads. Design and structure: The structure of the L1500S was rugged, with rear-wheel drive that made it capable of dealing with rough terrain, including mud and sand, common features in World War II combat areas. It was equipped with reinforced tires and a reinforced body to support operations in conflict zones. Operational use The L1500S was employed in recovery operations of damaged vehicles on the battlefield. Its main functions included: Vehicle recovery: The tow truck was used to recover and transport vehicles damaged during combat operations, making it crucial to maintaining the efficiency of the German mechanized fleet. Logistics support: The L1500S helped maintain military logistics, ensuring that damaged vehicles could be repaired or removed to avoid disruption of operations. Field Repairs: In some cases, the vehicle was also equipped with tools and machinery to carry out on-site repairs, for example on the engine or body, in order to minimize vehicle downtime. Summary The L1500S was a specialized version of the German L1500 truck, designed as a tow truck to support the logistics operations of the Wermacht during World War II. Its ability to recover damaged vehicles and support ground forces made it a critical component in maintaining the mobility of German units, especially in difficult battle environments. With its robustness and ability to operate in extreme conditions, the L1500S was an important part of German military logistics.
Kit aereo THUNDERBOLT P-47D BUBBLETOP WITH BASE & ACCESSORIES. BIG SET in scala 1/48 - Modello Miniart.Questo kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:48 presenta una rappresentazione dettagliata del P-47D Thunderbolt con una base completa e un'ampia gamma di accessori, tra cui attrezzi e attrezzature per la riparazione. Il kit fornisce parti fotoincise per una maggiore precisione e offre tre opzioni di decalcomanie per la personalizzazione. La base misura 315x227 mm, offrendo spazio per mostrare l'aereo in una scena di manutenzione realistica. Perfetto per gli appassionati di aviazione e i modellisti che desiderano creare un diorama di aerei della seconda guerra mondiale immersivo. Il P-47D Thunderbolt è una variante del Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, uno dei caccia più iconici della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. È stato un caccia monomotore americano estremamente robusto e versatile, utilizzato principalmente dall'US Army Air Forces (USAAF) e da altre forze aeree alleate. Soprannominato "Jug" (abbreviazione di "Juggernaut"), era noto per la sua capacità di sopravvivere a gravi danni in combattimento e per la sua efficacia sia come caccia d'alta quota che come aereo d'attacco al suolo. Caratteristiche principali: Ruolo operativo: Caccia d'alta quota. Supporto aereo ravvicinato con bombardamenti e attacchi al suolo. Scorta ai bombardieri strategici. Motore: Alimentato da un motore Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp, un radiale a 18 cilindri raffreddato ad aria, capace di erogare oltre 2.000 cavalli. Velocità e prestazioni: Velocità massima: Circa 700 km/h. Raggio operativo: Fino a 1.600 km, che poteva essere esteso con serbatoi ausiliari. Ottime prestazioni in alta quota grazie al turbocompressore, un vantaggio nei combattimenti aerei. Armamento: Otto mitragliatrici Browning M2 calibro .50 (12,7 mm) montate nelle ali, capaci di fornire un volume di fuoco devastante. Carico bellico: Bombe (fino a 1.100 kg totali). Razzi non guidati HVAR (High Velocity Aircraft Rocket) per attacchi al suolo. Robustezza: La struttura del P-47D era famosa per la sua resistenza ai danni, che lo rendeva capace di tornare alla base anche dopo pesanti attacchi. Varianti del P-47D: La designazione "P-47D" comprende diverse sottovarianti, ognuna con miglioramenti incrementali: P-47D "Razorback": Le prime versioni del P-47D avevano una fusoliera con un caratteristico "dorso di rasoio" dietro la cabina di pilotaggio. P-47D "Bubbletop": Successivamente, fu introdotta una versione con una cabina di pilotaggio a "bolla" per migliorare la visibilità del pilota. Utilizzo operativo: Teatri d'operazione: Europa, Pacifico, Nord Africa, e Italia. Ruolo aria-aria: Scorta ai bombardieri americani e intercettazione di aerei nemici. Ruolo aria-suolo: Attacchi su colonne di mezzi, treni, e infrastrutture nemiche; particolarmente efficace nei raid contro l'esercito tedesco durante e dopo il D-Day. Era una delle macchine preferite per il supporto aereo ravvicinato grazie alla sua capacità di sopravvivere al fuoco nemico. Curiosità: Il P-47 era il caccia più pesante della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, ma nonostante ciò era estremamente agile. I piloti del P-47D riuscirono a distruggere migliaia di aerei nemici (sia in aria che a terra) e numerosi obiettivi terrestri, guadagnando una reputazione temibile. Una delle sue imprese più note fu il supporto alle truppe durante l'Operazione Overlord (sbarco in Normandia), dove il P-47 giocò un ruolo cruciale nella distruzione di veicoli e fortificazioni nemiche. In sintesi, il P-47D Thunderbolt fu uno degli aerei più versatili e letali della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, apprezzato sia dai piloti che dalle truppe che supportava. È ricordato come un simbolo della superiorità aerea alleata.
Kit veicolo cacciacarri StuG III Ausf. G FEB 1943 PROD. WITH WINTER TRACKS in scala 1/72 - Modello MINIART. Il kit di modellismo in plastica in scala 1:72 riproduce l'iconico cannone d'assalto tedesco utilizzato sul fronte orientale durante la seconda guerra mondiale, con dettagli specifici della prima versione di produzione del 1943. • Dettagli autentici: include caratteristiche accurate dello StuG III Ausf. G del febbraio 1943, come l'esclusivo design della sovrastruttura e l'armatura aggiuntiva. • Cingoli invernali inclusi: sono forniti speciali cingoli invernali, che riflettono le dure condizioni affrontate sul fronte orientale. • Quattro opzioni di decalcomanie: offre quattro scelte di marcatura per ricreare diverse unità operative nel difficile inverno del 1943. • Parti fotoincise incluse: il kit è dotato di parti fotoincise per maggiore realismo e dettaglio. Il StuG III Ausf. G (Sturmgeschütz III Ausführung G) era una variante del celebre cacciacarri tedesco utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Basato sul telaio del Panzer III, era concepito inizialmente come un semovente d'artiglieria per supportare la fanteria, ma si evolse rapidamente in un efficace cacciacarri grazie al suo potente cannone e al profilo basso. Caratteristiche principali Ruolo: Supporto di fanteria (artiglieria d'assalto). Cacciacarri per contrastare i veicoli corazzati nemici. Armamento: Cannone da 75 mm StuK 40 L/48: una versione migliorata del cannone, altamente efficace contro i carri armati alleati, specialmente a medio e corto raggio. Mitragliatrice MG34 calibro 7,92 mm montata esternamente per difesa contro la fanteria. Blindatura: Spessore fino a 80 mm nella parte frontale, inclinata per migliorare la protezione. Corazzatura laterale meno spessa (circa 30 mm) e vulnerabile. Molti modelli venivano equipaggiati con Schürzen (piastre corazzate aggiuntive laterali) per difendersi contro i proiettili a carica cava (come i bazooka e i PIAT). Equipaggio: Composto da 4 membri: Comandante. Cannoniere. Servente del cannone. Autista. Dimensioni e peso: Lunghezza: circa 6,85 metri. Larghezza: circa 2,95 metri. Peso: circa 23 tonnellate. Motore e mobilità: Motore Maybach HL 120 TRM da 300 cavalli. Velocità massima: circa 40 km/h su strada. Autonomia: 155 km su strada, 85 km su terreni accidentati. Produzione e utilizzo Produzione: La variante Ausf. G fu prodotta tra il dicembre 1942 e l'aprile 1945. Costruiti circa 7.720 esemplari, rendendolo la versione più numerosa del StuG III. Utilizzo operativo: Impiegato su tutti i fronti della guerra: dall’Europa occidentale all’Unione Sovietica, fino all’Africa settentrionale. Era apprezzato per il suo profilo basso, che lo rendeva difficile da individuare, e per il suo cannone potente, in grado di distruggere carri pesanti come il T-34 e il Sherman. Punti di forza e debolezze Punti di forza: Profilo basso che lo rendeva difficile da colpire. Canone da 75 mm altamente preciso e letale contro carri nemici. Maggiore economicità e semplicità di produzione rispetto ai carri armati completi (come il Panzer IV). Debolezze: Mancanza di una torretta rotante, il che limitava la capacità di ingaggiare bersagli rapidamente. Corazzatura laterale vulnerabile, specialmente contro proiettili perforanti o cariche esplosive. Relativa lentezza rispetto ai carri armati nemici più moderni. Conclusione Il StuG III Ausf. G fu uno dei veicoli corazzati più importanti e prodotti della Wehrmacht. Anche se inizialmente progettato come artiglieria d'assalto, si dimostrò un cacciacarri estremamente efficace grazie al suo potente cannone, al basso costo di produzione e alla sua affidabilità sul campo. Nonostante le sue limitazioni, rimase una spina nel fianco per gli Alleati fino alla fine della guerra.
Kit veicolo Sd.Kfz.234/3 SCHWERER PANZERSPÄHWAGEN «STUMMEL» in scala 1/35 - Modello Miniart. Modello in scala 1:35 del famoso veicolo corazzato pesante da ricognizione tedesco della seconda guerra mondiale. Questo kit in plastica cattura il design e la potenza di fuoco della variante 234/3, equipaggiata con un cannone KwK 37 da 7,5 cm a canna corta, rendendolo un'aggiunta versatile a qualsiasi collezione. Il Sd.Kfz. 234/3 era una variante del veicolo corazzato pesante tedesco Sd.Kfz. 234, utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Progettato per il ricognimento e il supporto di fanteria, era parte della famiglia di veicoli blindati Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (veicolo corazzato da ricognizione pesante). Caratteristiche principali: Ruolo: Veicolo per ricognizione. Supporto di fuoco diretto contro fanteria e fortificazioni leggere. Armamento: Equipaggiato con un cannone 7,5 cm KwK 37 L/24, lo stesso montato sui primi modelli di Panzer IV. Questo cannone a bassa velocità era efficace contro fanteria e posizioni fortificate, ma meno adatto contro veicoli corazzati più pesanti. Mitragliatrice MG34 calibro 7,92 mm per difesa ravvicinata. Equipaggio: Composto da 4 membri: Comandante. Mitragliere. Servente del cannone. Autista. Corazza: Blindatura leggera, spaziando dai 9 mm ai 30 mm, progettata principalmente per proteggere l'equipaggio dal fuoco di armi leggere e schegge di artiglieria. Motore e prestazioni: Alimentato da un motore diesel Tatra V12 da 210 cavalli. Velocità massima: circa 90 km/h su strada. Ottima mobilità grazie alla trazione integrale 8x8, che permetteva prestazioni eccellenti anche su terreni difficili. Design: La struttura del veicolo era aperta nella parte superiore (sovrastruttura del compartimento d'arma), esponendo il servente del cannone agli elementi e al fuoco nemico. Leggermente più corto rispetto ad altre varianti Sd.Kfz. 234. Produzione e utilizzo operativo: Produzione: Introdotto nel 1944, furono costruiti circa 88 esemplari. Impiego: Utilizzato principalmente nelle fasi finali della guerra, spesso in Europa occidentale e orientale. Era usato da unità di ricognizione corazzate per fornire supporto di fuoco aggiuntivo durante missioni di esplorazione. Famiglia Sd.Kfz. 234: Il Sd.Kfz. 234 aveva diverse varianti, ciascuna adattata a ruoli specifici: Sd.Kfz. 234/1: Armato con una torretta leggera e una mitragliatrice automatica da 2 cm KwK 38. Sd.Kfz. 234/2: Conosciuto come Puma, dotato di un cannone da 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 in una torretta completamente chiusa. Sd.Kfz. 234/3: Versione con cannone a bassa velocità da 7,5 cm per supporto di fanteria. Sd.Kfz. 234/4: Versione con cannone anticarro PaK 40 da 7,5 cm. Punti di forza e debolezze: Punti di forza: Elevata mobilità grazie alla configurazione 8x8. Buona potenza di fuoco contro obiettivi leggeri. Adatto a terreni difficili, utile per operazioni di ricognizione. Debolezze: Blindatura leggera, vulnerabile ai colpi diretti e ai cannoni anticarro. La sovrastruttura aperta esponeva l'equipaggio al fuoco nemico e alle intemperie. Conclusione: Il Sd.Kfz. 234/3 rappresentava un tentativo di combinare la mobilità di un veicolo da ricognizione con una maggiore capacità di supporto di fuoco. Tuttavia, il suo impatto operativo fu limitato dalla bassa produzione e dal contesto delle fasi finali della guerra, dove le forze tedesche erano in ritirata e con risorse sempre più scarse.
Panzergrenadiers Set 2 in scala 1/35 - Set figurini Miniart.Kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:35 con quattro figure di fanteria tedesca della seconda guerra mondiale altamente dettagliate.Questo set è perfetto per migliorare i diorami o come set autonomo per esporre i soldati in varie pose con equipaggiamento.
German Soldiers Winter 1941-42 in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIARTQuesto kit di modelli in scala 1:35 di alta qualità presenta cinque figure dettagliate di soldati tedeschi che sopportano l'inverno del fronte orientale durante la seconda guerra mondiale.Il kit include armi ed equipaggiamento, consentendo pose e diorami personalizzabili.Un'aggiunta perfetta per appassionati e collezionisti che cercano accuratezza storica e dettagli intricati.
Kit veicolo German 3t Cargo Truck 3,6-36S Mid Prod. PMQ600-Type in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIART. Questo kit di modelli in plastica in scala 1:35 offre una rappresentazione altamente dettagliata del camion tedesco da 3 tonnellate utilizzato durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Con parti stampate con precisione, elementi fotoincisi e sei opzioni di decalcomanie, questo kit offre ai costruttori l'opportunità di ricreare questo versatile veicolo di media produzione con una precisione eccezionale. Ideale per scene di diorama e collezioni storiche, questo modello offre un'autenticità impressionante, rendendolo un must per appassionati e modellisti. • Autocarro merci altamente dettagliato: rappresenta accuratamente il camion tedesco da 3 tonnellate di tipo PMQ600 di media produzione, completo di dettagli superficiali realistici. • Molteplici opzioni di decalcomanie: include 6 opzioni di decalcomanie per varie unità, dandoti la flessibilità di costruire diverse versioni utilizzate in diversi teatri di guerra. • Parti fotoincise incluse: sono fornite parti PE di alta qualità per aggiungere dettagli extra fini al modello. Il German 3t Cargo Truck 3,6-36S Mid Prod. PMQ600-Type è un veicolo militare tedesco utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questo camion era progettato per il trasporto di rifornimenti, munizioni e truppe, ed era una parte essenziale della logistica e delle operazioni di supporto sul campo di battaglia. Caratteristiche principali: Tipo e produzione: Il camion appartiene alla categoria dei camion di carico da 3 tonnellate. Il modello specifico 3,6-36S era prodotto a metà della serie di camion che includeva diverse varianti, con modifiche tecniche e di design tra le versioni più precoci e quelle più tarde. Motore e prestazioni: Il veicolo era dotato di un motore a benzina o diesel, che gli permetteva di avere una capacità di carico di circa 3 tonnellate. Questi camion erano abbastanza veloci per un veicolo da trasporto e potevano operare su terreni difficili grazie alla loro struttura robusta e al design adatto per la guerra. Design e struttura: Il camion 3t Cargo Truck 3,6-36S aveva un cassone aperto per il trasporto di carichi. Poteva essere utilizzato per una varietà di scopi, tra cui il trasporto di rifornimenti, truppe, artiglieria leggera, e altri equipaggiamenti. Ruolo durante la guerra: Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, i camion come il 3t Cargo Truck erano cruciali per mantenere le linee di rifornimento tra le forze tedesche e le loro unità operative sul campo di battaglia. Erano utilizzati per trasportare munizioni, rifornimenti, carburante, e a volte anche truppe o equipaggiamento pesante in supporto delle forze combattenti. Variante PMQ600-Type: La specifica "PMQ600-Type" si riferisce probabilmente a una versione intermedia della serie, caratterizzata da modifiche specifiche al design e ai componenti del veicolo per migliorare la durabilità e l'efficienza operativa. Questi miglioramenti erano comuni durante la produzione di massa dei veicoli militari, dove ogni nuova versione incorporava le lezioni apprese dai modelli precedenti. Produzione e uso: La produzione di questi camion avveniva in grandi quantità, essendo una parte essenziale della logistica della Wehrmacht durante la guerra. Venne impiegato principalmente sul fronte europeo, ma anche su altri teatri di guerra dove le forze tedesche erano attive. Conclusione: Il German 3t Cargo Truck 3,6-36S era un veicolo da trasporto fondamentale durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, in grado di svolgere un ruolo importante nel supporto alle operazioni militari tedesche. Grazie alla sua robustezza, capacità di carico e facilità di adattamento a diverse necessità logistiche, il camion ha avuto una carriera lunga e versatile.
EUROPEAN TRAMCAR (StraBenbahn Triebwagen 641) w/CREW & PASSENGERS in scala 1/35 - Set figurini Miniart.La scatola contiene modelli di tram con supporti, base, accessori stradali, personale del tram con passeggeri.
7,5 cm Kw.K Stu.G SHELLS WITH AMMO BOXES in scala 1/35 - Modello MINIARTThis 1:35 scale plastic model kit offers a detailed set of 7.5 cm Kw.K shells with accompanying ammo boxes, designed for dioramas or standalone displays. The kit includes highly detailed ammunition shells and wooden crates for a historically accurate setup, perfect for recreating supply scenes or vehicle accessories in World War II displays. With finely molded components, this set is an essential addition for modelers looking to enhance their dioramas with intricate and authentic details.
Plastic 200L Barrels in 1/24 scale - Model Miniart.Perfect for adding realistic accessories to your project. This kit includes 6 plastic barrels, with decals of modern industrial containers.Detailed barrels: realistic surface textures and designs.Adhesive markings: various symbols and labels add versatility and realism to your projects.
Thunderbolt Mk.II Royal Air Force fighter and bomber aircraft kit in 1/48 scale - Model Miniart. The Thunderbolt Mk.II, also known as the P-47 Thunderbolt, is a light fighter and bomber aircraft designed and produced in the United States by Republic Aviation during World War II. It is one of the largest and most powerful piston-powered fighters used in the conflict and is known for its ruggedness, firepower and ability to operate in a variety of roles. Key features of the Thunderbolt Mk.II Design and development: The Thunderbolt was designed by Alexander de Seversky and its distinctive configuration includes a low aperture wing and a rugged fuselage, which gave it great strength and stability. The Mk.II model represents a variant of the P-47D, with some modifications to improve performance and operational efficiency. Motorization and performance: It was powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine, an 18-cylinder dual-stage radial engine that provided about 2,000 horsepower. The Thunderbolt Mk.II could reach speeds in excess of 700 km/h and had a range of about 1,600 km with additional tanks. Armament: The P-47 was armed with eight 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine guns mounted on the wings, giving it considerable firepower. It was also capable of carrying bombs and rockets, enabling it to operate effectively as a fighter-bomber. Operational role: The Thunderbolt Mk.II was used primarily in interceptor and close air support roles, proving particularly effective in bombing enemy targets on the ground. During the war, it participated in significant missions, including escorting bombers on strategic bombing missions and ground support during operations in Europe. International use: In addition to use by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), the P-47 was also employed by other Allied air forces, including the United Kingdom and Brazil. Its versatility and power made it a popular aircraft with pilots from several nations. Legacy: The P-47 Thunderbolt is considered one of the most iconic fighters of World War II. Its ruggedness, ability to withstand significant damage, and performance made it a symbol of American air power. After the war, it continued to be used in various air forces until the 1960s in both training and support roles. Conclusion The Thunderbolt Mk.II (P-47 Thunderbolt) is an aircraft that represents one of the engineering achievements of World War II aviation. Its power, versatility, and ability to operate in a variety of missions made it a key component of the Allied air forces, contributing significantly to the war effort and ultimate victory.
K-52 Trailer Kit with PE-95 Power Unit 1/35 Scale - MINIART ModelThe MiniArt Kit 35426 presents the K-52 trailer with PE-95 power unit in 1:35 scale.This highly detailed plastic model kit captures the authentic look of the K-52 trailer,complete with PE-95 power unit, widely used during World War II.Trailer and power unit: detailed design of the K-52 trailer and PE-95 power unit.High-quality plastic parts: precision-molded components for realistic construction.Photoetched parts included: add precise details for accurate representation.5 decal options: customize your model with authentic markings.
Junkers F13 Early Prod. transport aircraft kit in 1/48 scale - Model Miniart The Junkers F13 is a transport and business aircraft designed and produced by Junkers in the 1920s. It is considered one of the first successful commercial aircraft and had a significant impact on the civil aviation industry. Key features of the Junkers F13 Design and development: The Junkers F13 was designed by Hugo Junkers and the first flight took place in 1919. It was a monoplane aircraft with a high wing, which gave it stability and maneuverability. The fuselage was made of metal, an innovative feature at the time, which offered greater strength than wooden aircraft. Motorization and performance: The F13 was powered by radial engines, such as the Junkers L5 or Wright J-6, with varying power ratings, enabling it to reach top speeds of about 200-220 km/h. It had a flight range of about 600-800 km, depending on the load and engine used. Load capacity: The Junkers F13 was designed to carry passengers and cargo. It could accommodate up to 4-6 passengers or cargo up to 500 kg. The interior configuration was versatile, allowing adaptation for various commercial needs, such as carrying mail and cargo. Operational role: Used mainly by airlines and private operators for passenger and cargo transport, the F13 helped develop the commercial airline industry in the early years of civil aviation. It has been used in various contexts, including regional flights and general aviation missions. International use: The Junkers F13 has been exported to numerous countries and served in several airlines, contributing to the spread of commercial flying globally. It has also been used by air forces in liaison and support missions. Legacy: Considered a precursor of modern commercial aviation, the Junkers F13 influenced the design and development of future airliners. Its combination of sturdiness, cargo capacity and performance set new standards for civil aviation at the time. Conclusion The Junkers F13 represents a milestone in the evolution of civil aviation, being one of the first aircraft designed specifically for commercial transport. Its innovative metal construction and versatile design made this aircraft a symbol of the beginning of the era of commercial flight, contributing significantly to the growth of the aviation industry in the 20th century.
German Gun Crew 1/35 Scale - MINIART ModelMiniArt's 35471 kit brings to life a detailed 1:35 scale depiction of a German gun crew from World War II. This set includes four figures, each in realistic positions to recreate the crew in action. Whether you are building a diorama or enhancing a model display, this set offers an excellent addition for building dynamic scenes.
German AFV Crew in 1/35 Scale - Model MINIARTKit 35415 features the German AFV Crew - Special Edition in 1:35 scale.This plastic model kit offers an excellent addition to your World War II collection, presenting a detailed set of five characters, complete with equipment.Highly detailed characters: accurately sculpted German armored vehicle crew members, with realistic poses and uniforms.Equipment included: enhance your project with the accessories provided.
Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling in Scale 1/35 - MINIART Model The Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Dr illing is an anti-aircraft armament system used by Germany during World War II. It is an installation that mounted three MG 151/20 machine guns, a 20 mm caliber weapon designed to provide sustained fire capability against enemy aircraft. Key features of the Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling Design and structure: The system consisted of three MG 151/20 machine guns arranged in a "drilling" (triplet) installation on a rotating base. This configuration allowed 360-degree coverage and a high density of fire, which was useful for shooting down enemy aircraft in flight. Motorization: MG 151/20 machine guns were belt-fed, allowing a high rate of fire, up to about 800 rounds per minute per barrel. The system was often mounted on vehicles or fixed structures, such as bunkers and air defense positions. Operational role: The Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling was primarily used for air defense in both fixed and mobile settings to protect installations and troops from air attacks. It was effective against enemy aircraft at low and medium altitudes, contributing to the defense of German positions during the war. Usage and employment: This antiaircraft system has been employed in various theaters of war, from coastal defenses to deployments on the European front, helping to protect strategic targets. It was part of the German strategy to counter Allied aviation, especially in bombing operations. Legacy: Although not the German Army's main antiaircraft system, the Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling represented a breakthrough in air defense capability, using modern machine gun technology for the time. MG 151/20 machine guns were also used on fighter and bomber aircraft, making them an important part of the German arsenal. Conclusion The Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling is an example of how Germany sought to improve its air defense capabilities during World War II by using advanced weapons systems to counter air threats. The combination of firepower and operational versatility made this system a significant component of the German anti-air defense strategy.
British Stuart Mk.I "Honey" tank kit in 1/35 scale - MINIART model The British Stuart Mk. I, also known as the M3 Stuart, is a light tank developed and used by British and American forces during World War II. It was designed primarily for reconnaissance and support operations. Main features of the British Stuart Mk. I Design and development: The M3 Stuart was designed in the United States and its first model went into production in 1941. The name "Stuart" was derived from Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart. The Mk. I was characterized by a compact design and all-metal construction, with good maneuverability in various terrains. Motorization and performance: It was powered by a 6-cylinder GMC engine, capable of generating about 100 horsepower. The tank could reach a maximum speed of about 40 km/h on the road and had a range of about 160 km. Armament: The Stuart Mk. I was armed with a 37-mm gun mounted in the turret, supported by 7.62-mm Browning machine guns, one mounted coaxially with the gun and a second in the front. Armor: The armor of the M3 Stuart ranged from 12 mm to 51 mm, offering adequate protection against small arms fire but limited against the most powerful antitank guns. Operational role: The Stuart Mk. I was employed in reconnaissance, support and patrol roles. Its light weight and speed made it suitable for rapid operations and movement in difficult terrain. It was used in various theaters of war, including North Africa and Europe, and proved useful in scouting missions and as support for infantry forces. International use: In addition to British forces, the M3 Stuart was also used by the U.S. Army and other Allied forces, contributing significantly to the war effort during the war. Legacy: The M3 Stuart was one of the most produced light tanks during the war, with over 20,000 units built. Its versatility and reliability made it a popular vehicle, and it continued to serve in various armies after the war. Conclusion The British Stuart Mk. I is a significant example of a World War II-era light tank. Its combination of mobility, armament and support capabilities made it a useful vehicle in wartime operations, contributing to Allied war efforts in various theaters of conflict. Its history is a reflection of the evolution of armored vehicles and their importance in modern armed conflicts.
Urban Travellers 1/35 Scale Figurines - MINIART Model.includes 4 figures & accessoriesHere's the Urban Travellers set, an exciting addition to your collection in 1:35 scale.This kit captures the essence of modern city life with four highly detailed characters, each representing a unique urban scene.Whether running to catch a flight, sipping coffee or simply taking a stroll, these characters bring a touch of realism and variety to any diorama.
U.S. Officers Special Edition 1/35 Scale Figures - MINIART Model.includes 5 figures & accessories.Get ready to add a distinct touch to your 1:35 scale diorama with this special edition U.S. Officers figure set. This kit includes five highly detailed officer figures, each displaying authentic World War II uniforms and equipment.Detailed figures: five finely crafted figures depicting U.S. officers in various poses.Authentic uniforms: faithful reproductions of U.S. military clothing from World War II.Realistic equipment: includes detailed accessories, such as radios, maps and weapons.
Motorcycle vehicle kit aU.S. Soldiers w/ WLA Motorcycles in 1/35 scale - MINIART model. *** Discontinued U.S. Soldiers with WLA Motor cycles refers to American soldiers who used Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycles during World War II. The WLA was a motorcycle designed specifically for military use, becoming a symbol of the U.S. military during the conflict. Key features of the Harley-Davidson WLA Design and construction: The WLA was a 45 cubic inch (740 cc) V-twin engine motorcycle that produced about 25-30 horsepower. The design was rugged and functional, with durable steel construction to cope with the harsh conditions of combat. The bike was equipped with a large-capacity fuel tank, which allowed a longer range, and a suspension system designed to improve stability over rough terrain. Armament and accessories: Although it was not factory armed, the WLA could be equipped with magazine holders and mounts for carrying small arms such as machine guns and rifles. Some units customized the bikes to include additional equipment, such as lights and radios, to improve communication and mobility on the battlefield. Operational role: WLA motorcycles were primarily used for reconnaissance, patrolling, and transporting personnel and messages. Because of their speed and maneuverability, soldiers could move quickly across the battlefield. They were also used for logistical support, facilitating the transfer of materials and ammunition between units. Production and use: The Harley-Davidson WLA was produced in large quantities during the war, with about 90,000 units built between 1940 and 1947. It became the main model for the U.S. military. The motorcycle was used not only by the U.S. Army, but also by other allied forces, including British and Canadian forces, through the Lend-Lease program. Cultural impact: In addition to its military use, the WLA has had a lasting impact on motorcycle and American culture, becoming an icon associated with heroism and freedom. After the war, many WLAs were used as civilian vehicles and are now sought after by collectors and enthusiasts of historic motorcycles. Conclusion U.S. Soldiers with WLA Motorcycles represent an important part of American military and cultural history during World War II. WLA motorcycles, with their rugged design and versatility, were valuable tools for military operations and left a legacy that continues to influence the motorcycle world to this day.
U.S. Radio Set SCR-299 kit in 1/35 scale - MINIART Model. This kit presents the detailed model of the SCR-299 Radio Set, an iconic communication equipment used during World War II. The set includes: High-quality components: precise plastic components for realistic construction. Detailed representation: authentic details of the radio set and its components. Photoetched parts: PE parts included for more realism and fine details. Decals included: authentic decals for detailed markings.
StuG III Ausf. tank fighter vehicle kit. G May/June 1943 Prod. scale 1/72 - MINIART model. The StuG III Ausf. G is a German tank fighter developed during World War II. It is one of the most famous and popular variants of the StuG III, which was originally designed as an infantry support, but became one of the most widely used vehicles for fighting enemy tanks. Main features of the StuG III Ausf. G Design and construction: The StuG III Ausf. G featured a low-hull design with a fully armored body, which offered effective protection against enemy fire. Its construction was largely steel, and the armor ranged from 50 to 80 mm, making it resistant to small arms attacks and medium-caliber gunfire. Armament: It was armed with a 75 mm Pak 40 canon, which was one of the most effective anti-tank guns of the time. This weapon enabled the StuG III to deal successfully with Allied tanks. It was also equipped with a 7.92 mm MG 34 machine gun for defense against infantry and other light targets. Engine and performance: The StuG III Ausf. G was powered by a Maybach HL 120 TRM internal combustion engine that produced about 300 horsepower, enabling the vehicle to reach a top speed of about 40 km/h on the road. Its traction in rough terrain was excellent, making it suitable for operations in various types of terrain. Operational role: Initially designed to support infantry troops, the StuG III's role evolved into that of a tank fighter, becoming one of the main means of fighting Allied tanks. It was used in various theaters of war, including the Eastern and Western fronts, and distinguished itself in many significant battles. Production and use: Production of the StuG III Ausf. G began in 1942 and continued until the end of the war in 1945, with over 7,500 units built, making it one of Germany's most numerous armored vehicles during the conflict. The StuG IIIs were used not only by the German armed forces, but also by several Allied units that acquired a number of them during the war. Legacy: The StuG III Ausf. G is considered one of the best armored vehicles of World War II for its combination of firepower, mobility and protection. After the war, many examples remained in service in various armies and became a symbol of the power of German armored technology. Conclusion The StuG III Ausf. G had a significant impact on armored warfare during World War II. Its versatility and powerful armament made it a key element in German military operations, leaving a lasting legacy in the field of armored vehicles.
Assault vehicle kit StuG III Ausf. G May-June 1943 Alkett Prod in scale 1/35 - Model MINIART. The StuG III Ausf. G is one of the best known and most produced variants of the Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III), a German assault vehicle used extensively during World War II. This version was produced in large numbers and saw significant use in battles on the Eastern and Western fronts. Key features of the StuG III Ausf. G (May-June 1943, Alkett production) Design and construction: The Ausf. G featured a rugged design with a low-profile body to reduce visibility on the battlefield. Compared with earlier versions, the Ausf. G featured improvements in protection and turret design. The front armor was up to 80 mm thick, offering superior protection against enemy fire. This variant was equipped with an improved control system, including direction indicators and sighting instruments. Armament: The main armament of the StuG III Ausf. G was a 75 mm StuK 40 cannon, a powerful weapon capable of taking on the armor of enemy tanks of the time. The cannon was mounted in a fixed turret, allowing accurate shots against fortified targets and armored vehicles. Production: The Ausf. G was produced in large numbers, with several factories, including Alkett, involved in production. Production of this model began in 1942 and continued until the end of the war, with about 7,700 units built. The intensive production helped make it one of the most common assault vehicles of the era. Operational role: The StuG III Ausf. G was designed primarily for direct infantry support and destruction of enemy fortifications. It was used in a variety of contexts, from ground offensives to defensive operations. Its fire capability made it an important support element for German infantry troops. Battlefield performance: The StuG III Ausf. G proved effective in various combat conditions due to its combination of firepower, protection and mobility. It was particularly suited for combat in difficult terrain and urban operations. The Ausf. G was known for its ability to camouflage and conceal itself, allowing surprise strikes against enemy forces. Limitations: Despite its excellent performance, the StuG III had some limitations, such as the lack of a rotating turret, which limited its ability to engage moving targets. In addition, the vehicle was not designed to face heavy tanks directly, so it could be vulnerable when engaged in battle with superior armored forces. Conclusion The StuG III Ausf. G (May-June 1943, Alkett production) represents one of the most significant and widely used variants of the Sturmgeschütz III during World War II. Its combination of powerful armament, good protection and efficient design made it a crucial element in German battlefield strategies, helping to support infantry operations in many campaigns.