Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 F 1/72 - DRAGON 7560
SKU DRA-7560
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit carro armato Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 (F) in scala 1/72 - Modello Dragon.  Il Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 (F), o Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. F1, era una variante del carro armato tedesco Panzer IV, utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Ecco i dettagli principali: Nome completo: Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausführung F1 (F). Ruolo: Carro armato medio. Armamento: Equipaggiato con un cannone KwK 37 L/24 da 75 mm, un'arma a canna corta progettata per il supporto alla fanteria e ottimizzata per colpire bersagli morbidi o fortificazioni leggere. Questo cannone era più efficace contro fanteria e strutture piuttosto che contro altri carri armati, il che lo rese rapidamente superato nel ruolo anticarro. Blindatura: Aumentata rispetto alle versioni precedenti, con una protezione frontale migliorata per affrontare la minaccia crescente dei carri armati alleati. Introduzione: Entrò in servizio nel 1941, ma venne presto sostituito da varianti successive (come l'Ausf. F2 e l'Ausf. G) che montavano cannoni a canna lunga più efficaci contro altri carri armati. Impiego: Utilizzato principalmente nei primi anni di guerra, specialmente durante le campagne in Nord Africa e sul fronte orientale. Evoluzione: A causa della sua limitata capacità contro carri pesantemente corazzati, venne rapidamente sostituito dal Panzer IV Ausf. F2, che montava un cannone a canna lunga molto più efficace, il KwK 40 L/43 da 75 mm. In sintesi, il Panzer IV Ausf. F1 fu un importante carro armato per il supporto alla fanteria, ma con l'evoluzione del conflitto, la sua arma principale divenne obsoleta per il combattimento contro altri carri armati.


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SKU DRA-1027
Scale: 1/350
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Ships
Category Kit

Kit cacciatorpediniere della classe Gleaves U.S.S. LIVERMORE DD-429 GLEAVES CLASS DESTROYER 1942 (SMART KIT) in scala 1/350 - Modello Dragon.  La USS Livermore (DD-429) è stata un cacciatorpediniere della classe Gleaves, in servizio con la Marina degli Stati Uniti durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La classe Gleaves, a cui apparteneva la USS Livermore, era una delle principali classi di cacciatorpediniere progettate per offrire supporto a convogli, protezione contro sottomarini e navi di superficie, oltre a essere capaci di missioni di bombardamento costiero. Caratteristiche della USS Livermore (DD-429) Design e costruzione: La USS Livermore fu varata nel 1939 e completata nel 1940, costruita dai cantieri navali Bath Iron Works. Faceva parte della classe Gleaves, una serie di cacciatorpediniere simile alla precedente classe Benson, con alcune differenze tecniche, soprattutto a livello di struttura e motori. Armamento: La USS Livermore era equipaggiata con: 5 cannoni da 127 mm (5 pollici) montati su torrette singole, utilizzati per bersagli sia aerei che di superficie. 10 tubi lanciasiluri da 533 mm, in grado di lanciare siluri contro navi nemiche. Armi antiaeree, inclusi cannoni da 40 mm e mitragliatrici da 20 mm, per difendersi da attacchi aerei. Cariche di profondità, usate per combattere i sottomarini nemici. Propulsione: La nave era alimentata da turbine a vapore che fornivano una velocità massima di circa 37 nodi (68 km/h), una velocità eccellente per inseguire e attaccare sottomarini e altre navi da guerra. Ruolo e missioni: La USS Livermore svolse un ruolo fondamentale nella scorta dei convogli atlantici, proteggendoli dagli attacchi degli U-Boot tedeschi durante la Battaglia dell'Atlantico. Partecipò anche a operazioni navali nel Mediterraneo, proteggendo i convogli di rifornimenti e supportando operazioni anfibie, come lo sbarco in Nord Africa nel 1942 (Operazione Torch). Inoltre, fu coinvolta in missioni di bombardamento costiero e protezione antiaerea durante le fasi critiche del conflitto. Contributo durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale: Durante la guerra, la Livermore fu parte attiva delle flotte alleate impegnate in operazioni nell'Atlantico e nel Mediterraneo. Oltre a fornire protezione ai convogli dagli attacchi dei sottomarini tedeschi, contribuì a diverse operazioni anfibie e missioni di bombardamento. Servizio successivo e dismissione Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la USS Livermore continuò a operare con la Marina degli Stati Uniti per un breve periodo prima di essere messa in riserva. Venne ufficialmente radiata dal servizio nel 1946 e poi demolita. Conclusione La USS Livermore (DD-429), come parte della classe Gleaves, ha giocato un ruolo cruciale nella protezione dei convogli alleati, soprattutto contro i temibili sottomarini tedeschi durante la Battaglia dell'Atlantico. Con il suo armamento versatile e le sue capacità operative, ha contribuito alla vittoria alleata su diversi fronti marittimi durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.  


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U.S.S. Chevalier DD-805 Gearing Class Destroyer 1945 - 1/350 - DRAGON 1046
SKU DRA-1046
Scale: 1/350
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Ships
Category Kit

Kit cacciatorpediniere U.S.S. Chevalier DD-805 Gearing Class Destroyer 1945 in scala 1/350 - Modello Dragon.  La USS Chevalier (DD-805) era un cacciatorpediniere di classe Gearing, costruito per la Marina degli Stati Uniti e varato nel 1945, durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La classe Gearing era una delle più avanzate e potenti classi di cacciatorpediniere realizzate dagli Stati Uniti durante la guerra, progettata per missioni anti-sommergibili, difesa contraerea, e attacchi contro navi di superficie. Caratteristiche principali della USS Chevalier (DD-805) Design e costruzione: La USS Chevalier fu costruita nei cantieri Bath Iron Works e varata il 29 ottobre 1944, entrando in servizio nell’aprile del 1945. Era parte della classe Gearing, un'evoluzione della classe Fletcher e Allen M. Sumner, con miglioramenti nelle prestazioni di velocità, autonomia e capacità operative. La classe Gearing era conosciuta per la sua maggiore lunghezza, che consentiva un miglior bilanciamento e una maggiore capacità di carburante, rendendo questi cacciatorpediniere ideali per operazioni in alto mare e lunghe missioni di scorta. Armamento: Cannoni principali: La USS Chevalier era equipaggiata con 6 cannoni da 127 mm (5 pollici) montati in torrette doppie. Questi cannoni potevano essere utilizzati contro bersagli di superficie, aerei o per bombardamento costiero. Tubi lanciasiluri: Era dotata di 10 tubi lanciasiluri da 533 mm, in grado di lanciare siluri contro altre navi da guerra. Armi antiaeree: Per difendersi dagli attacchi aerei, disponeva di cannoni antiaerei da 40 mm e mitragliatrici da 20 mm. Cariche di profondità e lanciasiluri antisommergibile: Queste armi la rendevano efficace anche nella caccia ai sottomarini nemici, soprattutto nel teatro del Pacifico. Propulsione e velocità: La USS Chevalier era alimentata da turbine a vapore con una potenza di circa 60.000 cavalli, che permettevano una velocità massima di circa 35 nodi (65 km/h). L’autonomia era uno dei punti forti della classe Gearing: grazie ai serbatoi più grandi, poteva percorrere lunghe distanze, ideale per le missioni di pattugliamento e scorta nell'Oceano Pacifico. Ruolo operativo: La USS Chevalier fu commissionata negli ultimi mesi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, troppo tardi per prendere parte a molte delle operazioni principali del conflitto. Tuttavia, fu coinvolta nella Guerra del Pacifico e prestò servizio durante la fase finale della guerra, inclusa la campagna di Okinawa. Durante la Guerra di Corea (1950-1953), la USS Chevalier servì come parte delle forze navali statunitensi impegnate in bombardamenti costieri, supporto alle truppe a terra, e pattugliamenti antisommergibile. Servizio post-bellico: Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale e la Guerra di Corea, la USS Chevalier continuò a servire nella flotta statunitense durante la Guerra Fredda. Partecipò a esercitazioni e missioni di pattugliamento nel Pacifico, contribuendo a mantenere la presenza navale statunitense in aree critiche come il Mar Cinese e il Mar del Giappone. Negli anni successivi fu modernizzata per adeguarsi alle nuove esigenze operative, come la difesa contro i missili e le minacce sottomarine emergenti. Conclusione del servizio: Dopo decenni di servizio, la USS Chevalier fu infine ritirata e radiata nel 1972. Successivamente, come molte altre navi della sua classe, venne venduta e demolita. Conclusione La USS Chevalier (DD-805) era un cacciatorpediniere della classe Gearing, una delle più longeve e versatili classi di cacciatorpediniere della Marina degli Stati Uniti. Sebbene non abbia avuto un ruolo centrale nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, ha partecipato a numerosi conflitti successivi, inclusa la Guerra di Corea, e ha svolto missioni cruciali durante la Guerra Fredda. Il suo design avanzato e le sue capacità multiruolo l'hanno resa un'importante risorsa della flotta americana per decenni.  


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StuG.III Ausf.B w/NEO Track 1/35 - DRAGON 7636
SKU DRA-7636
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit veicolo d'assaltoStuG.III Ausf.B w/NEO Track in scala 1/35 - Modello Dragon.  Il StuG. III Ausf. B è una variante del famoso Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III), un veicolo d'assalto tedesco utilizzato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il StuG III fu sviluppato per supportare le truppe di fanteria, superando le difese nemiche e distruggendo fortificazioni. La versione Ausf. B è stata una delle prime varianti del veicolo, e il termine "NEO Track" si riferisce a un tipo specifico di cingolo utilizzato su questa versione. Caratteristiche principali dello StuG. III Ausf. B Design e costruzione: Lo StuG. III è basato sul telaio del Panzer III, ma con una carrozzeria progettata per massimizzare il potere di fuoco e la protezione del veicolo, con un profilo basso e una forma angolare. La versione Ausf. B è stata introdotta nel 1941 e presentava un design più snello e compatto rispetto alle versioni successive. La blindatura variava da 50 a 80 mm, offrendo una buona protezione contro i proiettili di piccolo calibro e le esplosioni. Armamento: Il principale armamento del StuG. III Ausf. B era un cannone da 75 mm StuK 40, che era altamente efficace contro veicoli corazzati nemici e fortificazioni. Il cannone era montato in una torretta fissa, il che contribuiva a un profilo basso, rendendo il veicolo meno visibile ai nemici. Il veicolo era anche in grado di trasportare una certa quantità di munizioni, consentendo colpi prolungati prima di dover ricaricare. Cingoli NEO: Il termine "NEO Track" indica l'uso di cingoli specificamente progettati o aggiornati per migliorare la mobilità e la trazione del veicolo. Questi cingoli potevano offrire una maggiore superficie di contatto, migliorando la capacità di affrontare terreni difficili, come fango o neve, e aumentando la stabilità durante le operazioni di fuoco. Ruolo operativo: Lo StuG. III fu progettato principalmente per il supporto diretto alla fanteria e per l'attacco di obiettivi fortificati, piuttosto che per il combattimento manovrato contro i carri armati nemici. Era utilizzato in vari ruoli, tra cui il supporto a fuoco per le truppe di fanteria e come veicolo di assalto in attacchi contro le posizioni nemiche. Eccellenti prestazioni sul campo di battaglia: Lo StuG. III si distinse per la sua capacità di operare efficacemente in varie condizioni di combattimento, grazie alla sua combinazione di potenza di fuoco e protezione. Era anche relativamente facile da produrre in serie, il che contribuì alla sua diffusione tra le forze tedesche. Limitazioni: Sebbene fosse un veicolo d'assalto efficace, lo StuG. III non era progettato per affrontare direttamente carri armati pesanti, quindi poteva risultare vulnerabile se ingaggiato in battaglia con forze corazzate superiori. Inoltre, la mancanza di una torretta rotante limitava la sua capacità di ingaggiare obiettivi in movimento e di rispondere rapidamente a minacce multiple. Conclusione Lo StuG. III Ausf. B con NEO Track rappresenta una delle varianti del veicolo d'assalto tedesco più significative della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, progettato per supportare le truppe di fanteria e superare le difese nemiche. La combinazione di potenza di fuoco, protezione e mobilità lo rese un elemento cruciale nelle strategie tedesche durante il conflitto.  


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Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier w/3/7cm FlaK 37 - 1/35 - DRAGON 6788
SKU DRA-6788
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit veicolo semicingolato Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier w/3/7cm FlaK 37 in scala 1/35 - Modello Dragon.  Il Sd.Kfz. 3 "Maultier" con 3,7 cm FlaK 37 era un veicolo semicingolato tedesco della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, modificato per il trasporto e l'impiego di un cannone antiaereo FlaK 37 da 3,7 cm. "Maultier" (in tedesco "mulo") era il soprannome dato a una serie di camion modificati con cingoli posteriori per migliorarne la mobilità su terreni fangosi o accidentati, ispirati ai veicoli semicingolati già in uso nell'esercito tedesco. Caratteristiche principali dello Sd.Kfz. 3 "Maultier" con 3,7 cm FlaK 37 Origini e design del veicolo: Lo Sd.Kfz. 3 Maultier era originariamente basato su camion civili, come l'Opel Blitz o il Ford V3000S, che furono modificati per avere cingoli posteriori al posto delle normali ruote. Questo design permetteva di superare i problemi di mobilità causati dai terreni difficili che le forze tedesche incontrarono sul fronte orientale. L'adozione di cingoli sul retro del veicolo, mentre le ruote anteriori rimanevano normali, garantiva una buona combinazione di trazione e stabilità, rendendolo un veicolo semicingolato molto utile per il trasporto di truppe e rifornimenti. Armamento: 3,7 cm FlaK 37: La principale caratteristica distintiva di questa variante era l'installazione del cannone FlaK 37 da 3,7 cm, un'arma antiaerea che poteva essere utilizzata anche contro obiettivi terrestri leggeri. Il FlaK 37 era un'evoluzione dei precedenti modelli FlaK 18 e FlaK 36, progettato per migliorare la precisione e la rapidità di fuoco. Poteva sparare proiettili ad alta velocità ed era capace di abbattere aerei nemici in avvicinamento a bassa quota. Questo cannone poteva sparare a una cadenza di fuoco di circa 120 colpi al minuto e aveva una portata effettiva contro bersagli aerei di circa 4.800 metri. Quando utilizzato contro bersagli terrestri, poteva penetrare veicoli corazzati leggeri grazie alla sua alta velocità iniziale dei proiettili. Ruolo operativo: La versione del Maultier con FlaK 37 era progettata principalmente per il supporto antiaereo mobile, proteggendo le colonne di rifornimenti e le truppe in movimento da attacchi aerei degli Alleati. Oltre al suo ruolo antiaereo, il FlaK 37 montato su un veicolo mobile come il Maultier poteva essere utilizzato efficacemente per il supporto contro la fanteria o contro veicoli corazzati leggeri, rendendolo una piattaforma d'arma versatile. Questa versione combinava la robustezza e mobilità del Maultier con la potenza di fuoco del cannone antiaereo, permettendo all'esercito tedesco di avere una difesa aerea mobile in grado di muoversi agevolmente su terreni difficili, soprattutto sul fronte orientale. Mobilità: Il Maultier con cingoli posteriori era in grado di attraversare terreni difficili, come fango o neve, dove i normali camion avrebbero avuto difficoltà o sarebbero rimasti bloccati. Questo lo rendeva particolarmente utile nelle campagne del fronte orientale, dove i duri inverni e le condizioni fangose potevano rallentare i veicoli tradizionali. Tuttavia, non era veloce come altri veicoli completamente cingolati, ma offriva un buon compromesso tra la versatilità di un camion e la mobilità di un semicingolato. Limitazioni: Anche se il FlaK 37 era un’arma efficiente contro aerei e veicoli leggeri, non era in grado di affrontare efficacemente veicoli pesantemente corazzati, come i carri armati alleati. Inoltre, il Maultier non offriva una protezione significativa per l’equipaggio o il cannone, rendendolo vulnerabile agli attacchi diretti. La sua armatura leggera proteggeva principalmente contro proiettili di piccolo calibro e schegge, ma non era sufficiente contro armi anticarro o artiglieria. Conclusione Lo Sd.Kfz. 3 Maultier con 3,7 cm FlaK 37 era una combinazione di un veicolo semicingolato versatile e un potente cannone antiaereo, progettato per fornire protezione antiaerea mobile alle unità tedesche durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Sebbene non fosse corazzato pesantemente né particolarmente veloce, la sua capacità di muoversi su terreni difficili e di impegnare bersagli aerei e leggeri lo rendeva uno strumento utile, specialmente sul fronte orientale.  


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SKU DRA-6426
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit veicolo semicingolato corazzato leggero Sd.Kfz.250 Ausf.A SCHUETZENPANZERWAGEN (2 IN 1) in scala 1/35 - Modello Dragon. Il Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A Schützenpanzerwagen era un semicingolato corazzato leggero tedesco, usato principalmente dalla Wehrmacht durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Appartenente alla serie di veicoli Sd.Kfz. 250, questo semicingolato era progettato per il trasporto di truppe (da qui il nome "Schützenpanzerwagen", che significa "veicolo corazzato per la fanteria") e per supportare missioni di ricognizione, comando, trasporto e comunicazioni. Caratteristiche principali dello Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A Design e struttura: La serie Sd.Kfz. 250 era più piccola e leggera rispetto alla serie Sd.Kfz. 251, e progettata per trasportare una squadra ridotta di soldati, solitamente fino a 6 persone. La variante Ausf. A era caratterizzata da una carrozzeria angolare con piastre di armatura in acciaio, progettata per fornire protezione contro piccoli calibri di armi da fuoco e schegge di granate. La configurazione del semicingolato permetteva una buona mobilità su terreni accidentati, combinando le ruote anteriori per la sterzatura e i cingoli posteriori per la trazione. Armamento: La versione base del Sd.Kfz. 250 era equipaggiata con mitragliatrici MG34 o MG42, che potevano essere montate su un supporto girevole per la difesa contro la fanteria nemica. A seconda del modello e della missione, poteva anche essere armato con cannoni leggeri anticarro o altre armi specializzate, a seconda delle esigenze sul campo di battaglia. Ruolo operativo: Il Schützenpanzerwagen era utilizzato principalmente per il trasporto di fanteria motorizzata, in particolare per le unità di fanteria meccanizzata tedesca (Panzergrenadier). Era impiegato anche come veicolo di comando e ricognizione grazie alla sua velocità e mobilità. Versioni specializzate del Sd.Kfz. 250 furono adattate per compiti specifici, come il trasporto di mortai, apparecchiature radio, o munizioni. Questo semicingolato era ideale per operazioni di guerra lampo (Blitzkrieg), poiché poteva trasportare rapidamente le truppe sul campo di battaglia proteggendole dai proiettili di piccolo calibro e dalle esplosioni. Variante Ausf. A: La variante Ausf. A fu la prima versione prodotta e presentava una forma più angolare e meno ottimizzata rispetto alla successiva versione Ausf. B, che introdusse modifiche per facilitare la produzione e migliorare le prestazioni. La Ausf. A aveva un compartimento per l'equipaggio aperto, che forniva maggiore visibilità ma lasciava i soldati esposti al fuoco nemico e agli elementi atmosferici. Motore e mobilità: Il veicolo era equipaggiato con un motore Maybach HL42 TRKM, in grado di generare circa 100 cavalli di potenza. Grazie alla combinazione di ruote e cingoli, lo Sd.Kfz. 250 era in grado di muoversi agilmente su terreni difficili, come fango o neve, e raggiungere velocità di circa 60 km/h su strada. Uso in battaglia: Lo Sd.Kfz. 250 fu utilizzato in tutti i principali fronti della guerra, dal fronte orientale al Nord Africa. Era particolarmente apprezzato per la sua versatilità e mobilità. Le versioni specializzate includevano ruoli come portamunizioni, veicolo di osservazione per artiglieria, trasporto di mortai, e persino trasporto per squadre anticarro. Conclusione Lo Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A Schützenpanzerwagen rappresentava uno dei veicoli corazzati leggeri più versatili della Wehrmacht durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Utilizzato per il trasporto di truppe, la ricognizione e altre funzioni specializzate, era uno strumento cruciale per la strategia di Blitzkrieg tedesca, consentendo rapidi movimenti di truppe sul campo di battaglia. Anche se relativamente leggero e poco corazzato, il suo design lo rendeva efficace su terreni difficili, e la sua capacità di essere armato lo rendeva utile per molteplici ruoli.  


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Sd.Kfz.166 Stu.Pz.IV 1/35 - DRAGON 6992
SKU DRA-6992
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit veicolo d'assalto Sd.Kfz.166 Stu.Pz.IV 'Brummbar' Early Production in scala 1/35 - Modello Dragon.  Il Sd.Kfz. 166 "Brummbär" (che significa "orso bruno" in tedesco) era un veicolo d'assalto tedesco sviluppato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Basato sul telaio del Panzer IV, il Brummbär fu progettato specificamente per supportare le truppe di fanteria durante gli assedi e le operazioni di attacco fortificato. Questo veicolo era dotato di un cannone di grosso calibro e progettato per superare le difese nemiche. Caratteristiche principali dello Sd.Kfz. 166 "Brummbär" Design e costruzione: Il Brummbär era basato sul telaio del Panzer IV, utilizzando la stessa trasmissione e motore, il che facilitava la produzione e la manutenzione. Era caratterizzato da una carrozzeria corazzata con un design compatto e angolare, che offriva una buona protezione per l'equipaggio, in particolare per il cannone anteriore. La blindatura variava da 50 a 80 mm, offrendo una protezione decente contro le armi da fuoco di piccolo calibro e contro la maggior parte dei proiettili anticarro leggeri. Armamento: La principale arma del Brummbär era un cannone StuH 42 da 105 mm, che era un cannone d’assalto progettato per distruggere fortificazioni e veicoli nemici. Il cannone era montato in una torretta fissa, che permetteva un ampio angolo di elevazione, utile per bombardare obiettivi fortificati o truppe nemiche nascoste. Il veicolo era in grado di sparare proiettili esplosivi e fumogeni, rendendolo utile anche in operazioni di supporto diretto alle truppe di fanteria. Ruolo operativo: Il Brummbär era progettato principalmente per il supporto diretto alla fanteria in operazioni d'assalto contro fortificazioni nemiche e per distruggere bunker, fortini e altre strutture difensive. Veniva utilizzato anche per supportare attacchi contro obiettivi fortificati durante le operazioni urbane, in particolare nei combattimenti in città. Eccellenti prestazioni sul campo di battaglia: Il Brummbär dimostrò di essere un veicolo efficace nel suo ruolo, combinando il potere di fuoco del cannone da 105 mm con una buona protezione. Tuttavia, il veicolo era relativamente lento, con una velocità massima di circa 40 km/h, e pesava circa 28 tonnellate, il che limitava la sua manovrabilità. Limitazioni: Il Brummbär non era progettato per combattere in manovra contro carri armati nemici pesanti, quindi il suo ruolo era specificamente quello di supportare la fanteria e non di impegnarsi direttamente in combattimenti con veicoli corazzati. Nonostante la sua protezione, era vulnerabile ai colpi di artiglieria pesante e ai carri armati nemici, in particolare gli alleati con veicoli anticarro più avanzati. Servizio e produzione: La produzione del Brummbär iniziò nel 1943 e continuò fino alla fine della guerra, con circa 300 esemplari realizzati. Fu utilizzato in vari teatri di guerra, tra cui il fronte orientale e le campagne in Italia e in Normandia. Conclusione Lo Sd.Kfz. 166 "Brummbär" rappresenta un importante esempio di veicolo d'assalto tedesco della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, progettato per supportare le operazioni di fanteria e superare le difese nemiche. Grazie al suo potente armamento e alla protezione offerta, il Brummbär fu in grado di operare efficacemente in situazioni di combattimento ravvicinato, contribuendo alle offensive tedesche fino alla fine del conflitto.  


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Do335B-2 ZERSTOVER 1/72 - DRAGON 5124
SKU DRA-5124
Scale: 1/72
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Aircraft
Category Kit

Kit aereo caccia Do335B-2 ZERSTOVER in scala 1/72 - Modello Dragon. Il Dornier Do 335 B-2 "Zerstörer" era una versione avanzata del Do 335, un caccia pesante tedesco sviluppato dalla Dornier durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il Do 335, soprannominato "Pfeil" (freccia) per la sua velocità, è noto per il suo design innovativo e unico, caratterizzato dalla configurazione push-pull dei motori, con uno posizionato nella parte anteriore della fusoliera e l'altro montato nella parte posteriore. Questo permetteva al velivolo di avere una maggiore velocità senza il problema della resistenza aerodinamica che si sarebbe avuta con motori montati su ali o gondole. Caratteristiche principali del Do 335 B-2 "Zerstörer" Design e configurazione del motore: Il Do 335 aveva una configurazione a doppio motore, uno montato nella parte anteriore per spingere e uno nella parte posteriore per spingere (design "push-pull"). Questo consentiva di ottenere elevate velocità senza le complessità dei motori a reazione, che stavano appena emergendo. Entrambi i motori erano del tipo Daimler-Benz DB 603, motori a V da 12 cilindri raffreddati a liquido, capaci di generare fino a 1.800 cavalli ciascuno. Velocità e prestazioni: Il Do 335 era uno dei caccia a pistoni più veloci mai costruiti. La velocità massima poteva superare i 760 km/h, rendendolo significativamente più rapido di molti altri caccia contemporanei. La sua configurazione unica gli permetteva di mantenere una velocità elevata e un’ottima stabilità, pur avendo dimensioni considerevoli. Ruolo del "Zerstörer": La versione B-2 era un modello Zerstörer, termine tedesco che significa "distruttore" o "cacciatore pesante". I "Zerstörer" erano progettati per essere caccia multiruolo pesantemente armati, capaci di affrontare bombardieri nemici o di svolgere missioni d’intercettazione a lunga distanza. Il Do 335 B-2 era quindi pensato per missioni di intercettazione a lungo raggio e per attacchi contro grandi bersagli come bombardieri nemici o navi. Armamento: Il Do 335 B-2 era pesantemente armato, con un cannone MK 103 da 30 mm montato attraverso il mozzo dell’elica anteriore, più due cannoni MG 151/20 da 20 mm montati sulle ali. Questa combinazione di armamenti gli conferiva una notevole potenza di fuoco, rendendolo particolarmente letale contro i bombardieri alleati e anche in ruoli d'attacco al suolo. Storia e produzione: Il Do 335 fu sviluppato in un periodo avanzato della guerra, e i problemi di produzione e risorse limitate della Germania impedirono la costruzione in massa di questo velivolo. Solo pochi esemplari operativi vennero prodotti, e la maggior parte dei modelli Do 335, inclusa la variante B-2, non vide mai un impiego bellico significativo. Le prime unità operative furono consegnate troppo tardi per influenzare gli esiti del conflitto. Innovazioni tecniche: Una delle caratteristiche uniche del Do 335 era l’inclusione di sedili eiettabili, una rarità per l'epoca, poiché il motore posteriore creava rischi per il pilota durante l'evacuazione d'emergenza. Le prestazioni complessive del velivolo, per quanto impressionanti sulla carta, furono limitate dalla mancanza di risorse nella fase finale della guerra. Conclusione Il Dornier Do 335 B-2 Zerstörer era uno dei caccia pesanti più avanzati tecnicamente della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, caratterizzato dalla sua configurazione motoria unica e dalle eccezionali velocità. Sebbene la sua produzione sia stata limitata e non abbia potuto cambiare il corso della guerra, il Do 335 rimane uno dei velivoli più innovativi e interessanti progettati dalla Germania nazista, simbolo della tecnologia avanzata che i progettisti tedeschi stavano cercando di implementare nella fase finale del conflitto.  


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M4A1 Sherman 1/35 - DRAGON 6701
SKU DRA-6701
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

M4A1 Sherman armored vehicle kit in 1/35 scale - DRAGON model. M4A1 Sherman The M4A1 Sherman is a specific version of the M4 Sherman tank, designed and produced by the United States. The Sherman tank was one of the main vehicles of the Allied armed forces during World War II. Main Features: Design and Construction: Origin: United States, designed to support Allied ground forces with firepower and protection. Tank Type: Medium tank, known for its versatility and large-scale production. Construction: The M4A1 version features a cast steel body, distinguishing it from other variants with welded bodies. Engine and Performance: Engine: Equipped with a Continental R975 gasoline engine, a 9-cylinder engine with an output of about 400 horsepower. Performance: Ability to reach a top speed of about 38 km/h (24 mph) on the road. Good mobility over variable terrain, but moderate speed compared to more modern tanks. Armament: Main Armament: Mounts a 75 mm M3 cannon, which offers a good balance of firepower and penetration capability against most enemy vehicles of the time. Secondary Armament: Equipped with coaxial and anti-aircraft machine guns, usually a 7.62 mm Browning M1919 machine gun and sometimes a 12.7 mm M2 machine gun. Protection: Armor: Steel shell with varying thickness, usually between 51 mm and 76 mm, depending on areas and modifications. The protection was adequate for the time, but newer enemy tanks began to easily penetrate the armor toward the end of the war. Role and Usage: Primary Role: Medium tank, designed to launch attacks, support infantry troops, and support Allied armored operations. Usage: Widely used by U.S. and allied forces in various theaters of war, including Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. It was one of the most numerous and influential tanks of the war. Variants and Modifications: Variants: The M4A1 Sherman has had numerous variants and upgrades, including improvements in armament and protection. It has also been modified to suit specialized roles such as recovery and engineering. Modifications: Modifications included upgrades to armament, armor, and support systems to improve the tank's capabilities. In summary: The M4A1 Sherman is a variant of the M4 Sherman tank, known for its robustness, versatility, and large-scale production. Used during World War II by Allied forces, the M4A1 Sherman represented an effective balance between firepower, mobility and protection. Its cast-steel designation set it apart from welded shell variants, contributing to the success and popularity of this tank in wartime operations at the time.


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Hohenstaufen Division 1/35 - DRAGON 6282
SKU DRA-6282
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

Hohenstaufen Division 1/35 scale - DRAGON figurine set.


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Tiger I Initial Production 1/35 - DRAGON 6252
SKU DRA-6252
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Tiger I Initial Production tank kit in 1/35 scale - DRAGON model. The Tiger I Initial Production is a version of the famous German Tiger I tank, developed and produced during World War II. The Tiger I is known for its firepower, protection and impact on the battlefield. Key features: Design: Year of Production: Introduced in the spring of 1942. Design: Heavy tank with thick, sloping armor designed to offer superior protection compared to other tanks of the time. Construction: Rugged and massive construction, with a configuration that includes a dome-shaped turret and a long main body. Engine and Performance: Engine: Equipped with a Maybach HL 210 P45 gasoline engine, rated at about 650 horsepower. Performance: Top speed of about 38 km/h (24 mph) on the road, with a range of about 100 km (62 miles) in difficult terrain. Suspension: Torsion bar suspension system for better mobility and adaptation to variable terrain. Armament and Equipment: Main armament: Equipped with an 88 mm KwK 36 cannon, known for its exceptional penetration capability and firepower. Secondary Armament: Two 7.92 mm MG34 machine guns mounted for close defense and troop support. Armor: Up to 100 mm thick on the front of the tank, offering exceptional protection against shells and artillery hits. Role and Usage: Primary Role: Heavy battle tank, designed for breach and support in combat. Use: Used primarily on the Eastern and Western fronts of World War II. The Tiger I Initial Production had a significant impact due to its firepower and protection, although its limited production and maintenance problems limited the number of operational tanks. Battlefield Effects: The Tiger I was feared by enemies because of its ability to destroy other tanks and fortifications over long distances. Versatility: Use in Battle: Suitable for direct combat and heavy support due to its armament and armor. Limitations: Limited by its high maintenance requirements, fuel consumption problems, and relatively low mobility compared to other lighter tanks. In summary: The Tiger I Initial Production was one of the most powerful and feared tanks of World War II, designed to dominate the battlefield with its powerful 88 mm gun and strong armored protection. Although it was effective in combat, limited production and maintenance problems affected its widespread use. The Tiger I left a lasting imprint on tank history, representing a major breakthrough in armored vehicle technology at the time.


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German Sturmboat 1/35 - DRAGON 6108
SKU DRA-6108
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Ships
Category Kit

German Sturmboat ship kit in 1/35 scale - DRAGON model. The German Sturmboot is a class of warships designed and used mainly by Germany during World War I and World War II. The term "Sturmboot" can be translated as "assault boat" and refers to small naval units designed for rapid attack and landing operations. Key features: Design: Origin: Developed by Germany to support landing and assault operations. Type of Boat: Small warships with rugged design, designed for shallow water operations and rapid attack. Construction: Generally made of metal or reinforced wood, with a structure designed to withstand combat conditions. Engine and Performance: Engine: Equipped with internal combustion engines, often of the gasoline or diesel type, that provide the power needed for assault operations. Performance: Moderate speed, adequate for rapidly approaching beaches or enemy positions. Specific performance varies by model and modification. Armament and Equipment: Armament: Armed with light machine guns, small arms, and sometimes heavier weapons to support the assault. Equipment: May include landing gear, such as grappling hooks and landing axes, and tools to support the assault. Role and Usage: Primary Role: Assault and landing, designed for amphibious operations and rapid attacks against enemy coastal positions. Use: Used primarily during the World Wars for landing operations and to support infantry attacks. Also used for shallow-water raids and to support infiltration missions. Versatility: Amphibious Operations: Suitable for operating in shallow water and near the coast, ideal for landing and quick attacks. Modularity: Some models can be adapted for different types of missions, including surprise attacks and troop support. In summary: The German Sturmboot is a warship designed for assault and landing operations. Used mainly during the World Wars, this type of assault boat was equipped to operate in shallow water and to carry out rapid attacks against enemy coastal positions. With its light armament and rugged design, the Sturmboot was an effective solution to support amphibious operations and raids in coastal areas.


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USS Laffey DD-459 - 1/350 - DRAGON 1026
SKU DRA-1026
Scale: 1/350
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Ships
Category Kit

Benson-class destroyer kit USS Laffey DD-459 1942 in 1/350 scale - Model Dragon. The USS Laffey (DD-459) was a Benson-class destroyer of the United States Navy during World War II. Built in 1941, the ship played a significant role in Pacific naval operations. Characteristics of the Benson Class Construction and Design: Shipyard: Built at the Boston Navy Yard. Length: Approximately 106 meters. Width: Approximately 11 meters. Draft: About 3.8 meters. Displacement: About 1,620 tons empty, 2,250 tons fully loaded. Propulsion: Engines: Equipped with steam turbines with two propellers. Speed: Capable of reaching a maximum speed of about 37 knots. Autonomy: Approximately 6,500 nautical miles at 15 knots. Armament: Guns: Armed with four 5-inch (127 mm) guns in double turrets. Antiaircraft Weapons: Equipped with 40 mm and 20 mm antiaircraft guns for defense against air attacks. Torpedoes: Equipped with ten 21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes in two quintuples. Depth charges: Used for anti-submarine warfare. Crew: Number of Members: About 276 officers and sailors. USS Laffey (DD-459) Service. Entry into Service: Commission Date: USS Laffey entered service on March 31, 1942. Operations and Battles: Pacific Theater: Actively participated in naval operations in the Pacific. Battle of Guadalcanal: Laffey was involved in the night battle of Guadalcanal on November 13, 1942. Sinking: Date: The USS Laffey was sunk on November 13, 1942 during the Battle of Guadalcanal. Event: She was hit by enemy fire, suffering severe damage. Despite the crew's efforts to keep the ship afloat, it eventually sank. Heroes and Sacrifice: The sinking of the Laffey involved the loss of many crew members, who fought bravely to the end. Historical Significance. Contribution to the War: USS Laffey (DD-459) represents the courage and sacrifice of the U.S. Navy during World War II. Her participation in Pacific operations and her heroic efforts in the Battle of Guadalcanal are emblematic of the determination of the United States to fight against the Axis forces. Legacy: Historical Memory: The USS Laffey is remembered as one of the ships that contributed significantly to Allied operations in the Pacific. Its history is commemorated in naval museums and historical celebrations. Conclusion USS Laffey (DD-459), a Benson-class destroyer, is a symbol of the courage and dedication of the U.S. Navy during World War II. Her short but intense career culminated with her heroic involvement in the Battle of Guadalcanal, where she sacrificed herself and her crew for the cause of freedom.


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USS Gearing DD-710 - 1/350 - DRAGON 1029
SKU DRA-1029
Scale: 1/350
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Ships
Category Kit

USS Gearing class destroyer kit DD-710 (1945) in 1/350 scale - Model Dragon. The USS Gearing (DD-710) was a U.S. Navy Gearing-class destroyer that entered service toward the end of World War II in 1945. This class represented one of the most advanced developments in U.S. wartime destroyers, with significant improvements over previous classes in armament, speed, and anti-submarine capability. Characteristics of the Gearing Class Design and Construction: Shipyard: Built at the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company in Kearny, New Jersey. Length: 119 meters (390 feet). Width: 12.45 meters (41 feet). Draft: 4.4 meters (14 feet). Displacement: About 2,616 tons empty, 3,460 tons fully loaded. Propulsion: Engines: Two General Electric steam turbines with two propellers. Power: About 60,000 shp (45 MW). Speed: Capable of reaching a maximum speed of about 35 knots. Autonomy: Approximately 4,500 nautical miles at 20 knots. Armament: Guns: Six 5-inch (127 mm)/38 cal guns in three twin turrets. Antiaircraft Weapons: Twelve 40-mm Bofors cannons and eleven 20-mm Oerlikon cannons. Torpedoes: Ten 21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes in two quintuples. Depth Charges: Equipped with launchers and depth charge rails for anti-submarine warfare. Crew: Number of Members: About 336 officers and sailors. USS Gearing (DD-710) Service. Entry into Service: Commissioning Date: USS Gearing was commissioned on May 3, 1945. Operations and Battles: End of World War II: Entering service too late to participate actively in World War II, Gearing did not participate in significant wartime operations during the conflict. Korean War and Vietnam War: Participated in operations during the Korean War and Vietnam War, providing naval fire support and patrolling. Cold War Operations: During the Cold War, was involved in various patrol and training missions, maintaining a deterrent and operational presence in international waters. Changes and Updates: Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization (FRAM) program: In the 1960s, USS Gearing underwent a significant upgrade under the FRAM program, which improved her anti-submarine capabilities and extended her operational life. Historical Significance Military Contribution: The USS Gearing represented an advance in destroyer technology, with improvements in armament and anti-submarine capability over previous classes. Legacy: Historical Memory: The USS Gearing and her sister ships of the Gearing class are remembered for their enduring and versatile service, which covered several decades and conflicts, from the immediate postwar period to the 1970s. Recognition: As part of one of the most numerous and enduring destroyer classes, the Gearing is a symbol of the power and resilience of the U.S. Navy during the mid-20th century. Conclusion The USS Gearing (DD-710), a Gearing-class destroyer, represents one of the pinnacles of U.S. Navy destroyer development during World War II and the Cold War. With advanced design and enhanced capabilities, the Gearing served with distinction in various theaters of operation, contributing to U.S. maritime security and power projection through several decades of service.


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Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D 1/35 - DRAGON 6980
SKU DRA-6980
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Armored vehicle kit Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D in 1/35 scale - Dragon model. The Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D is a variant of the Sd.Kfz. 251, a German armored transport vehicle used during World War II. The term Sd.Kfz. stands for "Sonderkraftfahrzeug," meaning "special vehicle," and the number "251" designates this specific type of vehicle. Characteristics of the Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D Design and Construction: Manufacturer: Various manufacturers including Hanomag and Opel. Type: Armored troop transport. Year of Introduction: The Ausf. D was introduced in 1943. Dimensions and Weight: Length: Approx. 5.9 meters. Width: Approximately 2.15 meters. Height: About 2.3 meters. Weight: About 8.4 tons. Propulsion: Engine: Maybach HL 42 six-cylinder, 4.1-liter gasoline engine. Power: Approximately 100 hp. Speed: Maximum of about 50 km/h on the road. Armament: MainWeapon: Not equipped with main weapons. It was designed primarily as a transport vehicle. Machine gun: Some versions were equipped with an MG34 or MG42 machine gun, mounted in an open position. Equipment and Capabilities: Crew: Consists of 2 crew members (pilot and commander). Transport: Capacity to carry up to 10 soldiers, in addition to the crew. Function and Operational Employment. Role: Troop Transport: Used to transport infantry squads and other equipment. It was a versatile vehicle intended to improve the mobility and protection of troops on the battlefield. Support: Although not heavily armed, the Sd.Kfz. 251/1 was often employed to provide mobile support and protection to infantry. Theaters of Operations: Europe: Used on various fronts, including the Soviet Union, North Africa, and Western Europe. Use: Saw extensive use in all the major campaigns of World War II, supporting German forces in mechanized infantry. Effectiveness: Mobility: Thanks to its all-wheel drive, the Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D was capable of tackling difficult terrain and offering good mobility on the battlefield. Protection: It provided relatively good protection against light weapons and shrapnel, although it was not sufficiently armored to withstand hits from heavier weapons. Production and Variants. Production: The Ausf. D represents one of the latest major versions of the Sd.Kfz. 251, with improvements over earlier versions, such as greater protection and a more rational interior layout. Variants: Sd.Kfz. 251/2: Version with 81-mm mortar mounted. Sd.Kfz. 251/9: Version with 75-mm cannon. Sd.Kfz. 251/10: Version with 37-mm antitank gun. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D was one of the most important armored vehicles for German forces during World War II. With its ability to transport troops and its moderate protection, the Sd.Kfz. 251/1 contributed significantly to the troops' ability to move and fight on the battlefield. Its versatility and presence in major campaigns demonstrate the crucial role it played in the Wehrmacht's mechanized operations.


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Sd.Kfz. 2/2 Kettenkrad 1/35 - DRAGON 6128
SKU DRA-6128
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Sd.Kfz. 2/2 Kettenkrad small c/c. Field cable in 1/35 scale - Dragon model. The Sd.Kfz. 2/2 Kettenkrad was a variant of the German Kettenkrad light tracked vehicle designed during World War II. Officially known as the Kleines Kettenkraftrad HK 101, the Kettenkrad was an amphibious vehicle with unique features that combined elements of a motorcycle and a tracked vehicle. Features of the Kettenkrad Design and Construction: Manufacturer: NSU Motorenwerke AG. Type: Amphibious light tracked vehicle. Year of Introduction: 1940. Dimensions and Weight: Length: Approx. 3 meters. Width: 1 meter. Height: 1.2 meters. Weight: About 1.3 tons. Propulsion: Engine: Opel four-cylinder, 1.5-liter engine, derived from the Opel Olympia. Power: Approximately 36 hp. Speed: Maximum of about 70 km/h on road and 50 km/h off-road. Specifications: Configuration: Front with a motorcycle-like steerable wheel, and tracked rear for greater traction. TowingCapability: Capable of towing small guns and trailers. Function of the Sd.Kfz. 2/2 Kettenkrad Small c/c. Field Cable Role: Field Cable: This specific variant of the Kettenkrad was equipped for laying and maintaining communication cables on the battlefield. "C/c" indicates "field cable," implying that the vehicle was used for communication-related operations. Equipment: Cable Drum: Equipped with a mounted cable drum, the vehicle could perform tasks of installing and repairing communication lines. Communication Tools: Included specific equipment for cable management and field communications. Operational Employment. Theaters of Operations: Used on various fronts during World War II, including the Eastern and Western fronts, the Kettenkrad demonstrated versatility in a variety of climatic conditions and difficult terrain. Versatility: Accidental Terrain: Thanks to its tracked configuration, the Kettenkrad could operate effectively in rough, muddy or sandy terrain where other vehicles could not move. Transportation: In addition to laying cables, it could transport troops, supplies and small arms. Postwar Use: After the war, some Kettenkrad were used for civilian purposes, as agricultural vehicles or for transportation in difficult terrain. Conclusion The Sd.Kfz. 2/2 Kettenkrad Small w/c. Field Cable was a multifunctional vehicle designed to meet the communication and transportation needs of the Wehrmacht during World War II. Its unique configuration, combining a motorcycle front with a tracked rear, gave it exceptional versatility, making it useful in a variety of operational roles. The Kettenkrad remains one of the most recognizable and innovative military vehicles of its time.


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M7 Priest 1/35 - DRAGON 6627
SKU DRA-6627
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

M7 Priest Early Production Semovente kit in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The M7 Pri est is an artillery self-propelled gun used by the United States and its allies during World War II. "Priest" was a nickname given by British troops because of the machine gun mounted in a position that resembled a pulpit. Characteristics of the M7 Priest Early Production Design and Construction: Manufacturer: American Locomotive Company (ALCO) and Federal Machine and Welder. Type: Self-propelled artillery. Year of Introduction: Entered service in 1942. Dimensions and Weight: Length: Approx. 6.02 meters. Width: Approximately 2.87 meters. Height: About 2.9 meters. Weight: About 22.9 tons. Propulsion: Engine: Continental R975 C1 gasoline engine, 9-cylinder star. Power: Approximately 400 hp. Speed: Maximum of about 38 km/h on the road. Armament: Cannon: 105 mm M1 howitzer as main weapon. Machine gun: A 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine gun mounted on an elevated position (the "pulpit"). Crew: Composition: 7-man crew (commander, gunner, loader, pilot, and other gun and maintenance crew members). Function and Operational Employment. Role: Artillery Support: Designed to provide indirect fire support to infantry and armored forces. Mobility: Due to its tracked design, it could move along with armored troops over difficult terrain, maintaining the pace of advanced operations. Theaters of Operations: World War II: Used in numerous theaters of war, including Western Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific. Other Conflicts: Also employed during the Korean War. Effectiveness: Firepower: The 105-mm cannon was effective against enemy targets at long ranges, including fortified positions and troop concentrations. Protection: Armored to protect the crew from small arms and shrapnel attacks. Production and Variants. Production: Production of the M7 Priest began in 1942 and continued until the end of the war, with over 4,000 units built. Variants: M7B1: A later version with minor modifications, including an M4A3 Sherman tank chassis instead of the original M3 Lee/Grant chassis. Kangaroo: A version without the 105 mm howitzer, used as an armored troop transport. Conclusion The M7 Priest Early Production represents one of the most effective solutions adopted by the Allies for mobile artillery support during World War II. With its combination of a powerful 105 mm howitzer, good mobility and adequate crew protection, the M7 Priest played a crucial role in many military operations. Its ability to track armored troops and provide immediate fire support contributed significantly to the success of Allied operations.


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Borgward IV Ausf. A 1/35 - DRAGON 6101
SKU DRA-6101
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Borgward IV Ausf. A heavy demolition vehicle in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The Borgward IV Ausf. A was the first version of the German tracked vehicle designed for demolitions during World War II. It was part of the Borgward IV series, used mainly to transport and place explosive charges near enemy targets. The Ausf. A represented the initial model of this class of vehicles. Characteristics of the Borgward IV Ausf. A Design and Construction: Manufacturer: Borgward, a German automaker based in Bremen. Type: Remote-controlled tracked demolition vehicle. Year of Introduction: Introduced in 1942. Size and Weight: Length: 3.65 meters. Width: 1.83 meters. Height: 1.19 meters. Weight: About 3.5 tons. Propulsion: Engine: 49-hp Borgward 6M RTBV gasoline engine. Speed: Capable of reaching a top speed of about 38 km/h. Armament: Explosive Charge: Designed to carry and place an explosive charge of about 500 kg. Crew: Remote Control: Operated remotely via a radio control system, allowing operators to remain at a safe distance. Operational Deployment. Function: Demolition and Mine Clearance: Used to destroy enemy fortifications, clear obstacles and neutralize minefields. The explosive charge was released near the target and detonated at a distance. Theaters of Operations: Europe: The Borgward IV Ausf. A was employed in several theaters of operation in Europe, including the Normandy campaign, where it was used to breach Allied coastal defenses. Effectiveness and Limitations: Effectiveness: Potentially useful for demolition operations, the Borgward IV Ausf. A featured technological innovations for the time. Limitations: The vehicle was vulnerable to enemy fire and was often destroyed before it could complete its mission. Technical problems and reliability of the remote control system were additional limitations. Production and Variants. Production: Production of the Borgward IV Ausf. A was limited compared to later versions (Ausf. B and Ausf. C), with about 616 units built. Variants: Ausf. B: Improved version with enhancements in the control system and other technical modifications. Ausf. C: Final and more advanced version with further improvements. Conclusion The Borgward IV Ausf. A represented one of the first German attempts to develop a remote-controlled tracked demolition vehicle during World War II. Despite its limitations and vulnerabilities, this vehicle demonstrated German technological innovation in creating specialized tools for military operations. The Borgward IV Ausf. A laid the foundation for subsequent improved versions of the series, which sought to address initial shortcomings and increase operational effectiveness.

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29th U.S. Infantry Division 1/35 - DRAGON 6211
SKU DRA-6211
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

29th U.S. Infantry Division Omaha Beach D-Day 1944 1/35 scale - Dragon figurine set.


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Sea King AEW2 - 1/72 - DRAGON 5104
SKU DRA-5104
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Guerra delle Falkland
Type: Elicotteri
Category Kit

Sea King AEW.2 Falklands War helicopter kit 1/72 scale - Model Dragon.The Sea King AEW.2 is a variant of the Westland Sea King helicopter, modified to perform Airborne Early Warning (AEW) missions. This variant was developed rapidly during the Falklands War in 1982, in response to the Royal Navy's lack of AEW capabilities, which had proven to be a serious weakness during the conflict.Main Features of the Sea King AEW.2Role: Airborne Early Warning (AEW).Manufacturer: Westland Helicopters.User: Royal Navy (British Navy).History and DevelopmentBackground: During the Falklands War, the Royal Navy found itself without an effective AEW system after the withdrawal of the Fairey Gannet AEW.3. This gap was evident when the cruiser HMS Sheffield was hit by an Exocet missile.Solution: The need for an AEW capability led to the development of the Sea King AEW.2, equipped with Searchwater radar, installed in a side-mounted radome.Rapid Implementation: The Sea King AEW.2 was developed and commissioned in an extremely short time, with the first helicopters operational in the Falklands theater within a few months of conception.Technical SpecificationsRadar: Searchwater radar, used for long-range surveillance and detection of air and sea targets.Crew: Typically consisting of two pilots and one radar operator.Communication Systems: Advanced communication systems to coordinate operations with naval and air forces.Dimensions and PerformanceLength: Approximately 22 meters with main rotor.Rotor diameter: 18.90 meters.Maximum takeoff weight: About 9,707 kg.Maximum speed: About 208 km/h.Range: Up to 1,230 km.Operational use in the Falklands WarDuring the Falklands War, the Sea King AEW.2 played a crucial role in protecting the British fleet by providing early detection capabilities for incoming missiles and enemy aircraft. This capability enabled a more rapid and coordinated response to threats, significantly improving the fleet's air defense.Post-Falkland EvolutionAfter the conflict, the Sea King AEW.2 was further developed and modernized, leading to the Sea King ASaC.7 version with improvements in radar and electronic systems. These versions continued to serve in the Royal Navy until they were replaced by more advanced AEW systems, such as the Merlin Crowsnest helicopter.In summary, the Sea King AEW.2 represents a quick and effective response to a serious operational gap, demonstrating the importance of AEW capabilities in modern naval operations.


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Sd.Kfz.234/2 Puma 1/35 - DRAGON 6943
SKU DRA-6943
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Sd.Kfz.234/2 Puma tank kit (Premium Edition) 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The Sd.Kfz. 234/2, commonly known as the "Puma," was an armored reconnaissance vehicle employed by the German armed forces during World War II. It was one of the variants of the Sd.Kfz. 234, a series of light armored vehicles designed for reconnaissance and patrol operations.Here are some main features of the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Puma:Armament: The vehicle was equipped with a 50 mm KwK 39/1 automatic cannon, giving it an anti-tank and counter-tank fire capability. The gun could fire armor-piercing and high-explosive ammunition, making the vehicle effective against light armored targets and transports.Role: The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 was intended primarily for reconnaissance and patrol duties. It was fast and agile, with good movement capability over varied terrain and a top speed of about 85 km/h on the road. Its armament also allowed it to engage enemy targets encountered during reconnaissance missions.Structure: The vehicle had a light, open structure with a large turret to house the gun and gunner. The crew generally consisted of a pilot, commander, gunner, and gunner. The configuration was designed to provide good visibility and effective firepower.Production: The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Puma was produced in limited numbers during World War II, starting in 1943. Despite its limited production, the vehicle was used on various fronts and proved to be a useful addition to German reconnaissance units.Overall, the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 Puma was an effective and versatile armored reconnaissance vehicle used by German forces to perform reconnaissance, patrol and fire support missions during World War II.


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Sd.Kfz. 250/8 Ausf. B 1/35 - DRAGON 6425
SKU DRA-6425
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Tank kit Sd.Kfz. 250/8 Ausf. B 7.5cm K.51 L/24 in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The Sd.Kfz. 250/8 Ausf. B 7.5cm K.51 L/24 was a half-track armored vehicle used by the German armed forces during World War II. It was a variant of the larger Sd.Kfz. 250, a light armored vehicle used mainly for troop transport and infantry support.Here are some main features of the Sd.Kfz. 250/8 Ausf. B 7.5 cm K.51 L/24:Armament: The vehicle was equipped with a 75 mm light cannon, named K.51, with a barrel length of 24 calibers (L/24). This cannon could fire a variety of ammunition, including armor-piercing and high-explosive rounds.Role: The Sd.Kfz. 250/8 7.5 cm K.51 L/24 was primarily used as a support vehicle for infantry units, providing direct support fire against light armored targets, such as light armored vehicles and fortified enemy positions.Crew and transport: The vehicle could carry a small crew, usually of three or four members, as well as a limited amount of ammunition for the gun. Some variants of the Sd.Kfz. 250 could also carry additional troops, although space was rather limited.Mobility: The Sd.Kfz. 250/8 was based on a half-tracked chassis that gave it good mobility both on and off-road. The engine was located in the front of the vehicle, while the combat compartment and passenger compartment were in the rear.Production: The Sd.Kfz. 250/8 was one of several variants of the Sd.Kfz. 250 produced during World War II. Although it was not produced in large quantities compared to other variants, it played a significant role in providing fire support to German infantry units.Overall, the Sd.Kfz. 250/8 Ausf. B 7.5 cm K.51 L/24 was a light and versatile armored vehicle used by German forces to provide direct fire support during infantry operations during World War II.


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Sd.Kfz. 250/5 NEU 1/35 - DRAGON 6636
SKU DRA-6636
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Tank kit Sd.Kfz. 250/5 NEW le Observ.Pz.Wg. in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The Sd.Kfz. 250/5, also known as the "Neue Art" (New Type), was a variant of the semi-tank armored vehicle Sd.Kfz. 250 used by the German armed forces during World War II. The designation "Observ.Pz.Wg." stands for "Beobachtungspanzerwagen," which means armored observation vehicle.Here are some main features of the Sd.Kfz. 250/5:Role: The Sd.Kfz. 250/5 was used as an advanced observation vehicle by artillery units and battlefield command units. Its armored cabin provided protection for personnel making tactical observations and communications.Structure: The vehicle was based on the half-track chassis of the Sd.Kfz. 250, but with a modified command cabin and equipment specifically for the observation role. The cabin housed radio operators and observers, who were provided with optical instruments to detect and report enemy targets and movements.Armament: The Sd.Kfz. 250/5 was not equipped with offensive armament. Its main role was to provide support for artillery and command and control operations on the battlefield.Mobility: The vehicle maintained the mobility typical of half-tracks, with good terrain-crossing capability and adequate speed to follow moving units on the battlefield.Production: The Sd.Kfz. 250/5 was produced in numerous variants during World War II and saw use on various fronts. Although it was not a direct combat vehicle, it played an important role in supporting the artillery and command operations of German forces.Overall, the Sd.Kfz. 250/5 "Observ.Pz.Wg." was a vital component of German observation and command units, providing crucial support to battlefield tactical operations during World War II.


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Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV 1/35 - DRAGON 6883
SKU DRA-6883
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Razzi / Vettori
Category Kit

Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV chassis kit in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV, also abbreviated as "Stuka zu Fuss," was a semi-tank armored vehicle used by the German armed forces during World War II. The designation literally means "rocket launcher on Panzer IV tank chassis." Here are some main characteristics of the Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV: Role: The vehicle was equipped with a multi-tube rocket launcher mounted on a half-tank chassis based on the Panzer IV tank. The rocket launcher could fire anti-tank or anti-tank rockets toward enemy troops or armored vehicles. Armament: The rocket launcher mounted on the Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV could be configured to fire a variety of munitions, including HEAT (high explosive anti-tank) rockets, high explosive rockets or smoke rockets. This gave it flexibility in battlefield operations. Structure: The vehicle had an open cabin for the crew, which generally included the driver and an operator for the rocket launcher. The rear of the vehicle housed the rocket launch system and associated mounts. Mobility: Based on the half-track chassis of the Panzer IV tank, the Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV had good mobility both on and off-road. This allowed it to follow infantry or armored units on the battlefield. Production: The Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV was not produced in large quantities compared to other German anti-tank weapon variants, but it still saw use during World War II in various theaters of operation. Overall, the Raketenwerfer auf Fahrgestell Pz.Kpfw.IV was a mobile and versatile anti-tank weapon used by German forces to counter enemy troops and armored vehicles during World War II.


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German Half-Track Pilots 1/35 - DRAGON 6671
SKU DRA-6671
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

German Half-Track Pilots in 1/35 scale - Dragon Figurine Set.

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Winter Panzer Pilots 1/35 - DRAGON 6513
SKU DRA-6513
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

Winter Panzer Pilots 1943-44 in 1/35 scale - Dragon Figurine Set.

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US Army Tank Pilots 1/35 - DRAGON 6197
SKU DRA-6378
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

U.S. Army 1944-45 tank pilots in 1/35 scale - Dragon figurine set.


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Soviet Infantry Tank Pilots 1/35 - DRAGON 6197
SKU DRA-6197
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Russia
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

Soviet infantry tank pilots in 1/35 scale - Dragon figurine set.

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Panzer Riders 1/35 - DRAGON 6156
SKU DRA-6156
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

Panzer Riders (Lorraine 1944) 1/35 scale - Dragon figurine set.

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M4A4 - 1/35 - DRAGON 6405
SKU DRA-6405
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 scale M4A4 tank kit with 60-pound rocket - Model Dragon.The M4A4 with 60-pound rocket, also known as the "Sherman Calliope," was a variant of the M4 Sherman tank used during World War II. It was equipped with a rocket launcher mounted above the M4 Sherman's standard turret, which allowed the tank to fire 4.5-inch (about 114 mm) unguided rockets.Here are some main features of the M4A4 with 60-pound rocket:Armament: In addition to its main armament consisting of a 75-mm or 76-mm cannon, the M4A4 Calliope was equipped with a 4.5-inch caliber rocket launcher mounted above the turret. This rocket launcher could fire up to 60 rockets in a single salvo.Role: The M4A4 Calliope was primarily used to provide indirect fire support to infantry troops during offensives. Rockets fired from the rocket launcher could be used to saturate a target area with high-destructive explosives, thus giving allied troops a tactical advantage.Mobility: The M4A4 Calliope was based on the M4 Sherman tank chassis, so it had the same mobility and terrain-crossing capability as the base tank. It was powered by a Chrysler Multibank gasoline engine that gave it a top speed of about 30 miles per hour.Production: Production of the M4A4 Calliope was not on a large scale compared to other variants of the M4 Sherman. However, it was used in several theaters of war during World War II, mainly by the U.S. Armored Corps.Effectiveness: Despite its ability to fire a large amount of rockets at once, the M4A4 Calliope had limited accuracy compared to other artillery systems. However, its psychological impact and ability to overwhelm a target area were significant.Overall, the M4A4 with 60-pound rocket was an effective artillery vehicle used by Allied forces during World War II to support infantry operations and contribute to victory on the Western Front.


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Totenkopf Division 1/35 - DRAGON 6385
SKU DRA-6385
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

Totenkopf Division Kharkov 1943 (Gen2) 1/35 scale - Dragon Figurine Set.


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Churchill Mk IV NA 75 - 1/72 - DRAGON 7507
SKU DRA-7507
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Churchill Mk.IV NA 75 tank kit in 1/72 scale - Model Dragon.The Churchill Mk.IV NA 75 was a variant of the British Churchill heavy tank that was used during World War II. The abbreviation "NA" stands for "North Africa," indicating that this variant was mainly used in the North African theater. Here are some main features of the Churchill Mk.IV NA 75:Armament: The Churchill Mk.IV NA 75 mounted a 75 mm main gun, known as the "75 mm Mk V cannon." This cannon had a shorter barrel than those of earlier versions of the Churchill, but was capable of firing HEAT (high explosive anti-tank) projectiles and high explosive shells.Specific design for North Africa: This variant was designed and adapted for operations in the North African theater, where the need for thicker armor was less critical than in other theaters of war such as Eastern Europe or the Russian front.Armor and mobility: Like the other Churchill models, the Mk.IV NA 75 was characterized by thick armor and relatively slow speed. However, its mobility was suited to the desert terrain of North Africa, allowing it to move over sandy and uneven terrain.Role: The Churchill Mk.IV NA 75 was used primarily in infantry support roles and in frontal engagements against enemy tanks. Its thick armor and 75 mm cannon made it effective in providing fire support and attacking armored targets.Use: This variant of the Churchill was used primarily by British and Allied forces during the North African campaigns, including the desert campaign and the campaign in Tunisia.Overall, the Churchill Mk.IV NA 75 was an effective and adaptable heavy tank designed specifically for operations in the North African theater during World War II.


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Churchill Mk III 1/72 - DRAGON 7396
SKU DRA-7396
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Churchill Mk.III 1/72 scale tank kit - Model Dragon.The Churchill Mk.III was a variant of the British Churchill heavy tank employed during World War II. This tank was part of a series of variants of the Churchill, each of which had specific features and improvements over its predecessors.Here are some of the main features of the Churchill Mk.III:Armament: It mounted a 75 mm main gun, usually the Ordnance QF 75 mm Mk V cannon or the QF 6-Pounder 57 mm cannon. This cannon was paired with one or more Browning .303 caliber (7.7 mm) machine guns for close defense.Armor: The Churchill Mk.III's armor was relatively thick for the time, providing good protection against enemy shells and artillery shrapnel. However, because of its massive armor, the Churchill was also known to be heavily armored and therefore relatively slow.Engine and propulsion: Initially, the Churchill Mk.III was equipped with a 12-cylinder Bedford gasoline engine that provided about 350 horsepower. Later, many units were upgraded with the more powerful Rolls-Royce Meteor engine, which improved the tank's overall performance.Role: The Churchill Mk.III was used primarily in infantry support roles and in frontal engagements against enemy tanks. Its thick armor and powerful armament made it effective in destroying armored targets and providing fire support during assault operations.Production: The Churchill Mk.III was produced in significant numbers during World War II. Production took place at several British companies, and the tank was employed on various fronts, including the European theater and the Mediterranean theater.Overall, the Churchill Mk.III was a robust and well-armored heavy tank that was widely used by British forces during World War II for infantry support and combat against enemy tanks.


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Chevrolet 30 cwt patrol car 1/72 - DRAGON 7439
SKU DRA-7439
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United Kingdom
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Chevrolet 30 cwt Desert group long-range patrol car kit with Lewis machine gun 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The Chevrolet 30 cwt Desert group long-range patrol car with Lewis machine gun was a vehicle used by Allied forces during World War II, particularly in desert theaters such as North Africa. Here are some details about this vehicle:Vehicle model: This was a light vehicle, a Chevrolet passenger car converted for military purposes. The term "30 cwt" indicates the weight, equivalent to about 1.5 tons, and is a common measurement for vehicles of this type.Long Range Desert Group: This indicated a particular configuration and equipment suitable for desert operations. This probably included additional fuel tanks, increased mechanical resistance to harsh conditions, and equipment needed to cope with heat and sand.Lewis Machine Gun: The Lewis machine gun was a light, hand-operated weapon that was often mounted on vehicles during World War II. It had a good rate of fire and could be used to defend the vehicle from air or ground attack.Role: This type of vehicle was often used for reconnaissance patrols, scouting missions, and escort operations in desert territories. Its long-range capability and mobility made it suitable for moving across the vast expanses of the desert.Use: Patrol cars of its kind were primarily employed by infantry forces, reconnaissance divisions and support units to survey areas, patrol borders and conduct intelligence operations.Overall, the Chevrolet 30 cwt Desert group long-range patrol car with Lewis machine gun represented an important element in the logistics and tactical operations of Allied forces in desert theaters during World War II.

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7.5cm Leichtgeschütz 40 with paratroopers 1/35 - DRAGON 6147
SKU DRA-6147
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

7.5cm Leichtgeschütz 40 kit with 1/35 scale paratroopers - Model Dragon.The 7.5cm Leichtgeschütz 40 was a German light gun used during World War II. It was a portable, lightweight artillery piece designed to provide fire support at the company or battalion level.Here are some key features of the 7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40:Caliber: As the name suggests, the gun had a caliber of 7.5 cm (75 mm), which was fairly standard for guns of this type and period.Mobility: One of the distinguishing features of the Leichtgeschütz 40 was its relative lightness and its ability to be disassembled and carried on several parts for ease of movement. This made it suitable for advanced fire support.Employment: The gun was used primarily by infantry troops to provide direct fire support during attacks or to engage targets at medium distances. It was mobile enough to be transported to the battlefield and put into position quickly.Production: The Leichtgeschütz 40 was developed during World War II as part of Nazi Germany's efforts to modernize and improve its artillery forces. However, production of this artillery piece was not on a large scale as with other more common cannons.Operational Role: Despite its relative light weight, the Leichtgeschütz 40 was capable of providing effective firepower against light armored targets and supporting the advance of infantry troops during offensive operations.Overall, the 7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40 was a light, mobile cannon that played an important role in supporting German infantry operations during World War II.


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5cm Pak 38 with crew 1/35 - DRAGON 6444
SKU DRA-6444
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

5cm Pak 38 anti-tank gun kit with crew in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The 5 cm Pak 38 was a German anti-tank gun used during World War II. It was a light artillery piece, effective against enemy tanks and other light armored units.Here are some key features of the 5 cm Pak 38:Caliber: The cannon had a caliber of 5 centimeters, equivalent to about 50 millimeters. This caliber was quite common for light anti-tank guns of the time.Mobility: The 5 cm Pak 38 was designed to be relatively light and easily transportable. It was mounted on a wheeled mount, making it relatively mobile and easy to move around the battlefield.Armament: The gun used armor-piercing ammunition to penetrate the armor of enemy tanks. It was capable of firing high-penetration projectiles, which could be effective against light and medium tanks of the time.Operational Role: The 5 cm Pak 38 was primarily employed as an anti-tank weapon in infantry and specialized anti-tank units. It was positioned at strategic locations to defend key positions or to provide support to infantry troops against enemy tanks.Production: The 5 cm Pak 38 was produced in significant quantities during World War II and saw use on various fronts, including the Eastern Front and the Western Front.Overall, the 5 cm Pak 38 was an effective weapon in its role as a light anti-tank gun, providing German forces with a means to counter the advance of enemy tanks during World War II.

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Panzergrenadier Division 1/35 - DRAGON 6124
SKU DRA-6124
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

Panzergrenadier Division 'Großdeutschland' (Karachev 1943) 1/35 scale - Dragon figurine set.


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German 6th Army 1/35 - DRAGON 6017
SKU DRA-6017
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Figurini
Category Figurines

German 6th Army (Stalingrad 1942-43) 1/35 scale - Dragon figurine set.


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Sd Kfz 234/4 Panzerspähwagen 1/35 - DRAGON 6836
SKU DRA-6836
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Sd.Kfz. 234/4 Panzerspähwagen with Falke night vision in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The Sd.Kfz. 234/4 Panzerspähwagen was an armored reconnaissance vehicle used by Nazi Germany during World War II. Here is some information about it:Design: The Sd.Kfz. 234/4 was a variant of the Sd.Kfz. series of armored reconnaissance vehicles. 234. It was based on the hull of the Sd.Kfz. 234 and designed to provide light anti-tank support to reconnaissance units.Armament: The main feature of the Sd.Kfz. 234/4 was the 7.5 cm PaK 40 anti-tank gun mounted on the hull. This gun was capable of penetrating medium-thick enemy armor and posed a threat to enemy tanks and other light armored vehicles.Mobility: The Sd.Kfz. 234/4 was powered by a gasoline engine that gave it good road speed and adequate mobility over variable terrain. It was an all-wheel-drive vehicle and could operate in a variety of environments, including rural and urban terrain.Role: The Sd.Kfz. 234/4 was mainly used for armed reconnaissance missions and light anti-tank support. It was often employed in the armored reconnaissance units of Panzer divisions and played an important role in providing information on enemy position and forces, as well as countering anti-tank threats.Production and use: The Sd.Kfz. 234/4 was produced in limited quantities during World War II and saw action mainly on the eastern and western fronts. Although it was an effective vehicle, its production was limited by increasing resource pressures and changes in German production strategies during the final phase of the conflict.In summary, the Sd.Kfz. 234/4 Panzerspähwagen was a German armored reconnaissance vehicle used during World War II, known for its 7.5 cm PaK 40 anti-tank gun mounted on the hull. It was used for armed reconnaissance missions and light anti-tank support on the battlefield.

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M142 High Mobility Artillery Missile System 1/72 - DRAGON 7707
SKU DRA-7707
Scale: 1/72
Nation: United States of America
Period: Modern
Type: Razzi / Vettori
Category Kit

M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Missile System Kit 1/72 Scale - Dragon Model.The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Missile System, commonly known as HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System), is a land-based missile weapon system used by the U.S. Army and some other armed forces around the world. Here is some key information about this system:Design: The HIMARS system is based on a lightweight, highly mobile tactical vehicle chassis that allows it to carry and launch long-range artillery missiles. It uses a launch container mounted on a highly mobile truck.Missiles: The HIMARS system can launch a variety of missiles, including the MGM-140 ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) and the M31 GMLRS (Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System). These missiles have extended ranges and can be equipped with explosive warheads or other types of payloads.Mobility: Due to its configuration on highly mobile trucks, the HIMARS system is highly mobile and can be rapidly deployed to a variety of terrains. This allows it to provide long-range precision support fire quickly.Role: The HIMARS system is used to provide precise, long-range artillery support fire to land forces. It can be employed in a variety of roles, including attacking surface targets, suppressing enemy fire, and supporting maneuver of friendly troops.Deployment: The HIMARS system has been employed in various theaters of operations around the world, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and other operational contexts. It has been particularly praised for its accuracy, rapid-fire capability, and versatility in a variety of operational scenarios.In summary, the M142 HIMARS high-mobility artillery missile system is a highly mobile land-based weapon system used to provide accurate, long-range artillery support fire. It has been successfully employed in a variety of operational contexts and continues to be a key element of the fire capabilities of the armed forces of the United States and other nations.


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IDF M113 1973 with figures 1/35 - DRAGON 3608
SKU DRA-3608
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Israel
Period: Modern
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

IDF M113 1973 Armored Personnel Transport Kit with 1/35 scale paratrooper figures - 50th Anniversary - Yom Kippur War - Model Dragon.IDF M113 1973 refers to a specific version of the M113 armored vehicle used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Here is some information about this vehicle:M113: The M113 is an armored troop transport vehicle produced by the United States. It is one of the most popular armored vehicles in the world and has been used by numerous nations for decades. The M113 is designed to transport troops safely to the battlefield.IDF: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has used the M113 in various forms and configurations to meet its operational needs. During the Yom Kippur War, the IDF employed a large number of M113s in various capacities.Yom Kippur War of 1973: The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War or the October War, was an armed conflict involving Israel, Egypt and Syria. It began on October 6, 1973, Yom Kippur Day, and was one of the most significant clashes between Israel and its neighboring nations.IDF M113 1973: During the Yom Kippur War, the IDF used the M113 in various configurations, including troop transport vehicles, support vehicles and ambulances. These vehicles were used to transport troops, equipment and supplies to the battlefield.Role: IDF M113 1973s played an important role in supporting ground operations during the Yom Kippur War. They were used to move troops and provide logistical support in a challenging combat environment.Legacy: After the Yom Kippur War, the IDF continued to use the M113 in various forms and upgraded it with additional protection kits and other modifications to improve its survivability on the modern battlefield.In summary, IDF M113 1973 refers to a specific version of the M113 used by the Israel Defense Forces during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. These vehicles played an important role in ground operations during the conflict.

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Sd Kfz 250/1 NEU 1/35 - DRAGON 6476
SKU DRA-6476
Scale: 1/35
Nation: Germany
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Half-track armored vehicle kit Sd.Kfz. 250/1 NEU in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.The Sd.Kfz. 250/1 NEU was a variant of the German light armored vehicle Sd.Kfz. 250, used during World War II. Here is some information about it:Design: The Sd.Kfz. 250/1 NEU was an improved version of the Sd.Kfz. 250, a light armored vehicle used by German forces for troop transport and reconnaissance during World War II. The term "NEU" indicated that it was an improved or upgraded version of the vehicle.Troop Transport: Like the other variants of the Sd.Kfz. 250, the 250/1 NEU was primarily designed for light troop transport, providing an armored platform for the safe transport of soldiers on the battlefield.Armament: The Sd.Kfz. 250/1 NEU was typically equipped with a light machine gun mounted on a rotary shaft, providing defense against enemy infantry and light vehicles.Mobility: The vehicle had four-wheel drive and was powered by a gasoline engine, giving it good mobility over variable terrain. It was capable of operating on roads, rough terrain and even snow-covered ground, making it versatile in its movement capabilities.Production and use: The Sd.Kfz. 250/1 NEU was produced during World War II by German industries and used by the German armed forces, particularly the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. It saw action on various fronts, including the Eastern Front and the Western Front.Legacy: After World War II, some vehicles that remained in service were captured and used by other nations or kept in the German army for a time. The design of the Sd.Kfz. 250 influenced the development of later light armored vehicles.In summary, the Sd.Kfz. 250/1 NEU was an improved variant of the German light armored vehicle Sd.Kfz. 250, used during World War II for troop transport and other light armored missions.


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British Sherman MkIII 1/35 - DRAGON 6231
SKU DRA-6231
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

British Sherman Mk.III Mid Production tank kit, Sicily in 1/35 scale - Model Dragon. The "British Sherman Mk.III Mid Production" tank refers to a specific variant of the Sherman tank employed during World War II. Let's analyze the different elements of the term: British Sherman: The Sherman tank was a U.S. armored vehicle widely used by the Allies during World War II. It was also supplied to the United Kingdom through the loan and lease program. Mk.III: The designation "Mk.III" indicates the variant of the Sherman. There were several versions of the Sherman tank, each with specific improvements. The "Mk.III" designation could indicate a specific configuration of this variant. Mid Production: "Mid Production" indicates that this variant was produced during an intermediate phase of the tank's production. Throughout the war, the Sherman's design was constantly being improved, and changes were made during production. The early, mid-production, and late phases had some differences in features and equipment. In general, the British Sherman Mk.III Mid Production represents a specific version of the Sherman tank, used by British forces during World War II, with particular features associated with the middle phase of production. The exact characteristics of this variant may include changes in armor, armament, or other systems based on the evolution of the design during that specific period.


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SAS Raider 1/4 Ton 4x4 - 1/35 - DRAGON 6725
SKU DRA-6725
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

Kit Auto SAS Raider 1/4 Ton 4x4 Truck ETO 1944 + 2nd Regiment SAS Figure Set 1/35 scale - Model Dragon.

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1/4 ton 4x4 SAS - 1/35 - DRAGON 6724
SKU DRA-6724
Scale: 1/35
Nation: United States of America
Period: WWII
Type: Veicoli Militari
Category Kit

1/35 scale 1/4 ton SAS 4x4 patrol commander's car kit - Model Dragon.

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