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Kit Autocarro da pattuglia LRDG F30 con cassone posteriore offset in scala 1/35 - Modello Thunder Model. L'LRDG F30 è un veicolo militare leggero utilizzato dal Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), un'unità britannica specializzata in ricognizioni e incursioni a lungo raggio durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale nel Nord Africa. Basato sul camion Ford F30 canadese da 30 quintali (3 tonnellate), questo veicolo venne modificato per le operazioni in ambienti desertici estremamente ostili. Caratteristiche principali dell'LRDG F30 Design e Struttura: Basato su un telaio robusto, il Ford F30 venne adattato per il deserto, con modifiche che includevano la rimozione delle parti superflue, come il tetto e i pannelli laterali, per ridurre il peso e migliorare la ventilazione. Equipaggiato con un motore a benzina affidabile e una trazione robusta, progettata per affrontare terreni difficili e sabbiosi. Equipaggiamento e Armamento: Il LRDG F30 era dotato di serbatoi di carburante supplementari per aumentare l'autonomia, fondamentali per le lunghe distanze senza punti di rifornimento. Equipaggiato con mitragliatrici e mitragliatrici leggere come la Vickers K o la Bren, oltre a fucili, carabine e talvolta cannoni anticarro leggeri per difendersi o attaccare piccoli convogli. Ruolo Operativo: Utilizzato principalmente per missioni di ricognizione, incursioni contro linee di rifornimento nemiche, sabotaggi e raccolta di informazioni dietro le linee italiane e tedesche. Il Long Range Desert Group, a cui apparteneva l'F30, era noto per le sue operazioni stealth e di logoramento, infliggendo danni significativi alle linee logistiche dell'Asse. Utilizzo Storico: L'LRDG, e con esso il Ford F30, ebbe un ruolo cruciale nelle campagne del Nord Africa, lavorando spesso in cooperazione con altre unità speciali come il SAS. Il Ford F30 divenne iconico per la capacità di operare in condizioni estreme e per la resistenza, qualità che furono determinanti nelle missioni di lunga durata nel deserto. Conclusione L'LRDG F30 rappresenta un veicolo fondamentale nella strategia di guerra del deserto per il Regno Unito, grazie alla sua robustezza, capacità di adattamento e autonomia. Questi veicoli leggeri permisero al LRDG di compiere missioni difficili e contribuire in modo significativo alle operazioni alleate contro le forze dell'Asse nel Nord Africa.
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Go to cartSerie sulla guerra del Vietnam - Sparatoria in scala 1/35 - Modello Master Box
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Go to cartSerie sulla guerra del Vietnam Dog Patrol in scala 1/35 - Modello Master Box
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Go to cartKit nave pirata Thousand Sunny - One Piece Grand Ship Collection.
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Go to cartKit aereo da trasporto Junkers F13 Early Prod. in scala 1/48 - Modello Miniart Il Junkers F13 è un aereo da trasporto e da lavoro progettato e prodotto dalla Junkers negli anni '20. È considerato uno dei primi aerei commerciali di successo e ha avuto un impatto significativo nel settore dell'aviazione civile. Caratteristiche principali del Junkers F13 Design e sviluppo: Il Junkers F13 fu progettato da Hugo Junkers e il primo volo avvenne nel 1919. Era un aereo monoplano con un'ala alta, che gli conferiva stabilità e manovrabilità. La fusoliera era realizzata in metallo, una caratteristica innovativa per l'epoca, che offriva una maggiore robustezza rispetto ai velivoli in legno. Motorizzazione e prestazioni: Il F13 era alimentato da motori radiali, come il Junkers L5 o il Wright J-6, con potenze variabili, consentendogli di raggiungere velocità massime di circa 200-220 km/h. Aveva un'autonomia di volo di circa 600-800 km, a seconda del carico e del motore utilizzato. Capacità di carico: Il Junkers F13 era progettato per trasportare passeggeri e merci. Poteva ospitare fino a 4-6 passeggeri o carichi fino a 500 kg. La configurazione degli interni era versatile, permettendo l'adattamento per diverse esigenze commerciali, come il trasporto di posta e merci. Ruolo operativo: Utilizzato principalmente da compagnie aeree e operatori privati per il trasporto passeggeri e merci, il F13 ha contribuito a sviluppare l'industria aerea commerciale nei primi anni dell'aviazione civile. È stato impiegato in vari contesti, inclusi voli regionali e missioni di aviazione generale. Utilizzo internazionale: Il Junkers F13 è stato esportato in numerosi paesi e ha servito in diverse compagnie aeree, contribuendo alla diffusione del volo commerciale a livello globale. È stato utilizzato anche da forze aeree in missioni di collegamento e supporto. Eredità: Considerato un precursore dell'aviazione commerciale moderna, il Junkers F13 ha influenzato il design e lo sviluppo di futuri aerei di linea. La sua combinazione di robustezza, capacità di carico e prestazioni ha stabilito nuovi standard per l'aviazione civile dell'epoca. Conclusione Il Junkers F13 rappresenta una pietra miliare nell'evoluzione dell'aviazione civile, essendo uno dei primi aerei progettati specificamente per il trasporto commerciale. La sua innovativa costruzione in metallo e il design versatile hanno reso questo aereo un simbolo dell'inizio dell'era del volo commerciale, contribuendo in modo significativo alla crescita dell'industria aeronautica nel ventesimo secolo.
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Go to cartTank kit Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B (Limited Edition) in 1/35 scale - Takom model. The Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B (Panzerkampfwagen I Ausführung B) is an improved version of the Panzer I, the first mass-produced tank by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, used in the early stages of World War II. The Panzer I was a light tank designed primarily for training and to prepare Germany for the construction of more advanced tanks, but it was still used in combat in various military campaigns. Main features of the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B: Origin and development: The Panzer I was initially developed to train the crew and test new armored warfare tactics, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. The Ausf. B is an improved variant of the Ausf. A, which had some limitations in terms of engine and operational capabilities. The Ausf. B entered service in 1936 and is a significant upgrade over the A version, with improvements to the engine and design for greater operational efficiency. Engine and mobility: The main improvement in Ausf. B compared to the Ausf. A is the introduction of a more powerful engine, the Maybach NL 38 TR, a 6-cylinder engine with 100 hp. This replaced the less powerful Krupp engine used in the Ausf. A, which had reliability problems. With this new engine, the Panzer I Ausf. B could reach a maximum road speed of about 40 km/h, slightly faster than the previous model. The tank had a mass of about 5.8 tons, making it light and relatively easy to transport and maneuver on the battlefield. Armament: The armament of the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B consisted of two 7.92 mm MG 13 machine guns mounted in the turret. This armament was sufficient to deal with enemy infantry and light vehicles, but was ineffective against heavier, well-armored enemy tanks. Despite being equipped only with machine guns, the Panzer I was intended primarily for infantry support and reconnaissance missions, not for combat against enemy armored vehicles. Armor and protection: The Panzer I's armor was very thin, ranging in thickness from 7 to 13 mm, sufficient only to protect the crew from small arms and artillery shrapnel. It was not designed to withstand direct hits from anti-tank guns or heavy weapons. This limitation made it vulnerable in direct engagements against armored vehicles or enemy artillery. Operational employment: The Panzer I Ausf. B was used in the early campaigns of World War II, including the invasion of Poland in 1939 and the French campaign in 1940. Because of its light armor and limited offensive power, it was gradually replaced by more advanced tanks such as the Panzer III and Panzer IV. However, the Panzer I continued to be used in support roles as a command wagon or reconnaissance vehicle. Limitations: The Panzer I, including the Ausf. B, was obsolete by the beginning of World War II. Its poor armor and limited armament made it unsuitable for modern combat against better equipped tanks. The experience gained from using the Panzer I, however, was crucial to the development of more advanced German tanks and the formulation of armored warfare tactics, which became a central part of the Blitzkrieg (blitzkrieg ). Conclusion The Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B was an improved version of the first mass-produced German tank, used mainly in the early stages of World War II. Although it was limited in terms of armament and protection, it played an important role in shaping Germany's armored warfare tactics and training crews. However, as the conflict progressed, the Panzer I was quickly superseded by more powerful and stronger tanks.
Kit Ship Multifunctional Boat PR.23370 & Anti-Sabotage Boat PR.21980 in 1/350 scale - Takom model.
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Go to cartU.S. Air Force F-15D Limited Edition aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Fine Molds model. TheF-15D is a two-seat variant of the famous McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle air superiority fighter in service with theU.S. Air Force. Designed for air-to-air combat and capable of multirole missions, the F-15D differs from the F-15C in its two-seat configuration, with a pilot and a Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) providing support in complex missions. Key features of the F-15D: Role: Air superiority and training fighter. Two-seat configuration: Compared to the F-15C (single-seater), the F-15D has a two-seat cockpit, which is useful for advanced training missions and to increase combat effectiveness with a WSO. Engines: Equipped with two Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 or F100-PW-229 engines, giving it enough power to fly at supersonic speeds and sustain air combat maneuvers. Maximum speed: About Mach 2.5 (over 2,660 km/h), making it one of the fastest fighters in the world. Armament: It can carry a wide range of armaments, including air-to-air missiles such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9 Sidewinder, air-to-surface missiles and precision guided bombs. It is also equipped with a 20mm M61 Vulcan cannon. Range: About 3,900 km with external tanks, making it a long-range fighter capable of operating over extended distances. Operational use: TheF-15D is mainly used for advanced training missions and as a dual-crew combat variant. The presence of a WSO makes it particularly suitable for complex missions, such as coordinated air-to-air combat or multirole missions, where the officer can manage advanced weapon and radar systems. Although the F-15D is mainly used for training, it is fully operational and can be used in real combat missions. The F-15, in all its variants, is known for its record of success without defeat in air combat, and has been used in numerous conflicts since the 1970s, including the Gulf War and operations in the Middle East.
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Go to cartDual Combo Gustav Pt. 3 Bf 109 G-6/AS & G-14/AS (Limited edition) aircraft kit in 1/72 scale for Model Eduard. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/AS and Bf 109 G-14/AS are advanced variants of the German Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter aircraft, employed by the Luftwaffe during World War II. These models are part of the Gustav series, which was produced in numerous versions to improve combat performance. The AS variants are distinguished mainly by upgraded engines and aerodynamic modifications designed to meet the challenges posed by Allied aircraft at high altitudes. Bf 109 G-6/AS Engine: This version of the Bf 109 G-6 was equipped with the DB 605AS engine, an improved variant of the Daimler-Benz DB 605 engine with a larger supercharger. This improvement allowed better performance at high altitudes, where fighting against Allied bombers and fighters occurred frequently. Performance: The plane was faster and had better high-altitude behavior than previous models. The aerodynamic profile of the nose was modified to accommodate the larger supercharger, making the plane more efficient in flight. Armament: The Bf 109 G-6/AS could be armed with two 13 mm MG 131 machine guns and a 20 mm MG 151/20 cannon mounted through the propeller hub. Bf 109 G-14/AS Evolution of the G-6/AS: The Bf 109 G-14/AS was a later version, introduced as a standardization of the G-6 with various improvements. This variant also featured the DB 605AS engine, with similar altitude and speed performance, but included additional improvements and optimizations. Cockpit and avionics: This version had improvements in the cockpit, including a wider canopy called "Erla Haube," which provided greater visibility for the pilot. In addition, there were improved instruments and sometimes better radio devices. Armament: The armament was similar to that of the G-6/AS, with heavy machine guns and a cannon mounted on the propeller shaft, but it could also be equipped with additional armaments such as rockets and bombs, making it versatile both against enemy aircraft and for ground support missions. Key differences AS (Abgas Turbo Supercharger) versions focused on enhanced engines for high altitudes and featured aerodynamic modifications to improve performance at high speeds and in higher altitude combat. The G-14/AS represents a more advanced version of the G-6/AS, with additional upgrades in avionics, performance, and standardization. These aircraft were used in combat scenarios in which the Luftwaffe sought to counter Allied bomber raids and confront new long-range fighters such as the P-51 Mustang.
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Go to cartJapanese Ki-21-Ib 'Sally' bomber kit with Japanese pilots and ground personnel in 1/48 scale - ICM model. The Mitsubishi Ki-21-Ib, known by the Allied code name "Sally," was a Japanese medium bomber used during World War II by the Imperial Japanese Army. This aircraft was one of the main bombers employed by Japan during the first half of the conflict. Main features of the Ki-21-Ib "Sally": Role: The Ki-21-Ib was a long-range medium bomber used for strategic and tactical bombing missions. Origin and development: The Ki-21-I was the first produced version of the bomber, and the Ib variant introduced improvements over the initial Ia version. The upgrades included additional armaments and improvements in crew protection. It was designed in the late 1930s to meet the Japanese Army's requirements for a long-range bomber capable of operating over long distances, especially in the vast areas of the Pacific. Engines: The Ki-21-Ib was powered by two Mitsubishi Ha-5 radial engines, which gave it a good range and a relatively high cruise speed for an average bomber of that era. Armament: The defensive armament of the Ki-21-Ib included 7.7-mm light machine guns positioned in different locations (nose, tail, fuselage). It could carry a bomb load varying up to 1,000 kg, depending on the mission and distance to be flown. Operational deployment: The Ki-21 was widely used in the early stages of World War II, in operations in China, Southeast Asia, and against Allied forces during the Pacific campaign. Although effective in the early stages of the war, it quickly became vulnerable to more modern fighter aircraft and improved antiaircraft armament as the conflict progressed. Nickname "Sally." The code name "Sally" was used by the Allies to identify the Ki-21 as part of the convention of assigning female names to Japanese bombing planes. End of service: As the war progressed and Allied air defenses improved, the Ki-21 was gradually replaced by more modern bombers, such as the Mitsubishi Ki-67 "Hiryu." However, some models continued to be used for secondary roles, such as transport and kamikaze operations toward the end of the conflict.
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Go to cartBell AH-1 / AB-47 helicopter kit in 1/72 scale - Italeri model. The Bell AH-1 and the Bell AB-47 (also known as the Bell 47) are two very different helicopters developed by Bell Helicopter, each with a specific role in military and civil aviation. Bell AH-1 The Bell AH-1 is an attack helicopter, one of the most iconic ever produced. Here is an overview: Full name: Bell AH-1 Cobra (also known as HueyCobra or simply Cobra). Role: Attack helicopter. Origin: Produced in the United States by Bell Helicopter in the 1960s. Development: Derived from the famous UH-1 Huey, the AH-1 was the first helicopter specifically designed for attack missions. Main use: Used primarily during the Vietnam War. It was used for close air support, ground attack, and escort operations for troop transports. Armaments: Equipped with machine guns, rocket launchers, and missiles such as TOWs (anti-tank missiles). Later, it received upgrades to more modern armaments. Variants: AH-1G: Initial version for the U.S. Army. AH-1S, AH-1F: Modernized variants with improved weapons systems and avionics. Successors: It was later replaced in many armed forces by theAH-64 Apache, but some variants of the AH-1 are still in use in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and Israel. Bell AB-47 (or Bell 47) The Bell AB-47, more commonly known as the Bell 47, is a light multi-role helicopter and was one of the first mass-produced helicopters: Full name: Bell 47 (in Italy, built under license by Agusta as AB-47). Role: Light helicopter for civilian and military use. Origin: First produced in the 1940s by Bell Helicopter. Fame: It is famous for being one of the first helicopters to have extensive civilian and military use. It became known for its reliability and ease of use. Military use: Used by the U.S. Army and other armed forces for reconnaissance, medical evacuation, training and light transport missions. Iconic design: The Bell 47 has a recognizable design, with a glass "bubble" cockpit that gives it a distinctive appearance. Popularity: It has been used in many movies and television programs, such as the "MAS*H" series. Production and variants: It was built in numerous variants and sold worldwide, used by civilian operators for agricultural operations, aerial photography, patrols and rescue operations. Main differences: The Bell AH-1 is an attack helicopter designed for offensive military purposes, while the Bell AB-47 is a versatile light helicopter used in a wide range of civilian and military roles, often for support and reconnaissance operations.
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Go to cartPolikarpov I-16 Type 5 Early/Late fighter plane kit in 1/48 scale - Zvezda model. The Polikarpov I-16 was a Soviet single-seat fighter designed by Nikolai Polikarpov, which became one of the most advanced combat aircraft of its era. The Type 5 was one of the initial variants produced in the 1930s and was a staple of the Soviet air force during the Spanish Civil War and early World War II. Key features of the Polikarpov I-16 Type 5: Design and structure: The I-16 was a monoplane aircraft with a low wing and retractable undercarriage, a rather innovative feature for its time. It was one of the first fighters with these features, marking a technological leap from the biplanes of the time. The Type 5 had a fuselage made of wood and metal, and was known to be compact and maneuverable, but also difficult for less experienced pilots to fly. Engine: It was equipped with an M-25 engine (a Soviet version of the American Wright Cyclone engine), which provided enough power to reach top speeds of about 450 km/h, making it one of the fastest fighters of the mid-1930s. Armament: The armament of the Type 5 usually consisted of two 7.62 mm PV-1 machine guns mounted on the wings or fuselage. In later versions (Type 10, for example) the armament was increased with more machine guns or cannons, but the Type 5 remained more lightly armed. Wartime employment: The Polikarpov I-16 became most famous for its use during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), where it was nicknamed "Moscow" (by Republicans) and "Rata" (by Nationalist opponents). The Type 5 was also used during the early years of World War II, although at that time it was beginning to be surpassed by more modern fighters such as the Messerschmitt Bf 109. Maneuverability and performance: It was extremely maneuverable and agile, making it effective in aerial combat, but its stability in flight left something to be desired, requiring well-trained pilots. Later variants of the I-16 attempted to address some of its limitations, but the Type 5 remained a benchmark for the evolution of the Soviet fighter. Summary: The Polikarpov I-16 Type 5 was one of the most advanced fighter aircraft of the 1930s, with cutting-edge features such as retractable undercarriage and monoplane structure. Despite its difficult handling, the I-16 played a crucial role in the wars of its time, earning a reputation for both its performance and technical innovations.
Leopard 2A6 tank kit (Armed Forces of Ukraine) 1/72 scale - ICM model.The Leopard 2A6 is an advanced version of the German Leopard 2 main battle tank (MBT), developed by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann. It is used by several armed forces around the world, including the armed forces of Ukraine. The Leopard 2 is known for its power, mobility and protection, and is considered one of the most advanced tanks in the world. Main features of the Leopard 2A6: Design and structure: The Leopard 2A6 has compound armor that provides advanced protection against armor-piercing projectiles and hollow-charge ammunition. Its shape is designed to reduce the effectiveness of anti-tank weapons and improve endurance in intense combat environments. Armament: The tank is equipped with a 120 mm Rheinmetall L/55 cannon, which is longer and has more power than the previous L/44 version. This cannon is capable of firing high-velocity armor-piercing ammunition and HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) projectiles. It is also equipped with 7.62 mm machine guns for close defense and against infantry. Protection: The Leopard 2A6 has modular composite armor, offering protection against a wide range of threats, including armor-piercing projectiles and shaped charge explosive munitions. It is also equipped with advanced NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection systems. Mobility: The wagon is powered by an MTU MB 873 Ka-501 diesel engine that produces about 1,500 horsepower, allowing a maximum speed of about 68 km/h on the road. Its suspension and control system ensure high maneuverability even over rough terrain. Advanced technologies: The Leopard 2A6 is equipped with advanced targeting and thermal vision systems, allowing it to detect and engage targets even in low visibility conditions or at night. It also has a computerized fire control system that improves accuracy when firing on the move. Employment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: In the context of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the Leopard 2A6 has been provided to Ukraine as part of military aid from several European countries, such as Germany. This type of tank represents a significant upgrade for the Ukrainian armed forces in terms of offensive and defensive capabilities, providing a highly capable means to counter Russian armored threats. The Leopard 2A6 is considered one of the best tanks in the world for its combination of firepower, protection and mobility.
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Go to cartBritish Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII fighter plane kit in 1/24 scale - Airfix model. The Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII is an advanced variant of the famous British Supermarine Spitfire fighter, developed during World War II. Designed as an improved version of the Mk.V, the Mk.VIII incorporated numerous modifications to improve performance, particularly in high-altitude operations and warmer climates, such as those faced in the Pacific theater and the Mediterranean. Key features of the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII Design and structure: The Mk.VIII was developed to be a versatile fighter aircraft capable of handling a wide range of missions. Although aesthetically similar to previous versions, it had significant structural improvements. The fuselage and wings had been reinforced to allow the installation of more powerful engines, additional fuel tanks, and new equipment for high-altitude flight. The Mk.VIII had a lightened structure and introduced aerodynamic modifications to improve maneuverability and performance at higher speeds. Engine and performance: The Mk.VIII was equipped with the powerful Rolls-Royce Merlin 66 or Merlin 70 engine, which provided excellent performance at different altitudes. In particular, the Merlin 66 was optimized for mid-altitude operations, while the Merlin 70 was designed to operate better at high altitudes. The fighter could reach a maximum speed of about 660 km/h (410 mph) at an altitude of 6,000 meters (about 20,000 feet). The introduction of longer-stroke retractable landing gear improved the aircraft's performance during takeoffs and landings. Additional fuel tanks: One of the most significant improvements of the Mk.VIII over its predecessor was the ability to carry additional fuel tanks. This allowed greater operational range, making it suitable for long escort and patrol missions, especially in the Pacific and Mediterranean theaters. Armament: The armament of Mk.VIII consisted of 2 Hispano-Suiza 20 mm cannons mounted in the wings and 4 Browning 7.7 mm machine guns. Some variants could also mount bombs for ground attack tasks, as well as rockets and releasable auxiliary tanks to further extend range. Aerodynamic modifications: The Mk.VIII incorporated several aerodynamic changes from previous versions, including a more streamlined fuselage and a redesigned tail to improve stability during high-speed flight. The wings were reinforced and modified to accommodate internal fuel tanks and improve overall performance. Variants of the Mk.VIII: The Mk.VIII was produced in different configurations, adapted to various operational roles: Type F: Standard, optimized for medium altitude operations. Type HF: Optimized for high altitude, with extended wings to improve performance at high altitudes. Type LF: Optimized for low altitude, equipped with the Merlin 66 engine to improve speed and maneuverability at lower altitudes. Operational use of the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII. Mediterranean theater and Africa: The Mk.VIII was widely used in the Mediterranean theater and North Africa, where its improved performance made it a formidable opponent against German and Italian fighters. Because of its longer range and excellent performance at medium and high altitudes, the Mk.VIII was used on bomber escort missions and long-duration patrols. Pacific Theater and Asia: One of the Mk.VIII's most significant roles was in the Pacific theater, where it was used against Japanese forces. The Mk.VIII's ability to operate effectively in hot climates and harsh conditions made it particularly useful in regions such as India, Burma, and Australia. It was employed in air defense operations and escort to Allied bombers during campaigns against Japanese forces. Performance against Axis fighters: The Mk.VIII proved to be highly competitive against German fighters such as the Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, due to its excellent maneuverability and firepower. It also proved a formidable opponent against Japanese aircraft such as the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, which was known for its agility. Conclusion The Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII represents a major evolution of the legendary Spitfire, with significant improvements in range, performance, and versatility. Used in a variety of theaters of operation, from warfare in the Mediterranean and Africa to the Pacific theater, the Mk.VIII proved to be an outstanding fighter, capable of coping with difficult conditions and competing effectively with the best enemy aircraft.
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Go to cartKit Mitsubishi Ki-46 III Type 100 & 4X4 Light Vehicle Kurogane Set in 1/48 scale - Tamiya model. Mitsubishi Ki-46 III Type 100 The Mitsubishi Ki-46 III Type 100, also known as "Dinah" by the Allies, was a Japanese reconnaissance aircraft of World War II, used mainly by the Imperial Japanese Army. Main features of the Mitsubishi Ki-46 III: Role: Long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft, also employed as an interceptor in some modified versions. Versions: Ki-46 III is the third and most advanced version of the Ki-46, with more powerful engines and greater speed than previous models. Motorization: Equipped with two Mitsubishi Ha-102 radial engines of 1,500 horsepower each, which enabled it to reach high speeds for a reconnaissance plane. Performance: Top speed: About 630 km/h. Autonomy: About 4,000 km. Maximum operational altitude: About 10,000 meters. Armament: The reconnaissance version was usually unarmed, while other versions, such as the Ki-46 III-Kai, were equipped with machine guns and cannons for the interceptor role. Operational use: The Ki-46 was one of Japan's most successful reconnaissance aircraft due to its speed and ability to fly at high altitudes. It was used extensively in surveillance missions over vast territories and in the early stages of the war was very difficult to intercept. However, with the arrival of more advanced Allied fighters, such as the P-38 Lightning, interception capabilities against the Ki-46 improved. 4X4 Light Vehicle Kurogane The 4X4 Light Vehicle Kurogane (officially called the Kurogane Type 95) was a light reconnaissance and transport vehicle used by the Japanese Army during World War II. It is often considered one of the first 4X4 all-terrain vehicles produced in Japan. Main features of the Kurogane Type 95: Role: Light transport and reconnaissance vehicle, used for liaison duties, officer transport, and in scouting operations. Motorization: Equipped with a 33-horsepower air-cooled twin-cylinder engine, which enabled it to move easily over difficult terrain. Performance: Top speed: About 70 km/h. Off-road capabilities: Excellent for the time thanks to 4x4 all-wheel drive. Size and capacity: Compact and lightweight, it could carry up to three people and a limited amount of equipment. Operational use: The Kurogane was widely employed by Japanese forces in all theaters of war, from the Pacific to China, due to its reliability and ability to move over rough terrain. It was used for transporting officers and scouting or reconnaissance missions in areas difficult to reach by heavier vehicles. Summary: The Mitsubishi Ki-46 III Type 100 was a fast and advanced Japanese reconnaissance aircraft used successfully during World War II. The Kurogane 4X4 Light Vehicle was a light reconnaissance vehicle, among the first Japanese 4x4 off-road vehicles, used for transport and liaison missions in difficult environments.
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Go to cartLockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II aircraft kit in 1/72 scale - Tamiya model.Insignia: Navy (Italian Navy 1946-now)4th Carrier Air Group (GRUPAER) M.M. 7454 4-03May 2023 2023-1 Open Sea - ITS CavourCamouflage Gray, Medium Air GreyRoyal Air Force (1918-now)No. 617 (Dambusters) Sqn. ZM151 017October 2020 - HMS Queen ElizabethCamouflage Gray, Medium Air GreyUS Marine Corps Aviation (1912-now)VMFA-121 Green Knights 169688 VK 10 (Capt J.E. Henry)April 2023 - Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni JPCamouflage Gray, Medium Air GreyVMFA-211 Wake Island Avengers 169589 CF 042018 - USS Essex (LHD-2)Camouflage Gray, Medium Air GreyVMFA-225 Vikings 169920 Miss Underwood CE 225 (Lt Col M.C. Schmidt)March 2023 - MCAS Yuma, AZCamouflage Gray, Medium Air Grey The Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II is a variant of the fifth-generation F-35 stealth multi-role fighter, designed for short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) operations. This capability makes it particularly suitable for use on aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships that do not have conventional catapults or landing systems. Key features of the F-35B: Role: Multirole stealth fighter, capable of air-to-air, air-to-ground and reconnaissance missions. It is designed to operate in high threat environments due to its low radar tracking. STOVL: The F-35B is the STOVL variant, designed to take off from short runways or carrier decks and land vertically like a helicopter. This is made possible by a lift fan (lift fan) installed behind the pilot and a steerable engine nozzle. Motorization: Equipped with the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, which provides sufficient thrust to reach supersonic speeds and support short takeoff and vertical landing. Stealth capability: Designed with stealth technology that reduces its radar signature, the F-35B is difficult to detect, making it a suitable aircraft for missions in highly defended territories. Armament: Can carry a wide range of weapons, both internally (to maintain stealth profile) and externally (when stealth is not needed). This includes air-to-air missiles, precision-guided bombs, and other air-to-ground weapons. It has an optional internal cannon and supports missiles such as theAIM-120 AMRAAM and bombs such as the GBU-31 JDAM. Advanced avionics: The F-35B has sophisticated sensors and data processing systems that enable it to detect and track threats from long distances and share information with other aircraft and units on the battlefield in real time. Its advanced cockpit system provides the pilot with total integration of information to improve situational awareness. Key operators: The F-35B is used by forces such as the U.S. Marine Corps, the British Royal Navy and theItalian Air Force, among others. Summary: The Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II is a fifth-generation stealth fighter with STOVL capability, designed to perform a variety of missions in high-threat environments due to its advanced technology, multi-role capability and invisibility to radar.
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Go to cartP-40N Warhawk Island Warriors fighter plane kit in 1/72 scale - Special Hobby model. The P-40N Warhawk "Island Warriors" is a variant of the famous U.S. Curtiss P-40 Warhawk fighter aircraft used during World War II. The name "Island Warriors" probably refers to the squadrons that operated in the Pacific islands, where Warhawks were widely used against Japanese forces. Characteristics of the P-40N: Type: Single-engine, long-range fighter, primarily employed for air superiority and ground attack missions. Design: The P-40N is the latest and lightest version of the P-40. Its design included structural lightening compared to previous versions, as well as improvements in engine power and armament. Motorization: Equipped with a 1,200-horsepower Allison V-1710 engine, which provided good performance especially at low altitude, making it suitable for close combat and ground attack. Armament: The P-40N was armed with six Browning M2 12.7 mm machine guns and could carry bombs and drop tanks to increase range during light bombing missions or ground attacks. Performance: Top speed: About 580 km/h Autonomy: About 1,200 km, extendable with auxiliary tanks. Operational altitude: About 10,000 meters. "Island Warriors: The term "Island Warriors" refers to American airmen who operated in the Pacific theater during World War II. These pilots often flew from bases located on islands such as Guadalcanal, the Solomon Islands, and the Philippines, engaging in air battles and air support missions against Japanese forces. Operational deployment: The P-40N was widely employed by Allied air forces in the Pacific, where it proved effective in countering Japanese fighters such as the Zero. Although it was inferior to many other fighters of the time in terms of maneuverability and speed at high altitudes, its robustness, reliability, and firepower made it an effective weapon in the hands of experienced pilots. In summary: The P-40N Warhawk "Island Warriors" represents the final evolution of the P-40, a robust and versatile fighter employed primarily in the Pacific theater. The "Island Warriors" refers to the American pilots who used it to defend Pacific islands during World War II.
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Go to cartFiat G.50bis/G.50bis/N 'Fighter-Bomber & Navy Fighter' aircraft kit in 1/32 scale - Special Hobby model. The Fiat G.50bis and its G.50bis/N variant are advanced versions of the Fiat G.50 Arrow fighter, an Italian monoplane fighter plane used during World War II. The G.50 was the Italian Air Force's first all-metal monoplane fighter, developed by Fiat Aviazione beginning in the mid-1930s. Main features of the Fiat G.50bis/G.50bis/N: Fiat G.50bis: The G.50bis was an improved version of the original G.50 Arrow, with greater range and operational capability. Its main role was as a fighter-bomber and ground attack aircraft. It was equipped with additional fuel tanks and a more aerodynamic nacelle than the basic model to improve long-range performance. The engine was an 870-horsepower Fiat A.74 RC38 radial, which provided a top speed of about 470 km/h. The main armament consisted of two 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns mounted on the nose, with the ability to carry bombs for ground attack missions. Fiat G.50bis/N: The G.50bis/N was a variant designed for naval use, with the intention of being used as a shipboard fighter on aircraft carriers. This model was made in anticipation of the entry into service of the Italian aircraft carrier Aquila, which, however, was never completed. The "N" (from Navy Fighter) variant had some structural modifications to suit naval use, such as the ability to equip arresting hooks for landing on aircraft carriers. Although the naval version was never employed aboard aircraft carriers, the G.50bis/N were still used by the Regia Aeronautica for support and patrol duties. Operational role: The G.50bis was employed in various theaters of war, mainly in the Mediterranean and on the North African front, where it was used as a fighter-bomber for attacks against land and naval targets. Despite its good low-altitude performance, the G.50 was generally considered inferior to more modern fighters used by the Allies, particularly because of its limited speed and reduced armament. In summary: The Fiat G.50bis/G.50bis/N represents an evolution of the Fiat G.50 Arrow, with improvements for range and adaptations for naval use. However, the G.50 suffered from limitations compared to more advanced Allied fighters, although it was still successfully employed in some roles during World War II, especially as a fighter-bomber.
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Go to cartAircraft kit Czech Spitfire pilots in the RAF They Fought To Rebuild Dual Combo - "Limited Edition" in 1/48 scale.The kit enables the construction of Spitfire Mk.Vb, used by Czechoslovak pilots serving in the RAF during the defense of Britain and attacks against targets in occupied Europe.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 12decals: EduardPE parts: pre-paintedpaint mask: yesresin parts: no The Czech Spitfire refers to the Supermarine Spitfire aircraft used by Czechoslovak pilots during and after World War II. The Supermarine Spitfire is one of the most iconic British fighter planes of the war, and many Czechoslovak pilots flew these planes as part of British Royal Air Force (RAF) air units. Historical context When Czechoslovakia was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1939, many Czechoslovak pilots managed to escape, finding refuge in the United Kingdom. These pilots joined the RAF and fought against German air forces, distinguishing themselves in crucial battles such as the Battle of Britain (1940). During this campaign, Czechoslovak pilots flew several RAF fighters, including the Spitfire. 310th, 312th and 313th Squadrons of the RAF. The main units formed by Czechoslovak pilots were: 310thCzechoslovak Squadron (No. 310 Squadron RAF). 312nd Czechoslovak Squad ron (No. 312 Squadron RAF) 313rd Czechoslovak Squad ron (No. 313 Squadron RAF) These units were equipped with Supermarine Spitfire fighters and fought side by side with British and Allied forces against the Luftwaffe. Role of Czechoslovak pilots Czechoslovak pilots became famous for their bravery and flying skills. Some of them, such as Karel Kuttelwascher and Josef František, became aviation aces, shooting down numerous enemy planes during the war. The "Czech Spitfires" after the war. After the war ended, many Czechoslovak pilots returned home in their Spitfires. Czechoslovakia received several versions of the fighter, including the Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX, and these planes were incorporated into the new Czechoslovak air force. However, after the communist coup of 1948, many of these pilots were persecuted by the new regime and forced to flee again. Spitfires in Czechoslovakia Spitfires continued to serve in the Czechoslovak Air Force until the late 1940s, but with Czechoslovakia's alignment with the Soviet Union, the British aircraft were gradually replaced by Soviet-made aircraft. Legacy The Czech Spitfire is a symbol of Czechoslovak resistance against Nazi occupation and of the significant contribution of Czechoslovak pilots to the Allied victory. Many of these Spitfires, or their remains, are now displayed in museums, a testament to their historical importance. In summary, the "Czech Spitfire" represents the Spitfire fighters flown by the brave Czechoslovak aviators during World War II and later used by Czechoslovakia in the immediate postwar period.
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Go to cartItalian Autocannon 3Ro kit with 90/53 cannon with crew (4 figures) in 1/35 scale - IBG model. The3Ro Autocannon with 90/53 cannon is an Italian military vehicle used during World War II. It is a Fiat 634N heavy truck (3Ro) modified to carry a 90/53 mm antiaircraft and antitank gun, which was one of the most powerful weapons available to Italian forces. Main features of the 3Ro truck with 90/53 cannon: Basic platform: The basic vehicle was the Fiat 634N or 3Ro, a heavy truck used by the Italian army to transport troops, materials and weapons. This truck was modified to become a mobile platform for the 90/53 mm cannon. Armament: The 90/53 mm cannon was originally designed as an antiaircraft weapon, but it also proved extremely effective against heavy tanks and armored vehicles due to its long range and ability to penetrate thick armor. Its versatility made it a crucial tool on the battlefield. The gun was mounted on the back of the truck and could be used for both antiaircraft engagements and anti-tank support. Operational role: The 3Ro autocannon with 90/53 cannon was primarily employed for defense against air attacks, but it was soon also used as an antitank weapon on the North African front and in other theaters of war. Its firepower allowed it to take on enemy tanks such as the British Matilda or U.S. Sherman with good results. Performance: The 90/53 mm gun was extremely effective, with a maximum range of more than 12,000 meters for air targets and about 2,000-2,500 meters for land targets. It was capable of penetrating the thickest armor at considerable distances, similar to the famous German Flak 88. The truck, being a heavy, unarmored vehicle, was vulnerable to enemy attack, but the mobility provided by the vehicle allowed artillery to be moved quickly to tactical positions. Limitations: Limited production and logistical difficulties in procuring materials, fuel, and ammunition limited its use. In addition, the absence of armor made it vulnerable to air and ground attack. Theaters of war: It was used mainly on the North African front, where its firepower was essential against enemy armored vehicles, but it was also employed in Italy and other theaters of war where a powerful anti-aircraft and anti-tank defense was needed. Historical significance: The 3Ro autocannon with 90/53 gun represents one of the most successful examples of adaptation of civilian or military vehicles for specialized roles during World War II. Despite limited production, it was one of the most feared weapons on the North African front due to its versatility and power.
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Go to cartPRE-ORDER Macchi M.C. 205 Veltro aircraft kit in 1/32 scale - Italeri model. (Expected release of the kit early October) The kit guarantees maximum realism: new molds made with the most advanced design and production standards, great attention to detail and introduction of innovative solutions such as the cockpit with 3D decals, canopy and wheel masking. Preview images of the artwork, assembled and painted model, decals sheets, photo etchings, and color profiles. The Macchi M.C. 205 Veltro was one of the best Italian fighters employed during World War II. Developed by the Aeronautica Macchi, the Veltro is an advanced variant of the earlier Macchi M.C. 202 Folgore, and is considered one of the most efficient Italian aircraft of the conflict, both in speed and maneuverability. Main features of the Macchi M.C. 205 Veltro: Engine: The Veltro was equipped with the powerful German Daimler-Benz DB 605A-1 engine or a version built under license by Fiat, the Fiat R.A. 1050 Tifone. This 12-cylinder V-engine provided about 1,475 horsepower, enabling the fighter to reach speeds in excess of 640 km/h. Design and structure: The M.C. 205 retained the elegant design of its predecessor, the M.C. 202, with a streamlined fuselage and all-metal structure. However, it featured some modifications to improve aerodynamic performance and armament. Armament: One of the main improvements over the Folgore was the upgraded armament. The Veltro was equipped with two 12.7-mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns mounted above the engine, and in some versions it was equipped with two 20-mm MG 151/20 guns mounted in the wings, giving it a greater offensive capability. Performance: The Veltro excelled in terms of speed, maneuverability, and climbing ability. It was able to compete on par with the best Allied fighters of the time, such as the Spitfire and P-51 Mustang, due to its combination of power and agility. Operational Role: The Macchi M.C. 205 was mainly employed in interception and air defense roles, especially to counter Allied bombers hitting targets in Italy. It was also used in escort missions to Italian and German bombers, and proved particularly effective in aerial duels. Service with the Regia Aeronautica and the National Republican Air Force: The Veltro entered service with the Regia Aeronautica beginning in 1943, shortly before the Italian armistice. After the armistice was signed, some examples continued to fly with theAeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana (ANR), the air force of the Italian Social Republic, while others were employed by the Allies with theItalian Cobelligerent Air Force. Limitations: Despite the excellent performance of the M.C. 205, production was limited due to Italy's industrial difficulties during the war. Only about 260 examples were built, insufficient to make a significant difference in the air combat of the second part of the conflict. Historical Context: The Macchi M.C. 205 Veltro represents one of the high points of the Italian aircraft industry during World War II. While many Italian fighters at the beginning of the conflict were outdated compared to their Allied and German counterparts, the Veltro proved that Italy was capable of developing world-class aircraft. However, insufficient resources and production limitations limited its impact on the conflict.
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Go to cartSupermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb airplane kit in 1/35 scale - Border Model. The Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb is a variant of the famous British Spitfire fighter, used during World War II. It is one of the most produced and widely used versions of the Spitfire, representing a major upgrade over earlier models. Main features of the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb: Engine: The Mk.Vb was equipped with a Rolls-Royce Merlin 45 or 46 engine. This 27-liter V12 engine improved performance over previous models, offering about 1,470 horsepower. Armament: The standard armament of the Mk.Vb included two 20 mm Hispano Mk II cannons mounted in the wings, and four Browning .303 machine guns (two on each wing). This represented a significant improvement in firepower over the early versions of the Spitfire, which had only machine guns. Design and Structure: The Mk.Vb featured a fuselage similar to previous models but had reinforced wings to accommodate the new guns. The wing structure, known as the "B" wing, was designed to accommodate the new armaments. The plane retained the excellent maneuverability that had made the Spitfire famous, but with increased firepower. Operational Role: The Spitfire Mk.Vb was employed in a variety of roles, including interception, air superiority, and bomber escort. It was particularly effective against German fighters such as the Bf 109 and Fw 190. It was used in various theaters of operation, including Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean, proving versatile and capable of handling a wide range of missions. Historical Significance: The Mk.Vb represented the British response to German fighter developments, particularly the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, which had initially challenged earlier Spitfire models. It became one of the most widely produced and distributed fighters among Allied forces, with about 6,500 built. Conclusion The Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb is one of the most significant variants of the Spitfire, known for its combination of firepower, maneuverability and reliability. It played a crucial role in Allied air operations during World War II, contributing to success in defense and air offensives.
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Go to cartLimited-edition kit of the U.S. World War II B-17F four-engine heavy bomber in 1/48 scale.The box contains decals and additional plastic parts for the famous 100th Bomb Group aircraft, known as "The Bloody Hundreth" flown in 1943.Symbols and markings used in connection with this kit are officially licensed by the 100th Bomb Group Foundation.KIT CONTENT:- Plastic parts - HK Models B-17F Flying Fortress 1/48- Extra sprue for 2 alternative variants of the B-17F nose, including astrodome and cheek machine gun windows, developed in collaboration with HK Models using Eduard design. New mold, first version.- Photo-etched details (dashboard, small cockpit details, seatbelts, engine details and sights) and die-cut masks.- Eduard Brassin B-17F exhausts and compressors.- Decal sheet with 7 B-17F markings of the 100th Bomb Group, ranging from 1943 to 1944.- 100th Bomb Group (H) metal commemorative pin (25 mm diameter).- This version supports the museums and educational projects of the 100th BG Foundation.
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Go to cartLockheed Martin F-35I Adir (Israeli Airforce) aircraft kit in 1/48 scale - Meng Model. The Lockheed Martin F-35I Adir is a variant of the fifth-generation F-35 Lightning II multi-role fighter, customized specifically for the Israeli Air Force (IAF). "Adir" means "Powerful" or "Great" in Hebrew, reflecting the advanced capabilities and significant role of this aircraft within the Israeli Air Force. Features and Technical Specifications. Design and Structure: Structure: Carbon fiber monocoque with stealth design to reduce the radar section. Version: Based on the F-35A (conventional takeoff and landing version), but with specific modifications for Israeli needs. Engine: Type: Pratt & Whitney F135. Thrust: Approximately 43,000 pounds with afterburner. Avionics and Electronic Systems: Radar: AN/APG-81 AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array). Electronic Warfare Systems: Integrated and upgraded with Israeli specifications. Sensors and Communications: Equipped with advanced sensors and communication systems developed in collaboration with the Israeli defense industry, such as Elbit Systems. Armaments: Interior: Ability to carry air-to-air, air-to-ground missiles and guided bombs inside the cargo hold to maintain stealth capabilities. External: External attack points for additional armament, partially sacrificing stealth. Israeli Air Force-Specific Modifications. Electronic Warfare Systems: The F-35I is equipped with Israeli-developed electronic warfare systems, enabling autonomous operation and the ability to integrate its technologies in response to regional threats. Avionics and Software: Software and mission systems have been customized for Israeli operational needs, including upgrades and modifications that allow integration with other Israeli platforms and systems. Armament and Sensors: The F-35I is compatible with the Israeli-developed arsenal of weapons, including missiles, bombs and active defense systems. Operational Capabilities. Multirole: The F-35I Adir is capable of performing a wide range of missions, including air superiority, ground attack, reconnaissance and electronic warfare operations. Stealth: Designed to be difficult to detect by enemy radar, enhancing penetration and survivability in hostile environments. Network-Centric Warfare: Equipped with advanced network capabilities that allow continuous connection with other platforms, improving situational awareness and mission coordination. Role and Significance for the Israeli Air Force. Technological Superiority: The F-35I represents the most advanced fighter in the possession of the Israeli Air Force, providing a significant technological advantage in the Middle East region. Deterrence and Power Projection: The presence of the F-35I Adir serves as a deterrent against potential adversaries due to its advanced offensive and defensive capabilities. Integration with the Israel Defense Forces: The F-35I is fully integrated with other branches of the Israeli Armed Forces, supporting joint operations and improving rapid response capability. Conclusion The Lockheed Martin F-35I Adir is a highly advanced fifth-generation fighter tailored to meet the specific needs of the Israeli Air Force. With its stealth capabilities, advanced avionics and electronic warfare systems, the F-35I is a crucial element of Israel's defense and power projection in the region.
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Go to cartSIAI Marchetti SF.260AM/M/W 1/48 scale training aircraft kit - Special Hobby model.- interesting color combinations- finely detailed decals with full set of stencils- compared to other existing 1/48 scale SF-260 kits, ours has nice, crisp surface details and the canopy cowl of correct shape and type. The SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 is a light training and aerobatic aircraft developed by the Italian company SIAI-Marchetti (now part of the Leonardo S.p.A. Group). Designed in the 1960s, the SF.260 gained a reputation for its excellent aerobatic capabilities and reliability, becoming one of the world's most popular military trainers. Variants of the SF.260 SF.260AM: Military Use: Version intended for basic and advanced military training. Features: Equipped with standard training equipment, aerobatic capabilities and light armament for combat training. SF.260M: General Use: Used for both military training and civilian purposes. Characteristics: Similar to the AM version, but with greater versatility for different types of missions, including civilian aerobatic flights. SF.260W Warrior: Armed Use: Upgraded and armed version for tactical support and light attack missions. Features: Can be equipped with rockets, light bombs and machine guns, making it suitable for counterinsurgency missions and close air support. General Features. Design and Construction: Manufacturer: SIAI-Marchetti (Leonardo S.p.A.). Type: Training, aerobatic and light attack aircraft. First Flight: 1964. Dimensions: Length: 7.10 meters (23 feet 4 inches). Wingspan: 8.35 meters (27 feet 5 inches). Height: 2.40 meters (7 feet 10 inches). Weight: Empty Weight: Approx. 780 kg (1,720 lbs.). Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW): Approximately 1,300 kg (2,866 lb). Propulsion: Engine: A Lycoming O-540-E4A5 six-cylinder engine. Power: Approximately 260 hp (194 kW). Performance: Maximum Speed: Approximately 441 km/h (274 mph). Range: Approximately 1,850 km (1,150 miles). Tangency: About 5,500 meters (18,000 feet). Armament: Attack Points: Armed variants such as the SF.260W can be equipped with two wing attack points. Capabilities: Rockets, light bombs, machine guns. Operational Employment. Primary Role: Training: Used by many air forces for basic and advanced pilot training. Aerobatics: Also popular among aerobatic flight teams for its excellent maneuvering skills. Secondary Role: Light Attack: Versions such as the SF.260W are used for tactical support and counterinsurgency missions. Reconnaissance: Can be used for light reconnaissance missions. International Use: Diffusion: Employed by numerous air forces around the world, including countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Known Operators: Italy, Philippines, Libya, Togo, Uruguay and many others. Conclusion The SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 is a versatile aircraft known for its aerobatic and training capabilities. Its reliability and superior performance have made it a valuable asset for many air forces around the world, used in a variety of roles ranging from basic training to light attack.
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Go to cartF-14A Tomcat Embarked Fighter Aircraft Kit 1/48 Scale - Great Wall Hobby Model.The F-14A Tomcat was a famous embarked fighter aircraft developed and produced by the Grumman Corporation for the United States Navy (USN). Here are some details about this aircraft:Development and Production: The F-14A was developed as a replacement for the F-4 Phantom II for embarked air defense of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers. The program was initiated in the 1960s and the aircraft entered service in 1974. The Grumman Corporation produced a total of 545 examples of the F-14A.Design and Features: The F-14A was an impressively sized fighter with variable geometry wings, an innovation that allowed the aircraft's performance to be optimized in different phases of flight. It was equipped with advanced radar, sophisticated avionics systems, and armaments such as medium- and long-range missiles and internal cannons.Role: The F-14A Tomcat was primarily an interceptor and air superiority fighter aircraft designed to protect U.S. naval fleets from enemy air threats. Because of its ability to carry long-range missiles such as the Phoenix, it could intercept targets at great distances.Participation in Historical Events: The F-14A was involved in numerous historical events, including combat during the Gulf War in 1991 and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in 2001. It also became famous thanks to the movie "Top Gun," where it played a prominent role.Withdrawal from Service: The F-14A Tomcat was gradually replaced by the modern F/A-18 Hornet and F/A-18 Super Hornet, and as of 2006 was completely withdrawn from active service by the U.S. Navy. Some examples have been retained for static display in museums or have been sold to foreign countries.Overall, the F-14A Tomcat has been an icon of the U.S. Air Force, known for its outstanding performance and key role in the air defense of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.
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Go to cartNakajima B5N2 Type 97 Carrier Attack Bomber "Kate" aircraft kit w/ full interior in 1/35 scale - Border Model. The Nakajima B5N2 Type 97, commonly known as "Kate" by the Allies, was a carrier attack bomber aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Here is an overview of its main characteristics: Role: The B5N2 was primarily a boarded bomber, designed for use by aircraft carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. It became known for its involvement in the Pearl Harbor attack and many other operations during the Pacific War. Design: The B5N2 was a single-engine monoplane, featuring a medium-wing configuration and an open cockpit for the pilot, navigator, and gunner. It was made mainly of wood and had a relatively light structure. Armament: The B5N2 was armed with a combination of bombs and machine guns. It could carry up to 800 kg of bombs, generally dropped from a bomb bay located under the fuselage. In terms of defensive armament, it was equipped with a fixed front 7.7 mm machine gun and one or two rear machine guns for defense. Performance: The B5N2 was powered by a 14-cylinder Mitsubishi Kinsei radial engine, giving it a top speed of about 378 km/h (235 mph) and a flight range of about 1,930 km (1,200 miles). Operational use: The B5N2 entered active service with the Imperial Japanese Navy beginning in 1937 and participated in numerous operations during World War II. It was used in air strikes against naval and land targets, as well as in reconnaissance and transport roles. Decline: Despite its important role early in the Pacific War, the B5N2 gradually became obsolete due to technological improvements and evolving air tactics. It was gradually replaced by more modern and better armed aircraft. In summary, the Nakajima B5N2 Type 97 "Kate" was a boarded bombing aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. It played a significant role in the early years of the conflict, but was gradually supplanted by more advanced aircraft.
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Go to cartCUORE PATRIA VOLO SECONDA EDIZIONEVolume 1: “Potevano solo morire”Volume 2: “Storie vissute di piloti e aerei”La nuova edizione amplliata, e ora in 2 volumi con cofanetto, sul 2° Gruppo Caccia dell’Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana (1943-1945. Questa seconda edizione è stata in gran parte rivisitata e ampliata di 224 pagine con anche la traduzione sintetica in lingua inglese di 26 capitoli. L'opera ha ora 832 pagine, 1.150 immagini, 170 documenti provenienti da archivi pubblici e privati, 110 disegni a colori di M. Gueli e P. Pesaresi, 48 profili a colori realizzati ad aerografo da M. Gueli, 26 pagine di disegni tecnici di M. Bartolacci e P. Pesaresi e 26 capitoli riassunti in inglese. 2^ edizione ENGLISH SUMMARY
1/72 Hawk Mk IX
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Go to cartPRE-ORDER Of the F-35C LIGHTNING II aircraft kit in 1/48 scale - Tamiya model.(Expected release of the kit late November)10% DISCOUNTED PRICE UNTIL NOV. 30Model Features:- 1/48-scale plastic model assembly kit.- The distinctive fuselage shape of the F-35C, which has larger wings and horizontal stabilizers than other F-35 variants for slower landings, is authentically reproduced. The model is assembled parked.- The fuselage parts are newly manufactured, excluding parts of the canopy and weapons bay doors. - Fine reproductions of the radar absorbing material (RAM) are printed on the fuselage surfaces.- Choose the parts to recreate: - Wing tips unfolded or folded (parts can be swapped after assembly) - Fuel probe unfolded or stowed on the right side of the nose - Arresting hook door open or closed - Canopy open or closed (parts can be swapped after assembly) - Weapons compartment doors open or closed - Boarding ladder unfolded or stowed - Leading and trailing edge control surfaces are shown below. Wheel chock rendering parts are also included.- Features realistic renderings of the pylons (dedicated F-35C design) under the wings and at the underside of the fuselage.- This kit also includes realistic renderings of the following sections: side details of the lower surface of the nose, Y-shaped air intakes, interior details of the weapons compartment, including depictions of the wiring, cockpit and landing gear compartments, engine nosepiece (5-piece design), Martin-Baker US16E ejector seat, RCS (radar cross-section) enhancers attached to the upper and lower sections (two each, four total) during basic training exercises, but not in live action or more complex exercises.- Choose whether to assemble the model in stealth mode (no external ordinance), air-to-air mode (missiles only) or beast mode (full ordinance).- Includes various types of ammunition: AIM-9X Sidewinder x2, AIM-120C AMRAAM x2, GBU-12 Paveway II x4, and GBU-31 JDAM x2.- Masking stickers for the canopy and a realistically recreated seated pilot figure with helmet-mounted display (HMD) are included.- Comes with decals to represent 6 marking options (4 from the U.S. Navy and 2 from the U.S. Marine Corps).
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